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In the Name of God بسم الله

Urine as Cure for some Ailments

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Many articles have been written alledging that URINE can be a cure for many ailments like asthma, cancer, diabetes, etc. Don't we consider the urine haram, thats why it invalidates wudhu? If it is haram, and if it is true it can cure some ailments, what does our religion say about it?

Some authority please clarify this.

Thanks and salaam

ammarjasir3355 :)

  • Advanced Member


repenter, please provide a source before you say something and don't shoot without aiming. ammarjasir, please consult this ruling from Ayatollah Sistani (May Allah give him long life),

Urine and Faeces

85. * Urine and faeces of the following living beings are najis:

    * Human beings

    * Animals whose meat is haraam to eat, and whose blood gushes out forcefully when its large vein (jugular) is slit.

The excretion of those animals who are haraam to eat, but its blood does not gush forth forcefully when killed, like haraam fish, is Pak. Similarly, droppings of mosquito and flies are Pak. Of course, the urine of an animal whose meat is haraam, should be avoided as per obligatory precaution, even if its blood does not gush forth when killed.

86. The urine and droppings of those birds which are haraam to eat, is Pak, but it is better to avoid them.

87. * The urine and excretion of an animal who subsists on najasat, and of a goat who was nursed by a pig, and of a quadruped who has been defiled by a human being, are najis.

From :- http://www.al-islam.org/laws/najisthings.html#85

I have heard this from someone, and I think I seen a ruling about it somewhere too, I am not able to find it right now. It's not human urine that is used for cure, atleast I don't know that it's helpful, may be it is (in front of non muslims) but for us Muslims it's haraam. I have heard about Camel urine being used as medicine and in that case it is allowed.

I will post a ruling about it as soon as I am able to find it. Right now the above ruling should do it. Not every animal's urine is najis. Allah knows the best.

  • Advanced Member


^ What was it he said that you are going all mad over him?

Don't we consider the urine haram, thats why it invalidates wudhu?


:mellow: What did you mean by that? The urge to urinate is biological and if you are going to suppress that it's going to play havoc with your body. Would you make sleeping haraam too? Or were you trying to say that its intake is haraam? :unsure:

Wastes from the body do contain a lot of useful material (for instance, consider loss of blood especially in case of women; they lose a lot of iron in that period); however the very term "waste" shows that the body has been unable to assimilate them, hence they have to be thrown out. If they remained in the body, they would cause it untold harm and would prove toxic.

In Islamic shari`ah, if a thing is haraam, it is so because the loss in it far outweighs the benefit that would accrue from the same.

For instance, the impermissibility of anything that intoxicates; the Qur'an says "in it (wine) is benefit for men, but its loss is greater".


  • Advanced Member


repenter, please provide a source before you say something and don't shoot without aiming. ammarjasir, please consult this ruling from Ayatollah Sistani (May Allah give him long life),

From :- http://www.al-islam.org/laws/najisthings.html#85



Thank you so much, the Patriot, for your help. I do hope you can spare me more time to find the right answer. Please bear with me because we dont have much materials to find these answers and I admit that I don't have in depth knowledge about Shariah thats why I'm seeking help from those who know. After being Sunni for many years I have decided to embrace the Shia doctrine which I firmly believe carry the real teachings of Islam, and I have yet to learn so many things. So please understand.

And to Phoenix, what I meant was that when you urinate or when any part of your body or clothing used in prayer is blemished by urine it invalidates your wudhu and you are supposed to change the blemished clothing and do wudhu again before performing your salat, isn't it?

Now, back to our topic. As you know, I'm a physician and years back, during our internship (when I was not yet a practicing Muslim) we did an experiment of injecting urine to patients suffering from asthma (patients using their own urine). One of these patients was my late auntie (May Allah forgive her). She never had any asthmatic attact after the urine injections!

We have heard many articles written about the alledged medicinal value of urine in treating some problematic ailments including cancer, diabetes, etc. I think a community in Thailand has been allowed by the health authorities to use urine because of its "proven" beneficial effects on these ailments. In some parts of the world including my country, the Philippines, many people have gone into the habit of drinking their own urine because they themselves were cured of what appeared to be incurable ailments!

Now, hasn't the Qur'an allowed even haram things like pork to be eaten in extreme situations just to prevent death? So when you are afflicted with an incurable or very problematic or expensive disease, and urine seems to be the only cure, does this not present a similar situation as eating pork just to prevent death?

After all, uninfected urine, unlike feces, does not contain so much harmful materials or chemicals. And some say that even if such urine is infected, it is still the patient's own infection. So whats the problem?

Please don't get me wrong. I have not prescribed yet urine as a cure for any disease to my patients. But many have asked me regarding this issue. I told them I have to find the religious basis.

So please brothers/sisters, I need your help in finding the Islamic basis for this issue.

May Allah's blessings be on you and your loved ones. :)





repenter, please provide a source before you say something and don't shoot without aiming. ammarjasir, please consult this ruling from Ayatollah Sistani (May Allah give him long life),

Umm,,,,i don't think im wrong when i say that islam believes that there is no cure in haram things!!!! Pak and haram is two different things! A object could be Pak, but still haram to eat or touch or see etc.

  • Advanced Member

Salam aleikum:



Many articles have been written alledging that URINE can be a cure for many ailments like asthma, cancer, diabetes, etc. Don't we consider the urine haram, thats why it invalidates wudhu? If it is haram, and if it is true it can cure some ailments, what does our religion say about it?

Some authority please clarify this.

Thanks and salaam

ammarjasir3355 :)


From the Laws of Sayyed Sistani:

2636. * It is haraam to drink the urine of all haraam animals, and also of those whose meat is halal to eat, including, as an obligatory precaution, that of a camel. However, the urine of a camel, a cow or a sheep can be consumed, if recommended for any medical treatment.


  • Advanced Member
Umali12,Feb 6 2006, 11:23 AM]

Salam aleikum:

From the Laws of Sayyed Sistani:

2636.  It is haraam to drink the urine of all haraam animals, and also of those whose meat is halal to eat, including, as an obligatory precaution, that of a camel. However, the urine of a camel, a cow or a sheep can be consumed, if recommended for any medical treatment.

Salamun alykum

Now we are getting closer to it, that urine of some animals can be taken if used for medical treatment. Maybe at the time this verdict was given this issue about human urine was not yet seriously discussed.

How I wish someone can help us verify this issue from our respected ulama. I really dont know how to contact them. Please help us find the answer (please no personal opinion without legal basis!).

As to Zareen's comment that " Urine is a mechanism to flush out toxins": are not toxins precisely the trigger to produce antitoxins to cure diseases ( the mechanism behind active immunization)? Even the venom of the most potent cobra is now used as medicine, isnt it?

Thanks again for all the comments. Hoping some more brothers/sisters will share their time/comments on this subject.

ammarjasir3355 :)

  • Advanced Member

Bukhari 1.234:


Narrated Abu Qilaba:

Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Medina and

its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to

the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a

medicine). So they went as directed and after they became healthy,

they killed the shepherd of the Prophet and drove away all the camels.

The news reached the Prophet early in the morning and he sent (men) in

their pursuit and they were captured and brought at noon. He then

ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes

were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in 'Al-Harra'

and when they asked for water, no water was given to them." Abu Qilaba

said, "Those people committed theft and murder, became infidels after

embracing Islam and fought against Allah and His Apostle ."

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
Salamun alykum

Now we are getting closer to it, that urine of some animals can be taken if used for medical treatment. Maybe at the time this verdict was given this issue about human urine was not yet seriously discussed.

How I wish someone can help us verify this issue from our respected ulama. I really dont know how to contact them. Please help us find the answer (please no personal opinion without legal basis!).

As to Zareen's comment that " Urine is a mechanism to flush out toxins":  are not toxins precisely the trigger to produce antitoxins to cure diseases ( the mechanism behind active immunization)? Even the venom of the most potent cobra is now used as medicine, isnt it?

Thanks again for all the comments. Hoping some more brothers/sisters will share their time/comments on this subject.

ammarjasir3355 :)

i think she is right by saying that urine is a mechanism to flush out toxins. basically it has UREA (nitrogenous waste product that is injurious to liver & brain & other organs ),URIC ACID (its excess will start depositing in joints & give joint pain--the famous GOUT) ,ELECTROLYTES LIKE SODIUM ,POTASSIUM, CALCIUM,BICARBONATES ( but essential electrolytes have already been absorbed by kidney before excreting it ) ,PIGMENTS & 95% WATER.& it is due to these excretas that one would need dialysis when one's kidney fails.& what antitoxins u r talking about . please name it so that we all would know about it .

Edited by nadeali67
  • Advanced Member



"Urine is a sterile, saline liquid which is known to have benificial chemicals and minerals which can be used internally or externally."

For those who do science to a certain high level you should know that certain metabolised (and none-metabolised) hydrophillic drugs are released in urine. It is evident that there is a difference in the urine content of various species and it may show that they produce some chemical in their body that may be of therapeutic benefit to humans.

  • Advanced Member


"Urine is a sterile, saline liquid which is known to have benificial chemicals and minerals which can be used internally or externally."

For those who do science to a certain high level you should know that certain metabolised (and none-metabolised) hydrophillic drugs are released in urine. It is evident that there is a difference in the urine content of various species and it may show that they produce some chemical in their body that may be of therapeutic benefit to humans.


Salaam :)

Thanks for this referral brother. I do hope others would have the time also to read wikipedia before making some conclusions.

May I make the following points clear:

1, My main point is to know the religious basis of urine therapy. I therfore enjoin brothers/sisters not to make personal comments without legal (shariah) basis.

2. It is understood that I am not advocating that everybody should use urine to cure ailments when some remedies are readily available. If it is allowed by religion and granting urine can be proven of therapeutic value, then it can help many poor people or those afflicted with almost incurable ailments.( and urine seems to be the only cure).

Hope there are more comments on this. Thanks again and salaam. :)


  • Advanced Member


"Urine is a sterile, saline liquid which is known to have benificial chemicals and minerals which can be used internally or externally."

For those who do science to a certain high level you should know that certain metabolised (and none-metabolised) hydrophillic drugs are released in urine. It is evident that there is a difference in the urine content of various species and it may show that they produce some chemical in their body that may be of therapeutic benefit to humans.


what is wikepedia.is it something authentic & is this statement verified by clinical trials.its true that urine in general is considered sterile but do u really think that by applying it externally u will get the beneficial chemicals absorbed .do u think u can get hydrophillic drug absorbed thru skin.it may contain certain chemicals produced by body eg oral contraceptives is prepared by estrogen in pregnant mare's urine but if one start drinking / injecting pregnant mare's urine for this purpose then u can well imagine ,litres & litres of urine has to b consumed to make it eqilivalent of one pill.if u r asking to consume the beneficial extract of urine than its altogether another story ( but that too has to be in accordance with marja) but if one says that one should take whole urine than one has to keep in mind that 95%of it is plain water, major excreta is urea & creatine that is harmful for body, uric acid excess will give u joint pain (gout) , unwanted electrolytes & minerals (unwanted because only excess of it is excreted in urine eg urine has potasssium & excess potassium to a healthy person will give him a heart attack, excess of calcium give u kidney stones etc.) & the beneficial extract might be in such a small amount that it will be of no use.plus i m really intersted in knowing the anti toxin it contains 'cause i never read about it .

  • Advanced Member
.......... when any part of your body or clothing used in prayer is blemished by urine it invalidates your wudhu and you are supposed to change the blemished clothing and do wudhu again before performing your salat, isn't it?


No, you don't have to re-do the wudhu. You just have to purify that part of body or dress which has got najis. Ablutions are required to be done again only when urine is passed.

Bukhari 1.234:


    Anas said, " He then

    ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes

    were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in 'Al-Harra'

    and when they asked for water, no water was given to them."


Yikes! The image of the Prophet (pbuh) , a rahmah to the worlds, that of a barbarian! No wonder the opponents of Islam have a field day, when they have such ahadeeth to feast on.

And Islam continues to take a beating, heavily stained as it is because of the muslims hiding in its garb.

What times have unfolded over us! Today efforts and money is put into researching the beneficial effects of urine; certainly the cure to ailments can be found in other halal and tahir things. What do we have next? Benefits from menstrual blood, lochia, spermatic fluid? :sick: :sick:


  • Advanced Member

A long time ago that hadith was also posted on this forum and the sunnis replied it is also in our books but the sunnis were not rebuted so I got the idea that there were shia who knew about it but didn't want to mention it. It does sound odd and unfair that the Prophet (SAW) would punish them more than they harmed the shephard, but we don't know exactly what happened in that situation that they deserved such a punishment. I don't know how true the hadith is. Logic says part is correct and part is wrong.

Lets consider the situation if it were to happen in an Islamic country under Islamic law and rule; what would the punishment be?

Probably hanging, maybe cutting off the hands and feet?

Considering the comments you made about urine having no real benefit I will have to agree with you about its topical application on normal skin, but on diseased/lacerated skin I will have to disagree - in the film '13th warrior' it was used to treat wounds and it is known for this theraputic purpose. I also believe it will have some benefit if ingested orally but this might just be the power of placebo. Needs more research definitly.

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
Considering the comments you made about urine having no real benefit I will have to agree with you about its topical application on normal skin, but on diseased/lacerated skin I will have to disagree - in the film '13th warrior' it was used to treat wounds and it is known for this theraputic purpose. I also believe it will have some benefit if ingested orally but this might just be the power of placebo. Needs more research definitly.



Again let me go back to my main point of querry: presuming that scientific evedence will prove that urine has therapeutic value especially for problematic ailments, will it still be considered haraam?

Regarding that hadith, I suggest you donot bother yourself anymore. This is one of the usual fabricated hadiths.

ammarjasir3355 :)

Edited by ammarjasir3355
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member

^ In response to your query, From Ayatullah Seestani (HA)'s office:


I must learn to trust the replies from the other office too. :mellow:


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