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In the Name of God بسم الله

polygamy in nikah

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Asalaamu Alaikum,

I was just wondering if it is wajib or highly recommended for a man to ask his nikah wife's permission to have a mutah with a non muslim woman? and what is the ruling on asking a muslim woman?

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Asalaamu Alaikum,

I was just wondering if it is wajib or highly recommended for a man to ask his nikah wife's permission to marry a non muslim woman in polygamy using mutah? and what is the ruling on asking your wife about marrying a muslim woman in polygamy through mutah?

Edited by Crescent Moon
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

You are already married. Why do you need to do a muta?


i was just asking.... it's not for me,im a sister. but some brother's i know debated about the topic before. so does anyone have any strong hadiths or laws that can determine the answer to my questions.

Edited by Crescent Moon
  • Advanced Member



At least according to Sistani, if a man is permanently married, he HAS to have his wife's permission to marry a non-Muslim woman by Mut'a, and possibly a Muslim woman too, but I'm not sure.

Personally, I don't see why it would be necessary. The only reason I could understand is if he'd be working far from home for an extended period of time, and if it was my husband I'd put in the wedding contract that he has to take me with him if he leaves home for longer than a certain amount of time, anyway.

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


At least according to Sistani, if a man is permanently married, he HAS to have his wife's permission to marry a non-Muslim woman by Mut'a, and possibly a Muslim woman too, but I'm not sure.

Personally, I don't see why it would be necessary. The only reason I could understand is if he'd be working far from home for an extended period of time, and if it was my husband I'd put in the wedding contract that he has to take me with him if he leaves home for longer than a certain amount of time, anyway.


Thank you sister...I heard or remembered that being in seestani's rasalah. i agree that it should'nt be necessary and if that helps to put it in you contract then thats great too. but unfortunately alot of muslim men continue to do it anyway. :(

Edited by Crescent Moon
  • Advanced Member

I'm not surprised. Muslim women need to be more aware of their rights and make sure that if there's something they want, or may want down the road, that it's right there in black and white.

  • Advanced Member
I was just wondering if it is wajib or highly recommended for a man to ask his nikah wife's permission to have a mutah with a non muslim woman? and what is the ruling on asking a muslim woman?


If I understand you correctly, by "permission" you mean whether he gets to lie to his wife or not?



  • Advanced Member
Asalaamu Alaikum,

I was just wondering if it is wajib or highly recommended for a man to ask his nikah wife's permission to marry a non muslim woman in polygamy using mutah? and what is the ruling on asking your wife about marrying a muslim woman in polygamy through mutah?



a muslim man who is married to a muslim woman is not allowed ,in his concurrent 2nd marriage,to marry ahlul alkitab women(jews,crisctian,without asking the consent of his muslim woman.

based on obligatory precaution,the man should refrain from marrying her,even it is temporary&his muslim wife consents to it.whether or not the muslim lides with him is immaterial.

  • Advanced Member

no need of wife permission for marrying another muslim woman either perminant or mutah except if it has been mentioned in marriage contract

but if he does despite the condition the marriage is valid although he commit sin

wallah al-alem(Allah knows the best)

  • Advanced Member

You are already married. Why do you need to do a muta?


if it were a man asking, its the man's right to polygamy, no need to ask such details, sister. his intentions would be clean


  • Advanced Member

a muslim man who is married to a muslim woman is not allowed ,in his concurrent 2nd marriage,to marry ahlul alkitab women(jews,crisctian,without asking the consent of his muslim woman.

based on obligatory precaution,the man should refrain from marrying her,even it is temporary&his muslim wife consents to it.whether or not the muslim lides with him is immaterial.


Salam aleikum: Why don't you give the source of your answers which is from the book: A code of Practice for Muslims on the West

( Sayyed Sistani)



This will give validity to your answers!

Posted (edited)


talking baout permission of wife makes no sense at all

every action we take is either one step for evil or one step for good. now if that step that he is taking is for good then his wife says no then it becomes "obeying the created to disobay the creator" and that is refuted in the fiqh.

what has her being christian got to do with the issue at all? god says its hallal to marry from ahlulkitab " walmuhsanato min ahalkitab in atitomoohuna ojoorihenna"

lets take a scenario

an ahlulkitab homeless woman is seeking husband and i have one wife but i need another one. as you know in the fiqh if the man is afraid from commiting sin the second marriage becomes obligation on him just like prayer. and now in this case i only have the ahlulkitab girl and my first wife is saying no, should i go against god and listen to my first wife? or should i ignore her and do what makes god happy with me and avoid falling into sins??

since when do most women give good advice so we could take thier permission? most of them will take you directly to hell if you folow them. the prophet says " talk to them then oppose them"

maybe thats what sistani means , maybe he means take thier permission then when they say no, then you oppose them and have a good mut3a lolol (joke)

no seriously i dont understand why they say things like this, i mean why would a good man want to marry another wife? its either for responsibility or for his own needs right? so what has the wif's permission got to do with that? to me they sound like they are made up and not from religion because they are so contradictory.

its like saying you must ask your wife's permission to go to toilet.

i mean i honnestly dont trust their judgments in these issues after i read that all of them say its hallal for a woman to impose monogamy and put that in her marriage contract and breach of that gives her right to divorce. that is absolutly against god and against the sunnah of the prophets and massoomeen. that is a western femenist fatwa. and its very contradictory to islam

Edited by alimohamad40
  • Advanced Member
Salam aleikum: Why don't you give the source of your answers which is from the book: A code of Practice for Muslims on the West

( Sayyed Sistani)



This will give validity to your answers!


u r right sister ,but i don`t read on line i have those books so answer what i have read without quote the matter number.anyway i`ll try mention the name of book as reference

jazakum Allah

  • Advanced Member
I'm not surprised. Muslim women need to be more aware of their rights and make sure that if there's something they want, or may want down the road, that it's right there in black and white.


:) Salamun Alaykum... :)

Let me share my honest thoughts on this topic. First, practicing polygamy or doing mutah should not be an issue at all. It is tolerated by Islam, isn't it? As long as the intention is honest (not for mere purpose of promiscuity), I believe it is halal for men to do it and therefore there is no need to seek permission of first nikah wife, althogh it would be the most ideal scenario if the wife consents sincerely and honestly.

Forgive me sis, but I dont see any reason for putting a condition in the marriage contract prohibiting something which is allowed by Allah (polygamy or mutah). I cannot see how "women's rights" should fit into something that is not prohibited by Islam. Loving somebody means allowing her partner to practice what Islam tolerates. Allah would have not tolerated polygamy if it were not for good reasons.

You see, unlike men, women reach the so-called menopausal period during which time she may not be able to fulfilll her husband's biological needs. What then should a man do? Precisely to prevent zina from happening, polygamy is tolerated by Islam. Because men, as long as they live still maintain their biological needs. Lucky are wives whose husbands prefer to suppress their biologic needs and remain faithful to their wives "till death do them part".

Marrying another woman does not necessarily mean diminishing or even losing one's love for his wife or family. In fact I believe that if only women would allow their husbands to marry other women the more they will be loved and respected by their husbands. If you love somebody, by all means you must be willing to grant what he wants or make him happy, as long as it is not prohibited by religion.

Please dont get me wrong, there's no malice or offense meant here. By the way, I'm probably one of those many men suffering in silence for suppressing my desire to take another wife because I dont want to hurt my first wife. Sometimes I wonder: am I not committing a sin by doing injustice to mysef ( by not taking a second wife, which is not even prohibited by Islam)?

May Allah's blessings and hidayat be on all of us... Salaam :)


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