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In the Name of God بسم الله

Shia Population

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  • Advanced Member

Does anyone know the the growth rate of the world shia population are there any official statistics, is the percent of shia out of the total muslim population rising???

Posted (edited)


Most Muslims do not know the truth of what happened after Rasulullah's (pbuh) death. I believe that if we tell the truth to Muslims we will not have any so called 'Sunnis' left. The Ummayyads and Abbasids established the Islam we see today in 'Sunnis' but what Sunnis dont know is that there is more to it then the mere 4 Caliph story. Most Sunnis dont even know about Imam Huseyns (as) massacre and the death of the next 9 Imams after him! Most Sunnis dont know why Shia's have been massacred, persecuted and hated by Ummayyads, Abbasids and many other enemies of Imam Ali (as) . Because I am sure that if we educate Muslims of the truth... the truth about Abu Bakr, Umar and Othman and the rest of their corrupt companions... we will have ONE UNIFIED ISLAMIC SOCIETY. And not split into 73 pieces! Because I myself as a born Sunni only became aware of the truth after investigating the matter on my own! It didn't take long before I found out that the ways of Imam Ali (as) was the right path to follow.


Edited by Al-Asim
  • Advanced Member

ive heard we're only 8 or 10 percent of the muslim population? is that true?

thats not good wen sunnis hear it either, cuz then right away they think one thing b4 they explore it, they think " oh this sects population is so low, if it was the real islam then everybody would follow it"

  • Advanced Member


"Or do they say: There is madness in him? Nay! he has brought them the truth, and most of them are averse from the truth." Holy Quran[23:70]

Allah, the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, has said that being in the majority is not an indication of the truth. Much to the contrary, the opposite is the case.

"And if you obey most of those in the Earth, they will lead you astray from Allah's Way; they follow but conjecture and they only lie." Qur'an, Sura 6:116

He also said: "Most of the people will not have faith, however hard you try." Qur'an, Sura 12:103

  • Advanced Member

asalamu alaykum

as ive read , in an O level book , about islam , that 90% is sunni 10% shia , and i dont think even if the truth is spread people will become shia , they will still be the majority ie. sunnis due to the verses in the Quran ,and think of it , some people have a problem admitting that they were wrong and made a mistake , i dont thiink they will admit they have been following a whole wrong madhab

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


I think this helps.

Attention: this is a map between 1989 - 1991 so i think the population of the shi3a are now bigger :yes:

esp. in gulf area :)

Edited by Ali_NL
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

"Or do they say: There is madness in him? Nay! he has brought them the truth, and most of them are averse from the truth." Holy Quran[23:70]

Allah, the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, has said that being in the majority is not an indication of the truth. Much to the contrary, the opposite is the case.

"And if you obey most of those in the Earth, they will lead you astray from Allah's Way; they follow but conjecture and they only lie." Qur'an, Sura 6:116

He also said: "Most of the people will not have faith, however hard you try." Qur'an, Sura 12:103


Dream on in false sense of security in being from the Minority!

Read the following ayah again:

"And if you obey most of those in the Earth, they will lead you astray from Allah's Way; they follow but conjecture and they only lie." Qur'an, Sura 6:116

True to the fact that Majority Mankind [most of those in the Earth] are Unbelievers.

About 20 – 25% of the World population is following the religion of Islam.

The above are in accordance with what the ayah has stated.

Allah, the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, has said that being in the majority is not an indication of the truth. Much to the contrary, the opposite is the case.

If so, within the Shia the Imamis [twelvers] are in majority; and being so, they must be in the wrong (just because they are in a majority). And the Zaidis or the Ismailis must be on right track being the minority! - I am applying your logic here.

Read the following narration of Hz. Ali ibn Talib (ra).

“With regard to me, two categories of people will be ruined, namely he who loves me too much and the love takes him away from rightfulness, and he who hates me too much and the hatred takes him away from rightfulness. The best man with regard to me is he who is on the middle course. So be with him and be with the great majority (of Muslims) because Allah's hand (of protection) is on keeping unity. You should beware of division because the one isolated from the group is (a prey) to Satan just as the one isolated from the flock of sheep is (a prey) to the wolf”. – Sermon 126 Nahjul Balagha


He (ra) wants you to be with the great majority of Muslims! - For certain all the Shias combined have never been, are not at present; and will not be the great majority of Muslims.

Now you can go back and dream on in false sense of security in being from the Minority!

asalamu alaykum

as ive read , in an O level book , about islam , that 90% is sunni 10% shia , and i dont think even if the truth is spread people will become shia , they will still be the majority ie. sunnis due to the verses in the Quran ,and think of it , some people have a problem admitting that they were wrong and made a mistake , i dont thiink they will admit they have been following a whole wrong madhab


Quite true. Especially having read the sermon 126 from Nahul Balagha.

Edited by Ibn Abbas
  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)
I know Hyderabad, India, has more shias in the south asian sub continent.  More shais in hyderabad than pakistan


Err no, are you on crack, Hyderabad more Shias than all of Pakistan :lol: ?

India has more Muslims than Pakistan, but Pakistan has more Shia sect than India...

This is from 1997:

Country Name ______Total Country Population___Percentage of Shia__Sect



Bahrain______________590,042 ______________61.3% _______Imami

India _______________952,107,694 ___________3% ________Isma'ili, Imami

Iran ______________66,094,264 ____________93.4% _________Imami

Iraq _____________21,422,292 ____________62.5% __________Imami

Kuwait ___________1,950,047 _____________30% ___________Imami

Lebanon __________3,776,317 ____________41% ,_________Imami, Druze

Oman ____________2,186,548 ____________2% ______________ Imami

Pakistan __________129,275,660 _________20% _______________Imami

Qatar ___________547,761 ______________5% _______________Imami

Saudi Arabia _____19,409,058 __________3.3% ________________Imami

Syria ___________15,608,648 _________15.3% _____________Nusairi, Druze

Turkey __________62,484,478 _________20% _____________ Nusairi

United Arab Emirates __3,057,337 _______16% ______________Imami

Yemen __________13,483,178 _______46.9% ___________Zaidi


This is from another thread:

Country-----------Shí‘a Population-------Shí‘a % of Total Population

      Iran ------------------60,000,000 ---------------90.0


      India----------------- 10,000,000----------------1.8



      Afghanistan----------- 4,000.000----------------15.0


      Bahrain--------------------170,000 -----------------70.0

      Saudi Arabia-------------440,000 --------------7.0  mostly in the eastern region


Edited by Ali_Imran
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member

Salam folks,

Map showing the population of shias around the world. And Hyderabad is included. :!!!: Yahoo!!! Daccan Zindabad (Hurray Deccan! when translated in English).

An ecstatic hyderabadi :lol: ,

Khuda hafiz,

abrar @)post-21470-1129406055_thumb.jpg

  • Advanced Member
If so, within the Shia the Imamis [twelvers] are in majority; and being so, they must be in the wrong (just because they are in a majority). And the Zaidis or the Ismailis must be on right track being the minority! - I am applying your logic here

thing though is, shia dont say minority is on rite path or majority is. We been taught to follow the righ path no matter how many supporters it has. howver due to many hadith we do kno that ''truth has few supporters''.

Unlike sunnis that say stick with the majority

  • Advanced Member


you see that can be a problem that the majority is sunnis if you have potential islam reverts theyre not going to consider anything else except the mode which in this case is the sunnis.


What is required is a categorized, scientific census of muslims worldwide. Only then can one rely on estimates.

The UN and other such agencies use the figures officialy made available by member countries.

I know many people in Pakistan who hold that if a one-foe-one headcount is taken in Pakistan, the Shia would probably outnumber any other sect.

India also seems to have more Shia than reflected by the figures here stated.

The map posted by a couple of users is quite misleading. There's a hefty percentage of Shia in Sindh, as well as in Southern and Central Punjab, a fact which is belied by the map.

Now the question is, who will bell the cat?

  • Advanced Member

^shias on Pakistan are clearly not in majority (that would be an over statement to say the least) but yes Athna-Ashari shias (or as in Pakistan they are reffered to simply as Fiqh-e-Jaffriya) may come out as the largest sect..

the reason for that is that sunnis in Pakistan although by large follow fiqh-e-Hanafiya (and forum the majority of Pakistani muslims) the internal devision of Hanafia between the diobandi and bralvey schools is quiet strong in Pakistan. People belonging to Fiqh-e-Hanafia in Pakistan either identify themselves as Bralvies or Deobandies (among many other devisions) while shias are by far and large simply shias (we really do not have a akhbari/usooli sects within shiaism in Pakistan)

  • Advanced Member

I hope we are never too many. there are two hadiths in particular that say A0 only one sect of Muslims will freely enter heaven, ane B) that Muhammed saw a dream where the majority of his followers would not enter heaven and then it was told to him that these people had not followed the Ahlul Bayt. the point is, being the majority is to tread dangerous ground.

  • Advanced Member


(salam) Sisters and Brothers

Dream on in false sense of security in being from the Minority!

Read the following ayah again:

"And if you obey most of those in the Earth, they will lead you astray from Allah's Way; they follow but conjecture and they only lie." Qur'an, Sura 6:116

True to the fact that Majority Mankind [most of those in the Earth] are Unbelievers.

About 20 – 25% of the World population is following the religion of Islam. 

The above are in accordance with what the ayah has stated.

If so, within the Shia the Imamis [twelvers] are in majority; and being so, they must be in the wrong (just because they are in a majority).  And the Zaidis or the Ismailis must be on right track being the minority!  - I am applying your logic here.

Read the following narration of Hz. Ali ibn Talib (ra). 

“With regard to me, two categories of people will be ruined, namely he who loves me too much and the love takes him away from rightfulness, and he who hates me too much and the hatred takes him away from rightfulness. The best man with regard to me is he who is on the middle course. So be with him and be with the great majority (of Muslims) because Allah's hand (of protection) is on keeping unity. You should beware of division because the one isolated from the group is (a prey) to Satan just as the one isolated from the flock of sheep is (a prey) to the wolf”.  – Sermon 126 Nahjul Balagha


He (ra) wants you to be with the great majority of Muslims! - For certain all the Shias combined have never been, are not at present; and will not be the great majority of Muslims.

Now you can go back and dream on in false sense of security in being from the Minority!

Quite true.  Especially having read the sermon 126 from Nahul Balagha.


Bro jazakallah khairan for proving that Shi3as are the TRUE believers and TRUE followers of Rasoulallah (pbuh) .

As most right-minded people will be aware, the Shia SECT is the largest Muslim sect in the world and in general we are not divided as the Sunnis are. But taking your point into consideration, the Ithnain 3asharis (twelvers) make up the overwhelming majority of Shi3a. Sunnis on the other hand are divided into God knows how many groups. Shafi'i, Hanafi, Maliki, Hanbali, Salafi, Wahhabi, Wannabi, you name it they've got it. None of these sects are larger than the Shi3a sect or the Ithnain 3ashari sect for that matter, and HENCE yes:

"And if you obey most of those in the Earth, they will lead you astray from Allah's Way; they follow but conjecture and they only lie."

because of course as you said Muslims in general are not the majority....

and yes:

"The best man with regard to me is he who is on the middle course. So be with him and be with the great majority(of Muslims) because Allah's hand (of protection) is on keeping unity."

So thanks again bro...now you know who the TRUE FOLLOWERS OF RASOULALLAH (pbuh) are :)

Ramadan Kareem.


  • Advanced Member

"And if you obey most of those in the Earth, they will lead you astray from Allah's Way; they follow but conjecture and they only lie."



The simple question to ask is: why is it that, inspite of our claim that Islam is the only true religion, muslims are in total disarray, are feared, hated and subject to all kinds of suspicions? The answer is simple: Simply because most so-called Muslims exist only in name, and are not true followers of Islam. Most muslims have deviated far far away from the true teachings of Prophet Mohammad SAWA.

Most so-called Muslims have not fulfilled a simple personal obligation: to know about their own religion. The truth is, present Islamic teaching tells us that the only criteria now to be called a muslim is if you pray five times a day to the mosque. If you do, then no matter what monkey business you do, you are still okay as a muslim. If you are not seen doing so, then you are not a muslim. Only very few muslims cared to learn the true teachings of Islam, most especially the history of the religion, specially the part that dealt with the Guardianship as mandated by Allah after the demise of the Prophet PBUH. The so-called Roots of religion have been discarded in favor of the so-called branches of religion.

Having ignored this most important aspect of the religion (Guardianship), muslims naturally went on their own, like a ship in the vast ocean without a captain, each group giving their own subjective, biased interpretation of the Islamic teachings, taking into consideration their own interests, mostly lust for power and material things.

And this is what is happening in the world today. Those who are clinging to truth, who have chosen the path of sacrifice, are only very few, the minority.

But who cares about the numbers anyway? To me whats important is the truth, the real Islamic teachings as propagated by the Prophet PBUH and his Ahlulbayt AS. After all what counts is the life in the hereafter.

Ramadan Mubarak to all! :)


  • Advanced Member
Does anyone know the the growth rate of the world shia population are there any official statistics, is the percent of shia out of the total muslim population rising???


:unsure: I wish i had any idea about that, but be sure that as long as we are strong and we obey Gad as He want us to, our population is rising and rising. Oul ya Rab, Allah ma3na.

salam 3alaykom

Err no, are you on crack, Hyderabad more Shias than all of Pakistan :lol: ?

India has more Muslims than Pakistan, but Pakistan has more Shia sect than India...

This is from 1997:

Country Name ______Total Country Population___Percentage of Shia__Sect



Bahrain______________590,042 ______________61.3% _______Imami

India _______________952,107,694 ___________3% ________Isma'ili, Imami

Iran ______________66,094,264 ____________93.4%  _________Imami

Iraq _____________21,422,292 ____________62.5%  __________Imami

Kuwait ___________1,950,047 _____________30%  ___________Imami

Lebanon __________3,776,317 ____________41% ,_________Imami, Druze

Oman ____________2,186,548 ____________2% ______________ Imami

Pakistan __________129,275,660 _________20%  _______________Imami

Qatar ___________547,761 ______________5%  _______________Imami

Saudi Arabia _____19,409,058 __________3.3%  ________________Imami

Syria ___________15,608,648 _________15.3%  _____________Nusairi, Druze

Turkey __________62,484,478 _________20% _____________ Nusairi

United Arab Emirates __3,057,337 _______16%  ______________Imami

Yemen __________13,483,178 _______46.9%  ___________Zaidi


This is from another thread:


Omg, India has mroe shias than pakistan

  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)
India has more Muslims than Pakistan, but Pakistan has more Shia sect than India...


Your stats include Ismailis, which have the high population in Pakistan. India has more shias (twelvers) than Pakistan. Regardless, even the stats you posted of 1997 shows India having more Shias than Pakistan.

Map showing the population of shias around the world. And Hyderabad is included. :!!!: Yahoo!!! Daccan Zindabad (Hurray Deccan! when translated in English).

An ecstatic hyderabadi :lol:  ,




Edited by Zain
  • Advanced Member
"The best man with regard to me is he who is on the middle course. So be with him and be with the great majority(of Muslims) because Allah's hand (of protection) is on keeping unity."

i think that this hadith could mean to stick with our muslim brothers and sisters. especially since the word unity is put at the end. but im no scholar, its just my assumption.

Your stats include Ismailis, which have the high population in Pakistan. India has more shias (twelvers) than Pakistan. Regardless, even the stats you posted of 1997 shows India having more Shias than Pakistan.




Rep Hyderabad

We are so shia!!

Its named after Moula Ali (as)

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