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When is the first day or Shahr Ramadhan?

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Ayotallah Mohamed Hussien Fadlallah (HA) declared next Wednesday the 5th of October to be the first day of Ramdan........ :)

أعلن العلامة المرجع، السيد محمد حسين فضل الله، أن يوم الأربعاء القادم، المصادف للخامس من شهر تشرين الأول، هو أول أيام شهر رمضان المبارك، وأصدر سماحته بياناً جاء فيه:

ثبت لدينا من خلال الدراسات الفلكية الدقيقة من قِبَل الخبراء الموثوقين على أساس ولادة الهلال وإمكان الرؤية، أن أوّل أيام شهر رمضان المبارك هو يوم الأربعاء الذي يصادف الخامس من تشرين الأول 2005م، وذلك لاستحالة رؤيته غروب يوم الاثنين. وإننا من موقعنا الشرعي، نريد للمسلمين جميعاً أن يعيشوا أجواء الوحدة والالتزام بمضامين الصوم وإيحاءاته وآفاقه، سائلين الله سبحانه أن يعيد هذا الشهر على المسلمين وعلى العالم كافة بالخير والبركة والسلام العادل، وأن يوفق المسلمين للأخذ بأسباب الوحدة الإسلامية والابتعاد عن العصبية المذهبية والوقوف ضدّ ذهنية التكفير التي تستحل دماء المسلمين، وضد الاستكبار العالمي الذي يصادر الواقع الإسلامي كله وواقع المستضعفين في العالم، والله الموفق، وهو حسبنا ونعم الوكيل.

مكتب سماحة المرجع آية الله العظمى السيد محمد حسين فضل الله

بيروت: 25 شعبان 1426 هـ /29 أيلول - سبتمبر 2005م.

Fi'e Aman Allah.............

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Post the fatwas of the marja3iyya as they come in inshAllah.

Also http://www.moonsighting.com has great details.

Looks like most of the world is going to start together this year, i.e. Wednesday.

Wa Allahu a3lam.



God bless us all in that holly month and apply us the mercy ...and forgivness


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The reason Syed Fadhlullah can declare the day of the 1st of Ramadan is because his ruling is not the same as either Syed Khui or Syed Seestani.

Syed Fadhlullah's ruling is basically that if the moon is possible to be seen in any country that shares the night with us then we can declare the next day to be the first i.e. it does not have to be seen..

Syed Khui's ruling is that you can follow any country that shares the night...however, the problem is that it may be possible to be seen in a country without many Muslims and then we will not follow it

e.g. if the moon is possible to be seen in the Polynesian Islands (and would be seen if anyone was there), Syed Fadhlullah would say that is enough to declare the next day as the first. Syed Khui would say that if Muslims there see it then you can declare the next day to be the first...however, there are no Muslims there...

I hope this clarifies Syed Fadhlullah's opinion....



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Hilal Committee Statement - Ramadhan al Mubarak 1426 AH

1st of Ramadhan 1426 AH is expected to be:

Wednesday 5th October 2005 for Mu'mineen residing in Australia, South East Asia, India, Saudi Arabia, Sub Saharan Africa, and the Americas (excluding Canada).

Thursday 6th October 2005 for Mu'mineen in the rest of the world.

Based on our community sighting criteria, the crescent would not be sighted anywhere on earth on Monday 3rd October 2005. The first sighting of the crescent should Inshallah occur in the South Pacific Ocean on Tuesday 4th October 2005. Mu'mineen in Australia should be the first to be able to sight the crescent.

Should the crescent be sighted as expected, in accordance with the rulings of Ayatullah Seestani (based on the Theory of Differing Horizons), 1st Ramadhan 1426 AH will be:

Wednesday 5th October 2005 for Mu'mineen residing in Australia, South East Asia, India, Saudi Arabia, Sub Saharan Africa, and the Americas (excluding Canada) and

Thursday 6th October 2005 for Mu'mineen in the rest of the world.

The Hilal Committee of IEB will convene on the eve of the anticipated new month to confirm the sighting and a subsequent statement will be released on the eve of the new month.


  • Advanced Member


Forgive me if this sounds ignorant, however since Saudi will be on the 5th Insha Allah, does this mean it will be the same for the U.A.E ... or does U.A.E fall in the 'rest of the world' category?

If someone who is more knowledgeable with the rulings of Ayatullah Seestani, could answer my first post. Jazak Allah.

  • Advanced Member



Can someone please tell me when is start of Ramadhan in the Philippines and where can we possibly get a prayer schedule including fajar/sunrise/sunset times?

Is the moonsighting.com ok to be used by Shia? Do shia have any website re Islamic calendar?

By the way, who compose this so-called Hilal Committee and which country do they belong or are based?

Allah bless us all in this Holy month.


  • Advanced Member


Just a question...why would the 1st of Ramadan be different for Canada when compared to the rest of the Americas? I mean, if it applies to the US, why doesn't it apply to Canada - geographically it should be the same, right?

  • Advanced Member
so does that mean no matter wat happens, according to fadlallah its wednesday? or can his decision still change, i need to know to fast tomorrow or not



syed fadhlullah's ruling is clear and so he will not change his ruling (unless he suddenly changes his fatwa on moonsighting...) and wed will be 1st according to him.

for saudi and those who want to follow saudi (mostly sunnis), it has been declared to be tuesday...they seem to use the new moon as the criterion rather than its sighting or the possibility of its sighting.

for seestani and khui followers, it will depend on where it is seen. It is likely that the moon will be seen in teh middle east, in africa, in mexico and maybe in south of US. Therefore, for khui followers throughout the world, wed will be the first. For seestani followers in areas where the moon is seen i.e. middle east, africa, mexico...etc. it will also be wed.

however, for those areas e.g. europe, russia where the moon will not be sighted (it is physically impossible) 1st will be thursday

therefore, we are going to have 3 1st ramadhans!!!!

hope thats not too confusing


  • Advanced Member

this sucks, im assuming taqlid includes the first day of ramadan?

all the ppl i know are starting on tuesday except fadlallah it seems. even the rest of my family is starting tuesday, i dont know wat to do lol.

  • Advanced Member
this sucks, im assuming taqlid includes the first day of ramadan?

all the ppl i know are starting on tuesday except fadlallah it seems. even the rest of my family is starting tuesday, i dont know wat to do lol.



how can any shia do the 1st on tuesday??? Maybe thursday....but not tuesday


  • Advanced Member



Everyone i know has started fasting today, as the intention of the first of the month of Ramadhan.

so weather sayed fadlallah says its today or tomorrow Its all in the knowledge of Allah.

But yeah a couple of countries have began fasting on tuesday. and the sunnis have started today (tuesday)


  • Advanced Member

i know shias who are starting tuesday, im in los angeles. but they might be only starting cuz all the arab countries are starting. so would it be ok if i fasted on tuesday with the intention of ramadan even though fadlallah says its wednesday?

i know shias who are starting tuesday, im in los angeles. but they might be only starting cuz all the arab countries are starting. so would it be ok if i fasted on tuesday with the intention of ramadan even though fadlallah says its wednesday?


it is mustahhab to fast the last day of the month of sha'ban

  • Advanced Member

i know some shias fasting on tues some ond wweds and some thurs so just in case untill i find out the exact day iam inshallah gona fast on tuesdsy and make my intention 4 just in case i 4got what u call it in arabic u knw the intention

  • Advanced Member

so whats the rule on wen its supposed to start, its supposed to be when ur area sees the moon? or when mecca sees it? and which muslims say which? cuz i know not all sunnis follow saudi.

  • Advanced Member

Assalamu Alaikum all...

Where do most of you get your information as to when Ramadan starts? Does your masjad have the information and you find out from there? Or do you go to the Marja you follow's web site? I am curious, because I'm counting on this forum to let me know when I start *smile*. So it's all on yall lol.

No seriously, I think that when it's sighted Ayatollah Sastani's site will have the information up there, but I can't remember from last year if it did. But some of you get information faster than I can get it. So you may know before it's up there. But not sure..

I'm not near a Shia center. I live all near by Sunnis. They start tomorrow. Anyway, I just wondered how many of you get the information of when it starts. Take care..

Guest jnoobi_nami
ok, now i heard all of south lebanon (shia lebanon) is fasting on tuesday, is there any explanation for this?


loool no the first day is tomorrow ^_^

i know shias who are starting tuesday, im in los angeles. but they might be only starting cuz all the arab countries are starting. so would it be ok if i fasted on tuesday with the intention of ramadan even though fadlallah says its wednesday?

You cant fast it as the first of sahr Ramdan because your Marj'a said that the month starts on Wednesday, therefore your Neya for today must be ( Kada'2 or Qurbatan lilah ta3ala) not as the first day of Shar Ramdan.

Fi'e Aman Allah....

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
i know shias who are starting tuesday, im in los angeles. but they might be only starting cuz all the arab countries are starting. so would it be ok if i fasted on tuesday with the intention of ramadan even though fadlallah says its wednesday?


I am a Shia in Los Angeles as well but I don't know anyone fasting for Ramadan tomorrow (Tuesday 10/4/05). Fasting with Niyyah of Mustahab Sha'aban fast should be OK :)

Edited by abba
  • Advanced Member

Salam Alaikum

For Shias it is either Wednesday or Thursday... it can't possibly be Tuesday.

For Ayatullah Sistani followers:

It is Wednesday for those who see the moon on Tuesday night - Americas, Africa, Australia and tiny part of Mid-East.

Most of mid-east there's a chance it is on Thursday.

For the rest of the world (Europe, Asia), need to look out for the moon and its unlikely and even scientifically impossible, to see the moon for Wednesday, so it will be on Thursday Insha'Allah

Those of us in the UK can't follow the Middle East or even Ayatullah Sistani's announcement, as he himself says that we got to look for the moon here in UK.

  • Advanced Member
Everyone i know has started fasting today, as the intention of the first of the month of Ramadhan. So weather sayed fadlallah says its today or tomorrow Its all in the knowledge of Allah. But yeah a couple of countries have began fasting on tuesday. and the sunnis have started today tuesday)


Salam Alaykum sis,

Your location says your are in Australia, your intention and the intention of others for fasting today shouldn't be for the first of the Holy Month of Ramathan. Rather, the last of Shaa`ban.

The moon has not been seen yet in Australia, but inshAllah, it will be seen tonight. But unless it is confirmed we cannot make our intention for the first day of Shahr Ramathan. If the moon is not seen tonight, than we should fast tomorrow with the intention of the last day of Shaa`ban and if later we find out, it was the first day of Shahr Ramathan, it will suffice.

Keep in touch with the local Masjid and Islamic centre's, put yourself on their mailing lists, or keep in touch by phone.

Take Care,


  • Advanced Member


I would like to know when is the month of Ramadhan expected to start in SCANDINAVIA?

I asked from some astronomical organisation about the possibilities to sight the moon here and they said that it's very likely that it can't be sighted even on the 6th of October except in southern parts of Europe but Allah knows better. Anyway, there is no one in this country sighting for the moon so we always wait for the fatwa of our marja. My marja is Ayatollah Sistani.

I'm not quite sure about that for which part of the world Ayatullah Sistani will declare the beginning of Ramadhan. I don't remember did they ever mention that on their site when they say that "Congratulations, tomorrow is the 1st of Ramadhan". I expect him to declare it for Wednesday (or Thursday) insha Allah but Allah knows better. What should I do here when majority that I know will just follow the declaration of Ayatollah Sistani (or Khamenei, Fadhullah, Lankarani...). If we were supposed to wait for the sighting of the moon we should wait many more days before it would be clear according to that astronomical organisation.

This really affects on Eid prayers too if there are going to be differences of opinion and we can't even pray Eid prayers together if some of us don't know if they should continue fasting or not. In such a small community this kind of difference of opinion makes a difference. You know, it's haram to fast on Eid day. What do you do when you don't know if it's last of Ramadhan or Eid when some say that it's Eid and some say it's not confirmed although they might follow the same scholar. I'm sure they are not going to arrange another Eid prayer on another day if there is a difference of opinion in this.

Practically I would like to know if we can just follow the fatwah of Ayatullah Sistani or annoucement on his site especially if he didn't define clearly in which parts of the world Ramadhan starts "tomorrow" and which parts not.

No one seems to remember that there are Muslims also in Scandinavia and astronomers have said that the moon just can't be seen here for many days (and Allah knows better). Do they count us even part of Europe in those fatwas, lol... How far sighting is near enough to be accepted? Let's say if I'm in Scandinavia and someone sees that in Southern Europe, is it enough to start or should I really wait for sighting of the moon knowing that no one is going to go and see the moon himself here?

Fii amanillah.

  • Advanced Member

Salam Alaikum

Ayatullah Sistani only announces for those in his region. He clearly states that areas far away like Europe have to follow their own sighting.

In Scandanavia, the first of Ramadhan will be on Thursday, almost certainly, for muqallids of Ayatullah Sistani.

Scandanvia is thousands of miles away from any line of visiblity from the moon.

UK and much of Europe will be the same, Insha'Allah, so hopefully Scandavania won't be alone :)

There will be Shias fasting and Shias celebrating Eid on the same day inevitably, because the fatwas vary. What each person has to do is be satisfied that he/she has followed the fatwa of the marja properly.

  • Advanced Member
Salam Alaikum

Ayatullah Sistani only announces for those in his region. He clearly states that areas far away like Europe have to follow their own sighting.



What if the moon can't be sighted and practically there's no one to make the sighting in our location as this is not a Muslim country?

  • Advanced Member
ok, now i heard all of south lebanon (shia lebanon) is fasting on tuesday, is there any explanation for this?


Not true :angel:

Tomorrow is the first of Ramadan.

A blessed Ramadan to all our brothers and sisters. ^_^

  • Advanced Member


Salam Alaykum,

The moon has been seen in Australia and tomorrow will be the first of the Holy Month of Ramathan. Congratulations to the Muslim Ummah.

May this month bring nothing but Mercy and Blessing to every one of you and your loved ones. While we are happy this great month is now upon us, please don't forget our oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters everywhere. Give money to charity and don't just let this be a fast from food. The message of the Holy month of Ramathan and it's significance is far greater; Aspire towards spiritual perfection and our Beloved and aim for excellent moral character. Be grateful for what you have and thank Allah (swt), always and forever. Don't forget the Ummah in your Dua's (and me too :blush:).

Shahr Ramathan Mubarak to you all,


  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Salam Alaikum

What if the moon can't be sighted and practically there's no one to make the sighting in our location as this is not a Muslim country?

If it can't be sighted (i.e. scientifically impossible) its still mustahab to look for it anyway. If it is then not sighted (which is almost certain), then the first of the month is not confirmed, and the first will then be on Thursday.

But if there's any country around Scandanavia that shares the horizon in which the moon is sighted, and that sighting would necessitate a sighting in Scandanavia, then you can follow that sighting and mark that night as the first of the month.

PS. Mahe-Ramadhan Mubarak for the Ozzies

Edited by Abbas
  • Advanced Member


To those in AUSTRALIA.....my brother sent me this email about an hour ago, but sis zeinab says the moon has now been sighted so I'm not sure, I'll check it out.

Salam Alaik all,

the moon has not yet been sighted.

all over Australia it is cloudy and hence the crescent moon cannot be sighted.

Furthermore, we cannot fast with the intention of the 1st day of Ramadan until it is confirmed.

therefore, since today was the 29th of Sha'ban, i was told that tomorrow (ie the 5th october) we can fast with the intention of the last day of Sha'ban. and if it turns out that it is the 1st day of Ramadan tomorrow, then there is no harm.

BUT, if you are from the Ahle-Sunna wa al-Jamaa', i was told that you are not allowed to fast on the last day of Sha'ban, so please refer to the appropriate authority in this matter.

take care and visit www.ihic.org.au for updates on the sighting of the moon.

insha'Allah may Allah (swt) remove our confusions and make us amongst His true slaves.

your brother in Islam.

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