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Friday Congregational Prayer

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Will somebody please enlighten me on some questions regarding Friday Congregational prayer? In our country, the Philippines, especially in the rural areas (where I live), questions regarding "Jumuat Prayer" have caused a lot of problem, discussions and animosities.

On the one hand are native folks who maintain that the Zuhur prayer must be performed even if one has joined the Jumuat prayer. On the other hand, especially in the urban centers which are dominated by so-called learned preachers (sunnis of course) we are told that there is no need to perform Zuhur prayer after Jumuat prayer.

Which is correct? Should we perform Zuhur prayer or not after the Jumuat prayer? Can you enlighten me on related questions?

1. when did Prop. Mohammad SAWA perform Jumuat Prayer, was it after or even before the revelation of Sura Jumaat?

2. During the Prophet's time,did they still do Zuhur prayer after the Jumuat prayer?

3. Is the Jumuat prayer fardhu or sunnat?

4. Please enlighten me more about the significance and reasons for the Friday congregational prayer.

Salaam to all.

:) ammarjasir3355 ;)

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Some Alims say that it is not fardh to establish Jumu'ah but if it is established (i.e. your local mosque has regular Jumuah prayers) then it is a Wajib prayer.

Wa Salaam,


  • Advanced Member

Some Alims say that it is not fardh to establish Jumu'ah but if it is established (i.e. your local mosque has regular Jumuah prayers) then it is a Wajib prayer.



Thanks to Dhulfiqar and Amir Ramadhan. But sorry to say that my main question has not been answered,i.e. should we or should we NOT perform zuhur after attending the Jumuah?

Those who say that jumuah is enough contend that jumuah prayer substitute the zuhur prayer and that doing both jumuah and zuhur tantamounts to doing six fardh prayers on friday. Sunnis especially in the urban centers cater to this idea.

On the other hand, those who still do zuhur after jumuah believe that one of the requirements for jumuah is a Just Leader or Imam, aside from the fact that the concerned community s under an Islamic government. Also, they say that zuhur, being one of the five fardh prayers included in the Miraj covenent, cannot be abandoned lest one commits a grave sin. Most shia and rural sunnis follow this idea.

I am just a Shia beginner. Please help enlighten me on this question especially on the history and rationale behind the jumuah prayer.


  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
Some Alims say that it is not fardh to establish Jumu'ah but if it is established (i.e. your local mosque has regular Jumuah prayers) then it is a Wajib prayer.



    Thanks to Dhulfiqar and Amir Ramadhan. But sorry to say that my main question has not been answered,i.e. should we or should we NOT perform zuhur after attending the Jumuah?

     Those who say that jumuah is enough contend that jumuah prayer substitute the zuhur prayer and that doing both jumuah and zuhur tantamounts to doing six fardh prayers on friday. Sunnis especially in the urban centers cater to this idea.

     On the other hand, those who still do zuhur after jumuah believe that one of the requirements for jumuah is a Just Leader or Imam, aside from the fact that the concerned community s under an Islamic government. Also, they say that zuhur, being one of the five fardh prayers included in the Miraj covenent, cannot be abandoned lest one commits a grave sin. Most shia and rural sunnis follow this idea.

     I am just a Shia beginner. Please help enlighten me on this question especially on the history and rationale behind the jumuah prayer.



Sorry about that I didn't read your question :)

A. Sistani/Khoei say you don't have to. Ayatullah Khomayni/Khomenai say just in case read it.

Wa Salaam,


Edited by Dhulfiqar
  • Advanced Member




    Will somebody please enlighten me on some questions regarding Friday Congregational prayer? In our country, the Philippines, especially in the rural areas (where I live), questions regarding "Jumuat Prayer" have caused a lot of problem, discussions and animosities.

    On the one hand are native folks who maintain that  the Zuhur prayer must be performed even if one has joined the Jumuat prayer. On the other hand, especially in the urban centers which are dominated by so-called learned preachers (sunnis of course) we are told that there is no need to perform Zuhur prayer after Jumuat prayer.

    Which is correct? Should we perform Zuhur prayer or not after the Jumuat prayer? Can you enlighten me on related questions?


1. when did Prop. Mohammad SAWA perform Jumuat Prayer, was it after or even before the revelation of Sura Jumaat?

In the book Shara'i al -Islam, by al Muhaqqi al Hilli p.95

""Ibn Hibban al- Tamimi al-Busti is reported to have said: the first Friday prayer was gathered and established in al-Medinah, by Abu Umamah As'ad ibn Zurarah. The number of worshippers was forty men, who assembled in a meadow called Naqi' al-Khadamat, belonging to the tribe (harrah) of Banu Bayadah. After that Ka'b ibn malik, whenever hearing the adhan of Friday, used to say: God's mercy upon Abu Umamah As'ad ibn Zararah."

In the book Hayat al Qulub. vol 2. by Allaamah Muhammad Baqr al-Majlisi, p.233. Says:

" it is related in the commentary entitled Majma al Bayan, that when Islam was spreading in Medeenah, before the Hijrat...At this period, Asad bin Zararah led the prayers of the Musulmans, gave them a discourse and exhortation , and sacrificed a sheep for them, which served the party for breakfast and dinner, as they were but few in number. Subsequently, the Most High sent the verse relating to Jumah: 'O true believers when you are called to prayer on the day of Assembly, hasten to the commemoration of God and leave merchandising. This will be better for you if ye knew it" Quran 62:9

The first Jumah kept by the Musulmans was that of Asad, and the first observed by the Prophet was after his arrival at Medeenah"

In the book "The Message by Ja'far Subhani,p.330 it says:

"The historians generally say that the Prophet arrived in Medina on Friday and offered Friday prayers along with his companions at a spot which was situated in the area of Bani Salim tribe. Here he delivered an eloquent sermon..."

According to most tafsir, Sura al Jumua'h was sent down in Medina.

"The sụrah derives its name from the prominence within it of the word ‘jumu’ah’, meaning ‘Friday’. Like the other Madinan sụrahs it contains matters pertaining to the Islamic order, as well as matters of faith. "

(tafsir al-shirazi\Srah al-Jumu’ah62.htm)

2. During the Prophet's time,did they still do Zuhur prayer after the Jumuat prayer? &

3. Is the Jumuat prayer fardhu or sunnat?

I don't think there are any sources of information for this, since The Prophet (sawa) was present at the time. The reason why some Mujtahids like (Imam al-Khomeyni) say is more cautious to offer both (the friday as well as the Zuhr prayers) i think is because "...The right to call to congregational prayer, according to the Holy Prophet and the Imams of Ahl ul Bayt rests with the just or the divinely appointed head of the Islamic state and his appointed deputies..." (Aqa Mahdi Puya, commentry to sura 62:9).

Sayyed Fadlallah According to him Juma’ prayer could supersede dhuhr prayer.

He says:

"48.Holding Juma’ prayer becomes an absolute obligation in the Presence of a just leader, i.e. in the person of the Imam or his representative. By “just ruler”, we mean the person or persons who legitimately rule and uphold justice and fairness between the ruled.

49. Should there be no just ruler, holding Juma’ prayer is obligatory too. However, its being obligatory is a matter of choice to start with: and its being obligatory as a matter of necessity to finish with. That is the worshippers have to observe the obligation at midday of Juma’, either by holding Juma’ prayer in congregation according to the aforesaid conditions or by holding dhuhur prayer. However, whichever prayer the worshipper performs, it will suffice. That said, holding Juma’ prayer is more superior and more meritorious. Saying that holding Juma’ prayer as a matter of fixed obligation may have justification."

(Clear guide of Islamic Rulings, Sayyed Muhammad Hussain Fadlallah, p.275-276)

Imam al-khomeyni in Tahrir al wasilah says:

Rules Concerning Friday Prayer

Problem # 1 Nowadays it is discretionary to offer the Friday prayer or the Zuhr prayer, the Friday prayer being preferable, and the Zuhr prayer being more cautious, and it is even more cautious to offer both (the Friday as well as the Zuhr prayers). So, if a person offers Friday prayer, according to the stronger opinion, his obligation to offer the Zuhr prayer is dropped, though it is more cautious to offer the Zuhr prayer after the Friday prayer, the Zuhr prayer (at that time) having two Rak’ats like the Morning prayer."

Sayyed al-Khui:

“Rule 361, In the absence of the Twelfth Imam, the Friday prayer is an obligation of the alternative nature. On Friday, if conditions for the Friday prayer exists, either zuhur prayer or the Friday prayer would be enough for that day’s worship at the time for the zuhr prayer.”

Rule 374. Once a qualified congregation is held, it is a necessary ehtiyat to attend that congregation.

Sayyed Ali Khamenai says the following:

Q 608: What is your opinion regarding one's participation in Friday prayers? During this period of time when the Twelfth Imam is in occultation, is it obligatory or not on some to attend Friday prayers when they do not believe the Friday prayers leader to be adil ?

A: Today, even though Friday prayers is considered a takhyiri {selective} obligation {an obligatory duty which is fulfilled by the performance of one of two specified duties} during this period of time and it is not considered obligatory on people to participate in it, one should not deprive oneself of the blessings of the prayers solely due to doubt in the adalah of the Imam or due to irrelevant excuses.

Q 609: What is meant by takhyiri {selective} obligation in the case of the issue concerning Friday prayers?

A: The performance of this prayer as a takhyiri obligation means that one has a choice to perform either Friday prayers or dhuhr prayers.

Q 610: What is your opinion regarding someone who does not participate in Friday prayers and does not show any interest and concern to it?

A: One is religiously denounced when one does not attend or participate in this religious and political duty of Friday prayers due to lack of interest or concern to it.

Q 611: There are some people who do not take part in Friday prayers because they do not consider it important or have their own baseless opinions about it. What is your opinion about this?

A: It is not religiously acceptable to make oneself permanently absent from Friday prayers even though it may be a takhyiri obligation.

Q 612: Is it permissible to perform dhuhr prayers in a group at the same time as Friday prayers, at another place near the place where Friday prayers is being held.

A: In itself there is no problem in doing this and the followers would have fulfilled their duties because the Friday prayers in considered a takhyiri obligation during our present time. However, performing the dhuhr in group on Friday close to where Friday prayers is proceeding becomes a cause of division for the believers. Often such a group prayer shows signs of insult and disrespect for the Friday prayer leader and through this a neglect for Friday prayers is expressed. That is why it is not recommended that the believers should initiate dhuhr prayers in group. in fact if due to this, there are corrupt and forbidden conclusions, it would be necessary to abtain from it.

4. Please enlighten me more about the significance and reasons for the Friday congregational prayer.Imam al-Khomeyni says: Islam is a political religion, a religion in the laws of which politics are clearly to be seen. Several times a day, throughout the land and from great cities to towns and tiny villages, assemblies stand up in order for Muslims to be informed of each other's condition and the condition's of the oppressed. Furthermore, every week, a great assembly is formed in order to perform the friday Ritual Prayer that contains two addresses in which the topics of the day and the political, social and economic needs of the Islamic state must be raised. Islam has invited the people to these assemblies for great purposes.

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Salam aleikum

Jummah is fard on every man who has access to it, and whoever abandons it becomes a Kafir, period.

There is clear evidance from the Quran and Sunnah.


The Friday prayer does not become wajib but with the following conditions:

1. Presence of a Just ruler (Infallible Imam) or his deputy appointed by him.

The Shafi'is, Malikis and Hanbalis attach no significance to the

presence of the ruler, and a large number of Imamis observe: In the

absence of a ruler or his representative and the presence of a just faqih,

there exists an option between performing either the Friday or the zuhr

prayer, although preference lies with the performance of Friday prayer.

2. Numbers of persons required:

Some legists believe that the minimum number of persons required to form a jama’ah (Friday prayer) is five including the Imam, and some others state that the minimum is seven.

3.The Friday sermons:

The two Sermons are a requirement for convening the Friday prayer, and they are to be delivered before the salat.

4.The condition of non-presence of another Friday Prayer, on distance of three miles, as if two Friday prayers coincide together (with the mentioned distance) both of them will be deemed batil.

Aside from this not all the people are required to attend the Friday prayer, for example:

Imam al Khomeyni says the following;

Problem # 1 There are certain conditions for the obligation of Friday prayer. They are as follows. The person must be Mukallaf, a male, (and not a female). He must be a free man, (and not a slave). He must be in his own town, (and not on a journey). He must not be blind. He must not be sick. He must not be very old, and, the distance between his place and the place of congregation must not be more than two Farsakhs.

  • Advanced Member

wait im a little lost, i need some clarification,

i follow sayyid fadlallah, so does that mean, that if there is a jumma prayer being held near by (how close?), i have to go no matter what? what if its a sunni moque thats near by? the shia one isnt that close to my house. does it make a difference?

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