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In the Name of God بسم الله

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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So if a country kills 250,000 civilians; it is justifiable while if one man kills 3000 civilians is not? The actions are the same regardless if the perpetrator is a country or one man. Murder is murder; that is reality and you are as a bit of a fascist as Bin Laden for justifying mass murder.


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oh brother, you are a leftist aren't you. Yes there is a massive difference between bin laden, a fanatical terrorist who wants to take over, I'd guess, most of the middle east, and a circa 1940 US, who gets bombed on Sunday morning into a war they waned nothing to do with, beats the japanese at sea, beats them at every possible turn and they still won't give up. if bin laden had killed 30 people and the US had killed 8 million we would still be right and he would still be wrong. okay, maybe not 8 million. But you get my point. If you are trying to understand this issue in an atheistic number counting way you won't get far

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Once again; the problem isn’t with the ‘face’ or 'intentions' in who wants to do what; the problem is with the similar language and methods used by the United States and its proposed enemies.

if bin laden had killed 30 people and the US had killed 8 million we would still be right and he would still be wrong.

Hora for American democracy and civilization; you're a fascist Sir. Bin Laden is even better than you're Lester; at least he doesn't proclaim 'supreme righteousness'.


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your religious and you don't think there is a definitive good and evil??


My truth, good and evil may not be yours. Homosexuals believe that sexually engaging with the same sex is ‘good’ while me (and I’m assuming you too) believe it to be an abomination. I being religious don’t mean I have to be deaf, blind and stupid; I know how the world works and I know how my reality may not be someone else’s.

This is better demonstrated on this thread while to you; killing quarter of a million defendless civilians is ‘good’; I believe it to be evil, immoral and unjustified. You seem to believe American lives are 'superior' to other human beings; well my friend; your argument is no different than that of the Nazis when they tried to prove their ‘superiority’ through social Darwinism and eugenics.

The US's position in ww2 is totally different than bin laden being offended that women soldiers were on saudi arabian soil.

LOOOL come one now; don’t downgrade this discussion; I’m assuming we both don’t live in caves, and I’m assuming we both also know the real reason why Bin Laden is really ticked off at American foreign policies.


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I don't consider homosexuality to be an abomination. Why would you assume that? Yuo don't think there's any connection between the fact that you don't really seem to know much about the us-japanese part of world war two and that you belive the leftist line about it? Dude, 27 million were killed russia vs germany. 17 million russian people. were they any less dead because they died from a bullet or a smaller bomb??

Why do you suppose Japan didn't surrender after hiroshima? WOuldn't YOU have surrendered?? because emporer hirohito was CRAZY. People in okinawa murdered themselves and their families rather than be taken hostage. this was weeks before hiroshima. on historuy channel they had a boy who had killed his mother and several of his siblings. it wasn't working.

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Well; there you go; you're pro-homosexuality while I am not. Your truth and mine are quite different; and this is something we must live with.


Your last post proves nothing; the Germans and Russians are no better than the Americans; killing innocent civilians in the hundreds of thousands translates to nothing but the work of 'Satan' - You can justify it all you want but I, for one, don't think God would approve.


Edited by NoorFatima
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We will do what is in our best interest as a people, and as a community of faith. Killing innocent human beings isn’t part of our agenda; I find it difficult to understand how could a believer in Jesus can believe the murder of fellow human beings (as a pre-emptive strike mind you) can be justifiable.


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We will do what is in our best interest as a people, and as a community of faith. Killing innocent human beings isn’t part of our agenda; I find it difficult to understand how could a believer in Jesus can believe the murder of fellow human beings (as a pre-emptive strike mind you) can be justifiable.



Where do you find your rational for this perpetual sniping at the U.S?

You cannot compare the prosecution of the war against the Axis powers with any of the things that Islamic terrorists like Bin brainless are carrying out!

Japan, Germany and Italy along with a few quisling lackeys started a war that lead to the deaths of at least 55 million people.

The Japanese viewed all who were non Nippon as subhuman and worthy only of destruction or slavery. Hundreds of thousands of Allied lives were sacrificed in combating this evil; in the war there were few truly innocent civilians, as in every country the civilian population was mobilized for the fight.

The civilians made the bombs the guns and the bullets.

The U.S did not make a pre-emptive strike against Japan! Don’t use a description that does not fit! The Japanese made a pre-emptive strike against the U.S in 1941.

The two bombs were just another blow struck against this enemy, you armchair generals are a joke, you all love the benefits of freedom and life in the West. This pathway you have beaten to civilization is because of the tremendous contribution of the United States of AMERICA to the successful defeat of evil!!!

Now your lunatic Bin brainless and his band of religious nut cases wants to return us to the stone age, perhaps it would have been better to let the Nazis and the Japanese win, then you would have been slaves to their dream of world supremacy.

How about a bit of gratitude to the hundreds of thousands of American and Allied soldiers who died to give you the freedoms you have today???


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How about a bit of gratitude to the hundreds of thousands of American and Allied soldiers who died to give you the freedoms you have today???


We are Americans,, you dumb ass. We don't know the meaning of the word gratitude. That's why the majority of our veterans are homeless bums begging change from immigrants like us.

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We are Americans,, you dumb ass. We don't know the meaning of the word gratitude. That's why the majority of our veterans are homeless bums begging change from immigrants like us.


It seems to me that not only do you have little to contribute other than any pitiful snipe you can think up, but also that you actually believe that the puerile nonsense you write is somehow more profound if you ad an insult?

Whether at this convenient point it suits you to be an American is not the issue as I am sure when the next opportunity arises you will change horses to that which is vogue.

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It seems to me that not only do you have little to contribute other than any pitiful snipe you can think up, but also that you actually believe that the puerile nonsense you write is somehow more profound if you ad an insult?

Whether at this convenient point it suits you to be an American is not the issue as I am sure when the next opportunity arises you will change horses to that which is vogue.  


LOL, the dumb briton thinks he knows about American homeless vets. Idiot. Typical cowardly eurotrash. And you don't know me. The fact that I am an American will never change. The only opportunity is America. Not some backward-ass european pukehole.

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