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In the Name of God بسم الله

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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(salam) 'ala man ittaba'al huda

So, may the Americans live and may whoever rises (or plans to rise) against their tyranny burn in A-Bomb hell. Is that how you think?

Is invading people's land mandatory? Why the US? Are they a charity organization distributing "Democracy" all over the world? Why send your brothers, sisters, friends, children, and latin mercenaries to death? Why waste so much money on it? Is your cause really worth dying for? What's your cause, anyway? Or perhaps your causes are many and even contradictory to one another?

Don't even bother answering. It's just sad how low human beings have reached. So low, they are willing to die for worldy gains and they haven't got a clue of what's waiting for them after death.

He invites you to forgive you your faults (14:10), but I guess we just can't be bothered to accept His invitation.


Anyway, I advice you to take provision for your long trip in what's left from your lifespan. Every breath is a step closer to death.

May Peace be upon its people.

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(CNN) -- Japan's Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura has confirmed a headless body found Saturday in Baghdad is that of Japanese hostage Shosei Koda.

Koda was kidnapped Tuesday, and his captors threatened the next day to behead him unless Japan pulled its troops out of Iraq.

Machimura told reporters that Koda was identified through fingerprints sent from Japanese Embassy officials to the Foreign Ministry Tokyo.

The head was with the body.

Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi gave his condolences to Koda's family, and said he had a feeling of indignation over the killing.

On Wednesday, Islamic militants threatened to behead Koda, unless Japan pulled its troops out of Iraq.

There had been no official word since then on his fate.

Asked what would be done about Japanese troops in Iraq, Machimura said the issue was undecided.

Their tour of duty was to end December 14, but Japan had agreed to an extension.

That decision is now being reevaluated.

The discovery of Koda's body comes shortly after it was confirmed that another body -- found in Balad, north of Baghdad -- was not that of Koda.

The U.S. military airlifted the remains of the Balad body to Kuwait on Saturday, where it was examined by a doctor at the Japanese Embassy.

An Islamist Web site used by the group led by wanted terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had posted video of Koda shortly after the abduction.

so don't pretend you care about the Japanese

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Guest faithful8876_


Lester- How in God's name do you know who supports the "mijahdeen" and who doesnt?? your ignorance BAFFLES me...each day, you AMAZE me with your lack of intelligence.

May such pride burn in hell eternally.


Infidel, is the US ever wrong? All their crimes are justified, they are just a saint on earth now arent they? Believe it or not, you CAN criticize your own govt without being a traitor. I can't believe you TRY and justify what they did to Japan... :sick:

Edited by faithful8876_
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Yep, you are right curious. I thank Allah for 9/11 and the many more that will come. They will save many lives, inshallah.



If you are of the belief that you can possibly compare 9/11 to the ending of WW2 Pacific Theatre in any way shape or form, you are not merely someone i disagree with, you are unequivocably deranged.

All those arch-leftwingers who decry the atomic bombings seemingly make no mention of the unimaginable atrocities and civilian murders in china, phillippines (muslims killed there in spades), indonesia, korea, and elsewhere. I guess when someone has an agenda to pursue, facts and contaxt provide little value. Fortunately, there are enough intelligent people left in the world who either were alive at the time (like me) or understand the full historical background.

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The A-Bomb as lifesaver

By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist | August 7, 2005

THE 60TH anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has arrived with little of the fury that accompanied the 50th. A decade ago, a bruising battle broke out over the Smithsonian Institution's plan for an exhibit suggesting that the American use of atomic weapons had been a racist war crime and served no legitimate military aim.


Sign up for: Globe Headlines e-mail | Breaking News Alerts With a restored Enola Gay -- the B-29 that delivered the first bomb on Aug. 6, 1945 -- as a centerpiece, the Smithsonian's curators had intended to tell a story of American brutality and Japanese victimhood. ''For most Americans," their original script declared, ''this war was fundamentally different from the one waged against Germany and Italy -- it was a war of vengeance. For most Japanese, it was a war to defend their unique culture against Western imperialism." Such slanted revisionism pervaded the text, which The Washington Post rightly summed up as ''incredibly propagandistic and intellectually shabby."

To convey the human suffering in the Pacific theater, for instance, museum officials selected 103 photographs -- 96 depicting Japanese victims, seven of Americans. By contrast, of the 70 photos that showed armed combatants, 65 were of Americans, only five of Japanese. While the original script quoted just one (anonymous) Japanese statement of anti-American hostility, it included no fewer than 10 American expressions of enmity toward Japan. Comparing the two ''home fronts," the script sketched an America of high wages, Frank Sinatra, and entrenched racism, while Japan was described in terms of hungry children, noble kamikaze pilots, and imported slave labor made necessary by ''severe manpower shortages."

Not surprisingly, the proposed exhibit evoked furious protests from veterans groups, military historians, and Congress, and after months of controversy the Smithsonian agreed to s[Edited Out] its tendentious account. When the Enola Gay finally went on display, the accompanying text played the history straight. The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ''destroyed much of the two cities and caused many tens of thousands of deaths," it noted. ''However, the use of the bombs led to the immediate surrender of Japan and made unnecessary the planned invasion of the Japanese home islands. Such an invasion, especially if undertaken for both main islands, would have led to very heavy casualties among Americans, Allied, and Japanese armed forces and Japanese civilians."

Ten years later, the revisionists are still going strong. An article in the radical journal CounterPunch, for example, labels the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ''the worst terror attacks in history," and trots out the old canard that their real purpose was to intimidate the Soviet Union.

But the vast majority of Americans who lived through World War II would have regarded such glib judgments as preposterous. Paul Fussell, the historian and literary critic, spoke for millions when he titled his famous essay on the end of the Pacific war ''Thank God for the Atom Bomb."

Like countless young men in August 1945, Fussell was waiting to be shipped off to Asia for the planned invasion of Japan. He didn't expect to survive it. The fighting in Okinawa and Iwo Jima had already resulted in a horrific bloodbath and that was but a fraction of the toll that could be expected in the battle for Japan itself.

''On Okinawa, only weeks before Hiroshima, 123,000 Japanese and Americans killed each other," Fussell wrote. A 21-year-old infantry officer, he had already been wounded twice in Europe; ''the very idea of more combat made me breathe in gasps and shake all over." So when the atom bombs were dropped, ''we broke down and cried with relief and joy. We were going to live. We were going to grow to adulthood after all."

More than ever before, the historical record confirms what those soldiers knew in their gut: Hiroshima and Nagasaki, hideous as they were, shortened the war that Japan had begun and saved an immensity of lives. Far from considering itself essentially defeated, the Japanese military was preparing for an Allied assault with a massive buildup in the south. It was only the shock of the atomic blasts that enabled Japanese leaders who wanted to stop the fighting to successfully press for a surrender.

''We of the peace party were assisted by the atomic bomb in our endeavor to end the war," Kido Koichi, one of Emperor Hirohito's closest aides, later recalled. Hisatsune Sakomizu, the chief Cabinet secretary, called the bomb ''a golden opportunity given by heaven for Japan to end the war." That is still the right way to see it. President Truman's decision to use the new weapons stopped a war that would otherwise have raged savagely on, and made possible the transformation of Japan from vicious aggressor to peaceful democracy. Six decades after August 1945, it is clear: The bomb made the world a better place.

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So now we justify using the Atomic bomb by claiming that ‘more people would have died in a land invasion’? I’m sure if the Germans would have done same thing to Paris; Hitler too would have used that excuse.

And Maybe Bin Laden can claim the samething regarding 9/11 since he did declare total war back in 1997, and again in 1998 against the Americans.


Edited by NoorFatima
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I don’t need analogies to create or strengthen my argument; I use analogies to further bring the reader’s understanding to mine. It is barbaric to justify the use of WMDs on innocent civilians who took no part in this wasteful war; the Americans already won the Pacific wars; there was no need for land invasion (in my opinion at least).


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I hadn't realized, but I've researched and it looks like hiroshima was a big propaganda/ rallying point for arab nationalist and terrorists. like the US did Hiroshima so anything we do is okay. interesting. Doesn't mention the MILLIONS Japan had just killed in China, the okinawans who killed themselves out of loyalty to emporer hirohito, or the numerous lengthy sea battles Japan had lost in the months after pearl harbor and before hiroshima.

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So in your view; all of those people 'had' to die so victory can be achieved?



Unfortunately all those people had to die because they had let their minds be hijacked by religious fanatics that told them heaven awaited those who died killing their countries enemies!

Umm, now that does sound familiar?

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Lester; you evaded my question; and it is you who sounds like a terrorist by the way. It is interesting how you’re going out of your way to support Eisenhower’s flawed decision to murder 250,000 innocent people (be them brainwashed or not as AB has indicated).


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Lester; you evaded my question; and it is you who sounds like a terrorist by the way. It is interesting how you’re going out of your way to support Eisenhower’s flawed decision to murder 250,000 innocent people (be them brainwashed or not as AB has indicated).



At the start of the war when both the German and Japanese armies marched in to the surrounding countries and proceeded to butcher all, men women and children. When the Japanese killed 250,000 civilians in Shanghai, when their own wives committed suicide after first killing their own children so that the soldier would have nothing to come home to that may cause him to fail in total sacrifice. When at the end of the war the Generals were trying to initiate one final Banzai charge by unarmed civilians against allied soldiers, when prevarication and fudging by political leaders ruled the day, when the inflexible arm of the Japanese Generals would not allow them to contemplate surrender, you ask was it necessary?

Edited by Ancient Briton
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the japanese killed far more than 250,000 in China. Noor- you are viewing the Japanese like the japanse of today. They were 180 degrees in the opposit direction then. The Emporer was worshipped like a God. Also, there was alot of time between pearl harbour and hiroshima. and alot of war happened, at sea and land. I'm not saying hiroshima wasn't a terrorsit act, but i am justifying it the same. It was the onlything that got those mental patients to surrender. to this DAY the japanese still deny that the emporer was involved even though he most certainly was. they think he was betrayed by those around him like jesus. Rape of Nanking google it

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I’m not quite sure what is the link between the Japanese atrocities (in China) and the American decision to Bomb two Japanese cities that obviously had nothing to do with what its army (Japanese) has done to the Chinese. So according to you; if the government in a specified country refused to surrender; it is ‘ok’ to murder 250,000 of their people?

So the people are responsible for their government’s actions; is this what you’re saying?


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A 6th grader? You sound like Bin Laden and his sympathizers – and no; there is no difference between what you’re saying and what Al-Dhawiri said last week (I’m assuming you know who Al-Dhawahiri is).

Your government to this day is supporting the most fascist dictatorial regimes in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and the Hashimite family of Jordan); no wonder most terrorists who kill you are of those nationalities; so according to your logic, their terrorist attacks are justified.


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that's preposterous. You act as if there is no difference between good and evil. The US is a regular country, bin laden is a terrorist. One is qualitatively "better" than the other. There's no other rational way of seeing it. The world was a different place in the early 40's. Germany and the USSR lost something like 27 million men. We didn't want to go that route with japan.

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