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When is the Eidl Fitri?

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  • Advanced Member



So when do we celebrate Eidl Fitri? Hope someone can inform us the date of Eid in the Philippines.

What about Zakat Fitr, can someone enlighten us on its basic aspect (quantity, recipient, time to be given, etc)?

Happy EIDL FITRI MUBARAK to all! ^_^


  • Advanced Member
Salam Alaikum

Depends on your marja.

Either Sunday or Monday.


[2.189] They ask you concerning the new moon. Say: They are times appointed for (the benefit of) men.....................

Actually it depend on the moon and not on Marja, Marja declare the occassion after confirmance, so Marja is intermediatory.

  • Advanced Member


Fadlullah: Eid el Fitr starts on Sunday

The Religious Authority Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah issued a communiqué declaring that Eid el Fitr starts on Sunday :

Based on precise astronomical calculations that we belief to be a juristically acceptable proof , we confirm that Saturday (13/11/2004)is the thirtieth day of the month of Ramadan , and consequently the following day, Sunday the 14th is the first day of Eid al Fitr of Ramadan. May Allah, the most Exalted, return it on Muslims with victory of the Mujhideen against the arrogant , unity of all Muslims , blessings and Good.

Taken from : http://www.bayynat.org/www/english/moutaf/ramadan.htm

Sayeed Seestani and Sayeed Khamanaei haven't said anything on the topic yet.

Fee ameen illah,


  • Advanced Member



Thanks to all who gave info...

But since I have no marja yet, and since we lack authorized religious authority in the Philippines, can someone help us determine when should our Eid be here in the Philippines. I believe our country is ahead by at least five hours of most middle east countries.

So far we heard that most groups (majority sunni) will have their Eid prayer tomorrow, saturday, Nov. 14.


  • Advanced Member


Thanks to all who gave info...

But since I have no marja yet, and since we lack authorized religious authority in the Philippines, can someone help us determine when should our Eid be here in the Philippines. I believe our country is ahead by at least five hours of most middle east countries.

So far we heard that most groups (majority sunni) will have their Eid prayer tomorrow, saturday, Nov. 14.

were usually 1 day behind the sunnies :P

your pinoy shia? thats a first. PM me your story, salamat. :lol:


  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


I thought that majority of sunnis started fasting on Friday 15th October? So they had only 29 days of Ramadhan?

The followers of Sistani started fasting on Saturday 16th October. That means it can't be Eid tomorrow because tomorrow (Saturday) is 29th day of Ramadhan and it can't be less...

Here is more info:

Eidul Fitr 1425 Announcement:


In a conference call today, Nov 5, 2004, the presidents of ISNA, ICNA, Chairman of Fiqh Council of North America reviewed the astronomical data available about the sighting of the moon on November 12, and reached at the following conclusion:

The moon's conjunction will occur on Friday, November 12, 2004, at 14:28 Universal Time, i.e., 9:28 a.m. Eastern Standard Time and 6:28 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. This moon will be 10 hours old at sunset on the West Coast of the U.S. on November 12 and will set almost with sunset. On November 13, it will be easily seen in North America.

All astronomical data indicates that it will be impossible for the crescent to be sighted anywhere in North America on the evening of Friday, November 12. Therefore, Eid-al-Fitr in North America will be on Sunday, November 14, 2004, Insha'Allah.

Source: www.moonsighting.com (12th Nov 2004)

Sighting Possibilities for Shawwal 1425 

  Eid-al-Fitr: The birth of moon is on November 12, 2004, at 14:28 Universal Time, i.e. 9:28am Eastern Standard Time - or 6:28am Pacific Standard Time. On November 12, the moon could not be seen anywhere on earth, with a possible exception of limited Polynesian Islands where telescope will be required to see. This moon will be 10 hours old on West coast of USA on November 12 and sets almost with sunset. On November 13, it can be seen in Australia, South Asia, Africa, and Americas. On November 13, it cannot be seen in Europe and most of Asia, and Japan. On November 14, it will be seen in England, Europe, and Japan.

Therefore, Eid-al-Fitr will be on Sunday, November 14 in Australia, South Asia, Africa and Americas. It will be on November 15 in England, Europe and Japan, Insha'Allah.

Source: www.moonsighting.com (12th Nov 2004)

And Allah knows better...

Fii amanillah.

Edited by kareema
  • Advanced Member

Salam Alaikum

Sayeed Seestani and Sayeed Khamanaei haven't said anything on the topic yet.

Fee ameen illah,


They need to see the hilal (crecent or moon) first on saturday to confirm either it is on sunday or monday.

  • Advanced Member


Assalam alaykum,

So when do we celebrate Eidl Fitri? Hope someone can inform us the date of Eid in the Philippines

Maybe follow what Indonesia/Malaysia do? I'm pretty sure they are your nearest Muslim country (?) No matter what school most of them belong to, I don't think they'd cut short the month of Ramadan as I think was suggested by a previous post above.

What about Zakat Fitr, can someone enlighten us on its basic aspect (quantity, recipient, time to be given, etc)?

You can click here for a zakat calculator. I haven't used it before so not sure in terms of its accuracy or how you go about working it out

Inshallah khair.

May Allah (swt) accept all your deeds and fasts in this blessed month :)


  • Advanced Member


I know that deciding on the day of eid/ramadan is not based on opinion, but rather on conviction, but what about the whole horizon thing? do u have to do taqleed on whether ure marji3 conforms to unity of horizons or not? Or can you comletely derive it how u want.

I hope this made sense...

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


We have one sky and one moon , I wonder why there should be always

confusing over the day either the begining of Ramadhan or the end of it,

as it depends on the moon sighting , having 2 or 3 different eids in one country

implies we have diferent moons , even in shia country like Iran Marajee have

different ideas , for example last year we have 3 eids,, because 3 different groups performed eid prayer on 3 different dates, , so no wonder in sunni countries , shias are one day behind sunnies!!

I think marajee should think about this conflict,

Eid Mubarak to all sisters and brothers ,May Allah let not this Ramazan be the last one .

Edited by Andeesheh
Guest DjibrilCisse
Posted (edited)
`Eid Al-Fitr Saturday in Some Countries, Sunday in Others

CAIRO, November 12 (IslamOnline.net & News Agencies) – Some Arab countries and Muslim communities across the world declared Friday, November 12, the last day of Ramadan, meaning Saturday, November 13, is the first day of `Eid Al-Fitr holiday.

Other countries, however, declared Saturday to be the last day of the holy month, marking Sunday, November 14, to be `Eid Al-Fitr.

Nigerian northern states, however, marked `Eid Al-Fitr Friday, November 12, while southern states were to mark it Saturday.

Saudi Arabia made the declaration Friday evening that Saturday would be Eid Al-Fitr, contradicting earlier reports that it would be Sunday, citing astronomers.

The declaration was made by Saudi Minister of media affairs, according to Al-Jazeera.

Saudi astronomer Khalid bin Salih Al-Za'aq, general manager of the Breida city's Observatory, has told IslamOnline.net Thursday that “it would be hard to sight the crescent Friday as the moon would go down before the sun.”

“Therefore, the first day of `Eid Al-Fitr will fall on Sunday.”

Other Gulf Arab states have also copied the Saudi official declaration Friday, making Saturday to mark `Eid Al-Fitr.

According to IOL Correspondent in Canada , Canadian Muslims will break their fast and mark `Eid Al-Fitr Saturday, following Saudi Arabia , as they always do.

The same case applies to British Muslims that also follow the Saudis’ mark.

In Libya , Friday has already marked the final day of Ramadan, as Libyans started fasting a day earlier than all other Arab countries. So, Saturday marked `Eid Al-Fitr in Libya .

Sudan also declared `Eid Al-Fitr to fall on Saturday.

In the Palestinian territories, announcing the citing of Shawwal moon late Friday, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri sent his best wishes to Palestinian Muslims for the three-day feast in a statement broadcast by Voice of Palestine radio.

`Eid Al-Fitr comes this year only one day after the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's burial in Ramallah.

`Eid Al-Fitr Sunday

Egypt’s Mufti Ali Gomaa, meanwhile, declared Friday that Saturday would still be the last day of the holy month of fasting, adding `Eid Al-Fitr would be Sunday, November 14.

Yemen followed Egypt ’s suit, declaring the major Islamic festival to fall on Sunday.

Syria , Lebanon and Jordan also declared Sunday to mark `Eid Al-Fitr festivities, according to both countries’ official news agencies Friday.

In Malaysia , South-east Asia , `Eid Al-Fitr also falls on Sunday, according to the official news agency Bernama.

Russian Muslims will also break their fast and celebrate `Eid Al-Fitr the same day.

From Asia to Europe where the Muslim Council for Crescents, affiliated to the Higher Council for Muslims in Germany and the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR), declared it was impossible to sight Shawwal crescent Friday, making Saturday to be the last day of Ramadan.

That means that `Eid Al-Fitr will fall on Sunday for Muslims in Germany .

Moon sighting is supposed to determine Arab lunar months. It has always been a controversial issue among Muslim countries, and even scholars seem at odds over the issue.

While one group of scholars believes Muslims in other regions and countries are to follow this sighting as long as these countries share one part of the night, another states that Muslims everywhere should abide by the lunar calendar of Saudi Arabia .

A third, however, disputes both views, arguing that Islam is against division and disunity, since Muslims, for instance, are not allowed to hold two congregational prayers in one mosque at the same time.

This group believes that the authority in charge of ascertaining the sighting of the moon in a given country (such as Egypt 's Dar al-Iftaa [House of Fatwa]) announces the sighting of the new moon, then Muslims in the country should all abide by this.


To my Philippino brother: as you can see from the article (I highlighted the sentence in bold) Eid will be on Sunday in South-East Asia inshallah. I wish you Eid Saeed in advance :)

We have one sky and one moon , I wonder why there should be always

confusing over the day either the begining of Ramadhan or the end of it,

as it depends on the moon sighting , having 2 or 3 different eids in one country

implies we have diferent moons , even in shia country like Iran Marajee have

different ideas , for example last year we have 3 eids,, because 3 different groups performed eid prayer on 3 different dates, , so no wonder in sunni countries , shias are one day behind sunnies!!

I think marajee should think about this conflict,

Basically, the moon cant be sighted all over the world at the same time. For example, according to Moonsighting.Com Friday night the moon could only be seen in Polynesian Islands.

Some scholars think that this is enough for the whole world, but others believe the moon should be sighted in the particular area where you live. (If I'm not mistaken). This is why we have different days.

Edited by DjibrilCisse



So eid is on Monday in England ? ( according to moon sighting post). I am going to go and celebrate eid today with those who are celebrating today. But I will not have web access as a result so is it safe to presume that I have to fast tomorrow.

  • Site Administrators



We talked to Sayyid Fadhlullah's son yesterday and he said Australia's eid is on sunday insha'Allah.

Also in Perth, the moon was spotted by atleast 15 shia witnesses, and the sunnis too.

In Sydney Shekh Mansour's group had also spotted the moon.

Iran and Iraq are sure to see the moon tonight iza rabna rad.


Eid mubaarak to everyone, kil 3am wa into bkhair, tin3ad 3alaikon wa 3alal 3ayleh bil sa77a wal 3aafyeh.


  • Advanced Member

Salam Alaikum

For our phillipine brother, you have to follow reports of actual sightings, not predictions. If you get such reports, and you have confidence in them, then its Eid for you the next day. :)

I am not sure whether Bernama based their announcement on prediction or sighting.

I know that deciding on the day of eid/ramadan is not based on opinion, but rather on conviction, but what about the whole horizon thing? do u have to do taqleed on whether ure marji3 conforms to unity of horizons or not? Or can you comletely derive it how u want.

If you follow a marja who conforms to the unity of horizons thing, then your personal conviction BASED ON the unity of horizons fatwa will determine whether you celebrate Eid or not.

So eid is on Monday in England ? ( according to moon sighting post). I am going to go and celebrate eid today with those who are celebrating today. But I will not have web access as a result so is it safe to presume that I have to fast tomorrow.

Nobody can decide now in England. If you follow Sayid Khoi, you have to wait for announcements of sightings, and if you follow Sayid Sistani, you have to wait for annoucnements of sightings in our own region, and if you follow Sayid Khamanai, you have to wait for his annocnement - basicaly you have to wait until tonight to find out.

  • Advanced Member
Iran and Iraq are sure to see the moon tonight iza rabna rad.

They are not sure to see the moon, according to the map on moonsighting.com. It looks like they are in a grey zone, and its even more difficult in the rest of asia, if not impossible.

The announcements that today, Saturday, is Eid, is really ridiculous, and Ive yet to come across reports that anybody has actually seen the moon. The real Sunni Eid would be SUnday, and for Shias, Sunday or Monday.

But as Saudi and others annnounced it to be on Saturday, many will really strive to make it Eid on Sunday and not MOnday, as two days difference with the Saudis is too much, so this early false announcement will create fitnah in my view.

Guest DjibrilCisse

Would it be possible to provide a link to an internet website which confirms what you said about Iran doing Eid on Sunday?

  • Advanced Member

salam alaikum,

Sayyid fadhlulah has announced eid is on sunday as has sayyid khamanei, does anyone know what sayyid seestani has said?

kol 3am wa intum bikhair.


  • Advanced Member



CODEundefinedSunday is Eid in Iran , Ayatollah Khamene'ee 's office confirmed moon has been sighted in Iran and sunday is Eid Eid Mubarak to all of you

Would it be possible to provide a link to an internet website which confirms what you said about Iran doing Eid on Sunday?


The Great Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatullah al-`Uzma Khamenei (d.) had declared the sighting of the new crescent in Iran. Accordingly, the day Sunday (14, Nov. 2004) will be the first day of Shawwal month and Eid al-Fitr in Iran and those countries sharing the same horizon with.

Eid Mubarak to all of you.


fi amanillah

Guest DjibrilCisse


I was there like 20 minutes ago but nothing was there, so I guess they just updated it




You would have to celebarte Eid according to moon sighting, no Marajai can advise u untill the moon has been sighted. And as far as the Zakat Fitra is concerned it is the most important task on the Eid day. It must be given to the ppl who deserve before Eid prayer otherwise it will be consider QAZA.




So when do we celebrate Eidl Fitri? Hope someone can inform us the date of Eid in the Philippines.

What about Zakat Fitr, can someone enlighten us on its basic aspect (quantity, recipient, time to be given, etc)?

Happy EIDL FITRI MUBARAK to all! ^_^



  • Advanced Member


(salam) :)

EID MUBARAK to all! May Allah continue to shower HIS bountiful blessings on us not only today but in the years to come.

I am overwhelmed by all those who shared their thoughts in this topic. As you know I feel very fortunate this year I found this website. I learned a lot of things. I'm sure this is one of the best blessings given me by Allah.

We are less fortunate in the Philippines which is a predominantly catholic country. Muslims here are just a minority splintered in the different areas. Shia muslims are only very few who ironically face indifference not from the christians, but from their fellow muslims especially the wahabis. We also have less access to learning materials and religious scholars.

Thru this website I can now learn many of the things about shiism and hopefully share this with my fellow Filipino muslim brothers (we prefer to be called MOROs).

As i reside in a rural area, I seldom find the oppotunity to access the internet. Only when I go to the center do I have this chance. Since I am going back home tomorrow, it may take days before we can hear from each other again.

So thanks again guys and hope to hear from each other again very soon .Take care, Allah bless us all. ^_^


Email: jasirlee_0910@yahoo.com

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