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In the Name of God بسم الله

On the last Friday of Shahr Ramadan..

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  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


Assalam alaykum,


from: http://www.duas.org/ramazan/last_friday.htm

RasoolAllah (pbuh) said that whoever recites the following Dua on the last Friday of Shahr Ramadan then he shall achieve one of these two things, either he shall be fortunate enough to see the next Ramadan Mubarak or if he dies before that he shall be granted with unlimited bounties and mercy from Allah (SWT):

"Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Laa Taj’alhu Aakhiral Ahadi Min Swiyaaminaa Iyyahu Fa In Ja’altahoo Faj’alnee Marhooman Walaa Taj’alnee Mahrooma"

Namaaz Baraye Kaffaara-e-Namaaz-e-Qazaa: This Namaaz (prayer) is Kaffaara (atonement) for Qazaa Namaaz. (NOT a substitute for Qaza)

This is from the book MANHAJ DA’WAAT in which it is quoted from Imam Ali (as) that whosoever’s Namaaz has elapsed (qazaa) excessively then he should offer this Namaaz on the last Friday (Jum’atul Widaa) of Holy Ramadan as atonement. It is of four rak’ats, two rak’at each. In every rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 25 times Surat Al Ikhlaas, once Ayatul Kursee and 15 times Surat – Al Kawthar and after Namaaz recite the following Dua:

“Allaahumma Yaa Saabiqal Fawti Yaa Saami’as-Sawti Yaa Muhyi-al Idhwaami Ba’adal Mawti Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin. Waj’allee Farajan Wa Makhrajan Mimmaa Anaa Feehi Innaka Ta’alamu Walaa A’alamu Wa Naqdiru Walaa Aqdiru Wa Anta Allaamal Ghuyoobi Yaa Waahibal Atwaaya Wa Yaa Ghaafirall Khatwaaya Yaa Saatiral Uyoobi - Subboohun Quddoosun Rabbul Malaaikati War-Roohu Waghfirlee Warham Yaa Rabbee.”

Allah yet'abal a3malkon wa dua'kon.. insha'Allah (May Allah (swt) accept all your deeds and dua's)

fi amanillah

Edited by Iman



sis could u post the english translation of those two paragraphs and as for the prayer can u use quran to read it from? during the prayer? May Allah swt bless you for your efforts. :)

  • Advanced Member

Salaam alaikum

Does anyone know where I can find these duas in arabic (preferably if they are somewhere on the internet). Also I was wondering about the time of this salaat. Is there a preferred time to pray it.


  • Advanced Member


Assalam alaykum sis's

I've tried finding the arabic.. but haven't been able to find it unfortunately. I prefer reading the arabic too sis, but it isn't too bad to read, just need to read it a few times to get my head around the exact word it's meant to be for some of it (for me anyway)

As for the translations sis Fiza, some words I'm honestly unsure of the exact translation of the word but understand the gist and meaning of it if you know what I mean. I know... this is an area that I am planning on improving over the next year insha'Allah, but in the meantime doesn't help you :(

InshaAllah others on the board better versed in formal Arabic than what I am will be able to help you.. sorry guys haven't been much help this morning :(

Take care of yourselves

fi amanillah

  • Advanced Member


Someone said to Imam 'Ali [a] "Master, uncountable prayers have been missed by me, which I have not the power to make up. What should I do?

Imam 'Ali [a] said:

"He who has missed many prayers and can't make them up, should on the last Friday of the Holy Month of Ramadan (known as Jumatul Wida) pray 4 rakats with one salam (i.e. as one prayer) to have the sins of lapsed prayers forgiven, Insha-Allah.Please note that the lapsed salat must be recited, since this salat will just absolve us of the sin.

This salat is a 4 rakat salat (just like salatul Dhuhr), to be recited as follows before sunset:

In each rakat:

Surah al Fatiha - Once

Surah al-Ikhlas - 25 times

Ayatul Kursi (2:255-257) - Once

Surah al-Kawther - 15 times

After reciting salaam, recite one salawat on the Prophet , than recite Shahadatain. as given below and then the dua below:

O Allah! Oh He who advances forward. O He who hears all sounds.

O He who revives the dead bones. O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his family, and grant them peace and grant me ease from what you know and I know not, from what You have power over and I do not have power over; O knower of that which is hidden.

O Granter of blessings. O Who is Pure and Holy, Lord of the Angels

and Spirit. My Lord, have mercy on me, and forgive me and overlook what you know (of my faults), for surely You are the High, the Mighty. And bless Muhammad and his family all of them, through Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy.

About the prayers; Imam 'Ali said that this salat is a Kafarah (recompense) for 700 years of (missed) prayer. The narrator asked Imam that people live for seventy or eighty years (on average). The Imam replied that it will then be a recompense for his parents, relatives and children (descendents).

  • Advanced Member



To Pearl of Wisdom and Iman;

Thanks for your timely reminders.

Alhamdulillah I was able to do this particular namaz just on time for the first time in my life. At least my conscience no longer bothers me so much now.

Happy EIDL FITRI to you all! ;)


  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


This is a magnificent salat.

But I wanted to know when to pray it? I suppose any time in the day.

The version i was told is slightly different, but the one i have was narrated by the Holy Prophet(saww), *salat al-kafarah*

do niya *ani nowayto an ow-sali arba3 raka3t kafarah leema fatanee men salat*

every raka3a read fatiha(1x), al-qadr(x15), al-kawthar(x15)

(4x) raka3a's ofcourse not 1 :P

when finished do salawat 3ala mohammed wali mohammed(saww) (x100)

read du3a (3x)

there u have it :squeez:

inshallah its accepted, taqabel Allah a3malakom


Edited by abu-lulua
Guest Arabian Princess


I got that in a forward once a few years back sis pearls, I sent it off to Marja Sistani asking him about it, but I never got a reply?

So I guess I would like to ask how you got this? And is this authentic?


  • 10 months later...
  • Advanced Member

(salam) in another post ali786ali said that there was a prayer that fulfills all our qada prayers, i just wanted to know if this was true, i never heard of anything like this, so i was wondering if any of you have any proof and sources that this is true. here is what ali786ali said:

No there is a special namaz for the last friday of Ramazan offering which, the qadha namaz of 1000 years become adha. And if you are left with only 2 years of qadha namaz the qadha namaz of 998 years of your Parents will be adha and if your parents do not have any qadha namaz then the namaz of 998 years of their parents will ne adha and so on. Thus this namaz is a gift for your entire family tree.

This namaz was given by Imam Ali a.s. and is mentioned in the book,'Kaafi Kaleeni' only. But has been copied by many compilers in their books from this book only.

The method of this namaz is as follows,"

Number of Rakat: 4

Day: on the day of last Friday of Ramzan

Timing: before the sunset

Niyah: ' 4 rakat namaz padhta hoon/padhtee hoon Aaqiri Juma, Mah-e-Ramzan ko qurbatan ilallah'

Method:- In all the Rakats recite:-

1st Soorah Alhamdo Lillah 1 time, then

Soorah Qulho Allaho Ahad 25 times, then

Aayat-al-Kursi 1 time, and then

Soorah Inna Aatayna Kalkausar 15 times.

After the fourth rakat:- Finish your namz by Tashahud and Salaam and then sit down and recite the following dua

Allahumma Ya Saabeqal Faute Wa Ya Saameas Sautin Wa Ya Muheeyal Etaae Baadal Maute Salle Ala Mohammadin Wa Aale Mohammadin

Waj-allee Farajaa Maqraja Mimma Ana Feehe Innaka Talamo Wala Aalamo Wataqdero Wala Aqdero Wa Anta Allamol Ghoyoobe Ya Waahibal Ataya Wa Ya Ghaaferal Qataaya Yasaateral Oyoobe Subboohun Quddoosun Rabbul Malaekate Warroohe Waghferlee Warham Yarabbe. (Salawaat)

After this dua ask you Hajats and your namaz is done.

It is optional but if you wish you can also recite Ziyarat Al-Waarisah after the namaz

This namaz seems too long but takes at the most 15 minutes.

Note:- If you donot remember any of the soorahs or Ayat-al-Kursi then,

take out the book in which these soorahs or Ayat-al-Kursi is given, fold the required page and take the book in you one hand. Recite soorah Alhamd and Qul and then pickup the book and read the Ayat alKursi, put it down and recite Inna Ataina

Guest blessedflower

(bismillah) (salam)

Brother I do not know anything about the above mentioned namaz. However I am aware of the QAZA E UMRI which contains 100 rakats and is prayed on the shab of 15th Shaban.

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)


Ali834 from where did you get the method you posted?

Most hadeeths say you get rewards <equal> to praying 100 rakat or 1000 rakat, but I've yet see anything saying it suffices for any qada. I tried verifying it from Al-Kafi unsuccessfully, so maybe a more narrowed down source can be posted.

An internet search resulted with references pointing to sunni sources. They call it 'Jom3at alqada' (the Friday of Qada), but reading their jurisprudential ruling on it, they too refute it and say it does not suffice for any qada prayers owing.

Edited by wilayah
Guest blessedflower

(bismillah) (salam)

The 100 rakat prayer that I myself have prayed as a teenager is done in 50 sets of 2 rakat salaats.

I'll look it up insha'Allah I know many shias do this on shabe baraat.

  • Advanced Member


I have never heard of salat that suffices for Qhada. At our local centre in the nights of Qadr, our 'Alim prayers 100 rak3at but in the form of Qadha,i.e. Sub7, Thohor, 3asr, Maghrib Isha, until they add up to 100 rak3at. I think if there was such a prayer that would pay all Qadha off, then the Imam would have used such a prayer. Anyways, those prayers a pretty long so you might as well pray the proper qadha prayer.:)

I think its better to pray them for i7tiyaat

Walahu A3lam


  • Advanced Member

Thanks peace :)

quoted from that post:

Imam 'Ali [a] said:

"He who has missed many prayers and can't make them up, should on the last Friday of the Holy Month of Ramadan (known as Jumatul Wida) pray 4 rakats with one salam (i.e. as one prayer) to have the sins of lapsed prayers forgiven, Insha-Allah.

Please note that the lapsed salat must be recited, since this salat will just absolve us of the sin.

I think that explains it all.

  • Advanced Member
Imam 'Ali [a] said:

"He who has missed many prayers and can't make them up, should on the last Friday of the Holy Month of Ramadan (known as Jumatul Wida) pray 4 rakats with one salam (i.e. as one prayer) to have the sins of lapsed prayers forgiven, Insha-Allah.



What's the source book of that hadith? Is it authentic?

Fii amanillah.

  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)



When a person has qadha (prayers or fasts) they have to make them up, and in the case of the fasts pay the kafarra if aplicable. No ulamah allows some one to do a specific action that eleminates all their qadha fasts or prayers.

That "special prayer" on the last day of ramadhan is a rumor that some cultures believe in. I know it is preveliant in Afghani culture. They have mistaken it to mean that it eleminates all of their qadha prayers, when in actuality it cleanses them of the sins of missing their prayers.

Edited by khorasani
  • Advanced Member

ya, i never heard of that prayer with shias b4, but i did have a sunni tell me they dont have to make up qada prayers, they just pray a prayer similar to that one. is that true sunnis dont have to make up qada?- it makes no sense if they dont.

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  • Veteran Member

(salam) (bismillah)

May Allah Bless You All and Your families for the effort You have

made on this site.

Inshallah all Your prayers and fasting will be accepted and all sins

forgiven in this holy month of Ramadhan,

  • Basic Members
Salaam alaikum

Does anyone know where I can find these duas in arabic (preferably if they are somewhere on the internet). Also I was wondering about the time of this salaat. Is there a preferred time to pray it.


Salam alaykum

Sis Rukaiya u can find the duas on http://www.duas.org/ . I often use this site for prayers n maximum duas n prayers i find here .I also found the kaffara namaz n dua on this site .

  • 2 years later...

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