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In the Name of God بسم الله

whats this man's religion?

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There is this man who once attended a local Shi'ah madrash here in the Philippines and went to Iran for further Islamic studies. He spent only less than 6 months in Iran, stopped schooling and nobody knew where he went.

Some years later, he came back to the Philippines and began preaching in the rural areas. At first glance he appears to be preaching the Ahlulbayt teachings. He claims that his aquida is "muhaqquiqin". But we are doubtful if he's really teaching Islamic tenets, much more Shi'ah principles.

Some of his teachings which we firmly believe are not in accord with Islam or Shi'ism are:

1. he's very arrogant, boasting that he has several diplomas in Islamic Institutions abroad, without showing any proof; he in fact claims that Ayatollah Bherjat is his classmate, which is truly incredible!

2. he claims that their last ritual before "graduation" was to cross Nile River on foot!

3. he imposes SATURDAY as their sabbath day, disallowing travel and other work on this day (seventh day adventist?)

4. claims to be able to show th FACE of Allah (masha Allah!) to his students in the final ritual before they graduate

5. confided to some students that the secret of Shi'ah is the fact that they consider Hajrat ALI AS as GOD (Masha Allah!).

6. while most people know that he and his family donot have a steady means of livelihood, he seems to be moneyed.

These are only some of his activities which make us doubt if he's really a muslim, much more a Shi'ah.

Can the readers please help us diagnose this person, and what we ought to do with him? Surely many of his students have shied away from him, but he continues to attract several followers.

Your comments will be highly appreciated.


Posted (edited)

There is this man who once attended a local Shi'ah madrash here in the Philippines and went to Iran for further Islamic studies. He spent only less than 6 months in Iran, stopped schooling and nobody knew where he went.

Send this to the iranian embassy . They will handle the situation and prepare themselves to deal with its heretics .

But give some more informations .

There is many men of his type .

I heard about one in egypt who will revive the batini rituals .He is different than the ismailis but he claims to be one of them.

Edited by XLEGIONS
Guest DjibrilCisse
1. he's very arrogant, boasting that he has several diplomas in Islamic Institutions abroad, without showing any proof; he in fact claims that Ayatollah Bherjat is his classmate, which is truly incredible!

Without meaning to to be rude, there are other a3lims who have appeared to be fairly arrogant. As for Ayatullah Behjat being his classmate, it could be true, it could be half.true or it could be a lie. By half-true I mean that maybe he once attended a lecture with him, or maybe he once had the same teacher, etc...

Remember that out of the many students in Qum, there are some who are bad people at the core with bad intentions who arent really there to study at all, but to later on cause trouble and try and implement their own personal ideology into the mainstream.

This is sad because there are many well-educated ulemah who take their time and effort to teach these young men, with the best of intentions, not knowing that these same people intend to go back home and stir up trouble.

2. he claims that their last ritual before "graduation" was to cross Nile River on foot!

You'll find that the actual shia belief doesnt have specific "rituals" as such, but different people carry out certain permissible rituals, such as the rituals included in the commemoration of the deaths and births of the 14 masomeen (described as the Days of Allah, in the Qur'an).

However, this is not the same as a "graduation" ritual, and it sounds like Sufism to me. I have never heard of "graduation" rituals, but maybe this wasnt with the hawzah in Qum and could just be some smaller school thats not from the mainstream and maybe not even Shia.

At first glance he appears to be preaching the Ahlulbayt teachings. He claims that his aquida is "muhaqquiqin". But we are doubtful if he's really teaching Islamic tenets, much more Shi'ah principles

Remember that shias arent the only people who acknowledge the AhlulBayt.

Many Sufis and other small sects do so as well.

3. he imposes SATURDAY as their sabbath day, disallowing travel and other work on this day (seventh day adventist?)

Sounds like some more personal ideology.

4. claims to be able to show th FACE of Allah (masha Allah!) to his students in the final ritual before they graduate

Definitely makes me think of Sufism, where it might include meditation or somethign else where they imagine the face of Allah.

This certainly doesnt sound like its in line with shia beliefs. Since when did Allah have a face!?

5. confided to some students that the secret of Shi'ah is the fact that they consider Hajrat ALI AS as GOD (Masha Allah!).

It could be his misunderstanding, misinterpretation or propoganda.

This guy certainly seems dodgy to me. There's many others who seem to disappear and return with funny ideas. In my opinion its best to ignore him and continue following the basic simple and clear teachings of the AhlulBayt, the Prophet and the Holy Qur'an.

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