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#5 Imam Baqir (as) [OFFICIAL THREAD]

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Name - Muhammad

Title - Al-Baqir

Kunyat - Abu Jafar

Born - Tuesday 1st of Rajab 57 A.H. , at Medina

Father's Name - Ali ibn Husain

Mother's Name - Fatima binte Hassan

Died - At the age of 59 years, at Medina, on Monday, 7th Zilhajj 116 AH. Poisoned by Hisham bin Abdul Malik

Buried - Jannat-ul-Baqi .

Edited by magma
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Imam Baqir (p)’s traditions about reward on love for Ahl al-Bayt

By: Naema El-Hussein

Imam Abu` Ja'far Muhammad al-Baqir, peace be on him, who was born on Rajab 1 in 57 A.H. in the holy city of Medina, spoke to some of his companions about the love for the members of the House of Prophet (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them.

Imam denoted that a great reward from Allah would result from the love for them. The following are some of his traditions on that:

1- Some of his lovers from Khurasa`n came to him. He, peace be on him, looked at a man of them. He saw that the man's feet split open. So, he, peace be on him, asked him: "What is this?" "O Son of Allah's Apostle, the remote distance (has brought it about). By Allah, nothing has brought me from where I came except the love for you, ahl al-Bayt," replied the man.

"Be cheerful! By Allah, you will be raised from the dead with us," said the Imam, peace be on him. The Khurasa`ni man was so happy that he asked: "O Son of Allah's Apostle, will I be raised from the dead with you?"

The Imam, peace be on him, replied: "Yes. The servant who loves us, Allah will raise him from the dead with us. Religion is nothing except love (for us).

Surely, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, said in His Book: 'Say: If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. "

(Ayun al-Akhbar wa Funun al-Athar, p. 223)

2- Ziyad al-Aswad came to Imam Abu Ja'far al-Baqir, peace be on him from a remote distance and a far-off place. He walked so much that his feet rip open. So, Imam Abu` Ja'far al-Baqir, peace be on him, asked him: "Ziya`d, what is this?"

"My master, I came on the back of a weak young camel. So, I walked the entire road. I had nothing to buy a camel. I added a thing to a thing so that I have bought this young camel," Ziyad replied.

Imam Abu` Ja'far, peace be on him, felt pity and wept for him. Then Ziyad said to him: "May Allah make me ransom for you. By Allah, I have extremely committed sins. Perhaps I said: 'I have perished!' Then, I remember my love for you, ahl al-Bayt. With that I wish for forgiveness." So, the Imam turned to him, and then he said to him with kindness and affection: "Glory belongs to Allah. Religion is nothing but love (for us).

Indeed Allah, the Blessed and Exalted said in His Book: 'Allah has endeared the faith to you and has made it seemly in your hearts. "

He said: 'If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you. (The Holy Qur'an, Al-Umran, 31)

He said: 'They love those who have fled to them. (The Holy Qur'an, al-Hashr, 9)

3- He, peace be on him, said: "Surely, the garden longs for and its light becomes intense for the coming of the family of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his progeny, and their followers. If a servant worships Allah between the rukn (the corner of the Kaaba) and the maqam (the standing place of Abraham) to the extent that his bodily members cut off, Allah would not accept his worship unless he adopts our authority and loves us."

(Ayun al-Akhbar wa Funun al-Athar, p. 227)

4- He, peace be on him, said to a group of his lovers: "The one of you who becomes happy when his soul reaches here, he pointed to his mouth with his hand, the angel of death comes down to him and says to him: 'As for what you wish for, it has been given to you. As for what you fear, you are safe from it.' He will open the door of his abode in the garden and say to him: 'Look at your abode in the garden! Those are Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his progeny, 'Ali, al-Hasan, and al-Husayn. They are your friends.' This is what the words of Allah, the Great and Almighty confirm: 'Those who believe and guard (against evil), they shall have good news in this world's life and in the hereafter.

(Ayun al Akhbar wa Funun al-Athar, p. 227)


Muntakheb Ul Aqwaal

"Knowledge is better than wealth because it protects you while you have to guard wealth. it decreases if you keep on spending it but the more you make use of knowledge ,the more it increases . what you get through wealth disappears as soon as wealth disappears but what you achieve through knowledge will remain even after you." MORE..

(Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S)

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Imam Mohammad al-Baqer (as) gave some very informative answers to some of the most difficult questions to his disciples and others. Some of them are reproduced here:

Question: Which was the Sawm (fasting) in which eating and drinking was permitted?

Answer: The Sawm (fast) that Hazrat Maryam (as) observed in which she abandoned talking only.

Question: What decreases and never increases with time?

Answer: Age

Question: What increases and never decreases?

Answer: Water of the ocean.

Question: What was raised in the sky only once?

Answer: The mountain of Toor which was raised above Bani Israel only once and then put down.

Question: Who are the people whose true testimony was declared a lie?

Answer: These are the munafiqeen (hypocrites) whose testimony that “Prophet is the Messenger of Allah†was not accepted and they were declared liers by Allah(swt).

Question: When was one third of the mankind killed?

Answer: Never – however one fourth of mankind was killed when Qabil murdered Habil. At that time, the whole mankind consisted of 4 persons only.

Question: You Muslims believe that the food and drinks of Jannah will not cause necessity to urinate and pass stool. Is there any example of this in this world?

Answer: Yes there is. The child inside the womb of the mother gets fed without the necesity to urinate or pass stool.

Question: Who are the two people who were born at the same time and died at the same time but one was 50 years and the other was 150 years old at the time of death?

Answer: These were brothers Uzayr and Aziz. Allah (SWT) gave temporary death to Uzair for 100 years and when he got back life, he died again at the same time as did Aziz so the difference in their ages was 100 years.

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Commandments of Imam Baqir (as) to his son, Imam Sadiq (as)

Imam Baqir (as) supplied his son al-Sa`diq (as) with a group of valuable commandments.

The following are some of them:

1. He (as) said: O My little son, indeed, Allah has hidden three things in three things.

He has hidden his pleasure in His obedience. So, do not scorn anything of obedience. Perhaps His pleasure is in it. He has hidden His wrath in His disobedience. So, do not scorn anything of disobedience. Perhaps His wrath is in it. And He has hidden His friends among His creatures. So, do not scorn anyone. Perhaps he is a friend.

(Author says) These commandments are full of high moral standards. They urge people to obey Allah. They warn them intensely from disobeying Him. Moreover, they urge them to respect each other.

2. Imam Sadiq (as) related to Sufya`n al-Thawri some of his father's commandments. He said to him: O Sufya`n, my father ordered me (to do) three, and prevented me (from doing) three.

Among what he said to me is: 'O My little son, he who makes friends with a bad friend is not safe. Whoever enters into evil affairs is accused. He who does not restrain his tongue is regretful.

Then he recited to me:

(If you) habituate your tongue to good words,

you will have a high rank with it.

It is authorized to take the good and the bad

(things) you have established for it.

So, think of the way to habituate it.

Reference: Life of Imam Baqir (as)

  • 7 months later...
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Posted (edited)


Remember your previous sins with severe repentance and more seeking forgiveness.

One who disobeys Allah has no knowledge of him.

Seize the opportunity in asking for doaa’ on five occasions: (a) After reciting the Qoran, (B) At the time of azan, © When an oppressed invokes assistance, (d) When two armies are facing each other seeking martyrdom, (e) At the time of raining."

Whoever recites the Holy Qoran while standing in prayer, Allah Almighty will bestow a hundred blessings for every letter; whoever recites it while sitting in prayer, Allah will reward with fifty blessings for every letter; whoever recites the Qoran outside of prayer, Allah will grant ten blessings for each letter.

The height of perfection is excellence in the understanding of the religion, endurance in hardships and administration of the affairs of life according to one's means, in the right measure.

Imam Mohammad al-Baqer (AS) once said to one of his companions: "Oh Jaber it is not enough that a person says; I am a Shi’ah and I love the Prophet (S) and the Prophet's family and the Imams. By Allah, a Shi’ah is the one who is perfectly pious and obedient to Allah's commands. Anyone else is not a Shi’ah no matter how much they say they love Hazrat Ali (AS) and no matter what they call themselves. Oh Jaber, our Shi’ah are known by these signs: (A) They are truthful, trustworthy and loyal; (B) They always remember Allah; © They offer their prayers, observe fasts, and recite Qoran; (D) They help their neighbours, take care of orphans, and say nothing but good of people; (E) They act nicely towards their parents; (F) They are worthy of peoples trust and confidence.

Imam said, Our followers are of three kinds, one who follows us but depends on others, one who is like a glass involved in his own reflections, but the best are those who are like gold, the more they suffer the more they shine.

Imam Baqer told Jaber: Oh Jaber, if I had expounded for you our belief and tenets we would have destroyed ourselves. In any case, we are relating for you traditions that we collected from the Prophet, just as people collect gold and silver.

I admonish you regarding five things; if you are wronged, do not commit wrong doing to others, if you are betrayed, do not betray anyone, if you are called a liar, do not be furious, if you are praised, do not be jubilant, if you are criticized do not fret and think of what is said in criticism, if you find in yourself what is criticized about you, then you are falling down in the eyes of God; when you are furious about the truth, it is much greater calamity then your falling down in the eyes of the people. And if you are opposite of what is said (in criticism) about you, then it is a merit you acquired without having to tire yourself in obtaining it.

Imam Mohammad Baqer (AS) says that Imam Ali once said: There were two things in this world, which softened the Wrath of Allah and prevented its descent upon man: One has been taken away from you; hold the other steadfastly. The one which has been taken away from men is the Holy Prophet and the one which is still left with them and which they must hold steadfastly is repentance and atonement for sins because Allah at one place in the Holy Book addressed the Holy Prophet and said Allah would not punish them while you were among them nor while they were asking for forgiveness. (Surat al-Anfal, 8:33)

The scholar who derives benefit from his knowledge is better than 70,000 devotees.

"Indeed if you are good in teaching the people and do not show pride towards them then Allah will increase you from His favour. However if you prevent them from learning your knowledge, then it is incumbent upon Allah, the Great and Almighty, to deprive you of knowledge and its splendour and to drop your position from the hearts of people."

"I hate the person who is jobless and who merely lies on his back and says, 'Oh Allah! Give me sustenance! He asks Allah to do him a favour while the small ant comes out of its ant colony to seek its livelihood!"

The Fifth Infallible Imam of the Shi’ah of the World

Imam Mohammad al-Baqer (AS) "The Initiator of Sciences and the Heir of the Knowledge of the Prophets” was martyred by poisoning on the seventh day of the month of Dhol-Hejjah in the year 114 Hejrah in the holy city of Madinah by the ruling Umayyad caliph. The Holy Imam(AS) was buried in the Baqi cemetery in the holy city of Madinah. On this sad and sorrowful occasion we extend our Heartfelt Condolences to all the followers and lovers of Holy Ahl al-Bait (AS) in the world.

Edited by Ali al-Mahdi
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Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) Urguing the Muslims to Strive Hard


Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, presented during his lectures and his behavior the most important economic research. The following are some of them:

1. The Necessity of Improving Livelihood

Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, urged the Moslem community to strive hard to seek a livelihood. Thus, man is able to afford his family a luxurious life. Meanwhile he is able to avoid poverty and unhappiness. In this connection, the Ima`m, peace be on him, said: "Whoever strives hard to seek livelihood, becomes tranquil, his provision becomes light, and his family leads a life of ease and comfort.

He, peace be on him, said: "Through wide morals livelihood is good.

Indeed, if man strives hard to seek livelihood, he is able to secure an economic life full of welfare, blessings, tranquillity, and stability.

2. Warning from Laziness

Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, warned the Moslems community from laziness. That is because laziness paralyzes economic life, freezes man's abilities, and spreads corruption in the earth. He, peace be on him, said: "Laziness damages the religion and the world.

Laziness damages the religion, for it prevents man from mentioning the Lord's name and His obligations and His duties.

( 219)

Rather, the lazy person neglects religious obligations. So, which harm is greater than this harm? Laziness damages the world, for the lazy person always inclines to inactivity and wishes for a miserable life full of needs and poverty. He does not enter the fields of work that secure for him welfare and happiness.

Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, warned one of his children from laziness. He said to him: "Beware of laziness and boredom, for they are the key for all evil things. Whoever is lazy, does not carry out a right (work). Whoever is tired, is impatient toward a right (work).1

Surely, Islam wants man to work, produce, respect people's rights, associate with them, and perform the obligations imposed on him.However, when the person is afflicted by the disease of laziness, he neglects Allah's and people's rights.

3. Al-Ba`qir detested those who left Work

Ima`m Abu` Ja'far al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, detested those who left work. He thought that leaving work would weaken production, increase unemployed, and spread economic crises in the country. He, peace be on him, said: "I hate the jobless person who lies on his back and says: O Allah, give me. He asks Allah to do him a favor, while the small ant comes out of its society to seek its livelihood.(Al-'Amal wa Huqquq al-'Amil fi al-Islam, p. 139)

4. Work is Obedience to Allah

Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, thought that work was obedience to Allah. So, he himself cultivated his own land. Mohammed b. al-Munzir said: "I went out to one of the suburbs of Medina. There I met Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir) Mohammed b. 'Ali, peace be on him. He was a well-built man and he leaning on two servant boys. Either they were black slaves of his or they were retainers of his.

So, I said to myself: Glory belongs to Allah. Here is a venerable leader (shaykh) of Quraysh out at this time and in these conditions seeking worldly (advantage). I must warn him. So, I approached him and greeted him. He returned my greeting with anger. The sweat was pouring down him. I said to him: May Allah make you righteous, does a venerable leader of Quraysh go out at this hour for worldly (advantage)? What would you do if death came upon you at this hour?

However, the Ima`m answered him with Islamic words: "Let death come upon me when I am obedient to Allah, the great and Almighty. I work to prevent my soul and my family from you and the people. I fear death when it comes upon me and I am disobedient to Allah.

So, Mohammed felt shame. He was unable to answer the Ima`m. Thus, he said to him: "You are right. May Allah have mercy on you. I wanted to warn you, but you have warned me.

Indeed work is obedience to Allah, as the Ima`m said. For work prevents the soul and the family from asking people for alms.

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Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) laid the Foundation of

Ilm al-Usul(Science of Fundamentals)


Among the sciences which Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, split open was the science of fundamentals ('Ilm al-Usu`l). It is among the greatest Islamic sciences after jurisprudence. That is because Ijtiha`d (concluding religious opinions) depends on it. The mujtahid (one who is capable of concluding religious opinions) is unable to have the talent of Ijtiha`d without studying the chapters of this science.(Kifayat al-Usul)

The researchers and the scholars have unanimously agreed that Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, was the first to establish this science.

Sayyid Hasan al-Sadr said: "Ima`m Abu` Ja'far, Mohammed b. 'Ali al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, was the first to open the chapters of this science and to split open its problems. Then his son Abu` 'Abd Allah, peace be on him, came after him to continue it. Then they dictated its rules and problems to a group of their students. Then the later generations regulated its chapters in books such as Usu`l Al al-Rasu`l, al-Fusu`l al-Muhima fi Usu`l al-A'imma, and al-Usu`l al-Asilah. The reliable narrators reported all these chapters on the authority of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them.(Al-Shi'a wa Funun al-Islam, p. 95)

The following are some of the fundamentals which Ima`m Abu` Ja'far al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, established or reported on the authority of his pure grandfathers, and to which Moslem jurists resort to give religious opinions when they find no tradition concerning the legal precept. Though most of them are jurisprudential rules, the scholars of these fundamentals have mentioned them in detail in the science of fundamentals ('Ilm al-Usu`l). However, we will mention them here.

Presumption of Continuity (Istisha`B)

It is one of the four fundamentals to which the doubter resorts during an action. The reason for his doubt is either that the text (tradition) does not exist or the text is general or the texts (traditions) are contradictory. The texts are invalid when they are equal, namely they are not superior to each other.

Presumption of continuity happens when conviction precedes doubt. The Ima`m, peace be on him, said that presumption of continuity was evidence. That was when he was asked about the doubts in the prayer. Some jurisprudence encyclopedias have mentioned these problems. Among them is Wasa`'il al-Shi'a.

The Rule of Passing (Qa'idat al-Tajawiz)

This rule means that the doubt occurs in the subsequent act.(Hada'iq al-Usul, vol.2, p. 547)

For example, the person may doubt his recitation after he has bowed down. Concerning this rule, many traditions were narrated on the authority of Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, and his son Ima`m al-Sa`diq, peace be on him.

They denote that the person should pay no attention to this doubt and to go on with his praying.

The Rule of Finishing (Qa``'idat al-Fara`gh)

This rule means that the act is correct at the time of doubt.(Hada'iq al-Usul, vol.2, p. 547)

This rule was reported on the authority of Mohammed b. Moslem on the authority of Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, who said: "If you doubt all that which you have already completed, then let it as it is.(Mustamsak al-'Irwat al-Withqa, vol. 7, p. 350)

A true tradition which Mohammed b. Moslem reported on the authority of al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, also proved that. In this tradition it has been mentioned: "If doubt occurs after the time of the prayer has passed, one should ignore the doubt and not repeat (the prayer)(Mustamsak al-'Irwat al-Withqa, vol. 7, p. 349)

In the light of this reliable true tradition, the Ima`mi Shi'ites have given a religious opinion. This religious opinion says that one should pay no attention to the doubt that occurs in the acts of the prayer which he has completed.

The Rule of Removing Harm

Among the important rules in Islamic law is the rule of removing harm. Shaykh al-Ansa`ri said: "It means removing the legal precept that leads to harm. "The jurists have mentioned many legal precepts regarding this rule. Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, underlined this rule when he, peace be on him, said to Zara`ra: "Samra b. Jundub had a date-palm in the house of a man from the Ansa`r. The man's house was facing the gate of the garden. Samra entered the man's house without permission. Thus, the man spoke to Samra to ask his permission before entering. However, Samra refused that.

So, the man came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, and told him about that. Then Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, sent for Samra and ordered him to ask the man's permission. However, Samra refused that. So, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, asked him to sell the date-palm at a good price. Still, Samra refused to sell it.

Then Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, said to him: 'You shall have a date-palm in the garden.' Nevertheless, Samra refused that. So, Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, said to the (Ansa`ri) man: 'Go and uproot the date-palm and throw it at him for there is no harm.

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Imam Muhammad al-Baqir's (A.S.) Knowledge of the Holy Qur'an

On the Recitation of the Holy Qur'an

Imam Ja’ffar as-Sadiq (as) has said, “Imam al-Baqir (as) was the best recitor (of Quran) during his time. Whenever he (as) was engrossed in worship at night and recited the Holy Quran loudly, the passer-bys would stop (near the house) and get absorbed in his recitation”. (Quran-o-‘Itrat)

Imam al-Baqir (as) used to urge the people to recite the Holy Quran for it is the abundant source that guides people to righteousness, enlivens their hearts, and supplies them with abilities of light and awareness. He (as) has said, “The Apostle of Allah (saww) has said: ‘Whoever recites ten verses on a night is not written among the heedless. Whoever recites fifty verses is written among those who praise (Allah). Whoever recites a hundred verses is written among the obedient. Whoever recites two hundred verses is written among the humble. Whoever recites three hundred verses is written among the successful. Whoever recites five hundred verses is written among the strivers. Whoever recites a thousand verses, a hundred weight of gold is written for him”. (Al-Bayaan)

Abu Baseer came to Imam al-Baqir (as) and said, “When I recite the Quran loudly, Shaytan comes to me and says: ‘You simply want to please your family and the people through recitation’.” Imam (as) said, “Recite the Quran in intermediate recitation. Let your family listen (to that). Read the Quran with a good voice. Indeed Allah likes recitation of the Quran with good voice”. (Al-Kaafi)

Maymoon Qadaah has reported that:

[imam al-Baqir (as) once told me, “Recite the Quran”. I asked, “Where should I begin from?” Imam (as) answered, “From the ninth chapter”. As I began to search the chapter, Imam (as) said, “Recite Surah Yunus”. I started reciting this chapter and when I reached the verse that reads: ‘Those who are virtuous shall receive the best reward and an enhancement. Neither dust nor abasement shall overcast their faces.’ (10:26) Imam (as) said, “The Holy Prophet (saww) has said: ‘I am extremely surprised as to why I do not turn pale when I recite the Holy Quran’.”] (Quran-o-‘Itrat)

Ayatullah Shaykh Ali Karimi states:

It should be noted that according to the present arrangement of Quran, Surah Yunus is the 10th Chapter. However, if Surah al-Baqarah is considered as the first Surah of the Holy Quran (as stated by some scholars) or if Surah al-Tawbah (9th Chapter) is considered as part of Surah al-Anfaal (8th Chapter) (as some scholars strongly believe) then Surah Yunus shall be considered as the 9th Chapter. (Quran-o-‘Itrat)

His Knowledge of the Holy Qur'an

One of the titles of the fifth Imam of Ahlul-Bayt (as) is that of al-Baqir. Al-Baqir in Arabic has its roots from Baqr, which means ‘to split open’ or ‘to rip open’ or ‘to cut open’. Imam (as) was called al-Baqir because of his profound knowledge of everything including the Holy Quran, which he (as) had inherited from his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah and which, he (as) split open to impart to others.

Imam al-Baqir (as) himself has been quoted saying: “We have been taught the language of the birds and bestowed with knowledge of everything”. (Manaqib Aali Abi Talib)

Jabir bin Abdullah al-Ansari (r.a.) has narrated:

[The Holy Prophet (saww) had told me, “O Jabir! I hope you be alive till you meet a son from the progeny of my grandson al-Husayn whose name shall be Muhammad. He will split open the knowledge of religion and impart it to others. O Jabir! When you meet him, convey my salutation to him”.

Thereafter, I always searched for this young man. Finally, when I met him, I witnessed the attributes in him, which the Messenger of Allah had described to me. I conveyed the salutation of his grandfather to him and said, “O Baqir (Splitter)! You are the Baqir in truth. You are for certain the one who will split open the knowledge”.] (Ahsan al-Muqaal)

Do Not Interpret the Holy Qur'an With Your Opinion

Qutadah bin Da’amah visited Imam al-Baqir (as) and the following conversation ensued between them.

Imam (as): “O Qutadah! Are you the scholar of the people of Basra?”

Qutadah: “This is what the people say”.

Imam (as): “Do you interpret the Quran with knowledge or with ignorance?”

Qutadah: “Of course I interpret it with knowledge”.

Imam (as): “Alright then, if you are interpreting the Quran with knowledge, I will ask you a question”.

Qutadah: “Please do so”.

Imam (as): “Tell me what does Allah (SWT) mean in the following verse: ‘…And We had ordained the course through them: Travel through them in safety, night and day’.?”

Qutadah: “This refers to one who departs from his home with the intention of visiting the sacred mosque (Masjidul-Haraam). He gathers his provision for the journey and hires his transport all through Halaal means. Such a person is in safety until he returns to his family”.

Imam (as): “O Qutadah! Take the oath of Allah and tell me. Do you know of any person who has departed from his home for the House of Allah and arranged for his provision and paid for his transportation all through Halaal means yet robbers attacked him, took away his possessions and physically injured him?”

Qutadah: “Yes! Indeed I know of such a person”.

Imam (as): “O Qutadah! Woe unto you! (In such a case) if you are interpreting the Quran with your own opinion then you are misled and have misled the people. And if you are interpreting it from what you have heard from others, then again you are misled and have misled the people. Woe unto you O Qutadah! This verse refers to one who departs for the House of Allah after arranging his provisions and paying for his transportation from Halaal means and in addition, he is also cognizant about our rights (the rights of Ahlul-Bayt) then Allah (SWT) will most certainly incline his heart towards us, just as He (SWT) says: ‘So make the hearts of a part of the people fond of them…’ (14:37) By Allah! We are the answered prayer of Ibrahim (as). Whoever inclines his heart towards us, his Hajj shall be accepted otherwise not. O Qutadah! If one performs Hajj in this manner (as stated) then on the Day of Judgement he shall be safe and protected from the Hell-fire”.

When Qutadah heard this, he said, “By Allah! I will henceforth interpret the Quran as you have taught”. Thereupon, Imam al-Baqir (as) added, “O Qutadah…only he truly understands the Quran whom the Quran addresses”. (Rawdhat al-Kaafi)

An Interesting Incident

Hisham bin Abdul-Malik called Imam al-Baqir (as) to Shaam. When the Imam (as) arrived at the doorstep of Hisham’s palace, he (as) was made to wait outside while Hisham talked to his courtiers and the members of Umayyad clan saying, ‘When you see me stop after abusing him, I want each and everyone of you present here to abuse him’. Thereafter, Hisham allowed Imam (as) to enter.

Imam al-Baqir (as) entered the court of Hisham and after greeting everyone loudly at once; he (as) took a seat. Hisham was very disappointed that the Imam (as) neither took his permission to sit nor had he (as) addressed him as Khalifa, so he looked towards him and abused him. Hisham also accused Imam (as) saying, ‘O Muhammad son of Ali! Someone or the other from amongst you (Ahlul-Bayt) keeps disuniting the Muslims and inviting them towards him. And because of ignorance and insanity, he keeps considering himself as the Imam.’ After saying all that he wanted, Hisham fell quiet and as instructed, all those present began to verbally abuse the Imam (as). Finally, when everyone had spoken, Imam al-Baqir (as) said, “O people! Where are you heading to? And where are you being dragged to? It is through us that the Exalted Lord guided your predecessors and it will only be through us that people after you shall be guided. If in the present time you have the leadership then know that in future we shall be the leaders – and ours shall the final and exceptional leadership – because we are the outcome mentioned by Allah: ‘…And the outcome will be in favour of the Godwary’. (28:83)

Hisham imprisoned Imam al-Baqir (as). There was not a single prisoner who did not immensely benefit from Imam (as)’s knowledge. When Hisham was made aware of Imam (as)’s popularity in the prison and cautioned about its consequences, he ordered the Imam (as) to be returned to Madina. He also insisted that Imam (as) should be treated roughly and denied water and food during the journey. No one should entertain him in any way.

For three days, Imam (as) and those who had accompanied him were denied food and water. When they arrived at Madyan, the gates of the city were shut to disallow them an entry. The companions complained of extreme hunger and thirst. Thereupon, the Imam (as) climbed a nearby mountain and called out loudly, “O the unjust inhabitants of the city! I am BAQIYYATULLAH (what Allah has left behind for you as a clear proof). Allah, the Exalted says: ‘That which is left to you by Allah is better, should you be faithful, and I am not a keeper over you’. (11:86)

In the city of Madyan lived a very old man. When he heard this call, he said, “O people! By Allah! This call is of Shu’ayb – the Prophet of God. By Allah! If you do not respond to his call, Allah will punish you from the heavens and the earth…” Hearing this, the inhabitants rushed in aid of Imam al-Baqir (as) and his companions. Later on when Hisham was informed about what had transpired, he ordered the arrest of the old man and nobody knows what happened to him thereafter.] (Al-Kaafi)

:angel: :cry:

YA Allah


fatemeh :angel: :wub:

  • Advanced Member



Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.): A Perfect Example of Behavior and Moral Aspects

Allah (SWT) would never appoint a person as an Imam and make him His decisive proof upon people unless the person has earned the position and has reached perfection in his virtues, sayings, and deeds. Such a person would say nothing but truth, and do nothing but good…

Like his ancestors Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.), fifth Imam of the Shiites, is a perfect example in terms of behavior and other moral aspects.

In his behavior towards people, he was so chaste and humble that he would forgive and forget people's wrongdoings as much as possible. This manner of the Imam would deeply penetrate within people's hearts. The following narration clearly indicates this magnificent virtue:

A Christian man who intended to make fun of the Imam (A.S.), changed the word "Baqir" (1) to "Baqar" (2), and addressed the Imam insultingly. Without showing any signs of sadness or anger, Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) simply replied:" No, I am not Baqar, I am Baqir".

- The Christian continued:" You are son of the woman who was a cook".

- Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.):" That was her career. This is not shameful."

- The Christian:" Your mother was black, impudent, and rude".

- Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.):" If such matters you accuse my mother are true, I ask Allah to forgive her sins; and if they are false, I ask Him to forgive you for your accusations and lies."

The patience of the Imam was enough for the Christian to be revolutionized and attracted towards Islam. He later became a Muslim.

(Selection taken from:" The Guides to the Path of Truth", by Muhammad Taqi Mudarresi; "Story of the Truthful", by Murtada Mutahhari)


1- His title was "Baqir", means the divider. He was known as "Baqir al Ulum", the divider of the knowledge.

2- In Arabic, "Baqar" means cow.


YA Allah


fatemeh :cry: :wub:

  • Advanced Member

Imam al-Baqir (A.S.) Explains

Any act, no matter how small and minimal, may as a matter of fact act as a long ladder in reaching Allah’s (SWT) satisfaction. The same matter can be applied to our peers; a person whom we may have overlooked at all times may in fact be an eminent servant of Allah (SWT).

This mentality is one taught by the divine leaders. Accordingly, Imam Baqir(A.S.) has said:

“Verily Allah has hidden three facts in three acts:

- He has hidden His satisfaction in His obedience; thus never undervalue an act of worship, lest His eventual satisfaction may be in that specific worship.

- He has hidden His wrath in His disobedience; thus never underestimate a sin, lest that very sin accompanies his ultimate wrath;

- And finally, He has hidden His chosen people amongst His servants; thus never undervalue any of His servants, lest that person is in fact the selected."

Why does Imam Baqir(A.S.) insist upon making sure "no mater how small, acts of worship are not undervalued?" The fact of the matter is that Allah’s (SWT) satisfaction lies in our obedience to Him; the value of an act depends upon its acceptance by Allah (SWT), rather than our understanding of an act's importance.

The concept of "an act being accepted by Allah (SWT)" can be seen in prayers of the Prophets (A.S.) and the Imams (A.S.), where despite their well-known piety and faith, they would constantly ask Allah (SWT) to accept their acts of worship.

For example, while Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham(A.S.) was rebuilding the foundations of the Ka’ba(1) with the help of his son Isma'il/Ishmael(A.S.), he made the following prayer:

“O Lord! Accept this from us; surely you are the Hearing, the Knowing”. (2)

The same rule applies to sins, in that one should refrain from undervaluing any sin. Regardless the sin, in an act of sin a person is disobeying the commands of the authority of Allah (SWT). For who knows, that same sin can be a start in the path of Allah’s (SWT) dissatisfaction, and as a result lead to an unpleasant ending.

However, Imam Baqir(A.S.) does not limit his words to the acts of worship and sin, rather the Imam continues to discuss our interaction with people. How can one undervalue a brother/sister, while the great servants of Allah (SWT) are hidden amongst the rest of the people? It is noteworthy that this saying does not specify a certain group of people such as the faithful; rather it encompasses all the creatures of Allah (SWT). Islam has not allowed us to judge people by their appearances, unless his/her true character has been revealed; and has not allowed us to ignore others merely because he/she does not have a pleasant appearance to us.

Apparently, the main idea of this Hadith is that no act, whether good or bad, and no person should ever be undervalued. Nevertheless, considering the hard path in life, what view have we acquired toward the acts and people around us?

“Let us wash our eyes; let us watch things differently.”

(Reference: Selection taken from "Forty Hadiths", by Sayyid Hashim Rasouli Mahallati)


1- Ka'ba is the cubic house in Makkah, built by Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham(A.S.) and his son, Isma'il/Ishmael(A.S.) more than 3000 years ago in Makkah, towards which all Muslims face for their Salat and circumambulate in order to perform Hajj rituals.

2- The Holy Quran, (2:127)


  • Advanced Member

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.): A Perfect Example of Behavior and Moral Aspects

Allah (SWT) would never appoint a person as an Imam and make him His decisive proof upon people unless the person has earned the position and has reached perfection in his virtues, sayings, and deeds. Such a person would say nothing but truth, and do nothing but good…

Like his ancestors Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.), fifth Imam of the Shiites, is a perfect example in terms of behavior and other moral aspects.

In his behavior towards people, he was so chaste and humble that he would forgive and forget people's wrongdoings as much as possible. This manner of the Imam would deeply penetrate within people's hearts. The following narration clearly indicates this magnificent virtue:

A Christian man who intended to make fun of the Imam (A.S.), changed the word "Baqir" (1) to "Baqar" (2), and addressed the Imam insultingly. Without showing any signs of sadness or anger, Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) simply replied:" No, I am not Baqar, I am Baqir".

- The Christian continued:" You are son of the woman who was a cook".

- Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.):" That was her career. This is not shameful."

- The Christian:" Your mother was black, impudent, and rude".

- Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.):" If such matters you accuse my mother are true, I ask Allah to forgive her sins; and if they are false, I ask Him to forgive you for your accusations and lies."

The patience of the Imam was enough for the Christian to be revolutionized and attracted towards Islam. He later became a Muslim.

(Selection taken from:" The Guides to the Path of Truth", by Muhammad Taqi Mudarresi; "Story of the Truthful", by Murtada Mutahhari)


1- His title was "Baqir", means the divider. He was known as "Baqir al Ulum", the divider of the knowledge.

2- In Arabic, "Baqar" means cow.


  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) gave some very informative answers to some of the most difficult questions to his disciples and others. Some of them are reproduced here:

Question: Which was the Roza (fasting) in which eating and drinking was permitted?Answer: The Roza (fast) that Hazrat Mariam(a.s.) observed in which she abandoned talking only.

Question: What decreases and never increases with time?

Answer: Age

Question: What increases and never decreases?

Answer: Water of the ocean.

Question: What was raised in the sky only once?

Answer: The mountain of Toor which was raised above Bani-Israel only once and then put down.

Question: Who are the people whose true testimony was declared a lie?

Answer: These are the munafiqeen (hypocrites) whose testimony that �Prophet is the messenger of God� was not accepted and they were declared liers by Allah(swt).

Question: When was one third of the mankind killed?

Answer: Never � however one fourth of mankind was killed when Qabeel murdered Habeel. At that time, the whole mankind consisted of 4 persons only.

Question: You Muslims believe that the food and drinks of Jannah will not cause necessity to urinate and pass stool. Is there any example of this in this world?

Answer: Yes there is. The child inside the womb of the mother gets fed without the necesity to urinate or pass stool.

Question: Who are the two people who were born at the same time and died at the same time but one was 50 years and the other was 150 years old at the time of death?

Answer: These were Prophet brothers Uzair(a.s.) and Aziz(a.s.). Allah(swt) gave temporary death to Hazrat Uzair(a.s.) for 100 years and when he got back life, he died again at the same time as did Aziz so the difference in their ages was 100 years.

Edited by Lion
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Mashallah.Interesting. Do u have the source? am especially intrigued by this:

The child inside the womb of the mother gets fed without the necesity to urinate or pass stool

Please give me the source if possible.


Edited by maqnouteh
  • Veteran Member



Imam Mohammad al-Baqer’s (as) Message

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

I instruct you to practice piety, because piety makes one immune from corruption; and provides gaining benefit m the next World. God, the Glorious and Majestic, keeps away dangers from a pious person, of which he himself has no idea and because of piety. He removes his ignorance and blind-heartedness too. It was because of piety that Prophet Noah and his companions in the ship were rescued from the Deluge, and Prophet Salih and his followers were not harmed by the thunderbolt. Because of piety, the patient ones were saved; those noble and selected people (Prophet Noah and Prophet Salih and their followers and all those people who were patient) were saved. (Now) they have brothers who follow the same path and seek the same virtue. Because of hearing of the punishments of the sinful, they controlled their passions and praised God for what has destined for them, because He is worthy of praise. They reproached themselves for their shortcomings as they always feel that they deserve reproaches. They knew that God, the Blessed the High, knowing and patient gets angry with those who were not living for His satisfaction. He denies His Divine mercy from those who would reject His bounty and let go astray only those people who would reject His guidance. He gave them opportunity to repent by replacing their bad deeds with good actions, and repeatedly invited His servants to do this, and made no limitation for their prayer. God’s damnation is upon those who deny what has been sent by Him. God has made it incumbent on Himself to be Merciful, so His mercy precedes His wrath, thus his justice became manifest. So he does not become angry with them unless they would arouse His anger. This is clear enough to those who are pious, learned and faithful. Whenever a nation denied the knowledge of the Book, God made them deprived of it too. He also made their enemies rule over them, when they themselves accepted their rule.

One of the signs of ignoring the Book is to give too much attention to the words and accents and distort their meanings. They recite the verses, but do not apply them to their lives. The ignorant are happy with mere memorizing; but the learned people are sorrowful of seeing that the verses are not put into practice.

Another sign of ignoring the Book is that a group of ignorant persons are chosen responsible for the Book of God, and they direct people toward whims and lusts and thus paved their way to destruction, they changed the religion’s guidelines and left it behind to a group of ignorant and stupid people. Thus the “Ummah” refer to men’s commands and follow them whereas they must refer to the commands of God the Blessed and the Most High.

Woe to the cruel persons who substituted men’s mastership for God’s and are expecting men’s rewards and seek men’s gratification instead of obeying God’s orders. Among the Ummah are people who are devout practitioners of Islamic rules, but are gone astray. They are enchanted by the Satan and their worship is a source of confusion and sedition, both for themselves and for those who follow them.

There are pieces of advice and lessons for the worshippers of God (in the sayings of) God’s Messengers. A prophet obeys God in each and every aspect, but when in one case disobeys Him then God cast him away from the Paradise, or throws another prophet into the whale’s belly, and saves him only after he has repented. Then you (Oh Sa’d) know these pseudo scholars and pseudo priests who have concealed and falsified what was in God’s Book. They were not led to the right path and their transactions incurred nothing for them but loss.

Know then their similar ones among the Ummah’ those who watched the words in the Holy Quran, but distorted their meanings and commentaries. These people are always walking behind the superiors of the society, and when these latter ones are dispersed they follow those who have more and better worldly means. Their ultimate knowledge is not further than this. They always wallow in greed and infamy; and always talk vain words and the voice of Satan is heard from their mouths. The true learned men are patient with them when they hear harsh and offensive words from them. These people criticize the learned men, when they advise them to perform what has been ordered by God. Whereas the learned men feel treacherous if they leave guiding the people, or lead the ones who go astray or not revive one who is spiritually dead. How they got bad! God the Blessed and the most High has taken the pledge from them in the Holy Quran to enjoin the good and to prohibit doing what is forbidden, and cooperate with each other in doing what is good and virtuous, and not to help them in doing what is sinful and transgression. The learned men are put out of patience in harassment by these ignorant people. Because if they give a piece of advice, the ignorant persons will say they have become rebellious and if they teach the truth which is left unknown, they say that they are against the truth; if they lead the life of a recluse, people say they’ve separated themselves from the “ummah” If they ask for the reasons, they say they’ve become hypocrites; and if they follow and obey them they say: They’ve disobeyed God the Supreme and High.

May these ignorant people be annihilated! They don’t have a clear understanding of what they read in the Book of God, they deny the Book and only half heartedly accept what’s written in it and distort its meanings and do not think that what they do is immoral. They are similar to the priests, forerunners in pursuing their caprices and whims and the great men of the land of destruction. There is another group which is standing at the junction of guidance and misleading, who do not recognize the saved ones from those who go astray. They say that people did not have different ideas concerning the religion (at the time of the Holy Prophet (S)). They are right. When the Messenger of God (S) passed away, he left behind him a clear and distinct Shari’ah. Not even a tradition was changed then and not an evil innovation appeared among them. They were not against one another. But when the darkness of sins enveloped the people, two Imams (leaders) appeared: One leading to God the Magnificent and High; and the other to the Hell Fire.

At this time Satan started to speak and his voice was heard by his followers who were increasing and entered into the partnership with him in wealth and offspring. Thus they neglected the Book and the Sunnah and the heretical practices were increasing. But God’s friends clung to the Book and wisdom and started reasoning with their opponents. From that day on the followers of the right path and the evil doers separated their ways and those who were guided refused to cooperate and were reluctant to take side with the righteous ones, but those who had gone astray supported one another, in a way the mob inclined toward such-and-such. So know well this group.

There is another group, observe them delicately, the noble ones, and do not separate from them, so that you would join these who dwell in the Paradise because: “Truly, those in loss are those who loose their own souls and their relatives on the Day of Judgement: Ah! That is indeed the (real and) evident loss!” (39:15).

  • Advanced Member


Could you sum it up in a shorter paragraph.... im too lazt to read tyhe whole thing

:Hijabi: :Hijabi: :Hijabi: :Hijabi: :Hijabi:

  • 1 month later...
  • Veteran Member

As you get older your also getting closer to death so your NEVER increasing with time - only decreasing. Anyway, that is how I see it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  • 3 months later...
  • Veteran Member

Imam al-Baqer (AS): A Perfect Example of Behaviour and Moral Aspects

God would never appoint a person as an Imam and make him His decisive proof upon people unless the person has earned the position and has reached perfection in his virtues, sayings, and deeds. Such a person would say nothing but truth, and do nothing but good...

Like his ancestors Imam al-Baqer (AS), fifth Imam of the Shi’ah, is a perfect example in terms of behaviour and other moral aspects. In his behaviour towards people, he was so chaste and humble that he would forgive and forget people’s wrongdoings as much as possible. This manner of the Imam would deeply penetrate within people’s hearts. The following narration clearly indicates this magnificent virtue:

A Christian man who intended to make fun of Imam al-Baqer (AS), changed the word Baqer (Splitter of knowledge) to Baqr (the Cow), and addressed Imam al-Baqer (AS) insultingly. Without showing any signs of sadness or anger, Imam al-Baqer (AS) simply replied: “No, I am not Baqr, I am Baqer.”

The Christian continued: “You are son of the woman who was a cook.”

Imam al-Baqer (AS): “That was her career. This is not shameful.”

The Christian: “Your mother was black, impudent, and rude.”

Imam al-Baqer (AS): “If such matters you accuse my mother are true, I ask God to forgive her sins; and if they are false, I ask God to forgive you for your accusations and lies.”

The patience of Imam al-Baqer (AS) was enough for the Christian to be revolutionized and attracted towards Islam. He later became a Muslim.

Imam al-Baqer (AS) was the great grandson of Imam Ali ibn Abu Taleb (AS)

One day a man came to Imam al-Baqer (AS), fifth Imam of the Shi’ah and asked him a very interesting question.

Man: “Please tell me if how much power has God given to us human beings? Is it that God has given us absolute power, no power at all or limited power?”

Imam al-Baqer (AS): “Please stand up. The man stands up. Now keep your one foot in the air. He does that.”

Imam al-Baqer (AS): “Now keep your other foot in air.”

Man: “I cannot do that. I will fall down.”

Imam al-Baqer (AS): “God has given you this much power. You are not given the complete power and you are not made powerless either.”

Imam al-Baqer (AS): At the Door of a Brother

Imam al-Baqer (AS), the fifth Imam of the Shi’ah said: An angel was once passing by a house, when he witnessed a man standing near its door. The angel questioned him, “Why do you stand here?”

“This is the house of my brother and I wish to greet him,” answered the man.

The angel asked, “Is he of your kith and kin or is it that you are in need of his help that you have come to pay him a visit?”

“The reality is not as you make it out to be. We are just brethren in faith and I only wish to meet him and greet him for the sake of God.”

“I am God’s messenger towards you,” the angel said. “He has sent you His greetings and has said: Oh My Servant! You have paid Me a visit and desired My pleasure and so, as a reward for upholding the rights and sanctity of religious brotherhood, I have made Paradise compulsory for you and have distanced you from My fire and wrath.

Imam al-Baqer (AS): A Momen (believer in the divine law) Is the Brother of Another Momen

Imam al-Baqer (AS), fifth Imam of the Shi’ah related: “Once, a group of Muslims had set off on a journey, but in the course of their travel, they lost their way. Their supplies were soon exhausted and they were overcome by intense thirst.

With no water in sight and imagining their end to be near, they put on their shrouds and sat down, resting themselves against the trees.

Suddenly, an old man in white apparels approached them and said: ‘Arise, for you have nothing to fear. Here is some water for you.’

They scrambled for the water and drank to their fill after which, turning to the old man, they said, ‘May God have mercy upon you! Who are you?’

‘I belong to the Jinn community, who had pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S). I had heard the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) say: ‘A momen (believer in the Divine Law) is the Brother of another momen (believer in the Divine Law). He is his eyes and his guide (too).’’ I could not allow you to die of thirst, while I was here.’”

Imam al-Baqer (AS): Exercise Caution in Reconciliation

‘Abdul-Malek says: “There arose a dispute between Imam al-Baqer (AS) and some of the children of Imam al-Hasan (AS). I approached Imam al-Baqer (AS) and sought to intervene in the matter in order to reconcile them, but Imam al-Baqer (AS), fifth Imam of the Shi’ah advised:

“Do not say a word in this dispute for our problem is like that of the old man from Bani Israil (Children of Israel), who had two daughters. One of them was married to a farmer, while the other to a pottery-maker.

Once he decided to pay them a visit. He first visited the daughter who was the wife of the farmer and reaching her house, he inquired about her health.

The daughter said: ‘Dear father, my husband has cultivated a large area of land and if it were to rain, we would be the most prosperous of the entire Bani Israil (Children of Israel).’

Then, proceeding towards the house of the other daughter, whose husband was a pottery-maker, he inquired about her health.

The daughter said, ‘Dear father, my husband has moulded pots in great quantity and if God were to withhold the rains until his pots dry up, we would be better off than the entire Bani Israil (Children of Israel).’

As he departed from the house of his second daughter, he prayed: ‘Oh God! Act as You deem fit for, in this situation, I cannot pray for either of them.’

Imam al-Baqer (AS) then said to me, ‘You too cannot intervene in this matter. Be wary, lest you show disrespect to either of us. Your responsibility towards us, because of our relationship with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S), is to treat all of us with deference and esteem.’”

Imam al-Baqer (AS): Kindness Towards Your Brother in Faith

One of Imam al-Baqer’s (AS) companions, Abu Obadiah, narrates: “I used to accompany Imam al-Baqer (AS) in journeys. During the journeys, I would always climb my mount first, and Imam al-Baqer (AS) would climb his mount after I was seated (This act of Imam al-Baqer (AS) was out of utmost respect).

Whenever our mounts were next to each other, he would converse with me and ask about my health in such a way that seemed as if he had just seen an old friend he had not seen for a long time, even though he had seen me just a few moments ago.

I asked him: ‘Oh! Son of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S), you act completely different from all others when you socialize with others. Your kindness and amenity towards your companions and friends is quite different. Truly it would be appreciable if others did the same in their first contact with each other.’

Imam al-Baqer (AS) replied: ‘Do you not know the value of mussafah (shaking hands kindly with friends and believers)? Every time believers do mussafah, and squeeze the hand of a friend, their sins fall (are forgiven) similar to how the leaves of a tree fall. And they are under God’s grace until they separate.’

In addition, many other sayings by Imam al-Baqer (AS) have been recorded about kindness towards friends and brothers in faith: “A prayer that is more likely to be answered, and more quickly to be granted, is a prayer for a brother in faith in his absence.”

Imam al-Baqer (AS), fifth Imam of the Shi’ah also said: “A pious believer is the brother of a pious believer. One does not insult the other, does not refuse the other, and does not falsely suspect the other.”

And Imam al-Baqer (AS) advised his companions: “Be lenient when talking to a hypocrite (monafeq), love the believers with all your heart, and behave well even if you are sitting with a Jew.”

And finally, Imam al-Baqer (AS) considered one of the most important duties of a believer is helping his brother in faith financially.

Note: The fifth Imam, Imam Muhammad ibn Ali (AS) received the title of al-Baqer (splitter of knowledge) due to his ample knowledge of religion and his enthusiasm to teach to other people.

Imam Ja’far as-Sadeq (AS) said: “A believer is the brother and guide of another believer. He does not betray or oppress him, nor does he ever cheat his brother. A believer never breaks his promise.”

“Be truthful and righteous. A truthful and righteous man is a partner in the wealth of others.”

May God hasten the re appearance of our Twelfth Imam, Imam al-Mahdi, and we pray to God to give us the faith to be alongside the Imam when he establishes justice in the world...

We pray to God to keep us firm on His path, and to always protect us from negligence in discharging our duties towards Him and our Living Imam (AJ), and to also include us among the Imam (AJ) helpers and companions. Amin. Remember us in your du’as and pray for all our marhoumin.

  • Veteran Member

Imam Muhammad al-Baqer (as)

Name: Muhammad

Title: al-Baqer

Designation: Fifth Imam

Kunyah: Abu Ja’far

Father: ‘Ali ibn Husayn

Mother: Fatemah bint al-Hasan

Born: 1 Rajab 57 AH (676 AD)

Died: 7 Dhul-Hejjah 114 AH (733 AD)

Martyred: Poisoned by Hesham

Buried: Cemetery of Jannat al-Baqi’

Lived: 57 years

“Remember your previous sins with severe repentance and more seeking forgiveness.

One who disobeys God has no knowledge of him.

Seize the opportunity in asking for du’a on five occasions:

(a) After reciting the Quran,

(B) At the time of adhan,

© When an oppressed invokes assistance,

(d) When two armies are facing each other seeking martyrdom,

(e) At the time of raining.”

Whoever recites the Holy Quran while standing in prayer, God Almighty will bestow a hundred blessings for every letter; whoever recites it while sitting in prayer, God will reward with fifty blessings for every letter; whoever recites the Quran outside of prayer, God will grant ten blessings for each letter.

The height of perfection is excellence in the understanding of the religion, endurance in hardships and administration of the affairs of life according to one’s means, in the right measure.

Imam Muhammad al-Baqer (as) once said to one of his companions: “Oh Jaber it is not enough that a person says; I am a Shi’ah and I love the Prophet (S) and the Prophet’s family and the Imams. By God, a Shi’ah is the one who is perfectly pious and obedient to God’s commands. Anyone else is not a Shi’ah no matter how much they say they love Imam ‘Ali (as) and no matter what they call themselves. Oh Jaber, Our Shi’ah are known by these signs:

(a) They are truthful, trustworthy and loyal;

(B) They always remember God;

© They offer their prayers, observe fasts, and recite Quran;

(d) They help their neighbours, take care of orphans, and say nothing but good of people; (e) They act nicely towards their parents;

(f) They are worthy of peoples trust and confidence.”

Imam said, “Our followers are of three kinds, one who follows us but depends on others, one who is like a glass involved in his own reflections, but the best are those who are like gold, the more they suffer the more they shine.”

Imam al-Baqer told Jaber: “Oh Jaber, if I had expounded for you our belief and tenets we would have destroyed ourselves. In any case, we are relating for you traditions that we collected from the Prophet, just as people collect gold and silver. I admonish you regarding five things; if you are wronged, do not commit wrong doing to others, if you are betrayed, do not betray anyone, if you are called a liar, do not be furious, if you are praised, do not be jubilant, if you are criticized do not fret and think of what is said in criticism, if you find in yourself what is criticized about you, then you are falling down in the eyes of God; when you are furious about the truth, it is much greater calamity then your falling down in the eyes of the people. And if you are opposite of what is said (in criticism) about you, then it is a merit you acquired without having to tire yourself in obtaining it.”

Imam Muhammad al-Baqer (as) says that Imam ‘Ali once said: “There were two things in this world, which softened the Wrath of God and prevented its descent upon man: One has been taken away from you; hold the other steadfastly. The one which has been taken away from men is the Holy Prophet and the one which is still left with them and which they must hold steadfastly is repentance and atonement for sins because God at one place in the Holy Book addressed the Holy Prophet and said God would not punish them while you were among them nor while they were asking for forgiveness. [surat al-Anfal 8:33]

The scholar who derives benefit from his knowledge is better than 70,000 devotees.”

“Indeed if you are good in teaching the people and do not show pride towards them, then God will increase you from His favour. However if you prevent them from learning your knowledge, then it is incumbent upon God, the Great and Almighty, to deprive you of knowledge and its splendour and to drop your position from the hearts of people.”

“I hate the person who is jobless and who merely lies on his back and says, ‘Oh God! Give me sustenance!’ He asks God to do him a favour while the small ant comes out of its ant colony to seek its livelihood!”

  • 11 months later...
  • Veteran Member

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad al-Baqer (AS)

Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS) had carried out his immortal message: he had spread knowledge and Islamic manners among people. Then God chose him to be His neighbour. He wanted him to enjoy the shade of His mercy and His gardens. He wanted him to be happy through meeting his grandfathers, who passed the methods of justice and fairness in the earth.

The Imam announced his own Death

The Imam felt the approach of his certain death. So, he hurried to his aunt, Fatemah daughter of Imam al-Husayn (AS). He announced his death to her, saying: “I have completed fifty-eight years. (Tadhkerat al-Khawas, page 350. In Kashf al-Ghummah, volume 2, page 322, it has been reported on the authority of Imam Ja’far as-Sadeq (AS) who said: [My father Muhammad al-Baqer (AS) said] “‘Ali was killed at the age of fifty-eight, ‘Ali ibn al-Husayn died at the age fifty-eight. I am fifty-eight years old.). Fatemah understood what the Imam meant. Her heart melted with sorrows for her nephew. For he was the rest of the members of his family, who were killed by the swords of aggression and error. The Imam completed fifty-eighty years full of misfortunes. Those years filled his heart with sorrow and sadness. His father, Imam Zayn al-’Abedin, and his grand father, Imam al-Hasan, peace be on them, departed life at the same age. Thus, the Imam felt that he was about to die.

The Martyrdom of the Holy Imam (AS)

Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS) did not die a natural death. Rather, some sinful persons, who did not believe in God and the hereafter, gave him poison to drink. The historians differed over which sinful person who committed such a crime. The following are some of the views: Hesham ibn al-Hakam gave the Imam poison to drink. (Behar al-Anwar) This is the most acceptable view. For Hesham was the most spiteful person towards the family of the Prophet, may God bless him and his family. His soul was full of malice and hatred towards them. It was he who forced the great martyr, Zayd ibn ‘Ali (AS) to revolt against him. That was when he scorned and abandoned Zayd. Surely, the great Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS) shook the position of this tyrannical person (Hesham). That because the Imam’s knowledge and outstanding merits were famous. So, the Muslims talked about his talents and abilities. Hence, Hesham killed the Imam to get rid of him. (Akhbar al-Duwal, page 111) Ibrahim ibn al-Walid gave the Imam poison to drink. Sayyid ibn Tawous thought that Ibrahim ibn al-Walid took part in murdering the Imam (AS). (Behar al-Anwar)

This means that Ibrahim helped other persons to murder the Imam (AS).

Some references have ignored the name of the person who assassinated the Imam (AS). They have only mentioned that the Imam died of poisoning. (Nour al-Absar, volume 131. ibn Tolan, al-Aemmah al-Ithna ‘Ashar, page 281) These are some of the views mentioned concerning murdering the Imam (AS) with poison.

Reasons for the Murder of the Imam

The Umayyads murdered the Imam (AS). The reasons for that are as follows:

1. The Imam’s high Character

Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS) had the highest character in the Islamic world. Muslims have unanimously greed on his high character. They have admitted his outstanding merits. All Muslim religious scholars from all Muslim countries came to him to learn his sciences and his morals. For the Imam learned that from his grandfather, God’s Apostle, may God bless him and his family.

The Imam (AS) possessed the sentiments of the people. Thus, they admired and respected him. For the Imam was the most prominent figure in the family of the Prophet, may God bless him and his family.

Hence, the Imam’s high social rank displeased the Umayyads. Accordingly, they decided to murder him to get rid of him.

2. The Events of Damascus

Among the reasons that moved the Umayyads to kill the Imam (AS) were the events the Imam faced in Damascus. These events are as follow: A. The Imam exceeded the Umayyads and others in shooting. That was when Hesham summoned the Imam to compete with the Umayyads and others for shooting. Hesham thought the Imam would fail in hitting the target. Thus, he would be able to use the Imam’s failure as means to degrade the importance of the Imam and to mock him before the Syrians. However, the Imam shot and hit the target several times. The people had never seen such skilfulness in the world of shooting.

Hesham was full of anger. So, he decided to murder the Imam from that moment.

B. The Imam debated with Hesham on the affairs of the Imamate. The Imam defeated Hesham. So, the latter was full of malice towards the former.

C. The Imam debated with the scholar of the Christians on certain affairs. The Imam also defeated the scholar. So, the Syrians were busy talking about the Imam’s victory over the Christian scholar. We have mentioned these matters in detail in the previous chapters.

Imam al-Baqer (AS) designated as-Sadeq (AS)

Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS) designated his son as-Sadeq (AS) as an Imam. For as-Sadeq was the pride of the world. He was the pioneer of culture and science in Islam. His father designated him to be an Imam and successor and general authority for the community after him. He said to his followers that it was incumbent on them to follow and obey his son. Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS) lauded his son, Imam as-Sadeq (AS). He gave an explicit designation for his Imamate. Abu as-Sabah al-Kinani reported. He said: [Abu Ja’far Muhammad looked towards his son Abu ‘Abdullah (as-Sadeq) (AS) and said (to us): “Do you see that man? He is one of those of whom God, the Mighty and High, said: We wish to grant a favour to those who have been humiliated in the land and We will make them Imams and inheritors. (Usoul al-Kafi, volume 1, page 306)

‘Ali ibn al-Hakam reported on the authority of Taher, who said: [i was with Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS)). When Ja’far (as-Sadeq) approached, Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) said:] “Here is the best of creatures. (Usoul al-Kafi, volume 1, page 306)

His Testamentary Enjoinments

Imam Muhammad al-Baqer (AS) gave several enjoinments to his son, Imam as-Sadeq (AS). Among them are the following: He said: “Ja’far, I give testamentary enjoinments to you (to treat) my followers well.” So, Imam as-Sadeq (AS) replied: “May I be your ransom, I will make them (know their religion so well) that any man among them in the country will not (have to) ask any one (for advice). (Usoul al-Kafi, volume1, page 306)

He (AS) enjoined his son to spend (money) on them and to take care of their affairs to make them devote themselves to seek knowledge, to record his traditions, and to spread his sciences and morals among the people. He (AS) enjoined his son as-Sadeq (AS) to shroud him in the cloak in which he used to perform the prayer. (Safwat as-Safwa, volume 2, page 63. ibn al-Wadi, Tarikh, volume 1, page 184. Abi al-Fida’, Tarikh, volume 1, page 214. ibn al-Jawzi, al-Muntazam, volume 7)

He wanted that to be a truthful witness with God for his great worship and his obedience to Him.

3. He endowed some of his money to some female weepers to weep for him for ten years at Mina. (Behar al-Anwar, volume 11, page 62).

The reason for that is that Mina was the greatest center where Muslims gathered, and that there were many female weepers at it. This would make the Muslims ask about the reason for weeping. They would be told that the Umayyads persecuted and killed Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS). So, the Umayyad would be unable to hide the murder of the Imam.

As for the text of his testamentary enjoinments, it was reported by Imam Abu ‘Abdullah as-Sadeq (AS) who said: [When my father was near to death, he said (to me): “Call witnesses for me.” I summoned four men from Quraysh, among them Nafe’, retainer of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar. (My father said:) “Write this testimony which I bequeath (like) Jacob did to his sons: My sons, God has chosen the religion for you. So, do not die except as Muslims. Muhammad ibn ‘Ali makes this last testimony to Ja’far ibn Muhammad. He orders him to shroud him in his cloak in which he used to perform the Friday prayer, to put his turban on him, to make his grave a square, to raise it the height of four fingers above the ground, and to take his shabby clothes away from him at his burial.

Then he said to the witnesses: “Depart, may God have mercy on you.” “Father,” I said to him (after they had gone), “what was in this that there had to be witnesses for it?” “My son,” he answered, “I was unwilling for you to be overcome and for it to be said that no testimony had been mad for him. I wanted you to have proof.

(Usoul al-Kafi, volume 1, page 307)

To the Highest Paradise

The poison acted quickly on the body of Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS). So, death approached fast. During his last hours, he gathered all his feelings and sentiments, and cleaved to God, the Most High. He began reciting the Holy Koran. He asked God’s forgiveness. While his tongue busy praising God, death came to him. So, his great matchless soul ascended to its Creator after it had enlightened the cultural scientific life in Islam. When the Imam died, the most wonderful stage of the Islamic message, which provided the Islamic community with the elements of awareness, development, and prosper, ended.

His Preparation (for Burial)

Imam as-Sadeq (AS) prepared the holy body for burial. He washed it and shrouded it. He was weeping bitter tears for the missing of his father, who was the best person under the sky in knowledge, outstanding merits, and devoutness.

His Burial

The people carried the great body from al-Hamimah. They gathered around it. They were shouting: “There is no god but God! God is Great!” They were greatly moved to touch the coffin of the Imam. They were mentioning the laudable and favours of Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS). Then they reached at Baqi’ al-Gharqad. They dug a grave alongside the grave of his father, Zayn al-’Abedin, the greatest Imam (AS) and besides his great-uncle, Imam al-Hasan, the Lord of the Youth of Heaven (AS). Then Imam as-Sadeq buried his father in his final resting place. He buried with him knowledge, clemency, and kindness to people.

The martyrdom of Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS) was the greatest loss for the Muslims then. For they missed the leader, the pioneer, and the guide, who spared no effort to spread knowledge and cultural awareness among Muslims.

The Holy Imam (AS) was martyred at the age of 58.

The Year of his Death

It is famous that Imam al-Baqer (AS) died in the year 114A.H.

The Muslims condoled Imam as-Sadeq (AS)

The Muslims were full of sadness. So, they hurried to Imam as-Sadeq (AS) to condole with him on the death of his father. Among the condolers was Salim ibn Abi Hafsah, who said:

“I said to my companions: ‘Wait for me. For I want to go to Abu ‘Abdullah (as-Sadeq) to condole with him on the death of his father.’ I went to him and condoled with him and said to him:

‘To God we belong and to Him is our return. By God, the one who used to say: ‘God’s Apostle, may God bless him and his family, said,’ has passed away. He was not asked about what was between him and God’s Apostle, may God bless him and his family. I have never seen the like of him.”

He Salim added: “Imam Abu ‘Abdullah (as-Sadeq) (AS) kept silent for an hour. Then he turned to his companions and said to them: God, the Great and Almighty said: ‘Some of My servants give part of a date as alms. So, I will grow (the alms) for them, as they grow the foal.’

Then Salim went out. He admired Imam Abu ‘Abdullah (as-Sadeq) (AS). Hence, he turned to his companions and said to them: “I have not seen (any person) more wonderful than this (Imam). We regarded as great Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (AS) who used to say without any authority: ‘God’s Apostle, may God bless him and his family, said.’ Abu ‘Abdullah (as-Sadeq) (AS) said to me without an authority: ‘God said.’ (Al-Shaykh at-Tousi, al-Amali, page 125)

Imam as-Sadeq (AS) took his traditions from his fathers, who took their sciences from their grandfather, God’s Apostle, may God bless him and his family.

  • Veteran Member

Condolences on the Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam al-Baqer (AS)

One of the companions of the Holy Prophet (S) Jaber ibn ‘Abdullah al-Ansari was in the presence of the Holy Prophet (S). He asked the Prophet about the names of descendants from his daughter Hadhrat Fatemah and ‘Ali (AS). The Prophet (S) told him,

“Oh Jaber, you will have a long life, and although you will go blind, but you will meet the fifth in line of my descendants whose name will be my name, who will walk like me and who will be the fifth Imam of the time. When you will meet him, give my salaams to him.”

As predicted by the Holy Prophet (S) Jaber ibn ‘Abdullah al-Ansari had a long life and became blind in his old age. But he devoutly waited for the time when he would meet the fifth Imam. Each morning he would come out from his house, sit by the road side and wait for the sound of the footsteps to recognize the fifth Imam.

One such day while he was waiting in the street of Madinah, he heard someone walking towards him, the sound of footsteps reminded him of the way Holy Prophet used to walk. Jaber stood up, stopped the man and asked his name. He replied, “Muhammad,” Jaber asked, whose son? He replied “‘Ali ibn al-Husayn.”

Jaber immediately recognized the man he was talking to was the fifth Imam. He kissed his and told him the message from the Holy Prophet and that the Prophet sent his salaams to him. Imam took him to his home, asked his friends to gather as many people as they can. When they all assembled in his house, the Imam asked Jaber to tell the whole story again. Jaber narrated the story; they all cried and attested in unison of the Imamat of the fifth Imam and also the names of the other Seven Imams in his line up to the Twelfth Imam.

Imam al-Baqer (AS) was an eye-witness of tragedy of Karbala. Oppression of dictators of his age Walid ibn ‘Abdul-Malek, Sulayman ibn ‘Abdul-Malek, Yazid ibn ‘Abdul-Malek and Hesham ibn ‘Abdul-Malek neither could bow him nor pushed him back from the path of truth. He was martyred with poison – He was buried in Jannat al-Baqi’ along with his respected grandmother Hadhrat Fatimat az-Zahra (SA) and respected father Hadhrat Imam Zayn al-‘Abedin (AS).

Imam al-Baqer’s greatest task and at the same time responsibility was to explain the correct version of Islam, the true interpretation of Quran, the divine laws, and the religiously lawful rules to the people in a correct manner. We offer our condolences on the Martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Baqer (AS).

There is a saying of Hadhrat Imam al-Baqer (AS) that the most important deeds in a human life are three: (A) cooperation and sympathy to Islamic brethren, (B) keep remembering Allah in every condition, environment and occasion, © doing justice in character, saying and decision-making. We offer our condolences on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Baqer (AS).

  • 6 months later...
  • Advanced Member



Today, the 1st of Rajab, is the auspicious date of birth of our fifth Imam, IMAM Mohammed al-Ba`qir (as) and Bibi Sakina (as) , the daughter of Imam Hussain (as). Mubarak and salutations to the Imam of our age, Imam-e-Zamaana (as) and mubarak to all the mo'mineen and mo'minaat.

Here are some aspects of his life history.

Imam al Baqir (as) was among the most prominent of the men of thought and knowledge in Islam. The historians have unanimously agreed on his importance. For he played an important role in proclaiming the Islamic culture and founding the scientific movement in Islam.He dedicated himself to spread knowledge among the Moslems.That was when the intellectual lull included all the Islamic world, and when there was no scientific or intellectual renaissance.The Moslems led successive revolutions and popular uprisings.They sometimes wanted to get rid of the oppressive Umayyad regime, and they sometimes wanted to take the reins of government.Accordingly, they thoroughly neglected the scientific life. Thus, it had no existence in the arena of life.

Indeed Ima`m al-Ba`qir (as) devoted himself to knowledge. So, he raised its standard, founded its bases, and fixed firmly its sources. Thus, he was the pioneer, teacher, and leader of this community during its cultural movement.He led it to wide steps in scientific studies.He played an important role in prospering the bright Islamic civilization throughout the generations that came after him.

Ima`m Abu` Ja‘far (al-Ba`qir) a.s was famous for jurisprudence. That is because jurisprudence represents the spirit of Islam, its essence, and its reaction with life.So, he took care to enliven it. Then he established his religious school that was full of main jurists such as Aba`n b. Taghlub, Mohammed b. Moslem, Barïd, Abu` Basïr al-Asadi, al-Fadel b. Sayya`r, Ma‘ru`f b. Khrbudh, Zarara b. A‘yun and the like.

These main figures were among those on whose truthfulness and jurisprudence the community has unanimously agreed. It was they who wrote down the traditions of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. Were it not for them, that large intellectual wealth would be useless.

The Islamic world is proud of this wealth. Besides this wealth is among the basic sources from which the Shi‘ite jurists conclude religious rules. The act that makes us boast of the life of the Imam is that he took care of these jurists. He praised them, strengthened their position, and summoned the community to resort to their religious opinions. He, peace be on him, said to Aba`n b. Taghlub: “Sit down in the mosque. Give religious opinions to the people. Indeed, I am glad to see among my followers the likes of you.”

Indeed, he paid their expenses and what they needed during their life. He did that to make them dedicate themselves to gaining of knowledge, to achieve its rules exactly, and to write it down. Then, he asked his son, Imam al-Sadiq (as) to take care of the jurists. He asked him to spend on them to help them carry out their religious duties. Thus, they played a constructive role in writing the traditions which they heard from him. Besides they taught the religious deputations what they narrated from him.

His student, Ja`bir b. Yazïd al-Jufi, reported seventy thousand traditions from him. Aba`n b. Taghlub also reported a large group (of traditions) from him. The jurisprudential encyclopedias are full of their narrations from him. All the chapters of jurisprudence - such as the acts of worship, contracts, punishments, and the like - are confirmed with narrations from him. Therefore, he founded and published the jurisprudence of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. Worth mentioning, the jurisprudence of the members of the House is the best Islamic jurisprudence.

The lectures and researches of the Ima`m were not confined to jurisprudence. Rather they included all kinds of sciences such as philosophy, theology, and medicine. As for the explanation of the Koran, it engaged his care wholly. Indeed, he appointed time for it. Most commentators (of the Koran) have written what the Imam adopted and what he narrated from his grandfathers concerning the explanation of the holy verses. He (the Ima`m) wrote a book about the explanation (of the Koran). Zyya`d b. al-Mundher, the spiritual leader of the Jarudi group, reported the book from him. This book denotes that and gives some examples of his explanations to some verses.

Worth mentioning, the Imam (as) talked about the conditions of the prophets and the persecutions from which they suffered because of the oppressive rulers of their time. He also talked about their judgments and their morals. From him most researchers learned the situations of the prophets. Moreover, he, peace be on him, talked in an inclusive objective manner about the Prophet's life. He explained the circumstances of the great Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, his campaigns, and his wars.

The historians of the Prophetic life-such as b. Hisha`m, al-Wa`qidi, al-Halabi, and the like-reported them on his authority, on the authority of his grandfathers, peace be on them, on the authority of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family. The Imam narrated a large group of traditions concerning behavior, good morals, and high qualities Moslems should follow to be an example to others. He reported in an inclusive way all the historic events that occurred during the early Islamic time. Al-Tabari has reported them from him in his book ‘Tarïkh.’ He has also reported them from him in his book ‘al-Ansab.’

The Imam (as) debated with some Christian scholars, the Azraqites, the atheists, and the extremists. He passed all those debates successfully. The opponent admitted the Imam's scientific abilities. Namely, the opponent was feeble to debate with him. This book will indicate that. The Ima`m left behind him an immense intellectual wealth. It is regarded as one of the sources and among the mines the scientific wealth in the earth. It is difficult for me to write about all what has been narrated from him. For that needs writing several books. We have referred to only some of them. We have left the door open to him who wants to study inclusively his scientific wealth.

However, the historians have never seen an Imam like Mohammed al-Ba`qir (as). That is because he devoted all his life to the spread of knowledge among the people. He was as the narrators said: “He lived in Median (Yathrib). He was a trusty custodian. He was like the mountain or the sea. The thinkers and prominent scholars learned from him jurisprudence and knowledge. So, he developed not only the life of this community but also of all people.”

Imam Mohammed al-Ba`qir (as) was among the great men of thought and knowledge in Islam. His behavior represents the essence of the Islamic thought that came to guide people and to educate their manners. The historians have unanimously agreed that the Imam was most times busy praising Allah and that he spent his nights praying to Him and whispering to Him in prayers.

The Imam thoroughly renounced worldly desires. He inclined with his heart and his feelings towards Allah. He preferred His obedience to all things. He followed what caused him to be close to Allah. He did not yield to any desires. Rather he got rid of them completely. Thus, they had no power over him.

The Imam's life was similar to the life of his grandfather , the great Apostle , may Allah bless him and his family, in all qualities. Whoever reads about his life is full of admiration.

During his childhood , Ima`m al-Baqir (as) suffered many tribulations. Indeed, he saw the tragedies of Karbala`'. He saw the pure family of the Prophet , may Allah bless him and his family , when they were tortured and killed. He saw the Umayyad Army murdering the innocent children , the women , and the old men. He saw that sinful army maiming the body of the great Ima`m (al-Husayn).

He saw other tragedies that filled the heart with terror. He was among the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt) , peace be on them when they were taken prisoners to b. Marjana (‘Ubayd Allah b. Zyya`d) l.a. The latter humiliated and disdained them very much. He showed his malice and he rejoiced at the murder of the progeny of the Prophet , may Allah bless him and his family. Then he sent them to the sinful oppressive ruler, Yazïd b. Mu‘a`wiya. The latter received them with much disdain and mistreatment.

Ima`m Mohammed al-Baqir (as) understood fully those painful events. Thus, they filled his heart with stormy sorrow. They impressed deeply agony and sadness in his heart. They accompanied him throughout his life. Thus, his heart was full of bitter sorrow.

Among the disasters that hit the Imam during his childhood was the Battle of al-Hirra. At that battle Yazïd's Army violated the Holiness of Medina , the city of the Prophet , may Allah bless him and his family. The army raped the women , seized properties , and killed people. It violated all the things which Allah had prohibited.

The time of (the Imamate) of the Imam was among the most critical times in Islam. During this time life was very disorderly. Thus, the country was liable to many revolutions. Those revolutions from the bad Umayyad politicians. That is because they did not take care of the interests of the Moslem nations. Rather they imposed heavy taxes on the Moslem community. They plundered its wealth and spent it on their pleasures. Moreover, they took exclusive possession of its affairs.

Indeed, it is not an act of loyalty to neglect the lives of our great Ima`ms.

That is because the living nations have immortalized their great men , praised them , and showed their scientific works. That is because these nations want to enliven their own originality and their noble values. Al-‘Aqqa`d said : “The European scholars have praised their great figures and studied the sides of their glory. Rather fanaticism sometimes motivated them to increase the sides of this greatness. They have created imaginations to justify the defect and to repair the shortcoming. That is because of the enthusiasm for the self and the excitement for seeking perfection. As for us , there are dams and fences between us and our great men. They have prevented our young men from making use of them.”

Among the Imam's works was that he freed the Arab Islamic criticism from the foreign domination. He made it independent from the Romanian Empire.

Patience was among the personal qualities of the pure Imams from the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. Indeed they were patient through the hardships of time and the misfortunes of the days. They bore the misfortunes which the creatures were unable to bear. At the plateau of Karbala', Imam Husayn, peace be on him, received the exhausting misfortunes, saying: “O Lord, I am patient towards Your decree. There is no god but You. “Imam al-Baqir, like his grandfathers, was patient towards the hardships and the misfortunes, of which are the following:

1. (The people of) authority disparaged his pure grandfathers. They cursed them openly on the pulpits and through the minarets (of the mosques). He , peace be on him, listened to that. However, he was unable to say even a word. He restrained his anger. He entrusted the affair to Allah to judge among his servants with the truth.

2. Among the hard misfortunes which the Imam endured was the headmen from the hirelings of the Umayyad authority who tortured severely and killed the followers of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. However, the Imam was unable to say even a word. That is because (the Umayyad) authority kept an intense eye on him. They surrounded him with their secret agents. They did not respond to any request from him concerning the affair of his followers.

3. Concerning the Imam's great patience, the historians reported that while he was sitting with his companions, he heard a loud cry from his house. One of his servants hurried to him and told him secretly (about the accident). However, the Imam, peace be on him, said to the servant: “Praise belongs to Allah for what he has given and praise belongs to Him for what he has taken. Prevent them from weeping. Prepare him for burial. Ask her to be calm and tell her: ‘No harm will hit you. You are free for Allah because of the fear that has controlled you. '

“Then the Imam went back to his conversation. The people were unable to ask him (about the accident). Then his servant came to him and said to him: We have prepared him for burial. ' Thus, the Imam ordered his companions to pray over his son and to bury him. He told his companions concerning his son and said to them: ‘ He fell off a slave-girl who was carrying him and died.’” States change and civilizations perish while these ‘Alid morals are immortal, for they represent the honor of humanity and its noble values.

4. The historians said: “The Imam had a son. The son became ill. Thus, the Imam feared for his safety, for he loved him very much. Then the son died. So, the patience of the Imam became calm. Thus, it was said to him:‘We fear for your safety, son of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family.’ However, the Imam answered with calmness and satisfaction with the decree of Allah, saying: ‘Indeed we pray to Allah in what He loves. If what we hate occurs, we do not oppose Allah in what He loves.’”

Surely, the Imam habituated himself to patience. He faced the misfortunes of the world and the disasters of time with strong will and firm belief. He endured the misfortunes without boredom, for he was desirous of the reward of Allah.

more at http://www.maaref-foundation.com/english/index.htm

  • 2 years later...

Shiism in the View of Imam Al-Baqir (a.s.)

The Attributes of the Shiite person

(|By Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadl-Allāh)

In Islam, Shiism is not something separated from Islam, but it represents Islam in all its morals and human feelings of responsibility toward others.

Imam Al-Baqir was told by a man called Abu Ismail: We have a lot of Shiites. The Imam asked him: Do the rich give the poor, and does the offended forgives the offender and do they visit one another to offer condolences?”

When the man said that they do not, the Imam said: “Those are not Shiites”. That is because the Shiite person is the one who abides by the Islamic morals in the social relationships, thus he helps the poor, forgives the offender, and consoles his brother by himself and by his money, and the one who does not do so, he will be deviate from the path of Islam that is the path of Shiism…

Imam Al-Baqir (a.s.) sent with Khaithama Bin Abd El-Rahman Al-Jaa'fi, one of his companions a letter to his Shiia followers and to all Muslims. He says in the letter: "Convey my greetings to our followers and advise them - it is an advice for us also because we are among his followers and we adhere to their Imamate -

“…And advise them to fear Allah, the Magnificent, tell them that their rich should sympathize with the poor, and the strong should sympathize with the weak. They should attend the funerals of their dead and visit one another, for their meeting keeps our cause alive…, And that they cannot become among our followers except by piety, communication, unity, love, and remembrance of all the vital issues that gather all people. And their main concern is Islam in all its doctrines, rulings, values, and morals…

The Imam also said: "Kahithama. Tell our followers that nothing will save them when they meet Allah but their good deeds and verily, the most sorrowful person on the Day of Judgment is a man who praises justice but acts against it."

Thus, loyalty is neither a heartbeat nor a sensation, but it is to be loyal to Allah, obey Him, follow the Prophet (p.) and Ahlelbiet (a.s.), and adhere to their path in obeying Allah and loving him.

Al-Baqir (a.s.) clarifies to his Shiites that: "being loyal to us means abiding by the path of Allah and His Prophet (p.), and when you belong to us, the imamate in the path of Islam, this means that you talk to people about justice that this loyalty represents and about the right that it is based on. And if you violate these beliefs, you will be the most sorrowful people on the Day of Judgment because you will be talking to people about justice while acting against it and those who observed what you had said, entered Heaven, while you will go to Hell, because you did not abide by the justice that you had talked about.

Facing exaggeration

The Imam wanted to put the foundations of the intellectual basis and establish the detailed practical plans in the movement of values through the relationships of the society, so we realize how he used to be afraid on Shiism from exaggeration as a result of the unconscious love. He (a.s.) says: Oh followers of Ahl Al Beit! Be moderate so that both those who exaggerate and the ones who understate will follow you. When asked by a man of Al-Ansar about those who exaggerate are he answered: ‘They are those who attribute things to us which we do not have…” (In other words give us a higher position than God gave us), “Those people do not belong to us and we do not belong to them. By God; we have no guarantee of salvation… we have no special relation with God that obliges Him to save us. Our only way to draw nearer to God is through obedience. Therefore, only those of you who obey God will benefit from being our followers. Oh people! Do not be deceived. Do not be deceived

The meaning of Shiism

Shiism does not represent a personal belonging to Ali (a.s.) and his family (Ahlelbeit (a.s.)), but it represents the belonging to the path of the Prophet (P.) that they followed, worked and struggled for it. He also tells the people about how to be real Shiites. He says to Jabir bin Abdallah: “Is it enough for a person to embellish himself as our Shi'a (follower) by professing love for us, the Ahlelbeit? Nay! By Allah, a person is not our follower unless he fears Allah and obeys Him. Our followers are only recognized, O Jabir, by their humbleness, submission, honesty, abundant praise of Allah, fasting and prayers; goodness to their parents; attention to the poor, needy, debtors and orphans living nearby; speaking the truth; recitation of the Quran; holding their tongues except for good words; and trustworthiness towards relatives in all affairs”.

“…If a man says I love the Messenger but does not follow his teachings, his love will do him no good. Therefore be pious and know that has a special relationship with God. God loves those of you who are pious and obedient most. We have no power to save you from the fire! And God is not obliged under any circumstances to save you either. Whoever obeys God is one of our followers and whoever disobeys Him is one of our enemies. Being one of our followers cannot be attained other than thorough hard work and piety.”

O Jabir, without 'ita'ah' (obedience and submission), nobody can attain

proximity to Allah. We do not like them to claim to be our friends if

they do not fulfill all the conditions. A sinful person is our enemy. Without good deeds and abstinence from sins, any claim of friendship to us

is of no avail."

The sacrifice in Ali's (a.s.) loyalty

Al-Baqir (a.s.) clarifies the characteristics of the Shiia in another way. He says (a.s.): Ali’s Shiites are those who help, love and visit one another – those who visit one another and do not conspire to ruin people or deform a person's image, but to revive Allah's religion that the Prophet (p.) and the Imams (a.s.) (his household) have lived for the sake of reviving–, Those, who if they get angry, do not become unjust, - they stay well-balanced, and do not wrong the one whom they are angry with –, and those who when pleased, will not over spend, if they love, they do not exaggerate in their love and do not give the one whom they love more than what he deserves… But, unfortunately, we raise those whom we love, to the highest ranks, and put down those whom we dislike to the lowest ranks. For that reason, we should be the well-balanced people who give every one his right. So, we should not wrong anyone's right or raise any one more than he deserves –, those who would be a blessing to their neighbors and peaceful to those whom they deal with.

courtesy - sj (FB)


Hazrat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as) Said:

'If we were to take rule and our Mahdi would appear, each one of our followers will be more daring than a lion and sharper than the point of a spear. He will trample over our enemies and strike them with his hands, and this will happen with the coming of the mercy of Allah and His relief for His creation.' -

Ref: Bihar al-Anwar, v. 52, p. 318, no. 17.


Baqir ul Uloom Hazrat Imam Baqir son of Imam Zain ul Abideen (a.s) and father of Imam Jafar al Sadiq (a.s) Said:

"Indeed, when a man earns the wealth from haram (prohibited source) . No Hajj , No umra & No strengthening of his blood kinship is never at all accepted & approved. By Almighty God."

Ref: Biharul Anwaar Vol 75 Pg 375

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Imam Mohammad al-Baqer (as)

Imam said, "Our followers are of three kinds, one who follows us but depends on others, one who is like a glass involved in his own reflections, but the best are those who are like gold, the more they suffer the more they shine.

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