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Guest Crater Earth

I’m a science graduate, an ex pilot and a die hard Trekkie till I came across the crazy flat earthers. I looked into their many theories as not all are the same and I researched testimonies by other pilots and mariners that is very interesting. I was sold out to the flat Earthers but a few things didn’t fit the pieces of the puzzles till I came across the Crater Earth theory. This is the theory that flat Earthers and conspiracy theorists laugh at so there must be something going on here. I just like to know if there are many flat earthers here who would like to know more or those who are not totally convinced by the heliocentric theory of the world. 
I warn you that once you delve into this one it does make you question everything else. ws 

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I just like to know if there are many flat earthers here who would like to know more or those who are not totally convinced by the heliocentric theory of the world. 

It's not always clear as to who are the sincere whackjobs and who are the trolls. The circles in the venn diagram also overlap.

Guest Crater Earther
4 hours ago, Haji 2003 said:

It's not always clear as to who are the sincere whackjobs and who are the trolls. The circles in the venn diagram also overlap.

Are you aware of the crater earth theory? 
If the heliocentric theory is the thesis and the flat earth hypothesis is the antithesis then the crater earth hypothesis would be the synthesis. 
Unfortunately this theory is so new and out there you won’t find it on google or YouTube, but it makes lots of sense and puts some of the missing pieces of the puzzle together. 

Guest Crater Earther

In order to understand the true nature and creation of our world one must let go of their programming. The heliocentric model of the universe is one of the many theories that exist, this is the most flawed theory and yet it’s taught to all of us as a truth even the Shias base their world on this theory which is ironically based on a pagan sun god worship, ie we the earth makes tawaf around the sun god helio at 66,666 mph, another coincidental number just happens to fit other patterns. 
The antithesis use to be the geocentric model till that’s been replaced recently by the flat earth models and there’s many different hypotheses of the flat earth models. In the flat earth models they claim the earth is flat realm, bowl or crater  shaped, has a dome over it, there’s no space, it’s plasma which means it’s under water, so Jannat is under water. There’s no planets, the moon is a plasma phenomena, the sun is not a fiery ball of gas millions of miles away but is a focal point of either a black sun source or another plasma energy source. There also exists a hollow centre that lead to another realm an “upside down” version of our world. Some theories suggest there’s many of our worlds or biospheres beyond our known earth beyond the ice walls and Antarctica.
The crater earth theory suggests we are on a much bigger earth that’s round, thousands of times bigger than we’re told and our known earth is a crater, one of many on the bigger earth. The moon is a plasma phenomenon, it is a reflection of our bigger earth and all the craters you see are other biospheres. So mars is not a planet in space but rather another crater next to ours a million miles away which will explain why all the nasa and space x rockets go side says and not up. 
But this is the most interesting aspect that caught my attention. A  crater earth researcher claims our current world is only 1/3 of the world that existed before 900 years ago just when our Imam was hidden. 
Antartica use to make up more than half our world and the original Kaaba, Karbala and Jerusalem are located in Antartica. A cataclysmic event happened 900 years ago that put more then half our world under ice and water.

Is this the real reason Iran has recently announced an expedition and setting a base in Antarctica?

What’s the real reason Iran also has a space program if there’s no space? 

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Flat Earth theory is another one of those MKUltra mind control projects designed to test how far they can push bogus, non-scientific claims onto the sheeple.

On 1/14/2025 at 1:19 AM, Guest Crater Earth said:

I just like to know if there are many flat earthers here who would like to know more or those who are not totally convinced by the heliocentric theory of the world. 

Sorry to disappoint you.

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