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In the Name of God بسم الله

Different Salat methods

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Guest Chris

Salaam! I have been researching how to perform the prayers, and have noticed that guides/videos that are Shia differ in some ways. Is this a regional or cultural difference?

  • Advanced Member

I agree there seems to shia do differ in the prayers.

I'm Not talking about the holding of the hands.

I'm talking about wudu and whats said during the prayer.

I have never managed to find the right answer which makes me doubt about any prayer/wudu I've done and continue to do because of different versions.

Even in books guides lines, book from different countries have different ways

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Posted (edited)
On 1/14/2025 at 2:43 AM, Meedy said:

I have never managed to find the right answer which makes me doubt about any prayer/wudu I've done and continue to do because of different versions.

Salam you only need to follow instruction of your Marja in his Risalah which except obligatory sayings which is reciting Surah Hamd & Saying Tashahhud & Salam at end of prayer you can recite different dhikrs & supplications even in Ruku & Sajda so therefore if you follow instructions of your Marja so then your prayer/wudu have been right without any doubt. 

It is stated in narrations and hadiths that the closest a servant is to  Allah is when he is in prostration.[2] The narrator says that he heard Imam Reza ((عليه السلام).) say: The closest a servant is to Allah is when he is in prostration.[3] In view of this introduction, it should be said that any supplication can be recited in prostration.[4] Of course, there are also specific narrations about the remembrance of prostration, a few examples of which are mentioned here:


Finally, it is important to note that the Marjas have considered it makrooh to recite verses of the Quran while prostrating in prayer.



What is the ruling on reciting the special dhikr for bowing in prostration and vice versa?

Question 1. Is it permissible to recite the special dhikr for bowing in prostration and vice versa?

2. Is it possible to add the phrase"و عجل فرجهم" “and hasten their reappearance ” as a supplication in the tashahhud after the dhikr of salawat?

Brief answer

1. Regarding the dhikr for bowing and prostration, it should be said that any dhikr a person says in bowing and prostration is sufficient, and according to obligatory precaution[1], that dhikr should not be less than three times “Subhana Allah”"سبحان الله" in bowing and  one  "سبحان ربی العظیم و بحمده"  in prostration, or not lesser than one time “Subhan Rabi Al-A’zim wa bihamdihi” "سبحان ربی العظیم و بحمده"in bowing and one time “Subhan Rabi Al-A’la wa bihamdihi” «سبحان ربی الاعلی و بحمده»  in prostration.[2] Also, as an obligatory precaution, one should not say “Subhaan Rabbiyyah al-A’la wa bihamdihi”«سبحان ربی الاعلی و بحمده» in bowing, and likewise, one should not say “Subhaan Rabbiyyah al-A’zeem wa bihamdihi”"سبحان ربی العظیم و بحمده" in prostration.[3] Now, if someone inadvertently says the dhikr of bowing and prostration alternately, there is no problem, but if he says it alternately intentionally, if it is with the intention of making an absolute dhikr, there is still no problem, but if he says it alternately with the intention of making a specific dhikr, then according to obligatory precaution, it will not be sufficient for the dhikr of bowing or prostration.[4]

2. Regarding the second part of the question, it should also be said that there is no problem in making supplication during prayer;[5] therefore, there is no problem in adding the phrase “and hasten their reappearance ”«و عجّل فرجهم» as an absolute dhikr and supplication after the tashahhud.[6] However, it is better to say instead, “And accept his intercession and raise his rank” «وَ تَقَبَّلْ شَفاعَتَهُ وَ ارْفَعْ دَرَجَتَهُ»after the tashahhud, which is also recommended.[7]


Edited by Ashvazdanghe

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