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In the Name of God بسم الله

Transwoman marriage

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Dear All,

I am given to understand that Shia Muslim men are allowed to marry Transwomen (individuals who were born men but underwent surgery and hormones to become women). Please confirm if this is true and how can some one approach men who are interested in such women?

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Whether such marriage is permitted or not depends on which scholar the individuals follow.  Some Shia scholars permit gender reassignment surgery for people who are born with anatomy not matching their gender, and these scholars consider those people to be the post-surgical gender with all the rights and responsibilities thereof.

Finding a husband who is willing to marry a woman who was born with male anatomy is probably very difficult, perhaps even impossible depending on social and cultural norms in the societies of the would-be husband and in the place where the couple would live. It's probably impossible in conservative cultures, and incredibly difficult in less conservative cultures, but she should not give up.  She should be honest and patient, and what God wills will happen.  

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