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Arabic: العليئية 

English: Al-'Aliyiyyah or Aliyiyism or Aliyiy

refers to a Sufi order or tariqa within Zaydi Shia Islam. Aliyites are a Sufi group that have an emphasis on each individual studying to become like their own scholar, with an emphasis on acting on one's own ijtihad, interpreting Quran and Hadiths, and not blindly following religious beliefs. Because of this, the Aliyites are not organized and they don't have a central authority or single scholar or Imam that unifies their community, and internal differences are abound. 

The Aliyites have a range of different beliefs and interpretations. They believe there can be more than one Imam at one time, for different locations and different people groups who speak different languages. The job of an Imam is to help people stay guided and teach them how not to make ijtihad and to prevent misinterpretation and abuse of religious beliefs and systems, as well as to be the rope of Allah, a spiritual guide. 

Similar to the Alevis of Turkiye, the Aliyites don't force anyone to practice Islam or do things like wearing hijab, claiming that everything is a choice, Allah gave all human beings free will, and these matters are between a Muslim and God and are personal, and so judgement isn't passed for women who don't wear hijab or people who get tattoos, etc., although following the Quran and Hadith and imams is encouraged and highly beneficial in the Aliyite tradition. 

Nobody knows for sure how old the Aliyite movement actually is or how many followers it has, due to its secretive and underground nature, but one narrative claims that the Aliyite faith developed when Yemeni Zaydi Shiites and Yemeni Sufis from the Sunni Hanafi Madhab, traveled to the Sokoto Caliphate, a Sunni Islamic Country in West Africa, while traveling the global trade routes, and ended up being embedded in a group of Muslims who believes the Orishas were prophets and imams whose message had been distorted, and who had been deified when they were merely servants of Allah, and not deities. These Muslims who believe in the orishas were considered heretics, and often fought with leaders and the government of the Sokoto Caliphate. Even though the Aliyites don't worship the Orishas, they have some heretical beliefs, including a belief that Imam Ali is a continuation of the life of Jesus Christ, and that Imam Ali also was the same person as Orisha Ogun, the Orisha of Iron and War. Imam Ali/Orisha Ogun is seen as a figurehead or the face of Aliyite Islam. The Aliyites also believe Orisha Obatala (whom they called Imam ObatAllah) was Jesus Christ too. 

  • Advanced Member

Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I always thought Alawies were an offspring of Shia Islam that became kafirs due to the fact that they assumed Imam Ali (عليه السلام) was actually God (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), the same way the Christians believed Christ to be God (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) (astakfurAllah)

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6 hours ago, Abbas0 said:

Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I always thought Alawies were an offspring of Shia Islam that became kafirs due to the fact that they assumed Imam Ali (عليه السلام) was actually God (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), the same way the Christians believed Christ to be God (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) (astakfurAllah)

Salam it' not true about all Alawies which only Nusairiya branch has been a Ghali (exageraator) branch which enemies of Shias have misused false belief Nusairiya branch in order of accusing all Alawies into being Kafirs & Ghulat-plural of Ghali (exageraators).

What is Ghuluw?

Seyyid Mohsen Rizvi


the meaning and definition of the word “Ghuluw” as explained by our scholars, followed by relevant traditions of the infallibles (عليه السلام). The word “Ghuluw” (غُلُوّ) means to exceed reasonable bounds, or to exaggerate, or to overstate. The one who does Ghuluw is known as “Ghali” (غالِي), and those who do Ghuluw as an organized group or a sect is known as “Ghulaat” (غلاة‎) - Plural. These terms have become common these days as opposed to twenty years ago where we were totally oblivious to such terminologies. In Shia theology, the term “Ghuluw” (غُلُوّ) categorically means, to exceed the limits in ascribing ideas or divine attributes to certain personalities of Islam that can only be ascribed to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى).






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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, realizm said:


Never heard of that group. So they live in Yemen but they incorporate West African figures in their creed ?  


Salam it's a clickbait by so called Sultanate of Qarsherskiy which is infamous for creating a fake Sultanate on Internet so therefore this information has no credibility also has no value which fans of fake Sultanate of Qarsherskiy spread such misinformation for ascending it's position  in search results on Internet. 

Edited by Ashvazdanghe
Guest Ibn Husayn

Salam alaikum, to the moderators of this website, this sect doesn't exist, it is a bunch of children trolling. Please delete this post and ban them from the site.

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20 hours ago, Ashvazdanghe said:

Salam it's a clickbait by so called Sultanate of Qarsherskiy which is infamous for creating a fake Sultanate on Internet so therefore this information has no credibility also has no value which fans of fake Sultanate of Qarsherskiy spread such misinformation for ascending it's position  in search results on Internet. 


Oh this famous Sultanate :grin:  I remember falling for it a few years ago they had publicized it here. 

Did they mobilize people to move in their caliphate after all their campaigns ? Or is it just a prank ? 

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I have no affiliation to any such "micronations". I know those guys. They're an extreme minority among my people. Most of us aren't separatists and don't want involvement with them. I used to work with them a year or two ago when they first began to make Zaydi Shia Islam their "state religion" of their "micronation." I couldn't stand them so I disassociated from them and broke ties with them. They wanted to give more power to Manichaens than they would to Ismailis. They'd rather have kufr than other Shiites besides Zaydi and Jafari. It's disgraceful. 

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Guys, don't reply to this or give this person any attention. They're using Shia Islam to try to push their agenda. The vast majority of Ethnic Qarsherskiyan people, and I mean practically all of them, have no knowledge of this so-called "Sultanate" and will won't nothing to do with this fringe separatist movement that has cult-like behavior and would rather work with Manichaens than Ismaili Shia. They consider anyone who isn't a Zaydi or Jafari Shia to be not a Shia and they takfir all Ismailis, Nizari or not. 

  • Basic Members
On 12/24/2024 at 1:32 AM, realizm said:


Oh this famous Sultanate :grin:  I remember falling for it a few years ago they had publicized it here. 

Did they mobilize people to move in their caliphate after all their campaigns ? Or is it just a prank ? 

Unfortunately, they're serious. But they're a silly bunch and not knowledgeable and have no knowledge scholars and they embellish all their stories of their "battles." They want attention and they have hijacked the image of the actual Qarsherskiyan people. Just ignore that user and don't even reply once. They're seeking attention and want to appear in search queries. Nobody reply to this anymore. I only did to warn you all and stop this conversation. The less replies it gets, the less attention they'll get and the less they show up in Google search results. 

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member
On 12/18/2024 at 4:41 PM, Ashvazdanghe said:

Salam it' not true about all Alawies which only Nusairiya branch has been a Ghali (exageraator) branch which enemies of Shias have misused false belief Nusairiya branch in order of accusing all Alawies into being Kafirs & Ghulat-plural of Ghali (exageraators).

Nusayriyya are not ghulat.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Basic Members
On 12/23/2024 at 4:32 AM, Ashvazdanghe said:

Salam it's a clickbait by so called Sultanate of Qarsherskiy which is infamous for creating a fake Sultanate on Internet so therefore this information has no credibility also has no value which fans of fake Sultanate of Qarsherskiy spread such misinformation for ascending it's position  in search results on Internet. 

That was a group of kids in my area that made a micronation. A micronation is basically when someone claims the property they own is an independent country, declaring independence. Some of them are jokes or for fun, others are political statements or tax evasion schemes. Many are meant as genuine separatist movements. For better context, I recommend watching some videos online of the Republic Of Molossia and the Principality Of Sealand as some famous examples. In the case of ISoQ, they're a group of mostly teenagers and young adults and they wanted to create a tiny theocratic state where American Muslims and over persecuted religious minorities could live under religious laws instead of the US constitution, kind of like how the Vatican is an independent country within Italy that's governed by Catholic Christianity. Almost nobody takes them seriously, and only around 1% of Qarsherskiyan people are separatists, and not even all separatists support their ideas. It's mostly just online proposals of Shia Islamic states and stuff, and they are trolled online often for it and harshly criticized by Evangelical Christians and White Nationalists in USA. I've never met them in person, but they upset me because they tried to hijack Zaydi Shia Islam in the West. One of them controlled the r/Zaydiya subreddit on reddit but they left the separatist movement over a year ago and have been working to combat the so-called "Islamic sultanate" now. Many local Qarsherskiyan folks are made these folks tried to speak on behalf of all of us and hijack English language media about Zaydi Shia Islam. Luckily, they lost their control over r/Zaydiya when the moderator of that sub left the sultanate movement thing. Many people left and it's become a joke now. Since June 2024, it basically doesn't even exist anymore. 

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