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Kurds vs FSA/Turks - Battle of Qarqisiya in the making?

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Posted (edited)

There's also a hadith that states that the White Death emanates from the Red Death...the two 'deaths' are connected or related to one another...the 'White' issues from the 'Red'...they're not separate or unrelated events...the one is a direct result of the other...White Death is a result or consequence of the Red Death...this is why I believe the White Death is attempting to describe radiation poisoning...a related or direct consequence of nuclear fallout...radiation can be viewed as a type of plague, sickness, condition, poisoning etc....I haven't seen any ahadith that corresponds to Covid-19 in any way...nothing about a worldwide quarantine or the entire world wearing medical masks...if you've come across such narrations please being them to my attention because I've looking for them

Edited by Eddie Mecca
Guest Abdallah
8 hours ago, Eddie Mecca said:

There's also a hadith that states that the White Death emanates from the Red Death...the two 'deaths' are connected or related to one another...the 'White' issues from the 'Red'...they're not separate or unrelated events...the one is a direct result of the other...White Death is a result or consequence of the Red Death...this is why I believe the White Death is attempting to describe radiation poisoning...a related or direct consequence of nuclear fallout...radiation can be viewed as a type of plague, sickness, condition, poisoning etc....I haven't seen any ahadith that corresponds to Covid-19 in any way...nothing about a worldwide quarantine or the entire world wearing medical masks...if you've come across such narrations please being them to my attention because I've looking for them

Modern Hydrogen bombs don't drop much fallout, they're not like your traditional nukes.


With modern nukes you have to worry about the destruction, not really the fallout. 

  • Advanced Member
9 hours ago, Eddie Mecca said:

There's also a hadith that states that the White Death emanates from the Red Death...the two 'deaths' are connected or related to one another...the 'White' issues from the 'Red'...they're not separate or unrelated events...the one is a direct result of the other...White Death is a result or consequence of the Red Death...this is why I believe the White Death is attempting to describe radiation poisoning...a related or direct consequence of nuclear fallout...radiation can be viewed as a type of plague, sickness, condition, poisoning etc....I haven't seen any ahadith that corresponds to Covid-19 in any way...nothing about a worldwide quarantine or the entire world wearing medical masks...if you've come across such narrations please being them to my attention because I've looking for them

It could also be what we’re seeing happening in Palestine already. As after the brutal crackdown and killings of so many innocent people there, now emerges the issue of the diseases and sicknesses happening.. especially now that they are going into winter over there, while living in tents and so close to the water. I feel bad for them! 

  • Veteran Member
11 hours ago, Eddie Mecca said:

My studies have lead me to a similar conclusion...Mahdi makes a glimpse appearance prior to Malhama...after Malhama our Roman ally (i.e. Russia) becomes the new world power for an appointed term and we remain loyal and patient with them...after an extended Russian rule then Imam Mahdi rises and calls all nations to Islam and begins his government...a scuffle happens between the Russian leader or a Russian general who claims victory due to the efforts made by Christianity or the cross...a Muslim commander (perhaps from Chechnya or Dagestan under the Russian federation?) proposes that the military success was due to Islam or the crescent and this triggers a friction between the two allies

My undertanding is similar but differs on certain details.

I personally think the orthodox christians (so Russia too) will for the majority become Muslims under the guidance of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) and Isa (عليه السلام).

So who will break the truce? 

The Catholics and Zionist Jews.

The joint enemy they will fight could possibily be a non-Abrahamic foe (athiest, hindu, other?)

But even then, I believe the clash might be partially related to Jerusalem and the Jewish 3rd temple too. There is a possibility that Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) and Isa (عليه السلام) will allow the Jews to rebuild the 3rd temple as 1 of the conditions for the truce (this also fullfills jewish prophecy about Moshiach) but even after fulfillment of this prophecy most Jews will continue awaiting the Dajjal, and continue their fitna on earth leading to the collapse of the truce (referred to as abolition of desolation in christian text). Of course when looking at Christian text, always be aware that it has been modified over the decades to paint Imam Mahdi and Isa as bad, and paint Dajjal as the real jesus.

  • Advanced Member
3 hours ago, RiseOrDie said:

The Catholics and Zionist Jews

But why Catholics and not Protestants? 

  • Veteran Member
1 hour ago, Diaz said:

But why Catholics and not Protestants? 

Them too especially evangelical protestants, Catholics and protestants (especially in the west) will resist the Imam. But I should have said Zionist Christians. There's a lot of them now, more than there was a decade ago, and even more since Oct 7th. 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

I visited an online Salafi community platform a while back...and some of the contributors were attempting to make the case that Al Sufyani will be a righteous figure

Edited by Eddie Mecca
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
On 12/18/2024 at 2:27 PM, RiseOrDie said:

I personally think the orthodox christians (so Russia too) will for the majority become Muslims under the guidance of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) and Isa (عليه السلام).

Mahdi (peace be upon him) enters Europe through Armenia...the lead priest representing the Armenian village asks al-Qa'im whether or not he's the promised Islamic figure cited in Muslim escatological narrations and al-Qa'im answers in the affirmative...(NOTE: this presupposes that the Armenian Orthodox bishop is a student or a scholar specialized in the field of comparative religion)...and he readily embraces Islam...but unfortunately his people won't and put up major resistance against al-Qa'im...al-Qa'im (peace be upon him) is forced to slaughter 500,000 Armenian males...also, Serbs hate Islam with a passion 

Edited by Eddie Mecca
  • Advanced Member
1 hour ago, Eddie Mecca said:

I visited an online Salafi community platform a while back...and some of the contributors were attempting to make the case that Al Sufyani will be a righteous figure

I heard about something like this recently too. Supposedly there was a Salafi scholar back when the civil war started who was saying this. 

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Eddie Mecca said:


Armenia is in Asia Minor and bordering the mountains of Ararat and the Caucasus, as well as Iran, Turkey, and the Euphrates River. It once had an independent government and after the downfall of the Byzantine Empire this land was divided among Iran, Russia and the Ottoman Empire. See I‘lam al-Munjid, p. 25.



Regarding the conquest of Armenia48 at the hand of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف), the same Imam (‘a) said: “Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) will continue in his advance till he arrives in Armenia. When the people of that land see him, they will send one of their erudite priests to negotiate with him (‘عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف).

The priest will ask the Imam (‘عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف): ‘Are you the Mahdi?’ The Imam will reply: ‘Yes, I am; the one whose name has been mentioned in the Evangel (Gospel) and the glad tidings of my advent at the end of time has been given.’ He will pose some questions and the Imam will answer (each of them satisfactorily).

“The Christian priest will embrace Islam but the people in Armenia will be defiant and disobey.

Thereafter, the soldiers of the Imam will enter the city and exterminate five hundred thousand men from the Christian forces.


By His infinite power, God will suspend their city between heaven and earth so much so that the king and those around him who will be stationed outside the city will see the city being suspended there.

“Out of fear, the king of Armenia will flee and will also order those around him to seek refuge in a certain sanctuary. Along the way, a lion will pass close to them and being terrified, they will throw away and abandon the weapons and possessions at their disposal. The soldiers of the Imam who will be pursuing them will take the properties and divide them among themselves such that each one of them will receive one hundred thousand dinars.”49

49.Ash-Shi‘ah wa’r-Raj‘ah, vol. 1, p. 162.

https://al-islam.org/overview-mahdis-عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف-government-najmuddin-tabasi/wars-imam-al-mahdi-afs

Birthday anniv. of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) marked in Yerevan

Yerevan (IP) - The Birthday anniversary of Imam Mahdi, the 12th Imam of Shia Muslims (عليه السلام) was celebrated in the Blue Mosque of Yerevan with the presence of the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia.

Iran PressAsia: According to Iran Press, the female students of Martyr Hossein Fahmideh School in Yerevan beautifully performed the “Salute, Commander” anthem during the celebration of the Birthday anniversary of Imam Mahdi(عليه السلام) in Blue Mosque of Yerevan.



Edited by Ashvazdanghe
Guest Qamar
8 hours ago, Eddie Mecca said:

Mahdi (peace be upon him) enters Europe through Armenia...the lead priest representing the Armenian village asks al-Qa'im whether or not he's the promised Islamic figure cited in Muslim escatological narrations and al-Qa'im answers in the affirmative...(NOTE: this presupposes that the Armenian Orthodox bishop is a student or a scholar specialized in the field of comparative religion)...and he readily embraces Islam...but unfortunately his people won't and put up major resistance against al-Qa'im...al-Qa'im (peace be upon him) is forced to slaughter 500,000 Armenian males...also, Serbs hate Islam with a passion 

Source please and thank you.

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  • Advanced Member
16 hours ago, Guest Qamar said:

Source please and thank you.

Brother @Ashvazdanghe beat me to the punch

  • Basic Members

No one talking about the fact that this the FIRST  year EVER that we will have a eclipse in the middle of ramadan and at the end of ramadan and being in an odd year? Also Ashura 2025 is on a saturday? So 3 hadiths also coming soon In Sha Allah!  Signs leading to Imam Mahdi ((عليه السلام)) arrival? Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) knows best!


Hadiths all from kitab al-ghayba:
H 460 - Fadhl has narrated from Ibn Mahbub from Ali bin Abi Hamza from Abu Basir from Imam Ja'far Sadiq s that he said: The Qaim will not reappear, except in an odd year, like 9, 3, 5 and 1.


-Kitãb al-Ghayba Book 1, Chapter #51


H 459 - It is narrated from Fadhl from Muhammad bin Ali from Muhammad bin Sinan from Hayy bin Marwan from Ali bin Mahziyar from Imam Muhammad Baqir sEx that he said:

"As if I can see the Qaim & on the day of Ashura, on Saturday standing between the Rukn and Maqam and Jibraeel is announcing before him: Allegiance is for Allah. Then he would fill the earth with justice and equity, like it would have been fraught with injustice and oppression."

-Kitãb al-Ghayba Book 1, Chapter #51

(45) Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Sa'eed narrated from Ali bin al-Hasan at-Taymali from Ahmad and Muhammad, the sons of al-Hasan, from their father from Tha'laba bin Maymoon that Badr bin al-Khaleel al-Asadi had said:"Once I was with Abu Ja'far al-Baqir * and he said that two signs would appear before the appearance of al-Qa'im that had never appeared since Allah had sent Adam down to the earth. He said that the sun would be eclipsed in the middle of Ramadan and the moon would be eclipsed in the end of Ramadan. A man said: "O son of the messenger of Allah, it is the moon that will be eclipsed in the middle of Ramadan and the sun will be eclipsed in the end of it." Abu Ja'far al-Baqir t said: "I do know what I say. They are two signs that have never occurred since Adam Sul has descended to the earth."

-Kitãb al-Ghayba Book 2, Chapter #14



  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
On 12/18/2024 at 10:10 AM, Guest Abdallah said:

Modern Hydrogen bombs don't drop much fallout, they're not like your traditional nukes.

True, but we're talking about a lot of bombs being dropped here...enough to kill off a third of the planet...also, there are ahadīth about Allah releasing a trapped worm or germ from the Earth and it effecting numerous people in a negative manner...many End Times ahadīth seem to indicate or hint toward an advanced stage of global warming...for example, thunder and lighting will become far more frequent...so much so that a common phase among the people of that time will be "hey, who got hit (i.e. struck) today?" (paraphrasing)...earthquakes will become more common and more prevalent...narrations mention abundence of rain but the Earth not yielding forth the fruits thereof...why?...go read about what's happening to topsoil and the commercial farming methods of Monsanto (i.e. Bayer)...also, narrations talk about volcanoes vomiting (i.e. erupting) and an increased rate in number of sinkholes around the world...I believe it's the Sufyani's army that will be swallowed up whole by a giant sinkhole when he attempts to battle al-Qa'im (a) and many observers will consider it to be a miracle...the "worm" or "germ" mentioned earlier, could be refering to zombie viruses that have remained dormant since the last ice age...many scientists are worried about pandemics suddenly emerging from the permafrost of locations such as: Antarctica, Siberia, North Pole etc. and possibly wreaking havoc on humanity...these viruses haven't been seen for 12,000 years (some have remained lodged in the ice for hundreds of thousands of years...one recently observed, isolated, live, virus sample was 48,500 years old) and we have no idea how our immune systems will react or respond...maybe the white plague could be a blend or combination of radiation poisoning and never before seen microorganisms emerging from newly thawed areas of the planet 

Edited by Eddie Mecca
  • Veteran Member
On 1/8/2025 at 12:21 AM, AhmedShammari said:

No one talking about the fact that this the FIRST  year EVER that we will have a eclipse in the middle of ramadan and at the end of ramadan and being in an odd year? Also Ashura 2025 is on a saturday? So 3 hadiths also coming soon In Sha Allah!  Signs leading to Imam Mahdi ((عليه السلام)) arrival? Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) knows best!


Hadiths all from kitab al-ghayba:
H 460 - Fadhl has narrated from Ibn Mahbub from Ali bin Abi Hamza from Abu Basir from Imam Ja'far Sadiq s that he said: The Qaim will not reappear, except in an odd year, like 9, 3, 5 and 1.


-Kitãb al-Ghayba Book 1, Chapter #51


H 459 - It is narrated from Fadhl from Muhammad bin Ali from Muhammad bin Sinan from Hayy bin Marwan from Ali bin Mahziyar from Imam Muhammad Baqir sEx that he said:

"As if I can see the Qaim & on the day of Ashura, on Saturday standing between the Rukn and Maqam and Jibraeel is announcing before him: Allegiance is for Allah. Then he would fill the earth with justice and equity, like it would have been fraught with injustice and oppression."

-Kitãb al-Ghayba Book 1, Chapter #51

(45) Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Sa'eed narrated from Ali bin al-Hasan at-Taymali from Ahmad and Muhammad, the sons of al-Hasan, from their father from Tha'laba bin Maymoon that Badr bin al-Khaleel al-Asadi had said:"Once I was with Abu Ja'far al-Baqir * and he said that two signs would appear before the appearance of al-Qa'im that had never appeared since Allah had sent Adam down to the earth. He said that the sun would be eclipsed in the middle of Ramadan and the moon would be eclipsed in the end of Ramadan. A man said: "O son of the messenger of Allah, it is the moon that will be eclipsed in the middle of Ramadan and the sun will be eclipsed in the end of it." Abu Ja'far al-Baqir t said: "I do know what I say. They are two signs that have never occurred since Adam Sul has descended to the earth."

-Kitãb al-Ghayba Book 2, Chapter #14



Where did you find that there will be 2 eclipses this Ramadan? 

Also as far as I know those eclipses are supposed to be extraordinary events and can't be anticipated.

And Ramadan 2025 is in an even year, 1446 hijri.

However Ashura 2025 will be in an odd year (1447), and imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) will start his mission in Ashura as you shared.

With that being said, some signs are missing:

- major war from Safar to Safar (possibly the same war that causes 2/3 of the world's population to perish from red death and white deaths)

- yellowish fire in the east that burns for 3 or 7 days

- earthquake in Al Sham that causes part of the Ummayed mosque to collapse.

  • Advanced Member
17 minutes ago, RiseOrDie said:

And Ramadan 2025 is in an even year, 1446 hijri.

However Ashura 2025 will be in an odd year (1447), and imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) will start his mission in Ashura as you shared.

With that being said, some signs are missing:

Salam these are minor signs which maybe will be happen or not which we can't conclude about signs anyway minor signs will make our hearts warm for expecting hastening reappearance inshaAllah.

  • Veteran Member

Wasalam bro

They're not minor signs at all, but they are not inevitable either.

The Sham earthquake for example is interlinked to the Sufyani as he will rise shortly after it occurs, anyway the Sufyani is inevitable but the earthquake might not be.

  • Advanced Member
On 1/17/2025 at 7:57 AM, RiseOrDie said:

They're not minor signs at all, but they are not inevitable either

Salam all sign except 5 major signs are minor signs which in similar fashion of The Sham earthquake all minor signs maybe will be happen or not based on Bada'.


Badāʾ (Arabic: بَداء) is a terminology in theology, meaning that God reveals to people something other than what they thought would happen. However, when bada' is used about people, it refers to their changing their decisions.



In Hadiths

In Shiite resources, there are many hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad (s) and Imams (a) that approve bada' and take belief in bada' to be a sort of worship for God and one of the highest forms of obeisance for God.[5]

Imam al-Sadiq (a) said, "None of the prophets became prophets until they admitted five characteristics for God: bada', providence, prostration (sujud), divinity, and His obedience."[6] In another hadith from Imam al-Sadiq (a), we read, "No bada' occurs for God except that it is already in His knowledge."

Moreover, the belief in bada' is greatly emphasized, so much so that it has been regarded as a sign of true faith in God.

According to a hadith, "God is not worshiped with any deed as He is worshiped with [the belief in] bada'."[7] Imam al-Sadiq (a) is also reported to have said, "If people knew what reward is reserved for the belief in bada', they would never get bored with discussing it."



In the Qur'an

In the Qur'an, there are several verses concerning the notion of bada' and its instances; for example, "Allah makes to pass away and establishes what he pleases" (Quran 13:39); in a commentary on this verse, Imam al-Sadiq (a) says: "is not it the case that Allah makes to pass away what is established, and establishes what has passed away?"[4]



Viewpoints Regarding the Occurrence of Bada' Within the Signs of Imam Mahdi's Reappearance

According to narrated traditions, the signs of Imam Mahdi's reappearance are divided into two categories: immutable signs and mutable signs. There exists a consensus amongst all scholars regarding the possibility of the occurrence of Bada' within the latter of these two categories i.e. the mutable signs of Imam Mahdi's reappearance.[5] However, conflicting opinions exist regarding the possibility of Bada' within the immutable signs of the Imam's reappearance. These opinions are as follows:

  1. Opinion One: Bada' is possible even within the immutable signs of Imam Mahdi's reappearance[6]
  2. Opinion Two: Bada' cannot occur within the immutable signs of Imam Mahdi's reappearance[7]
  3. Opinion Three: Bada' cannot occur with regards to the principled occurrence of the immutable signs of Imam Mahdi's reappearance, however it can take place with reference to the particular circumstances or conditions related to these events.[8]



Two Important Points

It should be noted that some scholars have not accepted the answers presented above. Nevertheless, from amongst the three opinions mentioned earlier, the third seems more logical and is also more compatible with the narrated traditions regarding the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a). Indeed, in almost all instances of these narrations, events such as the uprising of the Sufyani and the murder of Nafs al-Zakiyyah are considered to be immutable signs.[16]However, the particular details of these incidents as well as the peripheral circumstances surrounding them are not regarded as immutable, but are susceptible to change and Bada'. Therefore, Bada' does not take place with regards to the principled occurrence of events that are reported as the immutable signs of Imam Mahdi's reappearance. Nevertheless, it can occur with reference to certain particular details, peripheral characteristics and contextual circumstances related to these core incidents.[17]



But that the Shias adopts this theory with a great mastery, so as to obviate the contrast of words and adjust this thing without contradicting their own advocacies. The writer here dwells on the theory of Sadduq in the interpretation of creation. The writer has also quoted a narration (Hadith) from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as): “Whoever says that God does a new thing without pre knowledge; I seek distance from him. And he who says that God sometimes does not like His own performance; he has denied God.”

The writer has mentioned several other Hadiths, and narration quoted in the Quranic verses, which all prove that God’s knowledge is absolute and circles everything and circumferences all. The Shias have always held this belief. It is a false accusation that the Shias regard God as not being firm in His determinations. We exorcise this allegation


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Videos and pictures in the telegram link below.




SOHR: Turkish troops have entered northern Latakia countryside and have begun preparations for a military base in the region (photo)


They had reportedly entered through Kassab and paraded through the Turkmen Mountains region and have reached Blouran Dam which is 25km north-east of the city of Latakia


Footage from the Turkish Army inside Latakia governate, supposedly Qastal Maaf village

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