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Kurds vs FSA/Turks - Battle of Qarqisiya in the making?

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Israeli forces block road between Quneitra and Daraa in Syria: Monitor

the sufyani is supposedly supposed to rise from the cities/areas in and around the Syrian/Jordanian/Palestinian borders. Some say the town he’s supposed to come from is none other than Daara but who knows

Edited by Abbas0
  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

Netanyahu says Golan is part of Israel 'for eternity'

Netanyahu says occupied Syrian Golan Heights Israeli 'for eternity' | Al Mayadeen English

The story went from a 'buffer zone' to 'part of Israel for eternity' in a few days. 

Edited by Abu Hadi
  • Advanced Member
1 hour ago, Abbas0 said:

Israeli forces block road between Quneitra and Daraa in Syria: Monitor

the sufyani is supposedly supposed to rise from the cities/areas in and around the Syrian/Jordanian/Palestinian borders. Some say the town he’s supposed to come from is none other than Daara but who knows

So sufyani will come from daara or from daara?

  • Veteran Member

@Ashvazdanghe Thank you for noting this.

If we want to get into details about events before the Sufyani, and other events during his reign then there are many and it would require a thread of it's own due to the amount of information that has been compiled.

But for example we have 2 signs before the Sufyani (these are not inevitable), I can find the hadith for them later:

1/ Fire in the East (Khorasan/Azerbaijan) that burns for 3 or 7 days (some scholars suggested this could also occur during his reign)

2/ Earthquake in Al-Sham that causes the Ummayed mosque to collapse (scholars agree this occurs before the Sufyani)

There are many theories for these events that I heard from different scholars, and I have also compiled my own research. But it's mostly speculation.

One final point, According to hadith the Sufyani's total reign is 15 months, 6 months of which we will fight and once he controls the 5 districts of Al Sham, he will rule for 9 months.


  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

Israel airstrikes on Deir Ezzor (HTS controlled areas). Israel didn't bomb this sites when SDF/YPG took them, but they are now after YPG withdrew a few days ago under a deal with HTS


Edited by RiseOrDie
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Diaz said:

So sufyani will come from daara or from daara?

He’s supposed to rise from Daara so his movement begins there, and then he marches towards Damascus. But then there’s also Hadiths that say he only rises AFTER he conquers Aleppo (Haleb), Damascus, Hama/homs, Palestine area & Jordan area.


2 hours ago, RiseOrDie said:

@Ashvazdanghe Thank you for noting this.

If we want to get into details about events before the Sufyani, and other events during his reign then there are many and it would require a thread of it's own due to the amount of information that has been compiled.

But for example we have 2 signs before the Sufyani (these are not inevitable), I can find the hadith for them later:

1/ Fire in the East (Khorasan/Azerbaijan) that burns for 3 or 7 days (some scholars suggested this could also occur during his reign)

2/ Earthquake in Al-Sham that causes the Ummayed mosque to collapse (scholars agree this occurs before the Sufyani)

There are many theories for these events that I heard from different scholars, and I have also compiled my own research. But it's mostly speculation.

One final point, According to hadith the Sufyani's total reign is 15 months, 6 months of which we will fight and once he controls the 5 districts of Al Sham, he will rule for 9 months.


there’s also Hadiths that say that the sufyani rises at the same time as the one from Sanaa (Yemen). Then I’ve also seen a Hadith that says the sufyani rises after the shaysabani does in kufa/iraq who kills lots of Shias (which some scholars have concluded that the person the imams were speaking about was Saddam Hussein). 

Edited by Abbas0
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Imam Ali ((عليه السلام)) has spoken about the black flag that rises in Sham region, full of ppl that have long hair like woman, they will be the “people of the land” and will call people to the truth but are FAR from it. Their names will be “Abu” and then the name of cities/lands aka Abu Bagdadi or Abu Mohammed Al jolani. He stated that us Shias should stay still and not move around anywhere when we see these ppl. Then after we see them, they will dispute amongst themselves/split up in disagreement, then Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) will bring out the imam inshallah. Therefore one can conclude that these rebels in Syria are clearly the people the imam prophesied, and they’re already arguing and fighting amongst themselves. Now it’s only a matter of time before a very dark and gruesome rebel (aka the sufyani), rises and destroys them all to take control. There’s also another Hadith that says sham will be split into 3 banners after a long civil war, the 3 banners will be abqa, Ashab and the sufyani. The sufyani will eliminate both the abqa & the ashab after they weaken from being at war with each other for a long time. It’s almost like the sufyani is quite clearly these new rebels, as they came in and quickly took over Syria from both bashar, and the Kurds+turks.


again, only Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) knows the truth & the coming month is going to be a big one inshallah if Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) wills it! Keep an eye out for signs in January (rajab is this new January)

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

It would seem like the United States is hinting at intervening in Syria on a bigger scale. I really believe that Trump is going to send in ground troops & play a bigger role in Syria next month. They’re already hinting at the possibility of the Kurds losing their civil battle right now, and then the da3esh kafirs will be freed from the Kurdish prisons. Read this article 

The US has an interest in preventing the re-emergence of ISIL in Syria: US Senator

Edited by Abbas0
  • Advanced Member

For those that believe Trump could very well be the sufyani, I’ve come to realize that this is actually a very high possibility now. 

the term “sufyani” to many, refers to a tyrant ruler of sham who will fight against the 12th imam (a.j) and is supposed to be a descendant of Abu sufyan.

however, in MY OWN opinion, not all Hadiths mentioning the sufyani are about the ACTUAL descendant of Abu sufyan. Hear me out here. 

abu sufyan fought against the prophet ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).s) during the revelation or the Quran

his son Muawiya fought against imam Ali & Hassan during the interpretation of the Quran (meaning Muawiya was the sufyani of THAT time)

then his son yazeed fought imam Al Hussain ((عليه السلام)) so he was the sufyani of THAT time.


any person that stands against the Ahlulbayt, is technically a Sufyan-ee. As in, they’re a replica of Abu sufyan. So in my opinion, lots of the Hadiths that mention sufyani are simply referring to a TRYANT/REBEL who will be fighting against the 12th imam. Therefore it doesn’t necessarily mean that the person is going to be an Arab or even a descendant of Abu sufyan. But then there’s a high chance that there’s going to be actual descendants of Abu sufyan fighting against the imam of course (which are the current rebels in Syria). So brother RiseorDie has made a very interesting point, and the sufyani could quite literally be a bunch of diff people standing against the Shias and the imam (a.j) and/or an anti Shia movement!!

  • Advanced Member
13 hours ago, RiseOrDie said:


Here are the Ahadiths for the above:

Fire rising from the east (described as yellow like tumeric). Yellow fire is not the same as red or orange fire. Some scholars believe this will happen shortly before the Sufyani or during his reign.


عن الامام الباقر صلوات الله عليه أنه قال ( إذا رأيتم نارا من المشرق شبه الهردي العظيم تطلع ثلاثة أيام أو سبعة فتوقعوا فرج آل محمد (عليهم السلام) إن شاء الله عز وجل إن الله عزيز حكيم) (غيبة النعماني: ٢٦٠ ب١٤ ح١٣).
On the authority of Imam Al-Baqir, may God’s prayers be upon him, he said (If you see a fire from the East like the great yellow rising for three or seven days, then expect the relief of the family of Muhammad (peace be upon them), God willing, the Almighty, the Majestic, God is Almighty, the Wise) (Ghaybat Al-Nu’mani: 260 b14 h13).

رواية أخرى وردت على لسان الامام الصادق عليه السلام قال ( إذا رأيتم علامة في السماء نارا عظيمة من قبل المشرق تطلع ليالي، فعندها فرج الناس، وهي قدام القائم (عليه السلام) بقليل ) (غيبة النعماني: ٢٧٤ ب١٤ ح٣٧).
Another narration was narrated on the authority of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, who said: “If you see a sign in the sky, a great fire from the east rising at night, then at that time the relief of the people will come, and it will be shortly before the Qa’im, peace be upon him.” (Al-Ghaybah al-Nu’mani: 274, ch. 14, h. 37)

Yellow fire explained:

Al-Sham Earthquake


عن أبي جعفر الباقر ع أنه قال: قال أمير المؤمنين ع ( إذا اختلف الرمحان بالشام، لم تنجل إلا عن آية من آيات الله. قيل: وما هي يا أمير المؤمنين؟ قال: رجفة تكون بالشام، يهلك فيها أكثر من مائة ألف، يجعلها الله رحمة للمؤمنين وعذابا على الكافرين. فإذا كان ذلك، فانظروا إلى أصحاب البراذين الشهب المحذوفة، والرايات الصفر، تقبل من المغرب حتى تحل بالشام، وذلك عند الجزع الأكبر والموت الأحمر. فإذا كان ذلك، فانظروا خسف قرية من دمشق يقال لها حرستا. فإذا كان ذلك، خرج ابن آكلة الأكباد من الوادي اليابس، حتى يستوي على منبر دمشق. فإذا كان ذلك، فانتظروا خروج المهدي عليه السلام). معجم أحاديث الإمام المهدي ج3: ص 86 الحديث 631 (11 مصدر).

On the authority of Abu Ja`far al-Baqir (peace be upon him), that he said:
The Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) said : When the two spears clash in the Levant, it will not end except with a sign from the signs of Allah.
It was said: What is it, O Commander of the Faithful?
He said: An earthquake will occur in the Levant in which more than a hundred thousand will perish , which Allah will make a mercy for the believers and a torment for the unbelievers. When that happens, then look at the owners of the shooting stars and the yellow banners coming from the west until they reach the Levant , and that will be at the time of the greatest panic and the red death. When that happens, then look at the sinking of a village in Damascus called Harasta, and when that happens, the son of the liver-eater will emerge from the dry valley until he stands on the pulpit of Damascus . When that happens, then await the emergence of the Mahdi (peace be upon him) . Peace be upon you)
The hadith above is important, some of the events highlighted that occur before the Sufyani:
1. 2 spears clash in Al-Sham which will not end until a sign from Allah
what is the sign?
2. Earthquake in Al-Sham causing 100k+ casualities
When the above happens expect:
3. Arrival of a heavy carriers with shooting stars (missile carriers, tanks?) and yellow banners from the West until they reach Al-Sham
4. Those banners arrive during a time of great fear and the red death
When the above happens expect:
5. Sinking of a village in Damascus called Harasta
When the above happens expect:
6. Expect emergance of Sufyani from the dry valley
When the above happens expect:
7. Expect Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام)
As you can see, it appears like there is still some major events that need to happen first before the Sufyani, and it seems like many have not happened yet in my opinion.

Brother, the earthquake that happens in sham that kills more than 100k people.. that could have been what’s happening in Palestine already? Or maybe even what happened in Syria for the last 12-13 years? Who knows. But tbh what I think is gonna happen isn’t gonna be “obvious” enough for us to know that it’s the sign. Only the rise of the sufyani is going to be a bit more obvious. Who knows, maybe when the rebels reached Damascus the other day and stood in the masjdid could be the beginning of his rise. But yes, I think the village sinking of harasta and the battle of qarqesia have not happened yet. Look to be very soon though inshallah and inshallah we get to see the imam of our time, IN OUR TIME, if Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) wills it. 

  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

In some hadiths the Imams (عليه السلام) said before Imam Mahdi will be the red death and white, red death is killing (1/3 of population will die this way) and white death is a plague ( another 1/3 of population will die this way). So only 1/3 will remain. This occurs before Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام)

In the hadith about the earthquake above, the red death is mentioned. I'm not sure if it is referring to the same red death which kills 1/3 of world population before Imam Mahdi. Maybe it is only referring to Al-Sham in this case as the hadith solely focus on Al-Sham. If so then Al-Sham has suffered the red death, from Syria to Lebanon and Palestine (Gaza)

Edited by RiseOrDie
  • Advanced Member
2 hours ago, RiseOrDie said:

In some hadiths the Imams (عليه السلام) said before Imam Mahdi will be the red death and white, red death is killing (1/3 of population will die this way) and white death is a plague ( another 1/3 of population will die this way). So only 1/3 will remain. This occurs before Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام)

So almost 2.5 billion people should die from plague and other 2.5 billion should die from war. But brother maybe the white death is covid 19 and red death is the war that's happening in middle east and maybe Russia, don't you think? I think 5 billion people should be death for the reappearance of imam mahdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) is too much.

  • Advanced Member
3 minutes ago, Diaz said:

So almost 2.5 billion people should die from plague and other 2.5 billion should die from war. But brother maybe the white death is covid 19 and red death is the war that's happening in middle east and maybe Russia, don't you think? I think 5 billion people should be death for the reappearance of imam mahdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) is too much.

Keep in mind that 99% of the Hadiths are not going to happen 100%. Meaning not everything we read is going to happen. Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is always changing matters. There’s only 5 things confirmed to not change, and will 100% happen. 2 of those 5 things are both the risings of the sufyani AND the Yemani. But how it happens, no one knows for sure.

  • Advanced Member
41 minutes ago, Diaz said:

So almost 2.5 billion people should die from plague and other 2.5 billion should die from war. But brother maybe the white death is covid 19 and red death is the war that's happening in middle east and maybe Russia, don't you think? I think 5 billion people should be death for the reappearance of imam mahdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) is too much.

 I was thinking the same too, that with the covid 19/jab affects and health issues is a likely and also depends on other wars too. 

I remember reading soemthign about the earth being repopulated after many people dying but can't find the hadith. 


Here, check this out.



In another report Imam Sadiq predicted the following:

Before the Qa'im's rise two deaths will occur: one death red and the other white. These will kill five out of every seven persons. The red death will occur by means of killing and the white through epidemics21.
Zurarah b. A'yan, Imam Sadiq's close associate, on one occasion asked the Imam: "Is the call from heaven, [as predicted in the traditions about the Qa'im's rise,] a true thing?" The Imam replied: "I declare with solemnity that indeed that will occur just as all the peoples [having heard it] will repeat that [call] on their tongues." He then added: "The Qa'im will not rise until nine out of every ten persons is annihilated22."


  • 21.Ithbat al-hudat, Vol. 7, p. 401
  • 22.Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 52, p. 244








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Role of the Sufyani (Part 1) 12 minutes 15 seconds Sayed Hussain Makke Prepare for Imam Mahdi

  • Advanced Member

Role of the Sufyani (Part 2) 10 minutes 48 seconds Sayed Hussain Makke Prepare for Imam Mahdi

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The Sufyani Will Appear From Damascus In The Last Days 7 minutes 53 seconds The Light of Islam Streamed 7 days ago

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The Red Plague occurs in the Western lands and the White Plague occurs in the Eastern lands...I believe the Red Plague is all-out nuclear war between China, Russia v. NATO...not all of humanity will perish though...a certain percentage will survive and endure...White Plague is residual radiation poisoning in the Orient and certain parts of Africa and Latin America etc....this has been my belief since 2017...if someone can show me proof to the contrary then I'll change my opinion 

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Abbas0 said:

Keep in mind that 99% of the Hadiths are not going to happen

Salaam...this doesn't make sense...I believe it's the exact opposite...100% of the prophecies will occur...but the possibility of change is always there...in other words, humanity can change the unthinkable or the inevitable...but we won't due to laziness, complacency, stubbornness, ego etc....so we've sealed our own fates

Edited by Eddie Mecca
  • Advanced Member
On 12/15/2024 at 2:14 PM, Abbas0 said:

He’s supposed to rise from Daara so his movement begins there, and then he marches towards Damascus. But then there’s also Hadiths that say he only rises AFTER he conquers Aleppo (Haleb), Damascus, Hama/homs, Palestine area & Jordan area.


On 12/15/2024 at 11:36 AM, Diaz said:

So sufyani will come from daara or from daara?


Salam sufyani will come from Wadi al-Yabis which it's name has been changed into Wadi al-Rayan, which is near to Daraa (Dar'a/Dara'a) 

Wadi al-Yabis


Also called Wadi al-Rayan, is located to the north of Ajloun - Jordan and to the south west of the city of Irbid in northern Jordan. It is a valley with abundant water and is distinguished by its different terrain, from mountains to plains, bottoms and valleys, and the spread of water springs in this valley is a prominent and distinctive feature of it.


Ending the rains down from the heights of Rahaba and Rason and other areas. The valley finally pours into the Jordan River , after it passes through Sharhabeel bin Hasna, which is the land of the shrine of Sharhabeel bin Hasna, which was known by its name, in a spot 252 meters below sea level. The valley is estimated to run at an average of five million cubic meters.

Wadi Al-Yabis is considered a tourist destination, as there are many picturesque agricultural, water and archaeological areas in it, and the shrine of the companion Sharhabeel bin Hasna is a destination for religious tourism after the Hashemite ages of the shrines and shrines of the Companions in the Jordan Valley .

Wadi El-Rayan region is considered one of the most fertile and productive vital areas of agricultural crops such as vegetables, citrus fruits, bananas and palms, and it has been famous for that since time immemorial, as evidenced by the vast areas of agricultural land and palm plantations that took from these areas a vital center for the production of dates of all kinds.


Wadi Yabis means dry, waterless, and grassless desert. This name specifically refers to a land located in the Hauran region, near Azra'at (Dara'a) on the border of Syria and Jordan, and is also a rocky area from which millstones are made.(1) The name of this land is mentioned many times in narrations related to the events of the end times, especially the issue of the emergence of Sufyani.


In the manuscript of Ibn Hammad, Imam Kazim ((عليه السلام).) is quoted as saying: "Sufyani, one of the sons of Khalid, the son of Abu Sufyan, is a man with a large head and a smallpox face ( face of a smallpox patient), which a white spot visible in his eye. He sets out from the direction of Damascus, which is called the "Dry Valley", with seven people, one of whom is carrying a flag ready to wave."(3)

(3) manuscript of Ibn Hammad, p 75 , Quoted from Kurani, Ali, Asre Zuhoor عصرظهور(The Age of appearance)


Daraa’s second war: Drought and migration

On the banks of a lake, which has now become a mere memory, small boats have carried the memories of vacationers for many unknown years, while the waters have receded to the point of vanishing. By the summer of 2024, the area transformed into a dried land that a farmer planted with seedlings of peppers and tomatoes.


The eucalyptus trees, weary from thirst, reveal what has happened to Lake Muzayrib in the western countryside of Daraa, as if they encapsulate the story. The face of life has changed here in the land of springs, so what about the rest of the regions in the governorate? Many say that migration is “inevitable” with the dual crisis of drought and insecurity.

Lake Muzayrib before its drying in 2019 (left) and after its drying in 2024 (Exclusive for the investigation by Halim Muhammad)

Lake Muzayrib ( in the western countryside of Daraa,) before its drying in 2019 (left) and after its drying in 2024 (Exclusive for the investigation by Halim Muhammad)




Syria Escalates Crackdown as Tanks Go to Restive City

Across the country of more than 22 million, the government continued a campaign of mass arrests, protesters said. Security forces searched house to house in Azra, another restive town near Dara’a. Activists said security forces had also entered two towns on the capital’s outskirts — Douma and Maadamiah — detaining dozens of people.



On 12/15/2024 at 2:14 PM, Abbas0 said:

there’s also Hadiths that say that the sufyani rises at the same time as the one from Sanaa (Yemen).

Salam these are void (fabricated) Hadiths which surely He will attack to Arabian peninsula through Syria but his army won't reach to Mecca while he will be in Syria (Shaam) in similar fashion of cursed Yazid (la) so therefore his rise from Sanaa (Yemen) is void . 

  • Advanced Member
11 hours ago, Diaz said:

So almost 2.5 billion people should die

This is Malhama or Armageddon...all 6 major world religions mention it

  • Advanced Member
On 12/16/2024 at 12:03 AM, Abbas0 said:

For those that believe Trump could very well be the sufyani, I’ve come to realize that this is actually a very high possibility now. 

the term “sufyani” to many, refers to a tyrant ruler of sham who will fight against the 12th imam (a.j) and is supposed to be a descendant of Abu sufyan.

however, in MY OWN opinion, not all Hadiths mentioning the sufyani are about the ACTUAL descendant of Abu sufyan. Hear me out here. 

In the manuscript of Ibn Hammad, Imam Kazim ((عليه السلام).) is quoted as saying: "Sufyani, one of the sons of Khalid, the son of Abu Sufyan, is a man with a large head and a smallpox face ( face of a smallpox patient), which a white spot visible in his eye. He sets out from the direction of Damascus, which is called the "Dry Valley", with seven people, one of whom is carrying a flag ready to wave."(3)

(3) manuscript of Ibn Hammad, p 75 , Quoted from Kurani, Ali, Asre Zuhoor عصرظهور(The Age of appearance)


However Sufyani will be an agent of the West (Romans in classic texts) who he has been described with pale face due to worshipping in Muslim style for fooling people that he is a pious Muslim but he has a cross on his chest ie he will be a crypto Evangelist/Zionist who will be trained by them while he is from lineage of Abu Sufyan.

  • Advanced Member
5 hours ago, Eddie Mecca said:

This is Malhama or Armageddon...all 6 major world religions mention it

I will be grateful if you post any reference, can’t find anything in our books. 

  • Veteran Member
8 hours ago, Eddie Mecca said:

This is Malhama or Armageddon...all 6 major world religions mention it

Malhama aka Armageddon will occur in the 2nd half of Imam Mahdi's 7 years rule, and it will continue until the appearance and eventually death of the dajjal.

The 2/3 of world population perishing (due to red and white deaths) is supposed to occur before Imam Mahdi's rising according to hadiths.

So maybe WW3 followed by WW4?

Guest Abdallah


 Hezbollah Kurdistan announced its existence 


 The group known as Hezbollah Kurdistan (Sunni) announced its presence in various cities of the Kurdistan Region by publishing a video and officially announced its existence.





Its an old group, but they're making this new announcement, a pro iran sunni kurdish resistance group

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Abbas0 said:

Apparently, the states has been saying that a Turkish army ground invasion is imminent! I believe the beginning of the battle of Qarqiesia is happening right before our own eyes!!

It is imminent because Erdogan can not cancel his big mistake he did. He saw that Israel and Us wanted to independent Kurdistan as next step so they can finally focus on Iran and Turkey. So he chose fight kurds over Palestine issue. US and Israel will not be happy so they will fight Turkey and high possible to invade Turkey.

What Axis of recistance need to do next? Absolutely nothing. My concern are the Iraqi Kurds trying to drag Iraq in the mess, then we will be in the mess too. If Iraq persist not to help then they will probably unleash Isis in Irak.

We need to make absolute sure that whoever call us, do not response. Russia, Iran will not touch Syria right now.

Edited by Abu Nur
  • Advanced Member
13 hours ago, RiseOrDie said:

Malhama aka Armageddon will occur in the 2nd half of Imam Mahdi's 7 years rule, and it will continue until the appearance and eventually death of the dajjal.

The 2/3 of world population perishing (due to red and white deaths) is supposed to occur before Imam Mahdi's rising according to hadiths.

So maybe WW3 followed by WW4?

My studies have lead me to a similar conclusion...Mahdi makes a glimpse appearance prior to Malhama...after Malhama our Roman ally (i.e. Russia) becomes the new world power for an appointed term and we remain loyal and patient with them...after an extended Russian rule then Imam Mahdi rises and calls all nations to Islam and begins his government...a scuffle happens between the Russian leader or a Russian general who claims victory due to the efforts made by Christianity or the cross...a Muslim commander (perhaps from Chechnya or Dagestan under the Russian federation?) proposes that the military success was due to Islam or the crescent and this triggers a friction between the two allies

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