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Has the Axis of resistance failed

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17 hours ago, Abu_Zahra said:

Completely agree with @Abu Hadi, the Zionist narrative has taken a huge hit. They crossed all the red lines and history will remember them as a lawless, terrorist entity. 

People are starting to realize that supporting them is a waste of their tax money, and once this concern grows stronger the funds will start to dry up. 

1.) I agree with you agreeing with @Abu Hadi

2.) Second paragraph...um...eh...er...well, the majority of Americans know exactly what's expected of them when the cameras begin rolling...they know to hit all the right notes...plenty talk of democracy, freedom, free market economy, pursuit of happiness and all that...they know what higher-ups and Middle America expects them to say...and they know what outsiders/foreigners (especially inhabitants of the Third World) want to hear...it's a type of dialogue based on a social or nationalistic fakeness (i.e. tone policing, indignation etc.)...they're attempting to seek approval from their peers and trying to regain a confidence in themselves by projecting or presenting a fabricated version of their best selves on their best day...deep down the average American knows he's lost the reigns of control...the train has been derailed for decades now and he's essentially a hostage or captive on an undetermined joyride...funding to Israel will never be cut off because the American people insist on playing a dishonest game with themselves...they lost the honesty for introspective reflection...they lack the courage for a rebellion or revolt of any kind or sort...the federal government divides them along class, racial, religious and political affinity lines and they love and revel in it...AIPAC, Halliburton, Apple, Microsoft, BlackRock all hivemind...the American people can't come together and think collectively worth a damn...they realize they're up against insurmountable odds...unwinnable odds...so they preoccupy themselves with mindless pastimes like: drinking beer, smoking weed and watching the Super Bowl...better that than igniting a civil war against the most formidable army in the world...this is how the average American thinks...either consciously or subconsciously 

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Posted (edited)
On 12/10/2024 at 1:05 PM, AbdusSibtayn said:

And then Imran Khan institutionalized that hate with his pandering to the Deobandis for political quid pro quo. His uniform 'nisaab' bil for religious instruction in schools, appointing Deobandi mullas in schools, his looking the other way as the Shia got massacred in the Northwest, his shamelessness culminating in his degenerate behaviour after the Machh massacre. It all went from bad to worse. 

And when he fell into trouble, Fazlur Rahman and Taqi Usmani both deserted him. 

I don't understand how some Shia see him as a better option. May he live to suffer the consequences of his misdeeds. 

I look in his eyes and I see sincerity...I believe he's committed to either death/martyrdom or making extremely significant changes in Pakistan...the measure of a man can be determined by his actions, his mission statement and the quality of his enemies...Imran Khan has all the "right" enemies...his ideas are progressive...he's in favor of renewable energy...decades of charitable activities and events that have raised millions for the needy and destitute (e.g. he singlehandedly raised $25 million worldwide for Pakistan's first cancer hospital)...he's an opponent of US-led "war on terror"...he was a detractor of the Iraq War (2003)...he criticized the US drone campaign in Pakistan...he's a strong proponent of domestic anti-corruption reforms...before being overthrown he was building ties with Vladimir Putin (Russian Ambassador to Pakistan...Danila Ganich...stated that Khan's visit and friendly overtures to Moscow might have been one of the main factors contributing to his removal from power)...like Iran, he congratulated the new Taliban for ousting the Americans...like Tehran, he has a love-hate relationship with the Taliban...they (Pakistani Taliban) threatened to kill him in 2012...a few months later, they (Pakistani Taliban) offered him protection and unyielding commitment when he spoke out courageously against US targeting of Taliban leadership through drone strikes (note: similar to Israeli targeting of Hezbollah top commanders in Lebanon through bombing raids back in September)...in 2014, when the Pakistani Taliban announced "armed struggle" against Ismailis and denounced them as non-Muslims...Khan countered by releasing a statement describing "forced conversions as un-Islamic."...Khan's foreign policy staunchly aligns with Tehran's on major regional issues..."One of the more striking elements of Imran Khan's message on foreign policy is his overtly pro-Iran statements...it's been quite some time since a top Pakistani leader has expressed such sympathies to Iran."...he's trying to move Pakistan away from the Anglo-Saudi orbit..."Throughout Khan’s tenure since 2018, Pakistan’s relations with the United States, Europe and the Arab Sunni Gulf states were far from cordial. Instead, on some occasions, Islamabad’s bilateral ties with its traditional and time-tested allies reached the lowest depths."

Edited by Eddie Mecca
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On 12/23/2024 at 1:33 PM, mahmood8726 said:

Neither is there a will for another fighting to continue in Israel, as I stated above. This is besides the point and you missed an important point I mentionned, resistance is fueled by people realizing how evil Israel is, people who had doubts, will join the cause, ask most lebanese people now how they feel about the ceasefire and they're angry Israel is getting away with this, Israel for example destroyed 35% of naqoura before the ceasefire, whilst they destroyed 75% of the city in the last 3 weeks, lebanese people are realizing how useless the lebanese army or international law is at defending Lebanon. And I didn't mention anything about Gaza, I mentionned Lebanon specifically, hoshtein is even planning a visit it seems because the ceasefire is not holding too well, Israel has violated the ceasefire 280 times so far. Nonetheless, hezbollah 2 days ago said they will wait these 60 days and they don't want to give Israel a pretext to attack Lebanon in the remaining of these 60 days, they will focus on Lebanon in this next month.  


Remeber in 2006, media was not as present as today, the lebanese people as a whole are seeing israels serious violations. 

280 violations is not "some breaches", what Israel is doing is not minor, but again you could be right, after 2006, Israel violated the ceasefire like this by bombing lebanon badly, dahiyeh was 90% destroyed(worse than today) and when they felt good after violating the ceasefire with bombings, they stopped and they only violated another 30000 times with surveillance drones. 

The ones that were severely damaged, hezb did severely damage many bases, especially border ones with heavy burkan missiles, Israelis are saying this, not me. 

You litterally have hundreds of videos evidence of hezb destroying major parts of a base and killing personnel and you doubt they did anything when they weren't recording it. And you're using ww2 as an example too which is almost a century ago in 20 years. 

Hezb was using burkan 500kg warhead missiles on many of these bases, inflicting serious damage, especially on most of the border bases. 


And where did I mention "disable"? I dont remeber saying this. Is it because I said "lost" whilst trying to say they lost a lot of material in these bases? I'm going to be clearer here, I'm referring to the damage to the bases and their material losses which will complicate things for Israel, these bases could still be operational. If I said disable bases or entirely render bases useless, then I meant something else, the bases being out of service are probably a minority I am assuming. 

At this point I'm not even going to bother with this, you're making me repeat myself a lot and you're ignoring Israeli sources themselves by using examples from aomost half a century ago or some armchair millitary analysis(no offense meant) to go on to claim that Israel would just recover fast, when their own sources are claiming otherwise, because bases are supposed to take damage and remain operational. Then you're making me repeat myself on Syria for the 4th time now. 


You still missed my point entirely and decided to focus on millitary losses and started comparing a conventional army supplied by America to a guerilla fighting group as if this is supposed to be some reciprocal fight. This misses the entire point of guerilla warfare and how they slowly exhaust bigger armies than them despite suffering more losses than said conventional army. They're not supposed to do a shock n awe operation.

Please reread what I put above in my previous post, to understand the actual important point here. Objectives are what matter. Other people here have also put emphasis on this my friend. 

I don't believe we are getting anywhere with this discussion, so I will agree to disagree and we will wait until the ceasefire date passes and see what transpires after that. Time will give us the answer.

But just a question: can I ask which Israeli sources have said Israeli military bases will take years to recover, and that they have suffered the amount of damage you claim they have? I'm curious. I have tried to look for these sources but couldn't find anything.

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Posted (edited)
On 1/1/2025 at 9:02 PM, Ibn Tayyar said:

I don't believe we are getting anywhere with this discussion, so I will agree to disagree and we will wait until the ceasefire date passes and see what transpires after that. Time will give us the answer.

But just a question: can I ask which Israeli sources have said Israeli military bases will take years to recover, and that they have suffered the amount of damage you claim they have? I'm curious. I have tried to look for these sources but couldn't find anything.

I don't remeber exactly as it's been since November 26th, but probably channel 12, channel 13 or ynet? I honestly forgot and its probably gone by now through the internet as it wasn't even an article, it was one of these small quick updates you get from media outlets, that often get displayed on their website.


But I could search for others, I'm sure I'll find them:


I atleast found this article from June 1 2024, which basically says how badly hezbollahs burkan missiles have damaged Israeli bases:



This is another example of an article from November 2023 stating how serious these burkan missiles are at causing "considerable" damage to Israeli bases:



As for millitary bases taking years, as I don't have millitary expertise and I couldnt find anything about taking years to rebuild a base, I asked chatgpt(yes I know bad source), and it gave an intresting answer:


Is it possible, it will take years to rebuild a millitary base if it was considerably destroyed?


Yes, it could take years to rebuild a military base if it were considerably destroyed. The timeline depends on several factors, including:


Extent of Damage: Severe destruction, such as collapsed buildings, destroyed infrastructure, and damaged runways or ports, requires significant clearing and rebuilding efforts.


Size and Complexity: Military bases are often complex installations with runways, barracks, command centers, storage depots, and specialized facilities like airstrips, docks, or missile silos, which take time to rebuild.


Logistics and Supply Chain: Acquiring and transporting construction materials, heavy machinery, and workforce to the site—especially if it is in a remote or conflict-prone area—can delay reconstruction.


Funding and Budget Approval: Military budgets often require approval from governments, which can introduce delays due to bureaucratic processes.


Security Concerns: Rebuilding in an active conflict zone requires additional measures to secure the area, slowing construction.


Environmental and Engineering Challenges: Bases near coastlines, mountains, or deserts may face challenges such as clearing debris, stabilizing terrain, or dealing with contamination from explosives or hazardous materials.


Modernization Requirements: Instead of simply rebuilding, military planners often opt to modernize facilities, adding advanced systems, bunkers, and protective infrastructure, which can further prolong timelines.


Historical Examples:

Pearl Harbor (1941): After the attack, some repairs took months, but full restoration of the naval base required years of work.

Iraq and Afghanistan (2000s): Building and rebuilding bases in conflict zones took several years, even with modern resources.

In summary, rebuilding a considerably destroyed military base is a long-term effort that may take several years to a decade, depending on the complexity and challenges involved.

Edited by mahmood8726
  • Advanced Member
On 12/27/2024 at 2:02 PM, Eddie Mecca said:

I look in his eyes and I see sincerity...I believe he's committed to either death/martyrdom or making extremely significant changes in Pakistan...the measure of a man can be determined by his actions, his mission statement and the quality of his enemies...Imran Khan has all the "right" enemies...his ideas are progressive...he's in favor of renewable energy...decades of charitable activities and events that have raised millions for the needy and destitute (e.g. he singlehandedly raised $25 million worldwide for Pakistan's first cancer hospital)...he's an opponent of US-led "war on terror"...he was a detractor of the Iraq War (2003)...he criticized the US drone campaign in Pakistan...he's a strong proponent of domestic anti-corruption reforms...before being overthrown he was building ties with Vladimir Putin (Russian Ambassador to Pakistan...Danila Ganich...stated that Khan's visit and friendly overtures to Moscow might have been one of the main factors contributing to his removal from power)...like Iran, he congratulated the new Taliban for ousting the Americans...like Tehran, he has a love-hate relationship with the Taliban...they (Pakistani Taliban) threatened to kill him in 2012...a few months later, they (Pakistani Taliban) offered him protection and unyielding commitment when he spoke out courageously against US targeting of Taliban leadership through drone strikes (note: similar to Israeli targeting of Hezbollah top commanders in Lebanon through bombing raids back in September)...in 2014, when the Pakistani Taliban announced "armed struggle" against Ismailis and denounced them as non-Muslims...Khan countered by releasing a statement describing "forced conversions as un-Islamic."...Khan's foreign policy staunchly aligns with Tehran's on major regional issues..."One of the more striking elements of Imran Khan's message on foreign policy is his overtly pro-Iran statements...it's been quite some time since a top Pakistani leader has expressed such sympathies to Iran."...he's trying to move Pakistan away from the Anglo-Saudi orbit..."Throughout Khan’s tenure since 2018, Pakistan’s relations with the United States, Europe and the Arab Sunni Gulf states were far from cordial. Instead, on some occasions, Islamabad’s bilateral ties with its traditional and time-tested allies reached the lowest depths."

He's just a shrewd munafiq and none of those things. 

He was just one of the many Frankenstein monsters created by the Pak army and the ISI who got dumped by his sponsors. He was never anti-Western because like many other third-world kleptocrats, he had to rely on IMF/WB doles to keep the economy running (an occasional blackmail here or there doesn't matter, and anyone who evaluates him based on his PR and not on his real under-the-table actions needs to log off the internet till he can do better). He enabled the TTP so long as they were obedient hitmen (they later turned on him when they were offered a larger sack of money, as all hitmen do). Anyone thinking or preaching that he was pro-Iran in any sense of the term has lesser credibility than the joker in the deck of cards;the clampdown on the Iran-affiliated clerics was the highest in his tenure, and he looked the other way as al-Qaeda/Jundullah/Jaish al-Adl/TTP routinely mauled Iran from across the border ignoring incessant remonstrations from Tehran (no, those smiley faces handshake photo ops don't count either). Claiming that he was anti-Saudi/Gulf is also laughable- Pakistani army continued to be the Saudi-sponsored IMCTCS's dirty works doer under him, and Raheel Shareef continued to butcher the Bahraini and Yemeni Shia with his full blessings. He was to rubber stamp all the Gringo-Nasibi projects in the regions and beyond and they'd give him enough to lead his notoriously debauched Don Juan/ Casanova lifestyle. 


Then around 2020-21 he realized that he is the proverbial emperor without clothes, not the king in the castle which he thought himself to be, but the clown in the circus that he really was. He tried to turn to the other bully in the schoolyard (CPEC, BRI etc were hot topics in local politics back then) but then they grabbed him by the scruff and shunted him in the puppy crate where he's whining and whimpering to this day. 

As they say, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I still pray that he lives long enough to see and suffer all the consequences of his misdeeds. 

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
On 12/25/2024 at 8:03 AM, Abu Hadi said:

The biggest loss for Zionists in this war is not in terms of equipment and bases. That damage is minimal and could be easily recovered, as some have said, with a supplier like the US Govt (not the people) willing to give unlimited support. 

Even I would say the losses amoung the IDF and the desertions are a problem, but not a huge problem. The losses, although they are much higher that what officials in the Zionist Entity are saying, are not in the hundreds of thousands. That is what they would need to be to say the IDF is defeated. I don't think they are even more than 10,000. The main reason is because IDF almost never come out in the open to fight, man to man. They are either in a tank or on a base surrounded by fortifications. Even in the Quran, it says 'They will not fight you except behind a barrier (fortifications)' 

The airforce (as others have said) has suffered almost no losses and they are continuously supplied with bombs from the US. The effort of the Yemeni and others have slowed that down but not stopped it. 

The main losses are two, and I think these will be the ones that finally end the Zionist State. 

1. Loss of 'image' of Israel in the world. The traditional view of Israel, i.e. the consensus view in the world, up to Oct 7, amoung non interested parties, was of a 'democracy' in the Middle East struggling against an enemy (i.e. the Arabs). I don't think there was particular love for the state, even before Oct. 7 outside of the Zionist community, but there wasn't much enmity. It was pretty neutral. That has completely changed. 

The main thing that changed it was the positing on social media from within Gaza and the fact that these first person accounts could be seen by millions instantly as they happened. This has never been possible before the present time and gave those 'disinterested' parties a first person view of the horrors of genocide right before their eyes. There is only one thing at this point which is preventing the Zionist State from being kicked out of the UN and that is the US Veto. That is a situation that noone could have anticipated a few years ago. 

2. The loss of support for Zionism among young American jews and Christian evangelicals. This has traditionally been the main based of support for Zionism. This is the core of the core. Without this support, which continues to get weaker, Zionism is doomed.  This is what keeps the Zionists up at night, not anything that is happening in Gaza. They are bending over backwards and launching campaign after campaign on social media and it is not having much or any effect. As they say, the horse has left the barn and it's not coming back. The documentary 'Israelism' goes over this in detail. I think it's free on youtube.

This basically shows how the traditional 'pipeline' or 'machine' in the US to brainwash young people to support Zionism has broken down and it continues to break down. The main reason behind this is the same reason worldwide support for Zionism has declined or evaporated. The firsthand accounts from social media on Gaza. Younger people, and especially them, are all over social media and although alot of this content is 'shadow banned' by Zuckerberg and Musk, enough of it gets through the censorship to make a strong case to these young people that Zionism is not a good thing. 

Oh absolutely, I was just making a joke about israel being this invinsible entity that will recover in 1 week with infinite American support. Israel will eventually repair everything within months to years, it won't be the reason they collapse. Although don't underestimate the desertions/injuries/deaths in the idf, this is important stuff, they have lost 100k+ due to ptsd/permanent injuries/desertions/deaths. 


However for the millitary losses, I even emphasized this to bin tayyar to focus on the objectives and the hit Israel has taken politically, these are much more important than focusing on millitary damage during a war between guerilla groups and a conventional army. 


Obviously these material losses won't make Israel collapse eventually, it will be more the politics, their image as a pariah terrorist state. 

On 12/25/2024 at 8:03 AM, Abu Hadi said:

For the axis of resistance to win, they just need to survive. They don't need to hand a military defeat to the Zionist state. They just need to exist long enough to see the above movements come to full fruition then the Zionist state will evaporate like the morning dew when it's hit by the sun. Truth always wins in the end. 

That's the goal, they are slowly nibbling at israel in this war of attrition and are making Israel lose more and more economically, politically, in terms of feeling of safety, etc... the goal is to survive. Israel as a project with settlers is unsustainable in these kind of high intensity situations for a prolonged time. 

Edited by mahmood8726
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member

Now with the gaza ceasefire is approaching and it seems Israel has accepted it compromising on all of their goals, making this a palestinian victory if this fully goes through.


In extention this makes it a lebanese victory, if Israel pulls out of Lebanon. When hezbollah signed the ceasefire agreement, there was talk of a Gaza ceasefire back on the table before Trump's term and now that has happened. If resolution 1701 ends up being fully implemented, meaning Israel gives back shebaa farms, then that's very good. 

  • 2 weeks later...
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Salam alaykum


The Resistance is backed by Allah because it has raised the flag of النصر للإسلام ("Victory belongs to Islam")

USA/Israel is a zero against the Almighty Allah 

The Almighty Allah divided the sea for the noble sons of Ibrahim ع and Ishaq ع and Ya'qub ع and drowned Pharaoh

He will also do miracles for the noble sons of Ibrahim ع and Muhammad ص and 'Ali ع who lead the Muqawama and He will drown Israel/US

Everything has an appointed time - we must be patient and do our duties and pray; but we should never doubt, because when we raise the Qur'an in one hand and the sword of Resistance in the other, we should remember that Allah is our Protector, and He is the Best Protector, and the enemies have no protectors

Allah says in the Qur'an

There is a [preordained] time for every nation: when their time comes, they shall not defer it by a single hour nor shall they advance it.

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