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Is Umrah mentioned in the Quran?

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  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Alsalam alaikum,

I am just wondering what status Umrah has in our religion.  Is it mentioned in the Quran? Did Prophet Muhammad SAWW and Ahle bait AS and the imams perform Umrah in their lives?

Is it just a trip to Kaaba to pray or does it have a foundation like Hajj?

Hajj is a pillar of Islam... but does Umrah stand somewhere there? Is it mentioned in the Quran or Hadees books?

Thank you

And please remember to say a prayer for the resistance fighting all the evil in middle east.

Edited by Ani
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Ani said:

Hajj is a pillar of Islam... but does Umrah stand somewhere there? Is it mentioned in the Quran or Hadees books?

Salam Hajj & Umrah have same meaning which  generally you are performing Hajj which Umrah consists of five actions which you must do during performing Hajj. 

Ḥajj al-Tamattuʿ (Arabic: حَجّ التَمَتُّع) is one of the three types of hajj in Islam. This kind of hajj is obligatory for a person whose distance from Mecca is over 16 parasangs or 48 miles. A person who wants to perform hajj al-tamattu' has to perform umra al-tamattu' first. Sometimes, hajj al-tamattu' is used to indicate both hajj al-tamattu' and umra al-tamattu', as both actions are closely linked to each other.

ʿUmrat al-Tamattu' (Arabic: عمرة التمتع) is a kind of 'umra. The other type of 'umra is al-'Umra al-Mufrada. 'Umrat al-tamatu' is a part of hajj al-tamattu', i.e. hajj al-tamattu' consists of two acts: 'umrat al-tamattu' and hajj al-tamattu'. 'Umrat al-tamattu' is very similar to al-'umra al-mufrada, although there are some differences.



As 'umrat al-tamatu' is a part of hajj al-tamatu', it can only be performed in certain lunar months, namely Dhu l-Qa'da and Dhu al-Hijja.[3]


Al-ʿUmra al-Mufrada (Arabic: العمرة المفردة) is a non-compulsory pilgrimage to Mecca for performing certain rituals, and it can be performed at any time of year. There are two kinds of 'umra: 'umrat al-mufrada and 'umrat al-tamattu'. As al-'umrat al-mufrada is not related to hajj rituals and is undertaken independently it is called al-mufrada (=single).



Performing al-'umrat al-mufrada is not limited to a specific time and it can be done at any time of the year. However, it is narrated in some hadiths that performing 'umrat al-mufrada in the month of Rajab has more merits and importance.[3]


'Umra al-Tamattu'

  • 'Umra al-Tamattu' consists of five actions:
  1. earing the ihram from the miqat[1] in the months of hajj (ShawwalDhu l-Qa'da, and Dhu l-Hijja).[2]
  2. Tawaf: seven rounds of circumambulating around the Ka'ba.
  3. Salat al-tawaf (prayer of Tawaf): two rak'as of prayer behind Maqam Ibrahim (a).
  4. Sa'y between al-Safa and al-Marwa: seven times of walking between Safa and Marwa.
  5. Taqsir: with taqsir, the pilgrim exits the ihram and everything which was forbidden during ihram becomes halal.




Al-'Umrat al-mufrada consists of seven acts that must be performed in this sequence:


  1. Ihram: For Ihram, those who are in Mecca must go to "adna al-hill" (the nearest place out of Haram area) and those who are out of Mecca must go to one of the five Miqats.[1]
  2. Tawaf.
  3. Salat al-tawaf (2 rak'as)
  4. Sa'y
  5. Taqsir or Halq: in al-'umrat al-mufrada, pilgrim is allowed to choose halq (shaving the head) or taqsir (cutting some hear or nails), unlike 'umrat al-tamatu' in which halq is not permissible.
  6. Tawaf al-Nisa.
  7. Salat of Tawaf al-Nisa' (2 rak'as)[2]




Rule 147: This pilgrimage consists of two parts; the first is called Umrah and the second HajjThe Hajj-ut-Tamatu' applies to the second part; however, it is obligatory to perform the Umrah before the Hajj.


2. The Umrah and Hajj must be performed during the season of Hajj (see Rule 139 '2' above). If any part of the Umrah is performed before commencement of the month of Shawwal, the Umrah is invalid.

3. The Umrah and Hajj must be performed in the same year. If the Umrah is performed and then the Hajj is postponed to the next year, the Tamatu' is invalid. It makes no difference whether the pilgrim remains in Makkah to the following year or goes back to his country for the return journey to Makkah. Similarly, it makes no difference whether he removes the ihram or remains in it to the following year.

4. As a matter of choice, the ihram for Hajj must be worn in Makkah itself and the best place for it is the Holy Mosque; however, if it is not possible to wear ihram in Makkah, it may be worn wherever possible.

5. The Umrah and Hajj must both be performed by the same person as an agent for one particular person. It is not permissible to engage two agents, for a living or dead person, for Hajj-ut-Tamatu', one to perform the Umrah and the other the Hajj. Similarly, it is not permissible that one person performs the Umrah on behalf of one person and the Hajj for another


Edited by Ashvazdanghe

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