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Botox, filler, plastic surgery the whole package

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  • Veteran Member

Bismehe Ta3ala,

Assalam Alikum.

What have the scholars ruled about the Arab Barbies' that are exploding everywhere.

The tiny pointed nose, the duck lips, and puffy cheeks, and bombastic BBLs.

Has anyone read any of the fatwas that are available?  

There are also Arab Kens' who are changing their facial features as well and look gay.


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Posted (edited)

Salam unfortunately it's not just problem of a certain community which even countries likewise Iran have been affected with these negative westerner phenomenon which even practicing religious families have not been remained safe from it likewise Hijab stylists in social medias  although until now it has had too little impact on them but on the other hand generally teenagers who are trying to look like the Barbies don't care about religious rulings or Fatwas which it needs finding a peaceful solution which maybe first step is absorbing them to religion which is too hard because religious circles don't accept or reject them in mosques & religious centers due to their appearance which also it needs introducing something based on Islamic teaching that will be interesting for them for introducing a positive Islamic phenomenon & style & way of life which they can switch to it instead of immersing in the negative westerner Barbi phenomenon .

What is the Islamic point of view on cosmetic surgery, such as laser eye surgery, breast implants, liposuction etc., considering that some people recognize them as things which increase the quality of one's life and or self-esteem, while others say that we should not change that which Allah has given to us?
What is the Islamic point of view on cosmetic surgery, such as laser eye surgery, breast implants, liposuction etc., considering that some people recognize them as things which increase the quality of one's life and or self-esteem, while others say that we should not change that which Allah has given to us?
Concise answer

Cosmetic surgery is not problematic as long as it doesn’t cause harm to the body.

Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s Response


Cosmetic surgery, per se, is permissible as long as it doesn’t require a non-mahram making skin contact with one (the patient) or require any other category of sin.


Grand Ayatollah Makarim’s Response


It isn’t problematic at all as long as it doesn’t involve or is not associated with any haram act; assuming a haram act is involved (e.g. a non-mahram sighting one’s genitalia or making skin contact with one), cosmetic surgery will only be permitted on occasions of necessity.


Grand Ayatollah Bahjat’s Response


Obligatory precaution requires one to abandon taking such an action.


According to the report of "Hawzeh" news agency,

Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani responded to an inquiry about "cosmetic surgery" that has been dedicated to interested parties.

Cosmetic surgery Question: Is it possible to make the face or other parts of the body beautiful with surgery?

Answer: By avoiding haram touching and looking , it is permissible.
 Source: The official website of the office of Ayatollah Sistani



Verdict of cosmetic surgery according to Ayatollah Sistani:
According to the opinion of Ayatollah Sistani, in case of possible death or organ damage by performing the aforementioned surgery, as far as it reasonably causes fear; It is not permissible in any way and otherwise, even if it is not necessary; It is permissible unless it involves a sin such as unlawful looking or unlawful touching, which is permissible only in case of necessity, and the obligee himself must recognize the necessity. For example, it is necessary to treat a person's face that is distorted, and beauty is essential for women in many cases.



Edited by Ashvazdanghe
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Let's get to know the effects and negative effects of the Barbie doll
child caring

First part

Notice:it's english translation from a lengthy Farsi article 

The Barbie doll is unlike other dolls and does not have a child's face, but a twenty-year-old American girl with all the ideal body characteristics, which is designed with great care and elegance. The history of the Barbie doll tells about the existence of certain cultural goals and motivations in its production. The delicate body of the Barbie doll is associated with a mature woman who can appear in different roles with the kinds of clothes she wears. The clothes of this doll are designed in such a way that they do not cover the whole body of this doll. Barbie doll basically teaches girls what the modern western society expects from them as a woman. The attack of these half-naked dolls, with seductive poses, creeping and mysterious movement that especially attracts girls. has set a goal and is planned with motives and methodical goals to leave the necessary educational effectiveness in issues such as dressing, makeup, etc. The special feature of the Barbie doll is that it is equipped with all the modern equipment and a complete life. It has come to the market perfectly and teaches how to live a modern life. The Barbie doll has all the accessories such as pajamas, bathroom accessories, swimwear, party clothes, cosmetics, refrigerator and freezer, washing machine, etc. It is obvious that the clothes and accessories of the Barbie doll are of interest. girls are placed and thus, the girls who are familiar with this doll, grow up with the taste of Barbie, or more precisely with the taste and desire of an American woman, and when they reach the age of choice, they have exactly the same taste as Barbie (a woman American). Another effect that the Barbie doll has on our children is the disturbance in the type of relationships. In many cases, Barbie is sold with her friends; Friends among them are boys and barbies with eastern faces, which again evokes the decadent culture of the west. When children play with dolls that are so-called girlfriends and boyfriends. And even if he considers their appearance to be similar to his own, in the future, the issue of mahram and non-mahram in the friendship between a boy and a girl will never be important to him; Because she has gotten used to it since she was a child and she knows that a doll in which all her ideals and dreams are hidden needs a boyfriend to be complete! Another effect of the Barbie doll is the inappropriate and un-Islamic clothing that this doll has. This type of covering is in contrast with hijab and Islamic covering. The person who tries to make his body look like Barbie in the future will definitely try to take advantage of them. This has caused the culture of nudity to increase in countries, especially Iran. On the other hand, this causes the flow of western products and clothes to the eastern markets, which has brought great economic benefits to the exporter of this culture. Another point that is very noticeable is the change in the life pattern that occurs in the lives of our women. Apart from their tendency to have a modern and perfect life, girls will not be willing to mess up their barbie-like fitness during pregnancy, and this in the long run can have dire consequences for the country's population. .


Edited by Ashvazdanghe
  • Advanced Member

Second part

Examining other dimensions of the Barbie doll

Notice:it's english translation from a lengthy Farsi article 

Examining other dimensions of the Barbie doll should not be taken lightly. In the reason and idea of producing this doll, there are dimensions that can have harmful effects in the field of child education and lifestyle in general:

1-Barbie and beauty which Allah/God has placed the desire for beauty in human nature. Because this desire deals with human emotions and the emotions of people are as numerous as their number, so it is not possible to provide a single definition of beauty; But some have given definitions; For example, in the West, the circle of description of female beauty does not include more than sexual affairs. By running beauty queen contests, promoting Barbie, movies, etc., they promote American female beauty in the world. they do They have set the criterion of success in choosing the beauty queen, matching the dress, body, dance, make-up, etc. model of Barbie, and indigenous clothes, tastes and criteria of other cultures are ignored in this competition. Barbie doll In terms of aesthetics, it has three separate components of the beauty of the face, body and clothes, which we will discuss in this section:

a)beauty of the face Everyone tends to has mistress with big, small, black, blue eyes, elongated, short, arched eyebrows, and lips that are thin or full; But by creating a close relationship with children, the Barbie doll makes the western and American beauty model the queen of their minds from the very beginning. Golden hair, narrow and elongated neck, small nose and mouth, big eyes make up the face of Barbie. which rarely and with the artistry of skilled surgeons, in one person, gather at the same time; Therefore, he always puts a permanent scorch on  the hearts of girls who want to be like her.

b) The beauty of a beautiful body, like a beautiful face, does not follow a fixed pattern in people's taste; But the effort of the designers of the Barbie doll is to dominate the beauty of the Barbie body over the beauty standards of other cultures. This body is so unnatural that doctors believe that a human, if he has such a body, can only walk on all fours! The truth is that the delicate body of the Barbie doll is made according to the sexual expectations of men, and of course this is an insult to the noble character of women.

c) The beauty of the clothes , cloth is  the country's flag , is the existence of each person and a representative of their culture, personality and beliefs. By promoting tight, short and half-naked clothes, Barbie doll seeks to inject American culture on other societies. The three main characteristics of Barbie doll clothes are nudity, aristocracy and consumerism, and such clothes are not a means of covering. , but in the direction of makeup and display of women's bodies. These types of clothes are designed for showing off, luxuriousness and prosperity of men's privacy.

2-Barbie and love in the West, the nudity of women and the use of their sexual beauty, is the most effective factor for creating permanent love in the hearts of men. Barbie is a symbol and ambassador of such a culture. She teaches girls how to capture the hearts of men with their beauty and how to make them hotter in their sensual gatherings. But the truth is that the Barbie doll cannot create lasting love in men's hearts; Because Barbie is a symbol of sex and nudism and is actually the altar of true love. The ultimate thing that follows is the persuasion of lust and sexual desire; While, as evidenced by history, it is shame, modesty, subtle rejection and lack of easy access to women that lead to the establishment of a passionate and lasting love.

3-Barbie and her spiritual orientation to spirituality is an inner excitement that exists in various forms at all times. It has been  one of the constant thirsts of mankind; But because of the American culture, the Barbie doll is a materialistic human being devoid of spirituality and has no identity in this field. She fills the space for the emergence of the spiritual dimension by cultivating too much of the material dimension of the human being. The Barbie doll, with lust, worldliness and thousands of other elements, has built a high wall against spiritual ideals.

4- Barbie and freedom , Freedom is  valuable for the development of human talents, and Islam is its defender; But this is not the concept of freedom in the West, because freedom in the West means freedom of all human desires, and giving freedom to women is one of its levels. But basically, this freedom is for men to benefit more easily from women. The Barbie doll is the sum of such low and ridiculous freedoms. She exposes herself to men's sexual desires without any expectations and easily in stories, cartoons and movies and practically teaches children to be unrestrained.

5-Barbie and Westernization , Westernization has been based on  self-loss And the lack of identity , which is effective in two ways, sometimes man goes to the West and gets seduced by it, and sometimes the West comes to man and robs him of his identity. Barbie doll is like a bullet fired from the West and with a huge number of related products, it promotes Western life and makes children discouraged and distrustful of their identity and culture.

6-Barbie and consumerism, consumerism is said to be excessive consumption and a suitable model, and the West is the cradle of consumerism, and women play a dual role in this context. She is both affected by consumerism and is its agent. The Barbie doll, born of this culture, is immersed in consumerism. She leads children to consumerism; But it does not promote the consumption of their native goods, but the consumption of the luxury-oriented model of the West. Barbie and its by-products make consumption a value and goal for children.

7-Barbie and sexual ethics ,Barbie doll propagates Western sexual ethics; Unbridled morality that does not have any restrictions on sexual relations. If Barbie can eventually raise young people in Michael Jackson's style, it will undoubtedly has done its job well. With two-piece and half-naked clothes, thick make-up, illicit relationships or stories, clever and attractive cartoons and obscene photos, they denigrate sexual affairs and lead the taste of young girls to obscenity. The interpretation of some anti-Barbie activists is that the Barbie doll is a sex teacher, while it does not have the power to create love. The reduction of modesty and the promotion of the desired sexual morality of the Barbie doll starts from the fact that the child can not only change the doll's underwear, but is also encouraged to do so and often deals with the doll's sexual organs. And gradually the ugliness of seeing it breaks in the eyes of the child. It is sad to think that children lose the opportunity to be in the beautiful and loving world of childhood due to contamination of their minds with such issues and early sexual maturity. And it is worrisome. Therefore, it can be said that institutionalizing the culture of nudity and corrupting nations, which ultimately leads to their colonization, is one of the goals of spreading the sexual ethics of the West. With the spread of immoral western culture, they were able to destroy the Islamic civilization of Andalus. Now, they use the same tactic against countries, especially Islamic countries, where the Barbie doll is one of the elements of this propaganda, and even the voices of the West families have been raised .


  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Third (last) part 

Notice:it's english translation from a lengthy Farsi article 

The Iranian competitor of the Barbie doll

years ago, Dara and Sara, entered the market to counter this cultural invasion, that is, the Barbie doll. These two dolls, known as Melli (national) dolls, which were said to be a model of two 8-year-old children, completely Iranian and Islamic, and wearing a full hijab and local clothes, have been came together to put aside the Barbie doll and make themselves in the hearts of Iranian children. Beside the supply of Dara and Sara Iranian dolls, which were to compete with the Barbie doll, other cultural products such as stationery were produced with this name and logo. Participating in movies and TV series and being in different roles and favorite of children, including policies was to influence these dolls in children and to distance them from Western Barbie dolls. Dara and Sara in their first   overseas stop, that is, the countries of the Persian Gulf and Muslim countries, they faced tough and veteran competitors who were made by Israel; The Alexandra doll, which came to Arab countries a while ago with the image of a young Muslim girl and made the idea of being a Muslim girl doll somewhat obsolete, was able to occupy the place of Dara and Sara some time before her birth! But for whatever reason, the dolls Dara and Sara could not put aside the Barbie doll and place themselves in the hearts of Iranian girls.

The reason for the inability of Melli (national) dolls to attract the right audience can be investigated in these cases:

1- The lack of necessary attractiveness and external beauty, the main issue that causes a little girl to be drawn to a toy or doll is its charm and beauty. . Naturally, she chooses a doll that is more beautiful and attractive, and the beauty and charm of the Barbie doll is more visible to Iranian children than Dara and Sara. The shape, size, color and other factors used in making Dara and Sara, Compared to the Barbie doll, it is less attractive and this ultimately causes children to choose Barbie over them. These dolls have a rough face, with excessive fat and completely unnatural; While Barbie has a delicate, beautiful and lovely face. Even if Sarah and Barbie are placed in front of Dara, who represents a zealous Iranian, Dara will willingly accept Barbie as a sister, and if not, as a wife!

2- Local dress and normal clothing , The things seen on Dara and Sara's body are far from the normal life of us Iranians. In the case that Barbie dolls wear clothes that are quite common in the West and are part of their culture. In Iran, we rarely find people who wear local clothes in their daily life and wear them to work and go out.

3- Improper pricing it should has been paid attention to, it's price should have been set lower than any Barbie doll, so that it would find its buyer. The high price of these two dolls, which were often more expensive than the best Barbie dolls, reduced the desire of buyers to buy. The high price set for Dara and Sara dolls was the most important reason for most families to refuse to buy them.

4- Weakness in advertising , Weakness in advertising and the lack of targeted and methodical professional advertising can be another reason for not The success of these two dolls is counted. The non-Iranian competitors of the Barbie doll, unfortunately, so far no country has been able to create a lasting and serious competitor against the Barbie doll, and all its competitors, including the Sandy doll in England, as well as the Iranian Dara and Sara dolls (as we mentioned) in this However, apart from these, other dolls also stood up to the Barbie doll, including the Arab Fulla doll, which was produced to prevent the cultural invasion of the West. This doll wears a hijab and is covered from head to toe. Unlike Barbie, this doll does not has a boyfriend and will not has a boyfriend, and unlike Barbie, she does not wear nude clothes. This doll is designed to look modest. Fulla's success in attracting the audience was more than Dara and Sarai of Iran and he was able to enter the children's sphere of Arab girls. Arab fathers and mothers bought this doll for their little girls immediately after Fulla came to the market, and the interesting thing is that the little girls easily accepted this modest doll and communicated with it. Another doll that entered the market, it is a doll named (Rezana). Although this doll does not has the charm of a Barbie doll; But in contrast to Dara and Sarai, it is remarkable. According to the head of this company, what makes Rezaneh ahead of its competitors is its global demand for Muslim children.


The secret to the success of the Barbie doll The secret to the success of the Barbie doll should be found in the macro policies and behind the scenes of its production. The capitalist system has a plastic quality and adapts to any situation and becomes the same color to digest competitors and alternatives and does not leave room for "others" and things that are different from itself. ; Because by its nature, the capitalist system is interested in swallowing any kind of contradiction and distinction. Therefore, in the case of the Barbie doll, when this system faced the protest of the Muslim community of the world and people of color, it took the initiative to change their taste and while maintaining The nature of this doll, which is a symbol of Western culture, showed its flexibility and expanded its market in the world.


Barbie doll is a twenty-year-old American girl with all the characteristics of an ideal body, which is centered on sexual attractions and It is designed and produced to promote American culture. Barbie doll in terms of appearance only is just a beautiful girl's toy doll, but in inside  promotes a lifestyle based on sexual freedom, luxury and consumerism, and it can have significant negative effects on the thoughts, views and aspirations of girls in adulthood.

Adapted from:  article making girls American; Pegah Hozha weekly newspaper; No. 207-1386; Morteza Shiroudi (Tebyan)

اقتباس از: مقاله آمریکایی کردن دختران؛ هفته نامه پگاه حوزه؛ شماره ۲۰۷- ۱۳۸۶؛ مرتضى شیرودى (تبیان)


Edited by Ashvazdanghe
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member
On 11/18/2024 at 6:15 AM, Laayla said:

Bismehe Ta3ala,

Assalam Alikum.

What have the scholars ruled about the Arab Barbies' that are exploding everywhere.

The tiny pointed nose, the duck lips, and puffy cheeks, and bombastic BBLs.

Has anyone read any of the fatwas that are available?  

There are also Arab Kens' who are changing their facial features as well and look gay.


Dear Layla, 

I think you might need some botox 



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