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In the Name of God بسم الله

Is playing the game Genshin Impact haram?

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The game contains multiple Archons which are basically fictional gods and there’s a mecanic where u need to worship a statue to offer Oculus and gain rewards and stamina. I really want to play the game but I’ve seen many people say it’s haram because well obviously it contains shirk and shirk is the worst sin ever in islam, but I don’t believe at ALL in those archons, nor do I worship the statue myself? I really an answer please!

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For a straight answer of haram or not, you can contact office of your marja but I'd personally avoid it. While you don't believe in it, just play it and consider it as a game, you are working towards making the game with such concepts more popular i.e. more people play it, more popular it becomes, more word of mouth it gets.

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It's fiction so in my personal opinion it's fine. You're playing as a character and you yourself are not bowing to the fictional deities in the game. Keep in mind this is just my own personal opinion so don't put too much stock in it.

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