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In the Name of God بسم الله

Have I stolen according to Islamic law?

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Assalamu alaikum,

I'm going through a hard time given how I try to make tawbah to Allah (swr). Even though majority of my sins are mostly towards my disobedience to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) and try to better myself now these days there's one case that's really bothering me from my past: stealing.

So I never had a pickpocket issue. I never stole something intentional knowing that it would just get me into trouble. But I do happen to also pick up money from the ground whenever i was on the streets if I don't know whom it belong to. And one day it happened to be in the lunchroom of mu part-time job. I don't remember where exactly, an open closet or on the ground anyways I found a 2 euro coin and picked it up. Not knowing whom it belonged to. But on that same day one of my coworkers announced that someone stole 2 euro coin from him, pointing it to his jacket and bag. That point I froze. Of course I'd never steal from someone knowing it's my intention stealing it directly from them, but I froze cause I thought "did I steal it from him or no? I don't know." I really had no idea if I did and so for the last few months, or no the last few years it's been bothering me. 

Did I technically steal? Yeah maybe. Did I know whom it belonged to? I... don't really know. I just used that coin for sadaqa hoping it would at least be used for good. But I'm so scared that I committed thus sin despite it being almost five years ago when I had pretty low Iman. Can someone tell me if I could repent from such sin? Not having enough evidence or knowledge of the true owner? Cause I don't have his/her contact information anymore.

Again I was never someone who'd actually steal like an actual thief one would think off.

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34 minutes ago, zizi_00 said:

one of my coworkers announced that someone stole 2 euro coin from him, pointing it to his jacket and bag. That point I froze. Of course I'd never steal from someone knowing it's my intention stealing it directly from them, but I froze cause I thought "did I steal it from him or no? I don't know." I really had no idea if I did and so for the last few months, or no the last few years it's been bothering me. 

Salam. You didn't steal the coin from him. His saying someone stole it was not correct, because he lost it.

If you said, Here is your coin, you would be admitting that you stole it when you did not, you found it. Others would think you are a thief.

The fact that you gave the coin in sadaqa was good, because it showed that you wanted the coin to be used for a good thing. You are not a thief

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