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In the Name of God بسم الله

Breastfeeding to become mother of child?

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Guest K-One

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Guest K-One

Al salamu alaykum

Question: my wife cannot have a child. If i marry another woman, and she has my child, would my first wife become a mother to my child from the other woman. if she breastfeeds the child as if it were her own, I’ve heard of some ruling regarding this. I know this is weird question but i need to know if this. Assume the child is if infancy years. Thank you.

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2 hours ago, Guest K-One said:

Al salamu alaykum

Question: my wife cannot have a child. If i marry another woman, and she has my child, would my first wife become a mother to my child from the other woman. 

Salam. If you have a child by another wife, that child would become a step-daughter or step-son to your first wife. 

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Mujtahidin and Shia taqlid authorities have presented 7 conditions and some 9 conditions, if they are met, the relationship of becoming Mahram and kinship between the mother who donates milk and the child who receives it is formed. In the meantime, several principles are common in the treatises of all these elders:

1) Feeding should be done directly under the mother's breast.

 2) At least 15 times or 24 hours continuously.

 3) Milk should be given to the baby without any utensils (spoon, cup, etc.).

1)In the mother's milk bank, the milk used to feed the baby is obtained by mixing the milk of 2 or 3 mothers. This work is customary all over the world; Since the protein level of different milks is different, in order to bring the final milk to a desirable and moderate level of protein richness, the milk of several mothers is mixed together and after pasteurization, it is given to babies. This incident, in our country, in addition to solving the scientific and qualitative aspect of the problem, has also helped to solve our religious concern in this field.

2) The pasteurized milk of the mother's milk bank is given to the baby through a device. In the neonatal unit and NICU, milk is generally given to the baby through the mouth and nose through an "oral-gastric" tube, and therefore breastfeeding is not direct.



"Riza'" literally means breastfeeding. According to Shia jurisprudence and the opinion of all the scholars, breastfeeding causes  "Mahram"  if it has the following conditions:

1- The child should eat the milk of a alive woman

2- The baby sucks the milk from the breast (so if the milk is poured down the baby's throat or fed with a glass or other device, it will not cause breastfeeding and becoming  Mahram.

3- The child should not vomit milk due to illness.

4-He should eat enough milk fifteen times or one day and night, so that it is said that meat has grown in his body from that milk.

5- The child has not reached the age of two years.

6- The child should not eat another food or another woman's milk within a day and night

Since in the milk bank, the donated milk is not from the same person and feeding is not done directly from the breast, therefore there are no issues related to becoming Mahram and [having] foster brothers and sisters, and you can easily donate your milk and the recipients They can also feed donated pasteurized milk to their babies.

According to the poll conducted by the Office of the Supreme Authority, it is safe to consume the milk provided by Shir Madaran (mother's milk) Bank.



بانک شیر مادر و رابطه آن با پیوند خویشاوندی رضاعی رضاع چیست

رضاع در لغت به معنای شیردادن از پستان است. برطبق فقه شیعه و نظر تمامی علما شیر دادنی موجب محرمیت است که دارای شروط زیر باشد :

1-بچه شیر زن زنده را بخورد

2- بچه شیر را از پستان بمکد ( پس اگر شیر را در گلوی او بریزند یا با شیشه یا وسیله دیگربه او بخورانند موجب رضاع و محرمیت نمی شود.

3- بچه به واسطه بیماری شیر را قی نکند .

4-پانزده مرتبه یا یک شبانه روز  شیر سیر بخورد بگونه ای که بگویند از آن شیر  گوشت در بدنش روئیده است .

5-دو سال سن بچه تمام نشده باشد.

6- بچه باید در بین یک شبانه روز غذای دیگر یا شیر زن دیگری را نخورد

از آنجائیکه در بانک شیر شیر های اهدا شده از یک نفر نیست و تغذیه مستقیما از پستان صورت نمی گیرد لذا به هیچ وجه مسائل مربوط به محرمیت و برادر و خواهر رضاعی ممطرح نیست و شما می توانید به راحتی شیر خود را اهدا و دریافت کننده ها نیز می توانند به نوزادان خود شیر پاستوریزه شده اهدائی را بخورانند .

طبق استفتاء انجام شده از دفتر مراجع عظام مصرف شیری که بانک شیر مادران ارائه میکند بلامانع است.  



In order to solve this concern once and for all, we sent a letter to the Supreme Leader's office and appealed to him in this regard. The text of the letter was as follows:

Today, many babies are born prematurely or with diseases that, despite the need to feed with mother's milk, do not have the possibility of having their own mother's milk. All over the world, to meet the needs of these children, centers called Mother's Milk Bank have been set up, which receive milk from donor mothers and prepare it for feeding these babies. The milk obtained from this milk bank is given to babies through a device. What is the ruling of His Highness in terms of confidentiality between donors and recipients of this milk?

The letter was submitted to the Supreme Leader's office through Dr. Seyed Alireza Marandi, the head of the Iranian Neonatal Doctors Association, and he said in response to this appeal:

"If the milk is not transferred directly from the breast to the baby's mouth, becoming Mahram does not take place."

We have framed the text of this appeal and installed it in the location of Shir Madar Bank so that it can be seen by all families and is a source of reassurance for them.



It is good to know that some time ago, when I was invited as a representative of the "Emro" region (Middle East) to the meeting related to the Mother's Milk Bank at the World Health Organization, the attendees asked about religious issues related to the issue of the milk bank in Iran, and I asked about the advanced rulings of Shia jurisprudence. I explained to them in this regard. It was very interesting for them that Shia jurisprudence is so up-to-date and they said that they will reflect this issue to other countries, including Islamic countries.

Of course, it is necessary to add that the rulings of the beloved ones of the Sunnis in the field of riza' are different.






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Guest Guest

Wa alaikum al salam,

She would need to produce breastmilk first. This is only possible if she herself gives birth or somehow induces lactation, which is a complex process involving medical intervention. This is not needed- she becomes the child's mahram by default as his/her stepmother.

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