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In the Name of God بسم الله

Hamas Surprise Attack: Operation 'Al-Aqsa Storm'

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15 minutes ago, coldcow said:

It doesn't matter what someone has done.  You cannot use the  actions of one person to justify harm against another.  If you want to go after an IDF soldier that raped a woman, then do that.  But there is no justification in killing women and children, or even other men, that had no involvement.  You also make it sound like this is a common occurrence.  Bad people exist everywhere, and I'm sure there are Palestinians that have committed atrocities to Israeli civilians and women (in fact they just killed nearly a 1000).  Are you saying that justifies indiscriminate targetting of Palestinians by Israelis?


Remember, if it weren't for the world and the US holding back Israel, they would have wiped Gaza off the map years ago.  I fear they are going to come close to turning Gaza into an even bigger pile of  rubble in the coming weeks and months than it already is.  There will aim for so much blood shed that Gaza won't think of doing anything like this ever again.


And the saddest part is the Muslims on the sidelines doing nothing but cheering for the Palestinians to fight back and get slaughtered.  

Perspectives -

In MSM, World opinion = the opinion of politicians in France, US, and UK. That is it. Don’t be duped.

Gaza, five days, five months, five years back = no food, no water, no schools, random power outages, teens shot, destruction all over. What else more can be done with them?  

After Libya, Syria, and Algeria, and now Ukraine, that part of world is awash in all sort of killing tools man has invented minus the nukes maybe. Palestinians got their hands on some too, what’s the big deal? Most of the Hamas weapons are NATO OEMs, and I’m not surprised. 

Israelis can bark, whine, squeak, shriek, whimper, or make all sort of animal noises they could voice out (seriously listen to their angry politicians in past few days), reality is they will need to live with the consequences of their government actions. That’s the new season in West Asia.

What’s out of the bottle won’t be rolled back in. Anglos aren’t the only bully in town anymore. Others are biting back and both sides have tested each others tolerance. Israeli citizens turned out not so resilient. Won’t weather even a week long power shutdown or water stoppage. Privileges of Dual citizenship come with the inherent danger of flight at the first sight of danger. The world was laughing at the scenes at the BG airport.


  • Advanced Member
11 hours ago, kadhim said:

But here is what the world is seeing of this conflict. They’re seeing images on the TV and internet of:

  • the broken body of a naked female hostage being paraded through streets in Gaza on the back of a pickup truck while a crowd spits on the body
  • a pickup truck carrying women holding frightened children
  •  a woman being carted off on a motorbike while thugs beat on her boyfriend
  • a zip-tied woman being led out of a vehicle with a giant blood stain on the seat of her pants

Salam you are highly manipulated by victimizing propaganda of zionists which in taken videos by zionists , it has been shown that they have created show off by becoming naked before detention which walking with Bikini & shorts by both of zionists men & women near beach of Gaza strip has been common which few minutes before detention by Hamas fighters they have removed all of their shirts to show themselves naked in order to Hamas fighters won't detain them due to their nakedness which in similar fashion some of them intentionally have injured themselves because they knew that they can use it for propaganda against Hamas fighters  also frightening a child is too easy by zionists which they are master of creating such disguise which naive people after seeing in pro zionists MSM will blame Hamas based on naked show off zionists for showing themselves as poor victims. 

  • Advanced Member

'War and Peace?' George Galloway, Scott Ritter and Abdel Bari Atwan...MOATS...2 hours 10 min...MOATS..."Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. " - John F. Kennedy


  • Advanced Member
3 hours ago, Irfani313 said:

Israeli citizens turned out not so resilient.

The Israelis are soft and weak...the mujahedeen in Lebanon and Palestine are made of cast-iron

  • Advanced Member

'Eschatological Insights on the Future of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Palestine'...Independent Islamic Republic...(7 min)


  • Advanced Member

Keep in mind that the holy city of Jerusalem remained in Crusader hands for almost a century...they were eventually defeated by the Muslims at the Battle of Hattin in 1187...three months later, the last of the occupiers were banished from the countryside for good...learn from history and remain steadfast..."O believers! Seek comfort in patience and prayer. Allah is truly with those who are patient." 2:153

  • Advanced Member
19 minutes ago, Eddie Mecca said:

Keep in mind that the holy city of Jerusalem remained in Crusader hands for almost a century...they were eventually defeated by the Muslims at the Battle of Hattin in 1187...three months later, the last of the occupiers were banished from the countryside for good...learn from history and remain steadfast..."O believers! Seek comfort in patience and prayer. Allah is truly with those who are patient." 2:153

Even if immediate freedom is not at hand, enough damage must be inflicted on them to take decades to make good. At least enough damage and fear of the Lord to deter fresh immigration by settlers, more occupations and more dispossessions. 

  • Advanced Member
1 hour ago, Eddie Mecca said:

Eschatological Insights on the Future of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Palestine'...Independent Islamic Republic...(7 min)

Salam respectfully most important but highly neglected point in operation-al-aqsa-storm is merging Gaza strip with Palestinian west bank which there is about 10 km gap between them which  has been controlled by fake state of Israel which too many security(military) check points between Gaza strip with Palestinian west bank have been established  which zionists have used it for creating too much problem & humiliation for Palestinians who daily  have been moving between these two places which inshaAllah if Palestinian resistance groups merge these two separated Palestinian territories so therefore filling the gap between these two places can lead to removing zionist military(security)  also dividing fake state of Isreal into two seperate parts which leads to too much weakening of it inshAllah. 

In the West Bank, Israel’s Apartheid Rule Results in Everyday Violence


In the West Bank, violent settlers try to drive out the Palestinian population, under the watchful eye of IDF troops. This is an apartheid system, and there can be no peace in Palestine until it is dismantled.



adhan recited from the nearby Ibrahimi Mosque. Having lived in Al-Khalil (Hebron) her whole life, Zuleikha knows every corner of the city by heart. Her house is situated within Hebron’s historic center and is part of a series of buildings that date back to the Mamelukes.

Ibrahimi Mosque has been destroyed to ground by Israel air force after operation-al-aqsa-storm


It is surprising given that all Palestinians from Al-Khalil who are over thirty years old describe how this neighborhood was once the hub of the city’s commercial life. 

 going on a simple stroll here is dangerous due to the high likelihood of being harassed and attacked by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) — or as Palestinian groups call them, the Israel Occupation Forcessoldiers patrolling the area 24/7.


Indeed, just a few minutes spent in Hebron’s old town are enough to become aware of the injustice that rules over it. For instance, it’s easy to come across military bases and Israeli army checkpoints scattered throughout the neighborhood, which are there to filter and block the unimpeded movement of Palestinians whose families have lived here for centuries.

 within a confined urban space where the differential treatment of Palestinian citizens versus Israeli citizens is even more visible and disturbing.


 These zones are H1, which is 80 percent of the territory and is run by the Palestinian Authority, where only Palestinians live; and H2, which is 20 percent of the area (most of which is the historical center) and is run entirely by the Israeli military, where Israeli settlers reside in houses confiscated from generations of Palestinians.

their presence is a shield that grants impunity and protection to settlers when they violently harass the local population.


With twenty-two checkpoints in Al-Khalil’s municipal territory alone, the military presence is felt everywhere, as it regulates and hampers even the most mundane aspects of daily life: for example, commutes that without checkpoints would take five minutes by foot take dozens of minutes by car, given the requirement to go around all colonized areas. In addition, 1,800 Palestinian businesses located in downtown Al-Khalil were forced to close since 1997, and over 1,000 Palestinian homes in the H2 have remained uninhabited because they were either occupied or made inaccessible.

 from the murder of her father when she was five years old to the daily attempts to make her feel less important than an animal. When I ask her why she has put a sort of fishnet over her small balcony, she replies that it is to shield herself and her mother from banana skins and rocks thrown at her by settlers as they walk by her house.


In 1995, the Oslo II Accords decreed that the West Bank would be divided into areas A, B, and C. These affect the Israeli army’s ability to intervene and interfere in the West Bank’s civil and military matters. A areas (the eight main Palestinian cities in the West Bank, in total 18 percent of the territory) are — in theory — under the administrative and military jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority. In reality, every decision taken by the latter must be mediated and approved by the Israelis.

As these grow, more land is stolen from Palestinian villages, whose residents, being completely at the mercy of military law, get evicted from their homes, their lands, and their schools and are forcibly displaced without receiving any support either from the Palestinian Authority or, clearly, from the state of Israel. Palestinians living in area C (administratively similar to Al-Khalil’s H2), are the most vulnerable to IDF and settler attacks, against which they have no means of opposition. It is in these areas that the ethnic cleansing attempt against Palestinians appears most overtly.


Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, better known as Abu Mazen, recently reiterated to the UN General Assembly that the Middle East will not see complete peace without realizing full Palestinian rights. However, no few of his fellow citizens disapprove of him for his collaboration with the occupying power.



Global silence encourages Israel to annex West Bank: Palestinian Foreign Ministry

The ministry believes Israel continues to formalize the official annexation of the occupied West Bank, and takes all legal, structural and field legislative measures to achieve this, in full view of the international community, and without fear of punishment, criticism or accountability.

Under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s previous terms, the regime sped up annexing Palestinian lands in order to expand settlement projects.


Emboldened by the United States’ all-out support, Israel has stepped up settlement expansion in defiance of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which pronounced settlements in the West Bank and East al-Quds “a flagrant violation under international law.”

Last year prior to elections, Netanyahu agreed to hand the so-called civil administration in the occupied West Bank to the far-right Religious Zionism party, a move that signals more extremism towards Palestinians and a breach of the Abraham Accords concluded with some Persian Gulf states.


Boundaries between West Bank factions blur as resistance to Israeli occupation grows


“The PA are against us, they arrest and torture us. They sold out for money while we protect this land with our blood,” said a 25-year-old wearing a silver headband and the insignia of Fatah’s al-Aqsa Brigades, who spoke on the condition he was not named. “I have come from Nablus today to support our brothers. We face the occupation wherever it is. You can see by our numbers, look how many are here today. For every martyr they kill, 10 take his place.”



“We currently see the operation as a success in terms of preventing hundreds of terror attacks on Israeli civilians and thwarting potential threats. We do this by acting on precise intelligence alerting us to urgent threats,” said Lt Col Richard Hecht, the IDF’s international spokesperson.

“If the terrorism stops - we will be able to reduce the amount and frequency of activities and apprehensions.”

a Hamas member from Nablus, chose to hide out in Jenin’s refugee camp, where he was sheltered by local fighters, suggests those links are strengthening. Such coordination lays the groundwork for a return to full-scale conflict with Israel, even if the PA, and half of its divided ruling Fatah faction, is against it.

For the residents of these cities, war has already returned. About 70 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces so far in 2023, around half militants and half civilians, according to rights groups. Over the same period, Palestinian “lone wolf” attacks have killed 14 Israelis, all but one of them civilians. The bloodshed follows 2022, which was the deadliest year on record in Israel, Jerusalem and the West Bank since the second intifada, or Palestinian uprising, in the 2000s.


The PA was only ever supposed to be a temporary institution, created during peace talks in the 1990s. Thirty years later, it has done nothing to improve living standards here. If anything, recently matters have become worse, as the Israeli army has secured agreement to find the militants the PA’s own forces are too weak, or ambivalent about, to apprehend themselves.

The near future does not bode well. The holy Muslim month of Ramadan, when tensions often boil over, starts on 23 March. Itamar Ben-Gvir, the extremist national security minister in Israel’s new far-right government, appears likely to pour fuel on the fire during the febrile period by pushing ahead with orders to demolish Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem and visiting the city’s sensitive Temple Mount complex.

“I am not afraid to die,” a 20-year-old fighter from the camp said. “There is no life here anyway. Every day, there are incursions by the army or the PA, and people die.”


  • Advanced Member
14 hours ago, kadhim said:

Everyone else is seeing this and hearing this. 

As the Israeli strike on Hamas targets in Gaza continued in retaliation to Hamas’ surprise attack, a video showing the alleged use of white phosphorus bombs on densely populated areas in Gaza have emerged. The use of white phosphorus bombs on civilians is considered a war crime


The video which is going viral on social media shows multiple fires raining down. 

The video which is going viral on social media shows multiple fires raining down





Oct 9, 2023, 5:36 PM

A video circulating on social media appears to show these munitions descending from the sky. This development follows recent attacks by Hamas soldiers on Israel as Hamas was retaliating to ongoing occupation crimes Israel is committing in Palestine.

The relentless airstrikes and military operations have not only taken a toll on infrastructure but have also resulted in the loss of civilian lives and the displacement of thousands of Palestinians.


Israel uses white phosphorus bombs in Gaza


  • Advanced Member
16 hours ago, kadhim said:

I thought the whole idea was that we are supposed to be better? No?

If not, what is the point?

Salam even if Hamas has been a non muslim resistance group but on the other hand Zionist Israel is as same as cursed Ummayads as new cursed Yazid s.


“We are putting a complete siege on Gaza … No electricity, no food, no water, no gas – it’s all closed,” Gallant said in a video statement.



  • Advanced Member
16 hours ago, kadhim said:

a pickup truck carrying women holding frightened children

Old Video of a Person Being Beheaded Falsely Linked To Ongoing Israel-Hamas War

We found that the video dates back to July 2016 and shows a Syrian rebel group beheading a boy in Aleppo.

Published: 09 Oct 2023, 8:33 PM IST
3 min read

Old Video of a Person Being Beheaded Falsely Linked To Ongoing Israel-Hamas War



(Trigger Warning: Disturbing visuals/Description of violence)

As the war between Israel and Hamas continues, a video of a man beheading another individual is going viral on the internet.

What have users said?: X (formerly Twitter) user MrSinha has targeted "secular-liberals" over the video and shared it with hashtags, such as #IsraelUnderAttack #HamasTerrorists and #IslamIsTheProblem.

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Video Of Syrian Rebels Beheading A Boy Falsely Shared As Israel-Hamas Conflict BOOM found that the video is from Syria's Aleppo, where a young boy was executed by Syrian rebels in 2016.


A blurred version of the video was posted on X (formerly Twitter) by user @MrSinha_ with the caption, "Allah Hu Akbar & then beheaded the innocent kid.. They're not humans, their faith makes them worse than animals...So called "secular-liberals" are supporting these p!gs? (Watch it at your own risk) #IsraelUnderAttack #IslamIsTheProblem #HamasTerrorists." BOOM has fact checked the user earlier for peddling misinformation on the platform several times The post has not been included as it is graphic in nature. The video is also circulating on Facebook with a similar caption.





The Syrian government had identified the boy as a Palestinian from the Palestinian refugee camp of Handarat. Two videos had reportedly surfaced, which showed visuals of fighters holding the boy by his hair and slapping him. The second footage released later shows one of the rebels beheading the boy. Nour al-Din al-Zenki, the Islamist rebel group involved in the Syrian Civil War had then said they would investigate the video and called the execution an 'individual mistake'. According to reports, everyone involved was arrested and were being investigated.





A Hezbollah news network Almanar reported that the child was brought from one of the hospitals and slaughtered as a mark of vengeance after Nour Al Din Al Zenki's commander's brother was killed. The report further identified the assailant as Omar Salkho, one of the commanders of the militant organisation.




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Old video from Israel falsely linked to recent attack by Hamas

By: Rahul Adhikari
October 9 2023


What is the claim?

Against this backdrop, a video is circulating on social media claiming that it shows the Israeli army evacuating the airbase near the Gaza Strip after the attack. The viral video shows a busy junction with several cars passing by. Two trucks can be seen carrying fighter jets at a crossroads, and two signposts seen in the viral video display the names of two places - Ar'ara Banegev and Arad. One particular post on Facebook has garnered over 3,900 views. Archived versions of the posts can be seen here and here

Locating the video

The places on the road signs in the video, Ar'ara Banegev and Arad, are both towns within the Southern District of Israel. Using Google Street View, we could identify the exact junction where the video was recorded. This junction is situated at the intersection of Highway number 80 and Highway number 25, known as the Ar'ara BaNegev Junction. Notably, the highway number (80) is also visible on the signboard, which is prominently positioned in the center of the junction.


What happened in September?

According to reports from Israeli media, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) conducted a military drill in collaboration with Greece on September 13 to prepare the military for a potential strike on Iran and its nuclear facilities. During the exercise, dozens of fighter jets, spy planes, and refueling aircraft flew several thousand kilometers to Greece. 

We found that the viral video surfaced on the internet on September 15, predating the recent escalation of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. While we were unable to independently verify the context of the video, the evidence we found confirms that it was captured in the Southern District of Israel and is unrelated to the recent attack on Israel.



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Fact Check: Viral Video From Azerbaijan Falsely Shared As Israeli Generals Detained by Hamas Fighter


Several high-profile Israeli Generals captured by Hamas fighters.

The viral video has no connection with Israel – Palestine conflict. The individuals were detained by Azerbaijan’s State Security Service (DTX) for allegedly participating in coordinating illegal armed group activities in Karabakh




Fact Check / Verification

In order to ascertain the fact of the viral video, we conducted a Google reverse image search. During this process, we came across several media reports that were shared on October 5, 2023, which indicated that people who allegedly formed illegal armed groups in Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region and organized their activities are facing criminal charges, as reported by Azerbaijan’s State Security Service. These reports can be read by clicking herehere and here.


  • Advanced Member

Old Video of Troops Jumping From Aircraft Falsely Linked to Israel-Hamas War

What are users saying?: People have shared the video with a caption in Spanish, which loosely translates to, “Dawn breaks in the Gaza Strip and Israel’s counteroffensive against Palestine begins (sic).”


We searched the word on YouTube and found a channel with the name ‘AiirSource Military‘. On going through the channel, we came across a longer version of the viral video uploaded on it.

The video was titled, “Paratroopers Static Line Jump From C-17” and was uploaded on 28 May 2016. The upload date shows the video predates the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

At around the 3:58 timestamp, one can see similar visuals as the viral one playing.

Comparing both videos: We compared several keyframes from the viral video to the one uploaded on YouTube and found that both of them are from the same incident.

A comparison clearly highlights several similarities.

Conclusion: It is clear that an old and unrelated video is being shared on the internet with users falsely linking it to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.




  • Advanced Member
17 hours ago, kadhim said:

a zip-tied woman being led out of a vehicle with a giant blood stain on the seat of her pants

Note:This is from sponsored site by Zionist Israel 

Festivalgoers, children, soldiers: What we know about the people captured by Hamas

In one video that went viral, an Israeli woman and her boyfriend – identified as Noa Argamani and Avinatan Or – were shown being kidnapped. In it, Argamani was hoisted onto the back of a motorcycle and driven away as Or was apprehended and made to walk with his hands behind his back. CNN could not independently verify the video.


Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that "it is unprecedented in our history that we have so many Israeli nationals in the hands of a terrorist organization."

It has been more than 17 years since an Israeli soldier was taken as a prisoner of war in an assault on Israeli territory. And Israel has not seen this kind of infiltration of military bases, towns and kibbutzim since town-by-town fighting in the 1948 war of independence.


  • Advanced Member

Just look at all these accusation Israeli (may allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) curse them and their supporters eternally) are doing, like they don’t have any prove Palestinian fighters are murdering children and women so they are sharing videos of them murdering Palestinians and pretending they are victims. Yet people are still brainwashed like dog and don’t want to open their eyes. 

10 hours ago, AbdusSibtayn said:

Yes hitting and rounding up women and children is wrong

Elsewhere you are saying that “there are no civilians in Israel. You need to pick one coherent story and stick with it. 

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

'I lied based on lies but I was caught lying so let me double down and lie that I wasn't lying and accuse others of lying'. 


Edited by AbdusSibtayn
  • Advanced Member

My only concern here is Gaza being carpet bombed to the ground the resistance only have a small advantage of over a 100 hostages. Their tech is old and though they have people willing to die for their cause I just don't see a direct victory for them. 

In any case this was coming Gaza is a massive open-air prison and for years these people have been oppressed unlike anyone else in modern history and deserve to fightback. The Arab world has slowly been trying to normalize ties with Israel and are OK letting the Palestinians slowly die and lose more land every year.

  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

Bismehe Ta3ala,

Assalam Alikum 

Rosanne is a Zionist Jew and she even knows the narrative Isrealis have said isn't adding up.


Barr refers to the alphabet mafia and I'm quoting her "LGBTQBS"  If you can watch the whole podcast, it's worth it.  Episode 313

Do you want me to timestamp the place she said it?  Why is it every single time I mention anything to do with the alphabet mafia, someone from the admin team removes my comments, pictures, and don't address the censorship they impose on me?

Why are you protecting degenerates?


Edited by Laayla
Quote from Barr
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Dubilex said:

Nobody's stopping you from saying that.

Could have fooled me. 

1 hour ago, Dubilex said:

But it's very arrogant and conceited of you to tell palestinians how they should liberate themselves from the comfort of your home.

It’s “arrogant” to suggest people shouldn’t behave like savage animals? Go take a walk, dude.

1 hour ago, Dubilex said:

You absolve Israel of all responsibility for this conflict

Nonsense. Does not follow.

1 hour ago, Dubilex said:

It's also arrogant of you to claim that israeli settlers are innocent bystanders.

It’s called “being a Muslim,” dude. You should try it sometime. Whether you want to consider unarmed people civilians or not, what is very clear is that Muhammad (s) would have treated them as such, and that’s good enough for me. The question is why you want to deny this, but still call yourself a Muslim. 

1 hour ago, Dubilex said:

And one more advice is, I know you probably wanna appease your queer friends and LGBT buddies

What does one thing even have to do with the other? You’re making no sense whatsoever. 


Edited by kadhim
  • Advanced Member
8 hours ago, AbdusSibtayn said:

'I lied based on lies but I was caught lying so let me double down and lie that I wasn't lying and accuse others of lying

I'm on the floor in the fetal position clutching my stomach :hahaha:

  • Site Administrators
2 hours ago, kadhim said:

1. Could have fooled me. 

2. It’s “arrogant” to suggest people shouldn’t behave like savage animals? Go take a walk, dude.

3. It’s called “being a Muslim,” dude. You should try it sometime. 


1. Doesn't take much with you though

2. A fun experiment would be to treat you like an animal for 70 years then see how well you behave.

3. We are so lucky to have the likes of you telling us the criterias of what a muslim is. 


So I just want to summarize here and make sure I understand where some of you stand: 

  • War crimes: it only counts if a Jew or an American does it
  • There is no such thing as a civilian in Israel, be it man, woman, or child, armed or unarmed, in active service or not. Because the country is militaristic or because they have compulsory military service, or both. Everyone who lives there is fair game.  
  • But, see first bullet point above, that only applies to Israel. The same rule doesn’t apply in any of Iran or Turkey or the Arab countries where the same sort of mandatory service exists. If it’s a Palestinian non-combatant or an Iranian, or Lebanese, or Turkish, or what have you, is killed, we enter back into normal logic and it’s a war crime again. 
  • But, regardless, this is all fake news anyway.
  • If you criticize a Palestinian action, that means you disagree with the notion of resistance in general and also means you approve of everything every Israeli ever has ever done. Because the only allowable approach is to be a mindless cheerleader of one or the other. 

That about sum it up?

  • Veteran Member
19 hours ago, Irfani313 said:

Israelis can bark, whine, squeak, shriek, whimper, or make all sort of animal noises they could voice out (seriously listen to their angry politicians in past few days), reality is they will need to live with the consequences of their government actions. That’s the new season in West Asia.

What’s out of the bottle won’t be rolled back in. Anglos aren’t the only bully in town anymore. Others are biting back and both sides have tested each others tolerance. Israeli citizens turned out not so resilient. Won’t weather even a week long power shutdown or water stoppage. Privileges of Dual citizenship come with the inherent danger of flight at the first sight of danger. The world was laughing at the scenes at the BG airport.

I mean, the Palesitians must now also live (or die) due to the actions of Hamas.  I suspect many more will die.  Certainly lots of Israelis are fleeing, but the vast majority are not.  Reservists are showing up and getting ready for a ground assault.  Unfortunately, I think it'll be a blood bath more for Hamas than for Israel.  Israel will certainly suffer casualties, but they will level buildings in front of them if there is any sign of resistance.  

You can cheer from the side lines for the Palestinians to fight.  That's easy.  But until you suffer with them, your cheering doesn't mean much.

44 minutes ago, root said:

2. A fun experiment would be to treat you like an animal for 70 years then see how well you behave.

Jumbling up three entirely distinct questions here. 

1. Is it understandable, on some flawed human level, how someone in this situation could lose it and commit atrocities? It’s understandable. I can imagine it. 

2. Is it right, though? Morally, fiqhi-wise?  No. It clearly is not.

3. Does it help or hurt the cause of Palestinian freedom? I assert that the atrocities hurt the cause in a very substantial way that will reveal itself over the coming months and years. A lot of years of hard-won good will was squandered in a day. I don’t think many of you really understand yet how much damage was probably done to the public image of Gazans. There was some ISIS-level brutality done. 

There is a reason we have Islamic standards. It’s not just about being a goody two shoes. Being a beast bites you in the end.. 

Also, the thing to keep in mind is when you behave like a rabid animal, fewer people are going to lift a finger or speak up if someone tries to put you down. 

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