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In the Name of God بسم الله

You thought LGBTIQ was it? Bestiality is next.

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14 hours ago, Vindemiatrix said:

So there you have it. Is it really that much of a surprise though? With everything else that goes on these days I mean? 

It’s not as accepted and probably not as common as homosexuality though. My question was will it get to a much worse stage?

A common theme among the signs of the end times is the inversion of good and evil, as can be seen by the acceptance of LGBTQ+ among society and widespread homosexual marriages, which would have been unfathomable a couple years back. Perhaps it is better to take our children and live in seclusion in these trialing times. As we know, ad-Dajjal will come with a garden and a fire, and the garden will actually be the fire and the fire will be the garden.

So I wonder how much worse it could get before it gets any better?

اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج

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19 hours ago, Guest Blue said:

Alas Kadhim, for all your attempts at reform, the only words we have from the Final Prophet of God on the matter of same-sex acts is a No. Had there been reason to distinguish between two types of same-sex actors, we trust that God would have ensured His Final Messenger would clarify. 

He didn't. So there isn't.

He didn't appoint you or any other person to reform something so obvious than the prohibition of same-sex acts, which is found in the Qur'an, the New Testament, the Torah, in the Zoroastrian Vendidad, even in ancient Assyria, and even in the Laws formulated and argued philosophically by Plato. 

Islam is submission to the revealed will of God. Something so manifestly and literally and illustratively revealed as the prohibition of the act of sodomy, and with no exception even hinted at, and easily understood and universally accepted by the mobeds, rabbis, priests and jurists of all these scriptural communities, despite their disagreements and disputes in all sorts of matters, can't be brushed away because of a tiny but hugely financed pressure group in the West that is desperately looking for a new moral cause to justify blacklisting other civilisations and motivate future crusades into all corners of the globe. 

I'm sorry Kadhim that you feel no shame in rebelling against your Lord with your smug sophistry, condescending to the religious who only wish to submit to what is manifestly and necessarily and universally known from the Abrahamic scriptures. 

I pray you be guided. 



I’m sorry that reality offends you. 

I’m sorry that you’re incapable of responding to my arguments, and that this disturbs you so much psychologically that you just had to lash out here to compensate. 

Inshallah may you find guidance and stillness. I’m praying for you. 

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6 hours ago, 313_Waiter said:

It’s not as accepted and probably not as common as homosexuality though. My question was will it get to a much worse stage?

A common theme among the signs of the end times is the inversion of good and evil, as can be seen by the acceptance of LGBTQ+ among society and widespread homosexual marriages, which would have been unfathomable a couple years back. Perhaps it is better to take our children and live in seclusion in these trialing times. As we know, ad-Dajjal will come with a garden and a fire, and the garden will actually be the fire and the fire will be the garden.

So I wonder how much worse it could get before it gets any better?

اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج

Akhi, just stop. Nobody* is lining up to schtup animals or justify schtupping animals, and nobody* will. 

You guys make yourselves look stupid stubbornly trying to make things that are obviously not the same, the same. I wonder if there is a connection between this breathless sort of rhetoric and the reality that Muslims in the US, particularly youth, tend to have an even more tolerant view toward gay and lesbian people than the general population. (Check out some of the Pew Research findings on this) Because they see the crazy hysterical arguments you guys are making, and it actually ends up having the opposite effect you intended. 

If you guys could take off your ideological blinders for a minute and really sit down seriously to think this stuff through, you might recognize that I’m actually trying to help y’all chart a rational, defensible path through this that both acknowledges the classic texts while also being real with our new knowledge of how the world actually works. 

* The world is big, and random freaks exist

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8 hours ago, 313_Waiter said:

So I wonder how much worse it could get before it gets any better?

Oh, and I had meant to add earlier, as an aside. In a way it’s kind of funny that you’re talking about bestiality as a next, “worse” step, at least from a traditional Islam perspective. While I’m sure if you asked pretty much anyone offhand, myself included, they would say getting down with another species is one of the weirdest behaviors they could imagine, our texts seem to have a different ranking. 

Amusingly, our hadiths seem to rate it substantially less seriously than pre-marital zina, whether opposite or same sex, at least when it comes to hudud. The most specific text on the subject puts a punishment at 1/4 that of unmarried premarital sex: 25 lashes. (Al-Kafi, volume 7, book of hudud, chapter 25)

I’m not going anywhere with this. I just wanted to add that as an observation because I found that strange. 

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On 1/25/2023 at 11:33 AM, kadhim said:

Oh, and I had meant to add earlier, as an aside. In a way it’s kind of funny that you’re talking about bestiality as a next, “worse” step, at least from a traditional Islam perspective. While I’m sure if you asked pretty much anyone offhand, myself included, they would say getting down with another species is one of the weirdest behaviors they could imagine, our texts seem to have a different ranking. 

Amusingly, our hadiths seem to rate it substantially less seriously than pre-marital zina, whether opposite or same sex, at least when it comes to hudud. The most specific text on the subject puts a punishment at 1/4 that of unmarried premarital sex: 25 lashes. (Al-Kafi, volume 7, book of hudud, chapter 25)

I’m not going anywhere with this. I just wanted to add that as an observation because I found that strange. 

Alternatively, maybe God decided to take it easy on the bestiality offenders, because, let’s face it, being known in the local community as “Ahmed the goat-lover” after four people catch you in the act is probably not something one lives down any time soon. That’s probably 75 lashes worth of social pain just by itself. 


Edited by kadhim
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actions are not necessarily punished according to the severity of the action. 
What you're doing is qiyas, something that was forbidden by Imam Sadiq. 

Breaking a fast incurs two months of fasting or feeding 60 people, whereas forfeiting prayer has no kaffarah except making the prayer up.

Missing prayer is a worse deed than breaking a fast. 

Causing pain to parents is a worse sin than adultery, and yet there's no hadd for it, yet for adultery you can get killed for it.


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2 hours ago, VoidVortex said:


actions are not necessarily punished according to the severity of the action.


As an outsider I am curious about this. Islam is supposed to be based on reason and hence proportion. If the punishment does not fit the crime, then where does the logic lie? If there is no clear proportionality, then it doesn’t seem to make sense. Courts of law assign punishment according to the severity of a crime. Why wouldn’t the same basic relationship apply to degrees of sin within Islam?

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15 hours ago, Northwest said:

As an outsider I am curious about this. Islam is supposed to be based on reason and hence proportion. If the punishment does not fit the crime, then where does the logic lie? If there is no clear proportionality, then it doesn’t seem to make sense. Courts of law assign punishment according to the severity of a crime. Why wouldn’t the same basic relationship apply to degrees of sin within Islam?

Certain punishments are inflicted by nature like behaving bad to parents may lead one to get disobedient children or it may be punished by any other means. So punishment is still there even if there is no physical punishment prescribed for it.

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19 hours ago, kadhim said:

Alternatively, maybe God decided to take it easy on the bestiality offenders, because, let’s face it, being known in the local community as “Ahmed the goat-lover” after four people catch you in the act is probably not something one lives down any time soon. That’s probably 75 lashes worth of social pain just by itself. 

You do lot of qayas brother and become too emotional where the issue demands you to be mindful of the consequences. Punishment in Islamic law has degrees and it can go from mild to severe but it is to be imposed by a Prophet or Imam. The punishment of alcohol was 40 lashes but Hazrat Umer told Imam Ali (عليه السلام) that it is not enough to reform people so Imam Ali (عليه السلام) said that since one who drinks alcohol he talks uncontrollably and when he speak uncontrollably he turns to calumny and punishment of calumny is eighty lashes so he should be punished with 80 lashes. So, you cannot say that God has imposed less punishment on bestiality. You are unaware about it.

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31 minutes ago, Borntowitnesstruth said:

So, you cannot say that God has imposed less punishment on bestiality.

I can definitely say that God imposed less punishment from the perspective of hudud specifically (which is what I actually said), because that’s objectively true. There may well be other cause and effect consequences that result from the action, in addition to the hudud, which I very precisely discussed in exactly the passage you’re quoting here. 

But objectively, there’s no real argument that on a hudud level specifically bestiality is weighted 1/4 that of pre-marital zina. 25 is one quarter of 100. 

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On 1/25/2023 at 7:38 AM, 313_Waiter said:

It’s not as accepted and probably not as common as homosexuality though. My question was will it get to a much worse stage?

I just saw the Hadith as simply saying: "And you will see bestiality (sex with animals)”. 

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1 hour ago, kadhim said:

I can definitely say that God imposed less punishment from the perspective of hudud specifically (which is what I actually said), because that’s objectively true. There may well be other cause and effect consequences that result from the action, in addition to the hudud, which I very precisely discussed in exactly the passage you’re quoting here. 

But objectively, there’s no real argument that on a hudud level specifically bestiality is weighted 1/4 that of pre-marital zina. 25 is one quarter of 100. 

Then you as a Muslim must also acknowledge that punishment in Islam is imposed by considering various factors involved in it which are known to a lawgiver and it may happen that you may not understand it why it is like that but Prophet or Imam does and you should believe in them until you get a chance to ask Imam question about it but if you don't get a chance in this life, you will be answered about it after life.

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5 hours ago, Borntowitnesstruth said:

Then you as a Muslim must also acknowledge that punishment in Islam is imposed by considering various factors involved in it which are known to a lawgiver and it may happen that you may not understand it why it is like that but Prophet or Imam does and you should believe in them until you get a chance to ask Imam question about it but if you don't get a chance in this life, you will be answered about it after life.

Well … yes and no. Yes and no. 

Obviously it would be a little presumptuous for us to assume we know everything there is to know about it. This would be erring in the direction of exaggeration with respect to our knowledge. 

But at the same time it would be absurd to suggest that we can’t attain a pretty damned good and sufficient understanding if we put our minds to it. To deny that is to err the other way and to willingly cover over evident reality. 

Given the fact that:

  • Over a millennium later, God has chosen not to send the imam to baby spoon the reasons to us
  • Our courageous application of our reason has opened previously unimaginable levels of knowledge and yielded overflowing tangible benefits in every other field of knowledge 

It seems like a sign (for those who will reflect) that God wants us to and is waiting for us to turn our reason upon this field of knowledge, reverse engineer its sources, and apply what we learn to adjust it appropriately for today. 

It would be foolishness, and even ungratefulness for the intellectual gifts God has given us as a species to not do so. 

You want to tell me that our reason can land rovers on Mars, peer billions of years into the past with our telescopes, and build “ears” to hear the ringing of spacetime from ancient black hole mergers, but we can’t figure out things like this?

And which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?”



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4 hours ago, kadhim said:

Given the fact that:

  • Over a millennium later, God has chosen not to send the imam to baby spoon the reasons to us

Salam Imam Mahdi (aj) is among us as living Imam so your conclusion is void in similar fashion your previous rhetoric about not needing to Marja to baby spoon has been void so thresfore has been refuted .

4 hours ago, kadhim said:

Our courageous application of our reason has opened previously unimaginable levels of knowledge and yielded overflowing tangible benefits in every other field of knowledge 

anyway it's only babysteps which clearly we will reach to "unimaginable levels of knowledge and yielded overflowing tangible benefits in every other field of knowledge " after reappearance of Imam Mahdi (aj) which our acheivements before his reappearnce will be likewise touching some parts of elephant with closed eyes in totall darkness .

4 hours ago, kadhim said:

It seems like a sign (for those who will reflect) that God wants us to and is waiting for us to turn our reason upon this field of knowledge, reverse engineer its sources, and apply what we learn to adjust it appropriately for today. 

It would be foolishness, and even ungratefulness for the intellectual gifts God has given us as a species to not do so. 

I agree with this part although i don't deny needing to have guides & mentors .

4 hours ago, kadhim said:

You want to tell me that our reason can land rovers on Mars, peer billions of years into the past with our telescopes, and build “ears” to hear the ringing of spacetime from ancient black hole mergers, but we can’t figure out things like this?

It's because we can't  understand whole aspects of it because we don't have access to hidden world of Qaib so therefore we can't  figure it out because we only can understand short range of  aspects it's conseques based on our limted knowledge which only Allah knows all aspetcs of it's consequences in both of apparant world & unseen world which only hnadpicked people likewise infallibel Prophet Muhammad (pbu) & inafallible Imams receive a share of knowledge about unseen .

 O mankind! You are the ones who stand in need of Allah, and Allah—He is the All-sufficient


 O mankind! You are the ones who stand in need of Allah, and Allah—He is the All-sufficient, the All-laudable. (15) If He wishes, He will take you away, and bring about a new creation; (16) and that is not a hard thing for Allah. (17


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17 hours ago, Borntowitnesstruth said:

The punishment of alcohol was 40 lashes but Hazrat Umer told Imam Ali (عليه السلام) that it is not enough to reform people so Imam Ali (عليه السلام) said that since one who drinks alcohol he talks uncontrollably and when he speak uncontrollably he turns to calumny and punishment of calumny is eighty lashes so he should be punished with 80 lashes. So, you cannot say that God has imposed less punishment on bestiality. You are unaware about it.

Salam respectfully punishment of drinking Wine (Alcohol) has been 80 lashes which Abubakr & Umar have applied it as 40 lashes due totheir ignorance toward rulings , which 40 lashing for drinking Wine (Alcohol) has been distorting original ruling about 80 lashing which in similar fashion Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has lashed Walid ibn Uqba  which has  drunken  wine governor of Uthman which due to being realtive of Utman nobody has dared to lash him which only Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has lashed him 80 times althogh of all efforts of Uthman for protecting  Walid ibn Uqba as his relative  from umayyads which in simalr fashion Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has lashed Najashi  who has been  a suppoter poet of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) ,80 times which due that he drinked wine in month of Ramadhan then prisoned him for one night so then lashed him additional 20 times which when Najshi has asked about reason for additional 20 lashes so then Imam ali (عليه السلام) has responded this 20 lashe has been for drinkng wine in month  of Ramadhan & disrepting to sacredness of it by you.



The hadd or punishment for drinking any sort of alcoholic drink is eighty whips, even if the person drinks a little,



Umar's reference to Ali in the number of lashing wine drinkers

According to the explanation that the founding jurisprudents of Sunni jurisprudence and high-ranking hadith scribes of this sect have written and narrated, Abu Bakr and Umar did not know the quantity of the drunkard's Hadd and the number of lashing and strokes  with whip  which has been inflicted on him, and in case of encountering a drunkard, they have limited it  only to forty.


As a result of some events and references of government officials to Umar bin Khattab, including Khaled bin Walid's reference - as if from the region and place where he held the position of governor on behalf of Umar - and the report of the fact that people disregard the sanctity of wine and how to punish it (which for example is 40 strokes of the whip) and what is the Hadd of wine.

Umar directly asked Imam Amir of the Believers or a number of companions - including Ali ((عليه السلام).) who were present in the assembly.

So the Imam said: He who drinks wine becomes drunk, and when he becomes drunk, he raves and rants, and when he becomes delirious, he slanders and accuses, and the Hadd for slandering is 80 lashes, so the Hadd for wine is 80 lashes.

Umar also ordered eighty lashes to be given to a drunkard as a Shari'a Hadd 1


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5 hours ago, kadhim said:

It seems like a sign (for those who will reflect) that God wants us to and is waiting for us to turn our reason upon this field of knowledge, reverse engineer its sources, and apply what we learn to adjust it appropriately for today. 

It would be foolishness, and even ungratefulness for the intellectual gifts God has given us as a species to not do so. 

Well, humans in their own way are susceptible to make errors as well when making judgements which has been proved even in the times of our Holy Prophet (PBUHHP) and Imams. It is because of that they cannot be allowed to innovate in the religion because it is the main reason previous divine messages lost their originality. The only gate open to humans is ijtehad based on the sources of Quran and Hadith using which humans could solve modern problems. 

It would also be foolishness to allow religion to be adulterated by the mistakes of humans which will lead to destruction of moral and social values. So, use intelligence but within the limits of ijtehad, don't end up making your own religion because it will not be divine but man made and full of mistakes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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My 2 cents:

One of the biggest issues with homosexuality is that it and Islam can't coexist. A religious society that accepts homosexuality will become less religious. The big issue is not the immediate consequences of practicing homosexuality, it is the 99% heterosexual people knowingly accepting a sin. Just in this thread alone, look at the two Muslims who accepted LGBT. One of them says that God saying so is not good enough for them. The One who created sexuality can't tell them it's wrong. He has to justify Himself more than He already has, explicitly through Prophets and Imams. It is easy to harbor such a satanic attitude when you accept the LGBT. The other person has one of the most obnoxious, smug, and condescending attitudes I have ever seen. Is this a coincidence? No, because accepting a sin deviates you and certainly deviates societies. 

The second thing is that we as Muslims accept that we are moving towards the end of times. And as we proceed, corruption on a grand scale will occur until it culminates in a global destruction and ruin that only Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) can salvage. Does it make sense to a rational Muslim that the sole exception to all these innovations is LGBT? It's like the Prophet tells us that we will find a chest full of cursed jewels, and you pick  one up and say "Yes, all these are cursed.... except this one."

Can one say our current state is fertile grounds for enlightenment? Corruption is spreading in all areas of life from business to government, everything is getting worse. As humanity is flailing and drowning, any new thing that comes out of its mouth is falsehood. LGBT is not an exception. Let us hear of the LGBT from a place of stability.

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Otherkin are people who identify as partially or entirely nonhuman. A dragon, a lion, a fox—you name it—there is probably someone out there who feels like they are more these things than they are human. The otherkin community can be found lurking on Reddit, Tumblr, TV Tropes, and other online forums.


I guess if you self-identify as another species then conjugal relations with members of that species are not extraordinary.


She explains that, like transgender people, some otherkin do feel dysphoric with their human bodies, "they want to become more like that animal," just like how some trans people want to alter their physicality. Some otherkin actually have surgery to look more like their animal or creature, Feef tells me. "I do know some people that have done that, and yeah, it just doesn't look that amazing."


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6 hours ago, Haji 2003 said:



I guess if you self-identify as another species then conjugal relations with members of that species are not extraordinary.


Oh, for goodness’ sake, Haji. This is tabloid fare. You should be embarrassed. 

This is something that, for all intents and purposes, does not exist in any meaningful sense as a phenomenon in the world. 

7 hours ago, Haji 2003 said:



I guess if you self-identify as another species then conjugal relations with members of that species are not extraordinary.


Oh for goodness’ sake, Haji. You lean a little too far into Daily Mail territory in your arguments sometimes. 

Show me anywhere in that Vice article where there is any claim or witness of any of these eccentric young people actually wanting to have sex with an actual animal. Come now. This is almost slanderous. 

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1 hour ago, kadhim said:

Oh, for goodness’ sake, Haji. This is tabloid fare. You should be embarrassed. 

This is something that, for all intents and purposes, does not exist in any meaningful sense as a phenomenon in the world. 

Oh for goodness’ sake, Haji. You lean a little too far into Daily Mail territory in your arguments sometimes. 




     warned you guys about this.
    Teacher alleged she was fired for not meowing back at student who identifies as a cat https://t.co/L0UEBUFj3p
    — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) January 16, 2022

    G’morning We’ve reached the pinnacle of Insanity! A substitute teacher was fired, after refusing to meow at a student that identifies as a cat By not meowing back at the student, she somehow oppressed him. I’m convinced they’re trying to suck us up into their world of crazy
    — Domenica D'Elia (@domenicadelia22) January 18, 2022






Herald Sun story about schoolgirl identifying as a cat goes viral but lacks evidence



It's not the first time such a story has gone viral online.

The Herald Sun has claimed that "students are being allowed to act out animal identities in schools in a bid to support their mental health needs," in an article that's gone viral - but is there any proof?

The piece from Susie O'Brien claimed that a Year 8 student at a Melbourne private school "identifies as a cat, and as long as she does her school work, the school is supporting her assumed identity."

    "Although she is “phenomenally bright”, she is understood not to be verbal at school."

The article's only proof was "a source close the family," who said that "no one seems to have a protocol for students identifying as animals, but the approach has been that if it doesn’t disrupt the school, everyone is being supportive."

The school was not named, but the piece has made its way around social media - being picked up by United Australia Party senator Ralph Babet & former Conservatives senator Cory Bernardi among many others.

Earlier this year, another News Corp paper - the Courier Mail - reported on cat-identifying students at Brisbane Girls Grammar (something the Herald Sun article mentioned in their article, saying "the school did not corroborate the account") which was debunked by the ABC's Media Watch at the time.

And in January, it was claimed that a Michigan school provided litter boxes for students identifying as cats, something also debunked.




Michigan school accused of installing litter boxes for students who identify as cats

A Michigan school has responded to sensational claims that it was installing litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats and dogs.

Little boxes have never been inside Midland Public Schools and are not being used by pupils, the district's superintendent clarified in a statement to concerned parents on Thursday, January 20, to dispel rumors on social media.


1 hour ago, kadhim said:

Show me anywhere in that Vice article where there is any claim or witness of any of these eccentric young people actually wanting to have sex with an actual animal. Come now. This is almost slanderous. 

'Furry' couple had sex with 15-year-old Pennsylvania boy after grooming him to be their 'pet': Police



HANOVER, PENNSYLVANIA: A Pennsylvania couple is reportedly facing charges after allegedly engaging in a sordid sexual relationship with a teenager.

The victim was just 15 years old when Jacob Becker and Emily Javins of 5 Forrest Circle, Hanover allegedly began engaging in sex acts with him, the New York Post reports.

The victim's father alerted the authorities after discovering suspicious conversations on Facebook Messenger his son was having with a woman on a laptop computer at the home. It was later found the woman in question was 22-year-old Emily Javins, per court documents.

According to the report, the victim told police during questioning that Javins is a "furry" who takes on the persona of a cat during the sessions. Meanwhile, the victim was allegedly forced to take on a goat's persona while Becker dominated them both.

Police interviewed Javins and learned she met the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, during a game of Dungeons and Dragons

Furthermore, he admitted to the victim's "pet training" as part of "racy role-play", which saw the teenager being put on a leash and lead to a bowl so he could eat a piece of birthday cake.

Court documents also show Becker admitting to sending the boy nude photos and videos.

Becker and Javins were charged with the corruption of minors and held on a $20,000 bail for each


'Furry' couple had sex with 15-year-old Pennsylvania boy after grooming him to be their 'pet': Police.

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5 hours ago, kadhim said:

Oh, for goodness’ sake, Haji. This is tabloid fare. You should be embarrassed. 

It's been several years since I started the Darling Android thread, even before this thread got going. It had a tongue-in-cheek air about it, but also served to explore a scenario and what Muslim reaction could be.

Certainly, as time has passed and technology has developed, I increasingly feel that Human-Android relationships will be a 'thing'.

However. the point about scenarios is not that they accurately predict the future, rather it's to do with providing a platform for discussing/thinking about things.

They also serve to complement the way we typically think about issues.

Typically we face a challenge in real life and then ask a mar'je. At that point there is already some inclination and/or social pressure to behave in a particular way and it's clear looking at the questions people ask that they are 'loaded' i.e. people seeking justification for something they want to do.

Discussing scenarios is different, we don't have skin in the game and can examine issues more dispassionately.

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