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In the Name of God بسم الله

Turkish Adhaan

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2 hours ago, Muhammad A-H said:

If it was recommended, the Prophet Muhammad would have said the third testimony in the athan and iqamah within his lifetime, like following the event where he had announced that Imam Ali would be his successor.

Please refer to the following hadith to know the terms & conditions of the first testimony:

قال علي بن موسى الرضا عليهما السلام: حدثني أبي موسى الكاظم عن أبيه جعفر الصادق عن أبيه محمد الباقر عن أبيه علي زين العابدين عن أبيه الحسين شهيد كربلاء عن أبيه علي بن أبي طالب أنه قال حدثني حبيبي وقرة عيني رسول الله صلى‏الله‏عليه‏وآله قال حدثني جبرائيل قال سمعت رب العزة سبحانه تعالى يقول كلمة لا إله إلا الله حصني فمن قالها دخل حصني ومن دخل حصني أمن عذابي ثم أرخى الستر على القبة وسار. فعدوا أهل المحابر والدوي الذين كانوا يكتبون فأنافوا على عشرين ألفا«و في رواية»عد من المحابر أربعة وعشرون ألفا سوى الدوي.

وفي رواية الشيخ الصدوق وغيره انه عليه السلام بعد ان ذكر الخبر السابق قال: فلما مرت الراحلة ناداهم قائلا: بشرطها وشروطها وأنا من شروطها.

This "wa ana min shurooteha" means what? This is the حديث سلسلة الذهب, the golden chain where Imam (عليه السلام) narrating from another Imams reaching to Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) to Jibra'il (عليه السلام) who listened the words of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى). 

2 hours ago, Muhammad A-H said:

the A'immah never said the third testimony in the athan

Yet it is mentioned that they do said الصلاة خير من النوم، it is mentioned that they have not said حي على خير العمل، it is also mentioned that they have said the aqamah like the sunni way i.e., except Allaho Akbar, every other thing once. And we believe that they have done so out of taqaiyyah. 

If saying "Aliyyun wali ullah" in adhan with the intention of istehbaab would be troublesome, I am certain that they would have left the guidance for us by prohibiting people to not say the third testimony in adhan & aqamah specifically when Imam al-Sadiq (عليه السلام) was recommending this:

رُوِيَ عن الإمام الصادق ( عليه السَّلام ) أنه قال : " من قال لا إله إلا الله ، محمدٌ رسول الله ، فليقل عليٌ أمير المؤمنين ولي الله "

بحار الأنوار : 38 / 318

This is my last comment on this thread.


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9 hours ago, Mahdavist said:

The facts have been repeatedly stated. There is no benefit to repeat them again and again. Anyone who reads the thread can determine what is from the sunnah and act accordingly. 


I agree, and also I see the Adhan as symetrical with salah. No 3rd tashahud in salah, not in adhan either. 


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On 12/16/2022 at 7:20 AM, Muhammad A-H said:

Since the Prophet Muhammad and the A'immah never said the third testimony in the athan and the iqamah, there is no reason for us to include it, especially since the Prophet and the Ahl ul-Bayt know better than us. Just because it may be technically permissible does not mean that it is recommended nor that we should do it. If it was recommended, the Prophet Muhammad would have said the third testimony in the athan and iqamah within his lifetime, like following the event where he had announced that Imam Ali would be his successor.


On 12/16/2022 at 12:37 AM, Mahdavist said:

One doesn't have to search desperately, the information is easily available in major hadith collections. 

The hadith doesn't surprise me, nor do the other ones you shared. If these narrations are authentic then I don't see any problem in a person reciting the adhan or iqamah in any of these ways.

Salam it seems that you are not aware of history which Adhan & Iqamah have been revelaed before Ghadir Khumm which both of it have been genearlly for all of Muslims whether devoted or hypocrite  not for a particular group of them which even after announcing Amir al Muminin Imam Ali (عليه السلام) so then  hypocrites & enemeies of Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) have rejected or denied it after demise of prophet Muhammad (pbu)  which they have tried to censore or deny any evidence about Ghadir Khumm & anything else which has been related to Imam Ali (عليه السلام) which even if approving of wilayah of Imam Ali(عليه السلام) has been a mandatory part in Adhaan & Iqamah so therefore they would remove it from Adhaan & Iqamah in similar fashion which they have removed some parts of Adhaan & Iqamah likewise حی علی خیر العمل also for 60 years Imam Ali(عليه السلام) has been cursed by order of cursed Muawiah (la) which in whole of Umayyad era even having name of Ali or calling  someone as Ali has been a great crime so therefore not mentioning name of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has been for removing burden from Muslim community because Allah & prophet Muhammad (pbu) have known that some gropus likewise hypocrites & Nawasib will oppsoe it even in cost of totall removing of whole of Adhaan & Iqamah & killing many Muslims .

On 12/16/2022 at 12:37 AM, Mahdavist said:

The problem occurs when we abandon the sunnah of the ahlulbayt and adapt the sunnah of the ghulat and the Safawids.

Your mindset  has based on just repating this part likewise a broken record for calling everything which comes from Iran as innovation of Ghulat & Safawids which even according to your logic pilgrimage of Imam Reza (عليه السلام) & lady Masouma (sa) in Mashhad & Qom can be categorized as innovation of Safavids because Safavids have built current shrines of them also pilgriming  their shrines have become popular due to support of Safavids which due not accepting any reason about it by you so threfore it's better that we agree to disagree .

On 12/15/2022 at 9:00 AM, Mahdavist said:

the debate is not about the wilayah of Imam Ali (عليه السلام).

The main debate has been about changing Adhaan by Sunni Ottomans or panTurks into something likewise a Turkish national anthem in whole of their controlled territory which even now neo Ottomans & panturks are follwing Turkification of everything which during Ottoman era in Europe people have been calling Bosnian Muslims as Turks because after converting to Islam they have adopted Turkish lifestyle  & Turkified everything which it has been a rivalry between Arabs & Turks in relating  Islam to themselves by Turkification or Arabization of whole of Muslim community .

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On 12/14/2022 at 11:12 PM, Northwest said:

However, as far as I know there is no evidence that Muhammad Ali Pasha started replacing the Arabic with a non-Arabic Adhan. (Even today Western-run Sunni puppet-regimes like those of the KSA and Egypt have not replaced the Arabic with a non-Arabic Adhan, regardless of whether one believes that the present recitation is less than perfect.) This to me supports the notion that the Adhan was not uniformly in Arabic to begin with, because, as you confirmed, prior to the reforms the Sunni waqf and clergy were largely independent of the central authorities, that is, not under their direct control. After all, prior to the rise of Muhammad Ali Pasha the government wasn’t going around punishing people for saying a non-Arabic Adhan, and if power is decentralised, then local feudal lords tend to reflect the demographics of their respective domains, be they Arabic-speaking or otherwise; the Ottoman Empire was obviously multilingual and multiethnic.

On 12/11/2022 at 1:44 PM, Ashvazdanghe said:

Hi we don't believe to story of tower of Babel which is only a fabrication of Jewish rabbies for their racist purposes likewise calling Jewishs as chosen ones  which even their language has superiority to other languages also accoring to holy Quran  differnces in languages has been created in order to people know Allah/God better as researching in his signs & creations  also Islam in opposition to other religions is a universal religion which as true  New World Order in oppsition to false Zionist New World Order will be became religion of whole of world which Arabic is heavenly divine language of Islam which according to narrations all of people in paradise will talk in Arabic with each other but on the other hand people in hell will speak in any language other than Arabic as Ajam languages .

The messages of verse 22 of Surah Rum

The difference between races and languages is a way to know Allah.وَاخْتِلَافُ أَلْسِنَتِكُمْ وَأَلْوَانِكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ and the difference of your languages and colours. There are indeed signs in that ...



Hi respectfully you have msundertood me because I have said that which "the Sunni waqf and clergy " have been totally dependant to Sunni rulers since time of third Sunni caliph which he has been donating all of Zakat & Khums of muslims between Umayyads which Ka'b al-Ahbar  as ex jewsish rabbi has been first dependant clergy to Sunni rulers which he has confirmed distributing treasury of muslims by third caliph just between Umayyads which due to objection of Abudhar (رضي الله عنه) as one of nominant Shias with these innovation & corruption so then third caliph has exiled him to an isloated place which has been under control of cursed Muawiyah (la) which in similar fashion all of during era of Sunni rulers including era of Ottoman rulers until now both of "the Sunni waqf and clergy "  have been dependant to sunni ruler which even now seperate Waqf boards & Sunni clerics are totally dependant & supporters of Sunni rulers .

which about not changing Adhaan by KSA & Egypt is due that their language is Arabic so replacing it with Turkish translation is meaningless also these countries just see it as old traditon which must be preservs as traditional inheritance & ritual which in similar fashion "Muhammad Ali Pasha" has preserved Arabic Adhaan just as traditional inheritance & ritual which although Egypt has been affected by Turkfication of Ottomans as one of controlled countries by Ottomans still kept religious matters in Arabic  which because KSA has been created by Britain colonianism for opposing Ottomans so therfore it has resisted against Turkification of Islam by Ottomans .


the Adhan was not uniformly in Arabic to begin with, because, as you confirmed,

this is totally wrong because I have said Adhaan has been uniformly in Arabic because in similar fashion of holy Quran & other divine inspirations likewise Hadith Qudsi  in islam has been revealed in Arabic .


Sacred tradition or al-ḥadīth al-qudsī (Arabic:الحدیث القدسی) is non-Quranic sayings of God, which is quoted by the Prophet (s). It is also called al-ḥadīth al-rabbānī (Arabic:الحدیث الرّبّانی) or al-hadīth al-ilāhī (divine tradition).

In these hadiths, the content is from God and the words are from the Prophet (s). The Prophet (s) receives the content either through an angel or by direct inspiration. These hadiths usually begin with the phrases "Qal Allah" (God said) or "Yaqul Allah" (God says).




You are seemingly contradicting yourself. On the one hand you rightly condemn Jewish authorities for favouring Hebrew over all other languages, but then you go on to state that Arabic is the exclusive language of Paradise, while still asserting that linguistic diversity is somehow a blessing (to prove that Arabic is superior to all other tongues?). You can’t really assert that one language, any language, is superior to another without being ethnocentric and/or racist. Otherwise you are not really being consistent.

The Tower of Babel is mentioned in Shia sources, so it has not been manufactured wholesale by Jews. Also, how would Shiism otherwise explain the many languages?

At first The tower of Babel has been mentioned as a historical thing but on the other hand  jewish story of seperation of languages due to falling of tower of Babel  has been denied in  Shia source also Arabic language explicitly doesn't belong to any partiuclar race in opposition of  Hebrew as part of Jewish identity which according to Shia narration Arabic is languge which Allah/god speaks with people

Is Arabic Allah's chosen language?

at the beginning of the world, Prophet Adam spoke Arabic but after he disobeyed Allah and ate from the forbidden tree, Allah expelled him from Heaven and its blessings and replaced it with plain land and plantations. He also took Arabic and substituted it with Syriac.[7] After him the first person to speak Arabic was prophet Ismail[8]. In his first confrontation with the king of ancient Egypt, Prophet Yusuf greeted him in Arabic[9] and prophet Soleiman chose it as the language of worship[10]. It is also said that all ministers of Imam Mahdi will speak Arabic despite the fact that none of them are Arab.[11]


It has been mentioned in some Ahadith that:

1- People in Paradise speak Arabic[1] and the heavenly Houris also speak Arabic.[2]

2- In a hadith by the prophet he says: "I like Arabs for three reasons: First because I am Arab myself. Second because the Quran is in Arabic, and third because Arabic is the language people speak in Paradise."[3]

3- Imam Sadiq narrates a hadith in which his father said: "Allah did not speak to any prophet but in Arabic."[4]

4- Arabic is the language of Allah[5] and Allah has preferred it over other languages.[6]

5- Also at the beginning of the world, Prophet Adam spoke Arabic but after he disobeyed Allah and ate from the forbidden tree, Allah expelled him from Heaven and its blessings and replaced it with plain land and plantations. He also took Arabic and substituted it with Syriac.[7] After him the first person to speak Arabic was prophet Ismail[8]. In his first confrontation with the king of ancient Egypt, Prophet Yusuf greeted him in Arabic[9] and prophet Soleiman chose it as the language of worship[10]. It is also said that all ministers of Imam Mahdi will speak Arabic despite the fact that none of them are Arab.[11]

6- This language has shown itself as a holy language in most acts of worship and some Islamic mu’amalat (transactions). In Islam the Adhan, Iqama, Prayer and Talbiyya of Hajj (saying Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik…) and Umrah must be performed in Arabic and it is obligatory for all Muslims to learn the Arabic words used in them.





Fighting with God

In historical sources, it is mentioned that in order to find Abraham's (s) God and fight with Him, Nimrod used trained eagles, tied a box to them and flew to sky. In some historical reports, it is mentioned that in order to go to the sky and fight with God, Nimrod built a tall tower. This building was known as the tower of Babylon which was destroyed later by the order of God. Some exegetes considered verse 26 of Quran 16[16] about this story. Based on this verse, God razed their edifice of the faithless who sought deception from the foundations and the roof collapsed upon them from above.



Those before them plotted, so Allah struck at the foundations of their building, and then the roof fell down upon them from above them, and the doom came on them whence they knew not; (26)


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امام صادق (علیه السلام)

تَعَلَّمُوا اَلْعَرَبِيَّةَ فَإِنَّهَا كَلاَمُ اَللَّهِ اَلَّذِي تَكَلَّمَ بِهِ خَلْقَهُ وَ نَظِّفُوا اَلْمَاضِغَيْنِ وَ بَلِّغُوا بِالْخَوَاتِيمِ
الخصال  ج۱ ص۲۵۸
بحار الأنوار  ج۱ ص۲۱۲
بحار الأنوار  ج۷۳ ص۱۲۷

Imam Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) said: Learn the Arabic language because it is the word of God and God has spoken to His servants in that language (meaning the Qur'an) and open your jaws to speak in Arabic and pronounce the end of the words clearly.

Khisal v 1 p2385

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From linguistics’ point of view, Arabic is one of the world’s most comprehensive languages that has the capability of conveying deep meanings in short and beautiful phrases. See: Al-Mizan, vol. 4, pg. 160; Tafsir Nemouneh, vol. 9, pg. 300 and vol. 13, pg. 311; and vol. 21, pg. 8; Pasokh be Porseshaye Mazhabiye Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi va Ayatollah Sobhani, pg. 293.

Prophet Musa had engraved these sentences on a stone in Hebrew that was discovered after the dawn of Islam mentioning that the teachings of Islam were in Arabic: " باسمک اللهم جاء الحق من ربک بلسان عربی مبین لا اله الا الله، محمد رسول الله، علی ولی الله و کتب موسی بن عمران بیده."




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3 hours ago, Ashvazdanghe said:

Salam it seems that you are not aware of history which Adhan & Iqamah have been revelaed before Ghadir Khumm which both of it have been genearlly for all of Muslims whether devoted or hypocrite  not for a particular group of them which even after announcing Amir al Muminin Imam Ali (عليه السلام) so then  hypocrites & enemeies of Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) have rejected or denied it after demise of prophet Muhammad (pbu)  which they have tried to censore or deny any evidence about Ghadir Khumm & anything else which has been related to Imam Ali (عليه السلام) which even if approving of wilayah of Imam Ali(عليه السلام) has been a mandatory part in Adhaan & Iqamah so therefore they would remove it from Adhaan & Iqamah in similar fashion which they have removed some parts of Adhaan & Iqamah likewise حی علی خیر العمل also for 60 years Imam Ali(عليه السلام) has been cursed by order of cursed Muawiah (la) which in whole of Umayyad era even having name of Ali or calling  someone as Ali has been a great crime so therefore not mentioning name of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has been for removing burden from Muslim community because Allah & prophet Muhammad (pbu) have known that some gropus likewise hypocrites & Nawasib will oppsoe it even in cost of totall removing of whole of Adhaan & Iqamah & killing many Muslims .


Not sure to understand the purpose of this long post but you seem to imply Mu`awiya (la) suppressed something, does that imply third tashahud existed during Imam Ali's caliphate (عليه السلام) ? 

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8 minutes ago, realizm said:


Not sure to understand the purpose of this long post but you seem to imply Mu`awiya (la) suppressed something, does that imply third tashahud existed during Imam Ali's caliphate (عليه السلام) ? 

Salam It maybe said by some Shias specially close companions to Imam Ali (عليه السلام) likewise Ammar ibn Yasir (رضي الله عنه) or Abudhar Gifari (رضي الله عنه) or salman muhammadi(persian) (رضي الله عنه) anyway due to mass propganda of cursed  Mu`awiya (la) majority of people in Sham have been cursing Imam Ali(عليه السلام) which they have surprised when they have heard that Imam Ali (as0 has been martyred in mosque because they have believed that he is not a muslim also until time of Imam Sadiq (عليه السلام) even  using name of "Ali" as name of someone has been a great sin which everyone by name of "Ali" would face too much official harassments likewise if someone has name of "Ali" so then he was guilty without asking at Umayyad courts even if he was victim of a crime.

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29 minutes ago, realizm said:

imply Mu`awiya (la) suppressed something

The challenge of the Umayyads to Ali was a manifestation of the reaction of paganism against Islam. For a long time, the hatred of the Banu Umayya against Islam and the Banu Hashim had smoldered like embers but with the accession of Ali to the throne of caliphate, it had turned into roaring flames, threatening to burn down, in the words of Toynbee, “the house that Mohammed built.”

In the main mosque of Damascus, the banner of the Banu Umayya was unfurled everyday after the midday prayer. Suspended to the banner were two other objects. One was a blood-stained shirt which Uthman was alleged to have been wearing when he was killed, and the other was the dissevered fingers of Naila, his wife.

The Syrians walked around this banner, weeping, wailing and cursing Ali, the members of his family, and the Banu Hashim, and swearing that they would wreak vengeance upon the killers of Uthman. Professors Sayed Abdul Qadir and Muhammad Shuja-ud-Din write in their History of Islam that this was the beginning of the practice called “tabarree.”

Muawiya and Amr bin Aas whipped up Syria into hysteria, so that every Syrian was raving mad against Ali, and was thirsting for his blood. After three months, Ali's emissary returned to Kufa to report to him the failure of his mission in Damascus.


Is there any proof from Ahlesunnat books that Muawiya used to verbally abuse Imam Ali (عليه السلام)?



There are reports of such cursing by Mu'awiya, Marwan b. al-Hakam, and Mughira b. Shu'ba in historical sources. Other measures taken by Imam Ali's enemies include a general ban on reporting Imam Ali's virtues, ban on the transmission of his hadiths, ban on praising him, and ban on naming children as Ali.



The cursing of Imam Ali (a) was ongoing for about sixty years until the period of the caliphate of Umar b. Abd al-Aziz (99-101/717-8 -720). When he took over the caliphate, he ordered all his representatives and local governors to abandon the practice of cursing. According to Ibn Khaldun, an 8th/14th-century historian, Umayyads persisted on cursing Ali (a) until when Umar b. Abd al-Aziz wrote to all Islamic territories and ordered the cursing to be stopped. According to a hadith transmitted by Umm Salama, one of the Prophet's wives, which is cited in many books of hadiths, the Prophet (s) characterized the cursing of Imam Ali (a) as tantamount to the cursing of himself, and in some versions, to the cursing of God. In his Bihar al-anwar, al-Allama al-Majlisi cited other hadiths to the same effect, in addition to the one attributed to Umm Salama.

Hajjaj b Yusuf

According to Ibn Abi l-Hadid, Hajjaj b. Yusuf cursed Imam Ali (a) and, moreover, he encouraged others to do the same. He was pleased when someone cursed Ali (a). It is reported that a man told Hajjaj that his family were unjust to him by naming him as "Ali" and he asked Hajjaj to change his name and give him some money because he was poor. Hajjaj changed his name and gave him a job.

According to other reports, Hajjaj b. Yusuf considered the cursing of Ali as a praiseworthy virtue. Atiyya b. Sa'd b. Junada was reportedly asked by Hajjaj to curse Ali b. Abi Talib (a), or else, he would be whipped four hundred times. Atiyya rejected the request and was whipped four hundred times, and his hair and beard were shaved.


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I am sorry but the only thing that stands out of your last two posts with regards to the third testimony in adhan is :

7 hours ago, Ashvazdanghe said:

Salam It maybe said by some Shias specially close companions to Imam Ali (عليه السلام) likewise Ammar ibn Yasir (رضي الله عنه) or Abudhar Gifari (رضي الله عنه) or salman muhammadi(persian) (رضي الله عنه) anyway due to mass propganda of cursed  Mu`awiya (la) majority of people in Sham have been cursing Imam Ali(عليه السلام)

Looks like suppositions if you ask me, with probably no source to back them up. 

Ps you hurried to switch to the topic of Sham during the Umayads, while I asked specifically about Kufa during Ali's Caliphate (عليه السلام). 


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15 hours ago, realizm said:

Looks like suppositions if you ask me, with probably no source to back them up. 

مشروعیت اشهد ان علیا ولی الله در اذان

Legitimacy of Ashhad Anna Alia Wali Allah in the call to prayer (Adhaaan)

- The history of the third testimony
The question that we will address in this section is, when did the third Shahada has been  appeared in the call to prayer and does it have a special narration in addition to the popular narrations?
It is stated in historical and narrative sources that Abu Dhar Ghafari and Salman Farsi used to testify to Wilayat Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) in the call to prayer. In this context, Maraghy Masri مراغی مصری, one of the Sunni scholars, in his book Al-Salafa fi Amr Khilafah السلافة فی امر الخلافة , narrates two narrations from these great companion, Abu Dhar Ghaffari, as well as from the distinguished companion of Salman Farsi:

3.1 - Azan of Abu Dhar Ghaffari


«اخرج ان رجلا دخل علی رسول الله (صلی الله علیه واله وسلم) وقال: یا رسول الله انّ ابا ذر یذکر فی الاذان بعد الشهادة بالرسالة الشهادة بالولایة لعلی علیه السلام. قال رسول اللّه (صلی‌الله‌علیه‌و‌آله‌وسلّم) کذلک، او نسیتم قولی فی غدیر خم: من کنت مولاه فعلی مولاه؟؛

A person came to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) and said: O Messenger of Allah! Abu Dhar testifies to Wilayat Ali in the call to prayer after Shahada to prophethood. The Messenger of Allah said: That is it. Did you forget my words on the day of Ghadir Khumm that "whoever I am the master of, then Ali is his master?"

Al-Salafa fi Amr Khilafah السلافة فی امر الخلافة  p32


«دخل رجل علی رسول الله (صلی‌الله‌علیه‌و‌آله‌وسلّم) وسلم، فقال: یا رسول الله! انی سمعت امرا لم اسمع قبل ذلک، فقال صلی الله علیه واله وسلم: ما هو؟ قال: سلمان قد یشهد فی اذانه بعد الشهادة بالرسالة، الشهادة بالولایة لعلی (علیه‌السّلام)، قال (صلی‌الله‌علیه‌و‌آله‌وسلّم): سمعت خیرا؛

3.2 - Adhaan of Salman Farsi

A person came to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his propgeny) and said: O Messenger of Allah, I heard something that I have not heard before. The Messenger of Allah said: What is that? He answered: In his adhan, Salman testifies to the guardianship of Ali (peace be upon him) after testifying to the Prophethood. So the Prophet said: "You have heard something good!"

Al-Salafa fi Amr Khilafah السلافة فی امر الخلافة  p32
According to these traditions, it is impossible to consider the third Shahada as one of the innovations in the call to prayer, but it should also be said that the third Shahada is something that was approved and encouraged by the Messenger of Allah(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny).


Sheikh Sadouq says: The misguided and accursed sect of Muwafidah made news from themselves and added this sentence in the call to prayer:((محمد و آل محمد خیر البریه ))

Some of them have added word of ((اشهد ان علیا" امیرالمؤمنین حقا")) after ((اشهد ان محمدا" رسول الله )) And in some narrations of this group, after ((اشهد ان محمدا" رسول الله ))    اشهد ان علیا" ولی الله has been came .

Sheikh Sadouq adds: There is no doubt that Ali ((عليه السلام).) is the right guardian Amir al-Mu'minin and Muhammad and his family are Khair al-Bariyah. But these sentences are not in the original call to prayer, (4)

It is stated in Mustnad al-Urwa  مستند العروه: We don't need to enter the Nas to say the sentence "Ashhado An Alian Wali Allah". Because Wilayat is one of the completions of the mission, one of the foundations of faith and the perfection of religion, and especially in this era, there is no need for anything else, because this sentence is the clearest slogan of Shia and the most obvious code of Shia. Based on this, there is no problem in mentioning this sentence, whether in the call to prayer or not. Of course, this sentence is not part of the call to prayer, and if someone says it with the intention that it is part of the call to prayer, he has committed a haram act. (8)


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15 hours ago, realizm said:

Ps you hurried to switch to the topic of Sham during the Umayads, while I asked specifically about Kufa during Ali's Caliphate (عليه السلام). 


According to the testimony of history, the Umayyads used all their efforts to erase the name and legacy of Hazrat Ali (عليه السلام). In order to keep alive the name of Ali and his guardianship throughout history, the Shia have made every effort to prevent the success of the enemy by quoting the phrase "Ashhod Anna Alian Wali Allah" and others like it. Fakhr Razi, in his commentary on Surah Al-Fatiha, says on the jurisprudential issue of Jahr in Bismillah: Ali ((عليه السلام).) used to say Bismillah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, out loud in his prayers and emphasized on saying it out loud. When the government reached to the Umayyads, they forbade saying Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim out loud, and they were very emphatic in this prohibition, and the main reason for their prohibition was that they were trying to destroy the legacy of Ali ((عليه السلام).). Then he says: The intellectual reasons are in favor of our opinion and the actions of Hazrat Ali are also our help, and whoever makes Ali the imam of his religion is holding on to an unbreakable chain in his religion and life. (9)


At that time, when the Umayyads were in power, in some areas of the Islamic country, they killed the sincere companions of Hazrat Ali (عليه السلام), cursed him, and did not even allow anyone to choose the name Ali for their children. It is not a secret to anyone that the Umayyads and Abbasids inflicted calamities on Ali and Sadat Alavi. Shia resisted these pressures and did not forget Ali and thus Ali, Ali's memory and Ali's school survived.


p.s:Mustnad al-Urwa  مستند العروه compiled by Aayatollah Boroujerdy published by Institute of Ayatollah Khoei Qom,Iran as "مستندالعروه الوثقی"


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8 hours ago, Ashvazdanghe said:


According to the testimony of history, the Umayyads used all their efforts to erase the name and legacy of Hazrat Ali (عليه السلام). In order to keep alive the name of Ali and his guardianship throughout history, the Shia have made every effort to prevent the success of the enemy by quoting the phrase "Ashhod Anna Alian Wali Allah" and others like it. Fakhr Razi, in his commentary on Surah Al-Fatiha, says on the jurisprudential issue of Jahr in Bismillah: Ali ((عليه السلام).) used to say Bismillah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, out loud in his prayers and emphasized on saying it out loud. When the government reached to the Umayyads, they forbade saying Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim out loud, and they were very emphatic in this prohibition, and the main reason for their prohibition was that they were trying to destroy the legacy of Ali ((عليه السلام).). Then he says: The intellectual reasons are in favor of our opinion and the actions of Hazrat Ali are also our help, and whoever makes Ali the imam of his religion is holding on to an unbreakable chain in his religion and life. (9)


At that time, when the Umayyads were in power, in some areas of the Islamic country, they killed the sincere companions of Hazrat Ali (عليه السلام), cursed him, and did not even allow anyone to choose the name Ali for their children. It is not a secret to anyone that the Umayyads and Abbasids inflicted calamities on Ali and Sadat Alavi. Shia resisted these pressures and did not forget Ali and thus Ali, Ali's memory and Ali's school survived.


p.s:Mustnad al-Urwa  مستند العروه compiled by Aayatollah Boroujerdy published by Institute of Ayatollah Khoei Qom,Iran as "مستندالعروه الوثقی"



Why now jump to the Bismillah issue under the Umayyads in Sham ?

Deja vu here

On 12/17/2022 at 7:01 PM, realizm said:

Ps you hurried to switch to the topic of Sham during the Umayads, while I asked specifically about Kufa during Ali's Caliphate (عليه السلام). 

Dear bro you cannot stick to one topic can you :surrender:

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12 hours ago, realizm said:

Why now jump to the Bismillah issue under the Umayyads in Sham ?

Salam , This is just an example for erasing name & legacy of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) so then doing the same about prophet Muhammad (pbu) by cursed Umayyads because Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has been following all of traditions from prophet Muhammad (pbu) without any distortion or shortcoming which cursed Umayyads by doing any action against Imam Ali (عليه السلام) have tried to censore or distort all traditions of prophet Muhammad (pbu) so then spread their falshood & distortion as only version of Islam for whole of muslim community & new converts .

12 hours ago, realizm said:

Dear bro you cannot stick to one topic can you :surrender:

This is just one topic because anything which has done against Islam has been initiated by cursed Umayyads although they have been behind the scence until era of third sunni caliph which during his time they have removed their masks which during caliphate of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) they crystali clear have shown their enmity with true  Islam .

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  • 3 weeks later...
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On 12/21/2022 at 4:47 PM, realizm said:

My question was only to know if in Kufa, during Imam Ali's Caliphate, adhan had "Aliyun Waliullah" in it. 

Imagine Masjed Kufa, center of Ali's Caliphate (عليه السلام). It's dhuhr time, day of Friday. What was the Adhan like ? 

Salam it has been in similar fashion of now without "Aliyun Waliullah" in it.  because Kufa has not been a homogeneous city as a city just for shias which for believers to his Wilayah repeating it has not been necessary because Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has been there & for his enemies saying it could cause their rebeling & rejecting it which Khawarij have been insulting to Imam Ali (عليه السلام) in mosque of Kufa by calling him as a disbeliever  because they have not beleived that he is their Wali , also Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has not forced anyone to say it  which saying  "Aliyun Waliullah" has become common after fall of Umayyads & too much weakening of Abbasids which since buyid dynasty era shias could recite obligatory part of حَیِّ عَلَی خَيرِ العَمَل Hayy-i ʿalā khayr al-ʿamal (Hurry toward the best of deeds) in Adhan .



Other rituals of Shia Imamia, such as saying (Hayy-i ʿalā khayr al-ʿamall) and (Ashhad-u anna ʿAlī-yyan walī-yyu Allāh) in the call to prayer, using a Turbah for prayer  and a rosary that was made from the Turbah of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, and the use of white color in signs and symbols of Other symbols of Shia Imamia in Iraq at era   al-Buyeh.



The Al-Buyeh government paid great attention to the strengthening and prosperity of Shia Imamiya ceremonies and seasons and organized the mourning ceremony of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) in Ashura and the celebration of the reign of Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) in Ghadir Khum. Also, in the light of the rule of this Iranian dynasty, the graves of the Shia imams in Iraq were repaired and restored, and the tradition of visiting this honorable places expanded unprecedentedly.

https://hawzah.net/fa/Article/View/83773/آل-بویه-و-نقش-آنان-در-برپایی-مراسم-و-مواسم-شیعه-امامیه-در-عراق?SearchText=بویه علی&LPhrase=


conclusion : it's not obligatory & it's not part of Adhan & Iqama which everyone has total fredom to whther recite it or not or whther hear it or not.


The history of entering "Ashhado Ann Aliyun Waliullah" in the call to prayer
Question: Please tell me, when and by whom was "Aliyun Waliullah" in the call to prayer  became as a mustahab thing in the call to prayer?
Answer: It is used in some narrations that this work started from the era of the Imams (peace be upon them), but it did not have a general aspect in that era, and it became common since the end of the third century, then it became a Shia slogan (for more explanation, see the valuable book of  Mustamsk, see the discussion of adhan and Iqama). In addition, please note that testifying to the Wilayat of Amir al-Mu'minin (عليه السلام) is not one of the obligations of the Azan and Iqamah and is said as an expression of interest.



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