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Darwin, Evolution and Islam: Bilal Muhammad

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On 10/12/2022 at 2:26 PM, Eddie Mecca said:

The theory of evolution does not explain where life came from – only how species develop

How death is evolved in living organisms?

  • 1 month later...
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Thanks so much, I learnt a lot from your post. 

Many valid and insightful points. I agree with the approach completely - what does evolution say and what doesnwit say? - but not in a position to comment on some of the details. 

I particularly liked the mathematical and probabilistic analysis, considering how likely the information in cells is to be produced by random mutations by comparing it to 1 million monkeys typing a Shakespearean play. The time period and number of organisms is simply not large enough to produce the complexity we can observe, it is far more complex than a Shakespearean play. 

The point about it being how living organisms develop, not where they came from in the first place makes perfect sense. 

The way you presented Noam Chomsky's theory of language immediately reminded me of the ayah in the Quran where Allah taught Adam (عليه السلام) the names, all of them. 

May Allah reward your effort. 

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15 hours ago, Searching for truth said:

Noam Chomsky's theory of language

Salam his theory is based on zioniat story of destroction of tower of Babylon(Bable) in Torah bible about wrath of god which has resulted to destruction of single language which idea people likewise Noam Chomsky & in simislar fashion rest of Freemasons & Illuminati groups is restoring single language of Babylon(Babel)  from hidden Babylon language in DNA codes through AI   for taking revenge with God so then turning into gods through Kabala & etc .

Evidence Rebuts Chomsky’s Theory of Language Learning

Much of Noam Chomsky’s revolution in linguistics—including its account of the way we learn languages—is being overturned

  • By Paul Ibbotson, Michael Tomasello on September 7, 2016
  • In Brief

    • Noam Chomsky has been a towering giant in the field of linguistics for many decades, famed for his well-known theory of universal grammar.
    • Chomsky’s idea of a brain wired with a mental template for grammar has been questioned, based on a lack of evidence from field studies of languages.
    • The theory has changed several times to account for exceptions that run counter to its original postulations—marking a retreat from its ambitious origins.
    • Alternatives to universal grammar posit that children learning language use general cognitive abilities and the reading of other people’s intentions.

    Chomsky’s first version of his theory, put forward in the mid-20th century, meshed with two emerging trends in Western intellectual life. First, he posited that the languages people use to communicate in everyday life behaved like mathematically based languages of the newly emerging field of computer science. His research looked for the underlying computational structure of language and proposed a set of procedures that would create “well-formed” sentences. The revolutionary idea was that a computerlike program could produce sentences real people thought were grammatical. That program could also purportedly explain the way people generated their sentences. This way of talking about language resonated with many scholars eager to embrace a computational approach to ... well ... everything.



    Other critiques are serious. In “Language in a New Key,” in the November Scientific American, Paul Ibbotson and Michael Tomasello contend that “much of Noam Chomsky’s revolution in linguistics, including its account of the way we learn languages, is being overturned.” The online headline says “Evidence Rebuts Chomsky's Theory of Language Learning.” Ibbotson and Tomasello propose that children acquire language via “general cognitive abilities and the reading of other people’s intentions.”



    The languages of babel

    by Murray Adamthwaite



    The origin of languages poses a major problem for evolutionists—how did man come to be a verbalizing creature who can communicate meaningful information through language? Following the 1859 publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species, speculation on the subject became rife. So outlandish was some of it that the Société de Linguistique de Paris placed a ban on all such discussion, which lasted more than a century.1

    Modern evolutionists seek answers in primitive ‘symbols’ whereby human language began in ape-like creatures with simple grunts and noises in response to various stimuli, e.g. threatening predators. From these came a sequence of symbols,2 in turn moving on to simple sentences, to ever higher and more complex arrangements of words, and ultimately to abstract concepts.

    But evolutionists Christiansen and Kirby are forced to concede concerning language evolution:

    There is inevitable scepticism regarding whether we will ever find answers to some of the questions surrounding the evolution of language and cognition.3


    Animals communicate in many ways, including sounds—e.g. danger calls, mating calls, etc. But as extensive research indicates, only people have true language with syntax and grammar—and we learn it effortlessly as children.

    And Jean Aitchison cites the renowned linguist Joseph Greenberg:

    … the evolution of language as such has never been demonstrated, and the inherent equality of all languages must be maintained on present evidence.4





  • Advanced Member
16 hours ago, Searching for truth said:

Noam Chomsky's theory of language



Your Online Bible Study Supplement Source


The Tower of Babel: From One Language to Confusion


The Tower of Babel: From One Language to Confusion: With the entire earth under one language, satan stood up through Nimrod, son of Cush. Nimrod galvanized the people to build a tower that would reach to heaven in support of Lucifer, who has the keen desire to return to where he was thrown out.

Genesis 11:1-9 KJV

[1] And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. [2] And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. [3] And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

[4] And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. [5] And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

[6] And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. [7] Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

[8] So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. [9] Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.



  • Advanced Member
17 hours ago, Searching for truth said:

Allah taught Adam (عليه السلام) the names, all of them. 

Slam it's about teaching name of ahlulbayt (as0 to prophet Adam (عليه السلام) which angels & sahitan have been aware of name of everything but on the other hand they have not access to root & real meaning of everything because oly names of Ahlulbayt (as0 has been essential keyword for having access to depth of knowledege which about evolution & reason behind differnces in languages & words has been mentioned in other verses likewise Suar A-_Rum 22


Commentary on verse 22 of Surah Rum

Imam Sadiq (عليه السلام) says in a narration: Yes! When the imam lays eyes on a person, he knows what religion and belief he has; If he hears his voice from behind the wall, he knows what religion the owner of the voice belongs to; Because Allah  says:


وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافُ أَلْسِنَتِكُمْ وَأَلْوَانِكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّلْعَالِمِينَ ‎﴿٢٢﴾‏

 Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. There are indeed signs in that for those who know. (22)


which ,They are scholars.

When the imam hears the voice of each person and the accent of each person, he understands whether he is a person of salvation or destruction.so therefore he  Gives answer to anybody based on way which he follows .


Apparently, the difference of languages means the difference of words, and the difference of colors means the difference of different races in terms of color, one is white, the other is black, one is yellow, and the other is red.

Of course, it is possible that the difference in language includes the difference in accents, and the difference in the tone of the sounds, because we see that in one language, there is a difference in accent between this city and that city, and even ten and ten adjacent cities, as we will see if we pay close attention. that the tone of voice of two people is not the same, and also the difference of tones may include people of the same race, because if you look carefully, two people of the same race do not have the same color, and this meaning is certain according to the scholars of this field.

So the thinkers and debaters who discuss about the great world in the system of creation, come across precise verses that indicate that the world of creation and creation with the system that is running in it is not possible except from the hand of Allah.

The messages of verse 22 of Surah Rum

1- The creation of the heavens and the earth is one of the signs of Allah's infinite power. وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ  Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth

2- The difference between races and languages is a way to know Allah.وَاخْتِلَافُ أَلْسِنَتِكُمْ وَأَلْوَانِكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ and the difference of your languages and colours. There are indeed signs in that ..

3- Every language has its own value and originality, and changing it is neither perfect nor necessary. (No one has the right to humiliate other races and languages.)

4Having same shape and color of all humans is not compatible with Allah's initiative and innovation. [Allah can make different humans with different colors  and shapes so therefore making clones in same color & shape is not compatible with Allah's initiative and innovation.]«وَ مِنْ آیاتِهِ اِخْتِلافُ أَلْسِنَتِکُمْ» the difference of your languages and colours. There are indeed signs

5-A learned and understanding person reaches divine knowledge from the difference of colors and languages, but the ignorant makes color and language a means of contempt and pride. لِّلْعَالِمِينَ those who know.



  • Advanced Member
18 hours ago, Searching for truth said:

Allah taught Adam (عليه السلام) the names, all of them. 

Today, we know that there are two things at the root of the differences between languages: First, the power of innovation and creativity of human thought, which constantly creates new words and new phrases to meet their needs. The second is the distancing of ethnic groups and nations from each other; Because there was no means of collective communication in the form of today in the past ages, when people and nations stayed away from each other, changes and transformations were gradually created in their existing words and phrases; And these changes were accumulated over thousands of years and words and languages were separated from each other and became the origin of different languages.
Since the difference of languages was one of the foundations of the recognition of different ethnicities, it effectively contributed to the issue of recognition in human society; And if the Holy Qur'an lists the difference of languages as the difference of colors among the verses and signs of Allah, it is referring to this philosophy; Because both the difference of colors is a means of recognition and the difference of languages; with the difference that the first one is beyond human control and the second one has an obvious connection with human initiative and creativity. (2)



  • Advanced Member

@Ashvazdanghe I apologise if the voicing of my ignorant thoughts offended you in any way! 

I am a lay person and I hope my ignorance is an excuse to benefit from the Mercy of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), which we all need endlessly, if I speculate about something which is actually incorrect. I did not mean to suggest that this was the interpretation of that ayah - I do not know it or even think I know it. Our ulama and the Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) do of course.

I am grateful for you pointing me to various resources on this topic. I did not mean to suggest this was the interpretation. Just that reading that theory for the first time reminded my limited mind of that ayah and got me reflecting a bit.  It is awe inspiring to think of how language originally developed essentially from nothing other than the Knowledge and Will of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى).  Not that there is really anything other than that in a creative sense anyway.

Please do continue to share these kinds of valuable resource if I do anything like this again and I will of course try my best not to.  On the other hand, I am pleased I shared that thought as I have now benefited from this valuable knowledge you have shared.

Thank you!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member

Excellent and fascinating post Eddie. Fundamental and deep questions here for sure, and I will not pretend to have the answers.

One idea that has been put forth is that "evolution" is simply God's active endeavor of creation within a set time frame. Allah exists beyond time and space (everything depends on Him), and a billion years is but a blink of an eye for Him. If we are to accept that humans evolved from earlier life-forms, that does not mean God did not create us--as the sculptor begins with raw clay, he is nevertheless able to produce something beautiful and perfect from it

now that doesn't necessarily answer the question "why and how are humans so different than other animals, and when did this distinction manifest"?

I suppose it was somewhere in the creative process of the Divine


  • 1 year later...
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Posted (edited)

I personally never understood why so many religious people think the theory of evolution and belief in God are mutually exclusive. As long as a person is not claiming that life developed out of nowhere I don't see any contradictions. God could have still created everything and then set in motion the process of evolution. He has that type of power and it is something that humanity can marvel at. In fact, observing nature's marvels is how a lot of people come to faith in the first place.

Of course, there's also verses in the Quran that arguably could be alluding to evolution. If anything, accepting these verses as such only proves in my mind that the Quran is a miraculous book. There's likely Muslim scientists that thought similarly as they theorized evolution long before Darwin did. Darwin merely popularized the theory and he was a Christian himself, not an atheist like so many people claim.

Edited by JannahLM
  • Moderators
7 hours ago, JannahLM said:

I personally never understood why so many religious people think the theory of evolution and belief in God are mutually exclusive. As long as a person is not claiming that life developed out of nowhere I don't see any contradictions. God could have still created everything and then set in motion the process of evolution. He has that type of power and it is something that humanity can marvel at. In fact, observing nature's marvels is how a lot of people come to faith in the first place.

Of course, there's also verses in the Quran that arguably could be alluding to evolution. If anything, accepting these verses as such only proves in my mind that the Quran is a miraculous book. There's likely Muslim scientists that thought similarly as they theorized evolution long before Darwin did. Darwin merely popularized the theory and he was a Christian himself, not an atheist like so many people claim.

The reason why some of the principles of Evolution are correct is because they are only representing the cause and effect of evolving of species in this physical realm. Evolution itself will never be the real explanation, because there is an divine intervention in every creation. What some people do is that they are satisfied to think that evolution as explanation itself is enough and there is no need for God. This is only limiting to understand the skin of the thing and not the totality of the thing, the ultimate of cause. 

This goes to every subject of Science. 

  • Forum Administrators

It is pretty clear that life started simple and became bigger and more complex, and that organisms adapted to their environment and gained new properties. The question for scientists is, is evolution (through random variation and natural selection) the only mechanism by which speciation takes place, given the data available to us. The question for religious people is, how is the story of Adam to be understood. The OP focuses on the first question.

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, JannahLM said:

As long as a person is not claiming that life developed out of nowhere I don't see any contradictions.

Believing in evolution from the primordial soup period through to the primate stage is permissible according to Islam...when it comes to the creation of man (i.e. ʾĀdam) however the Qurʾān alludes to a "miraculous" or "supernatural" and "direct" and "abrupt" formation or existence...a divergence from the natural and normal processes...Allah says the creation of Jesus was similar to the creation of ʾĀdam..."Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of ʾĀdam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was." 3:59...there's no getting around this verse...if this verse didn't exist then perhaps we could accommodate the belief that Homo Sapiens branched from ape subdivisions but because the verse is an actuality it invalidates that aspect of the theory  

Edited by Eddie Mecca
  • Advanced Member
12 hours ago, JannahLM said:

There's likely Muslim scientists that thought similarly as they theorized evolution long before Darwin did.

"In Kitab al-Hayawan ('Book of the Animals'), the 9th-century Muslim scholar al-Jāḥiẓ references several facets of natural selection, such as animal embryology, adaptation, and animal psychology. One notable observation al-Jāḥiẓ makes is that stronger rats were able to compete better for resources than small birds, a reference to the modern day theory of the "struggle for existence". Al-Jāḥiẓ also wrote descriptions of food chains.

Animals engage in a struggle for existing, and for resources, to avoid being eaten, and to breed... Environmental factors influence organisms to develop new characteristics to ensure survival, thus transforming them into new species. Animals that survive to breed can pass on their successful characteristics to their offspring.

— Al-Jahiz, Book of the Animals

In 10th century Basra, an Islamic Encyclopedia titled Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity introduced the earliest attested evolutionary framework. The Encyclopedia expanded on the Platonic and Aristotelian concept of the great chain of being by proposing a causal relationship advancing up the chain as the mechanism of creation, beginning with the creation of matter and its investment with energy, thereby forming water vapour, which in turn became minerals and "mineral life". Coral, with its branch-like structure, was the highest mineral life which gave rise to lower plants. The date palm was considered the highest plant, giving rise to lower animals, and then through apes came barbarian man, followed by superior man, including the saints and the prophets. Thereafter the chain continues in the traditional form using less causal clarity, with the angels being above man, and above the angels being God as both the originator and the pinnacle. Muhammad Hamidullah summarises this concept found in the work: "Everything begins from Him and everything returns to Him." However, some scholars also criticized and dismissed the Brethren text reading as a proof on pre-Darwinian evolution theory.

According to Sami S. Hawi, the 11th-century Persian scholar Ibn Miskawayh wrote about the evolution of man in his Fawz al-aṣghar.

The 14th-century influential historiographer and historian Ibn Khaldun wrote in the Muqaddimah or Prolegomena ("Introduction") on what he referred to as the "gradual process of creation". Some of Ibn Khaldun's thoughts, according to some commentators, anticipate the biological theory of evolution. Ibn Khaldun asserted that humans developed from "the world of the monkeys", in a process by which "species become more numerous". He believed that humans are the most evolved form of animals, in that they have the ability to reason. He also stated that the Earth began with abiotic components such as "minerals". Slowly, primitive stages of plants such as "herbs and seedless plants" developed and eventually "palms and vines".

Shoaib Ahmed Malik has pointed out that Ibn Khaldun's theory, while remarkable for its acceptance of the kinship between monkeys and humans, should be understood in the context of the late antique and medieval concept of the great chain of being. This theory postulates a linked hierarchy between all entities in creation but is not properly a theory of evolution. The system of the great chain of being implies a graded similarity between the various stages in the hierarchy from minerals to plants, animals, humans, angels, and God, but not a temporal process in which one species originates from the other. While according to some mystical interpretations individual souls may move up the 'ladder' in order to reunite with the divine, the species (or 'substantial forms', in the language of Aristotelian and Neoplatonic ontology) themselves are eternal and fixed. Malik also notes that the Muqadimmah is often quoted without proper regard for context. One widely cited quote is taken from a section called The Real Meaning of Prophecy, which argues that prophets occupy a place in the great chain of being just beneath angels. In Ibn Khaldun's view, this explains why individual prophets may temporarily ascend to the rank of angels and share with them in the knowledge of the divine, which they may then bring back to humanity in the form of revelation. According to Malik, interpretations that see in this an early form of scientific evolution theory ought to explain how angels, prophets and the upwards ascent of the soul fit into that theory." Wikipedia

  • Advanced Member
9 minutes ago, Eddie Mecca said:

Ibn Khaldun asserted that humans developed from "the world of the monkeys"


10 minutes ago, Eddie Mecca said:

Shoaib Ahmed Malik has pointed out that Ibn Khaldun's theory, while remarkable for its acceptance of the kinship between monkeys and humans, should be understood in the context of the late antique and medieval concept of the great chain of being. This theory postulates a linked hierarchy between all entities in creation but is not properly a theory of evolution. The system of the great chain of being implies a graded similarity between the various stages in the hierarchy from minerals to plants, animals, humans, angels, and God, but not a temporal process in which one species originates from the other.

I'd like to hear Shoaib Ahmed Malik elaborate on this in-depth...he's a bright and intellectually sharp brother

  • Advanced Member
On 10/12/2022 at 8:26 PM, Eddie Mecca said:

Proponents of evolution assume that any evidence that is missing today will fit their theory. This is what Dr. David Berlinski calls “Darwin-of-the-gaps.” People put their faith in the theory even if the theory has holes.

Alfred Russel Wallace wrote about evolution around the same time as Charles Darwin. Wallace points out a problem: If humans are so closely related to apes, why can they do so much more than apes? Not how, but why? Humans are capable of speaking, mathematics, writing, building, cleaning, sewing, and playing instruments. This is despite the fact that humans can survive in some climates just fine without these skills – just like other animals do, including apes. Why is it that humans developed all these extra skills that are not a matter of life and death? And if these skills are so advantageous to our survival, then why did only humans develop these traits?

Really enjoyed reading what you posted !  Especially the above paragraphs me likey. 

I'm also curious how did they come up to the conclusion of knowing how old fossils are ?  Like how can they give an estimation of (x) million years when in reality earth/life isn't a million years old..?

  • Advanced Member
On 12/31/2023 at 10:47 AM, Eddie Mecca said:

In Ibn Khaldun's view, this explains why individual prophets may temporarily ascend to the rank of angels and share with them in the knowledge of the divine, which they may then bring back to humanity in the form of revelation. According to Malik, interpretations that see in this an early form of scientific evolution theory ought to explain how angels, prophets and the upwards ascent of the soul fit into that theory." Wikipedia

Salam this part is against Islamic teachings specially Shia teachings & holy quran which according to Quran all of angels have prostrated to prophet Adam (عليه السلام) so therefore all of angels have lower rank than all prophets which all prophets before prophet Muhammad (pbu) have equivalent rank to arch angel Jibrail which Miraj of Prophet Muhammad (pbu) shows his superiority to all prophets & angels which he is only has lower rank than Allah , which this misunderstanding in Sunni viewpoint has lead to denying status of Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) so then they have denied that infallible Imams who only have lower rank fom prophet Muhammad (pbu) can't have equivalent position to prophets pre prophet Muhammad (pbu) .

  • Advanced Member
1 hour ago, Ashvazdanghe said:

Salam this part is against Islamic teachings specially Shia teachings & holy quran which according to Quran all of angels have prostrated to prophet Adam (عليه السلام) so therefore all of angels have lower rank than all prophets which all prophets before prophet Muhammad (pbu) have equivalent rank to arch angel Jibrail which Miraj of Prophet Muhammad (pbu) shows his superiority to all prophets & angels which he is only has lower rank than Allah , which this misunderstanding in Sunni viewpoint has lead to denying status of Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام) so then they have denied that infallible Imams who only have lower rank fom prophet Muhammad (pbu) can't have equivalent position to prophets pre prophet Muhammad (pbu) .

Yes, exactly...I was going to comment on this but you beat me to the punch...may Allah reward you with goodness for your effort

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member
On 1/7/2024 at 11:18 PM, 123xo said:

I'm also curious how did they come up to the conclusion of knowing how old fossils are ?  Like how can they give an estimation of (x) million years when in reality earth/life isn't a million years old..?

I don’t think there’s anything that suggests that Earth isn’t that old. The way some narrations mention that there were 124k Prophets, the math makes it clear that the Earth could in fact be millions of years old. 

  • Advanced Member
On 10/12/2022 at 2:56 PM, Eddie Mecca said:

Alfred Russel Wallace wrote about evolution around the same time as Charles Darwin. Wallace points out a problem: If humans are so closely related to apes, why can they do so much more than apes? Not how, but why? Humans are capable of speaking, mathematics, writing, building, cleaning, sewing, and playing instruments. This is despite the fact that humans can survive in some climates just fine without these skills – just like other animals do, including apes. Why is it that humans developed all these extra skills that are not a matter of life and death? And if these skills are so advantageous to our survival, then why did only humans develop these traits?

Harari in his 'Sapiens' attempts to answer this by invoking the 'Cognitive Revolution', a sudden genetic mutation in proto-humans/hominid ancestors of the Cro Magnon man which enabled that kind of complex neuro-cerebral coordination. 

As to why and how that happened, his response is the standard 'we don't know'. 

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