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Can the dead hear us?

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Dear brothers and sisters,

I did not find an answer to my question yet,therefore I’m asking you:

Can our dead relatives hear us when we’re on the graveyard and talk to them?I know that,for example, our Prophets and Imams  can hear us but what about normal people?Are they able to hear us when we,for example,tell them about our day or what’s going on in our lives?


  • Advanced Member

Salam it's calles as Sama' al-Mawta (dead ones' hearing)

In hadiths, there is a mention of the life of dead ones in Barzakh and also their power to communicate with living people including hearing their voices. 


  • The Prophet's (s) advised to visit graves in these hadiths and said that, "dead people hear you and answer your greetings".[10] Also, he (s) himself addressed dead people in the al-Baqi' and said, "Peace be with you in the abode of the believers. You received what you were promised for tomorrow, and you are delayed (here between death and Judgment Day); and we will God-willing join you."[11] [12]

In the book of K¡mil al-Ziy¡rah, Imam al-sadiq (a) is reported to have said, “If you visit your dead people before sunrise, they will hear and reply to you. If you visit them after sunrise, they will hear you but they will not reply you.”

In al-R¡wand¢’s book of al-Da`aw¡t, there is a tradition reported from the Holy Prophet (pbu) entailing discommendation of visiting the dead at night. The Holy Prophet (pbu) is reported to have said to Abu-Dharr, “Do not visit them frequently at night.”


Sayyid Ibn Tawoos then added: While you are in a graveyard, you should recite Surah al-Tawhid eleven times and dedicate the reward to the dead. It has been reported that Almighty Allah will reward the one who does so as many folds as the number of the dead persons in that graveyard.

In the book of K¡mil al-Ziy¡rah, Imam al-¯¡diq (`a) is reported to have said, “If you visit your dead people before sunrise, they will hear and reply to you. If you visit them after sunrise, they will hear you but they will not reply you.”

In al-R¡wand¢’s book of al-Da`aw¡t, there is a tradition reported from the Holy Prophet (¥) entailing discommendation of visiting the dead at night. The Holy Prophet (¥) is reported to have said to Ab£-Dharr, “Do not visit them frequently at night.”



According to Shi'a hadiths, dead ones get familiar to the visitors of their graves and miss them if they do not visit for long. In some other hadiths, it is mentioned that dead ones come to visit their living relatives and friends and they will be pleased if those who are alive, have good actions and they will be sad if those relatives and friends, have bad actions.[24] From the documents left from 4th/10th century, it can be learned that over time, visiting graves was not abandoned and even grew and became a common practice.[25]



Merits of Visiting the Tombs of Faithful Believers
The trustworthy and sublime Shaykh Ja`far ibn Qawlawayh al-Qumm¢ reports `Amr ibn `Uthm¡n al-R¡z¢ as saying that he heard Imam Abu’l-°asan M£s¡ ibn Ja`far, peace be upon him, saying, “Whoever is unable to visit us, may visit the righteous adherents of us. If he does so, he will be endued with the reward of visiting us. Likewise, whoever is unable to connect us, may connect the righteous adherents of us. If he does so, he will also be endued with the reward of connecting us.”

Through an authentic chain of authority, Mu¦ammad ibn A¦mad ibn Ya¦y¡ al-Ash`ar¢ is reported to have said, “I was in Fayd (a station on the way of Makkah) when I accompanied `Al¢ ibn Bil¡l in visiting the grave of Mu¦ammad ibn Ism¡`¢l ibn Buzaygh. `Al¢ related to me, saying: The one buried in this grave told me that Imam al-Ri¤¡ (`a) said, ‘Whoever comes to the graves of his brother-in-faith and puts his hand on the grave ,directs his face towards the kiblah and recites S£rah al-Qadr (No. 97) seven times, will be secured on the Great Horror Day.”


Qur'anic Evidences

The conversation of Prophet Salih (a)[1] and Prophet Shu'ayb (a)[2] with their perished people, and the Qur'an's order to the Prophet (s) to speak with previous prophets (a)[3] are among Qur'anic evidence. Ibn Hajar and Qadi Taqi al-Din al-Sabki are among Sunni scholars who have referred to verse 169 of Sura 3[4] to prove the life of dead people in the world of Barzakh and sama' al-mawta.[5]



In some hadiths, the communication with dead ones, especially their power to hear the voices of living people are mentioned; some such hadiths mentioned in Sunni sources are as follows:

  • A dead person hears the footstep of those who follow his body in the funeral[6] and answers people.[7]
  • After the Prophet (s) passed away, he (s) would answer his people's greetings.[8]
  • After the Battle of Badr, the noble Prophet (s) spoke with disbelievers who were killed and were dumped into a well. 'Umar objected to the Prophet (s) saying that, "they are dead and do not hear you!", The noble Prophet (s) answered, "you do not hear me better than them; the only thing is that they can't answer."[9]
  • In addition to the mentioned hadiths, there are other evidences for sama' al-mawta in Shi'a sources such as the conversation of Imam 'Ali (a) with those who were killed in the Battle of Jamal.[13]

    The religious order for dictation (talqin) of the beliefs of the dead person to repeat them upon burial suggests that they must hear, otherwise, it would be useless.



Moreover, they argue that if the life in Barzakh, and in particular, the life of the prophets in Barzakh, is not accepted, then certain Qur'anic addresses, such as salutations on the prophets[15], God's command to the Prophet Muhammad (s) to talk with previous prophets[16], and the Qur'an's order to the believers to send regards to the Prophet (s)[17], will not make sense. They take as evidence for their claim the speeches of Salih (a)[18] and Shu'ayb (a)[19] addressing their punished and perished peoples, the Prophet's (s) speech to the killed polytheists after the Battle of Badr, and the speech of Imam 'Ali (a) to people who were killed in the Battle of Jamal.







  • Advanced Member
16 hours ago, Ashvazdanghe said:

Salam it's calles as Sama' al-Mawta (dead ones' hearing)

In hadiths, there is a mention of the life of dead ones in Barzakh and also their power to communicate with living people including hearing their voices. 


  • The Prophet's (s) advised to visit graves in these hadiths and said that, "dead people hear you and answer your greetings".[10] Also, he (s) himself addressed dead people in the al-Baqi' and said, "Peace be with you in the abode of the believers. You received what you were promised for tomorrow, and you are delayed (here between death and Judgment Day); and we will God-willing join you."[11] [12]

In the book of K¡mil al-Ziy¡rah, Imam al-sadiq (a) is reported to have said, “If you visit your dead people before sunrise, they will hear and reply to you. If you visit them after sunrise, they will hear you but they will not reply you.”

In al-R¡wand¢’s book of al-Da`aw¡t, there is a tradition reported from the Holy Prophet (pbu) entailing discommendation of visiting the dead at night. The Holy Prophet (pbu) is reported to have said to Abu-Dharr, “Do not visit them frequently at night.”




Qur'anic Evidences

The conversation of Prophet Salih (a)[1] and Prophet Shu'ayb (a)[2] with their perished people, and the Qur'an's order to the Prophet (s) to speak with previous prophets (a)[3] are among Qur'anic evidence. Ibn Hajar and Qadi Taqi al-Din al-Sabki are among Sunni scholars who have referred to verse 169 of Sura 3[4] to prove the life of dead people in the world of Barzakh and sama' al-mawta.[5]









Thank you very much!

May Allah bless you 

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