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In the Name of God بسم الله

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  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Need to follow this very closely, if this was directed towards Shia an arrest of culprit will likely lead to acknowledgement of what online materials led to such hate. Surprised no video evidence has been found thus far. 


American Muslim Bar Association (Shia Lawyers):


Edited by pakistanyar
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Ahmad Assed, the president of the Islamic Center of New Mexico, a mosque that at least three of the victims had attended, said the authorities told him that the suspect was a Sunni Muslim, and may have targeted the victims because he was angry over his daughter marrying a Shiite Muslim. The police did not immediately respond to inquiries about the suspect.



Hoping some Shia lawyer jumps onto this this and gets electronic records. Can finally indict people who spread Shia hate online. Specially the UK based groups and now the "Mad Mumlucks" from Chicago who have started hosting these people. 

Edited by pakistanyar
  • Advanced Member

Truly embarrassing moment for the American Muslim community. So many tweets about "right-wing terrorists" when the threat is much closer to home.

As tragic as this is, it ought to start a conversation about how real sectarianism is and how dangerous anti-Shia sentiment is. Let's see how the prominent Sunni organizations and leaders(CAIR, MPAC and so forth) respond here.


16 minutes ago, pakistanyar said:



Hoping some Shia lawyer jumps onto this this and gets electronic records. Can finally indict people who spread Shia hate online. Specially the UK based groups and now the "Mad Mumlucks" from Chicago who have started hosting these people. 

Would you mind elaborating on the Mad Mumlucks. Curious to know what their agenda/role is.

Thank you.

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What a tragedy. Condolences to the family and friends of the victims. 

One of four Muslim men slain in potentially linked Albuquerque killings remembered as 'brilliant public servant'

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Statement on the Targeted Killing of Shia Muslims in New Mexico

August 10, 2022

In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

Dear Community Members,

Peace be upon you,

Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (I.M.A.M.) is saddened to hear of the tragic and targeted killing of four community members in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which took place on Friday, August 5th. We offer our sincerest condolences to the bereaved families and the community of Muslims in Albuquerque. May God shower the deceased with mercy and forgiveness and give patience to their surviving loved ones.

The arrest of a suspect by local authorities and the announcement that the motive behind these horrid killings was anti-Shia is both heartbreaking and alarming. Although it has been known that anti-Shia prejudice and bigotry existin our country, it was assumed to be largely latent and subdued. Yet, this crime clearly indicates that certain people who harbor a deep animosity toward Shia Muslims will go to extreme and inhuman lengths to exact their despicable views.

While we continue to pray for the victims and their families, it is important, particularly in these days when we gather for the tragedy of Ashura, to put forth our best effort to protect community members in Albuquerque and across the country from any further tragedies like these. Moreover, I.M.A.M. calls upon all Muslims and citizens of our country, who uphold and cherish life, liberty, and freedom for all, to openly decry these heinous crimes and work to enact measures that will protect not only Shia Muslims, but anyone who is the target of hate crimes.

Let us come together to promote peace, tolerance, and dialogue, and strive to root out prejudice of all kinds. Indeed, the Holy Quran says, “O humankind! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that you may identify yourselves with one another [and know each other better].” Only together can we build a more peaceful and tolerant nation and community for all.



  • Forum Administrators

What nonsense coming from the suspect!


After he was pulled over by New Mexico police, the suspect in the killings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque denied any connection to the crimes that shook the city and its small Muslim community – and told authorities he was so unnerved by the violence that he was driving to Houston to look for a new home, court documents said.

Charging documents released Wednesday revealed new details about the suspect, Muhammad Syed, 51, who has been charged in two of the slayings. 


  • Advanced Member

It's sickening that it took carnage after carnage for the conversation around our everyday lived reality to even start. 
Just imagine that if things such as these are happening in the West where these guys don't enjoy state support, what they are capable of in the Middle East and countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.
Ya Shi'a, for the sake of Hussayn (عليه السلام) whom you all so fervently mourn this month, please, please ,please stick together. It's not a choice anymore. It's a compulsion.
Please contribute to the #ShiaGenocide trend and awareness campaign.

  • Advanced Member

Mods and Admins, can we have a Shia Genocide Awareness official thread?

  • Forum Administrators
On 8/12/2022 at 12:17 AM, AbdusSibtayn said:

Mods and Admins, can we have a Shia Genocide Awareness official thread?

The original topic should be updated.


  • Forum Administrators

Sorry for the delay in posting this joint statement by Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (I.M.A.M.) in Dearborn, Michigan, and All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Sterling Branch in Sterling, Virginia. InShaAllah anyone in the Virginia area who wants to attend can make plans.


Aug 15th @8pm | Shia-Sunni Alliance Forum (SSAF) Solidarity Gathering for New Mexico Muslim Community

In the Name of God, The Beneficent, The Merciful

Peace be upon you (Assalamu Alaykum),

We ask Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), the Most High, to help us with patience and prayers in this difficult time.

Please join us for a Shia-Sunni Alliance Forum (SSAF) solidarity gathering on Monday, August 15th from 8:00pm to 9:27pm (between Maghrib and Isha) at All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Sterling Branch (46903 Sugarland Rd, Sterling, VA). The gathering will be in the prayer area. Please click here to RSVP and kindly let us know how many of you will attend.

From Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) we come, to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) we return. The Shia-Sunni Alliance Forum (SSAF) is saddened to hear of the tragic and targeted killing of four community members in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We offer our sincerest condolences to the bereaved families and the community of Muslims in Albuquerque. May God shower the deceased with mercy and forgiveness and give patience to their surviving loved ones.

Let us come together to promote peace, respect, and dialogue, and strive to root out prejudice of all kinds. Indeed, the Holy Quran says, “O humankind! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that you may identify yourselves with one another [and know each other better].” Only together can we build a more peaceful and harmonious nation and community for all. Let us recommit to working together consistently and positively in learning and growing as a community. Additionally, let us hear and understand from Shia Muslim community members the effects of this tragedy and the journey forward.

The Shia-Sunni Alliance Forum (SSAF) thanks the Albuquerque Police Department, New Mexico Police and FBI for the efforts and finding and arresting the perpetrator. We again thank the White House, DOJ, and DHS for their solidarity and help in this difficult time. We applaud the excellent partnership between the Muslim Community and law enforcement that helped lead to this arrest. This is a relief for Muslims in New Mexico and nationwide. We understand the motives are still being investigated but were very troubled to hear that the perpetrator may have had hateful motivations in targeting Shia Muslim community members. If this proves to be accurate, we urge that this case be considered for hate crime charges. The Muslim community of America has consistently affirmed that anti-Shia or similar sectarian sentiments and violence contravene Islamic principles and are unacceptable in the USA, and are opposed around the World.

Shia-Sunni Alliance Forum (SSAF) expresses solidarity with our Brothers and Sisters in the Shia Muslim community in this difficult time. Please note, The Shia and Sunni Muslim communities have solidarity and fellowship in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

[More info at this link.] https://imam-us.org/aug-15th-8pm-shia-sunni-alliance-forum-ssaf-solidarity-gathering-for-new-mexico-muslim-community



Imam Mohamed Magid
Executive Imam
ADAMS Center
Sayyid M. B. Kashmiri
Jurist Representative
  • Advanced Member
On 8/9/2022 at 4:34 PM, pakistanyar said:

and now the "Mad Mumlucks" from Chicago

So disappointed with them

On 8/9/2022 at 4:52 PM, Aloysius Pendergast said:

mind elaborating on the Mad Mumlucks. Curious to know what their agenda/role is.

They hosted Hassan Shemrani several times

  • Forum Administrators
Posted (edited)

The arrested man's son Shaheen Syed, also known as Maiwand, has been detained, according to NBC News. The report said that along with finding a gun in the son's room, cell phone data from his phone puts him near the location of his father's cell phone when two of the murders took place, so he could have been involved in the crimes.


A judge that listened to evidence tying Shaheen Syed to the murders elected to detain him pending further proceedings on Monday, citing that he "represents a danger to the community."

Evidence ties the son of the suspect in the New Mexico Muslim killings to the crimes, authorities allege

Edited by Hameedeh
  • Veteran Member

Statement on the Targeted Killing of Shia Muslims in New Mexico

Dear Community Members, 

Peace be upon you,

The Muslim community of North America is shocked by the killing of four Muslims, three Shia and one Sunni, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The most recent of these crimes occurred in the days commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (p), just three days before Ashura, and it has caused apprehension and fear, particularly in the Shia Muslim community. As such, the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America expresses its deepest sympathies to the victims' families and strongly condemns and decries this targeted attack at the hands of an extremist who reportedly harbored hate and prejudice toward Shia Muslims. 

Such hatred is perpetuated by clerics who fan the flames of sectarianism and religious intolerance and incite their followers, even here in North America, by labeling other Muslims as infidels. Thankfully, during this tragic and heartbreaking situation, there is a renewed sense of hope in the unequivocal condemnation by a number of prominent Sunni scholars of the view and mentality that Shias are infidels.

We ask the Shia Muslims of North America to stay united and firm in fighting this prejudice and hatred of any kind, and to be vigilant in their communities, especially during these nights of commemorating the Master of Martyrs Imam Hussain (p). We also extend our gratitude to the broader Sunni leadership for showing their support against the false takfiri mentality which seeks to vilify Shia Muslims and others who do not conform to their extreme views of Islam. If Almighty Allah is asking us to join with the Ahlul Kitab “on a common word” of monotheism, we as Muslims must join with one another on the common tenets of faith: monotheism, the Holy Quran, Prophet Muhammad ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)&hp), his authentic sunnah, and the qiblah, and to foster closeness through our common practices of salat, zakat, fasting, pilgrimage, and upholding what is just and rejecting evil. 

Finally, let us improve engagement, both among ourselves and with others, and work together to address and remediate the causes of these heinous acts, eradicate extremism of any kind and promote dialogue, as Allah states in the Holy Quran, “Cooperate in piety and Godwariness, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression, and be wary of Allah.”

- The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America

  • Forum Administrators

Statement on the Targeted Killing of Shia Muslims in New Mexico

Dear Community Members, 

Peace be upon you,

The Muslim community of North America is shocked by the killing of four Muslims, three Shia and one Sunni, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I guess it was a rush to judgement that all four murder victims were Shia. Or maybe one man's family was so scared that they denied he was a Shia. What a tragedy this was. May Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) give comfort to those who are without their loved ones. 

  • Advanced Member

May they Rest In Peace and may allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) curse the murderers eternally. 

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