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In the Name of God بسم الله

Asalam Alaykum , can someone please translate this dua for istighfar namaz

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Asalam Alaykum , how are you all doing ? I found this dua to read on duas.org  after praying namaz  istighfar  Yaa A'zeezo yaa ghaffooro ighfirli zunoobi wa zunooba Jamee'il mo-mineena wal mo-minaate. Fa innahu laa yaghfiro illa ant . I don't know arabic at all and want to say this after I do namaz istighfar so all my sins be forgiven . Can you please translate the meaning of this dua in english ?

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14 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Asalam Alaykum , how are you all doing ? I found this dua to read on duas.org  after praying namaz  istighfar  Yaa A'zeezo yaa ghaffooro ighfirli zunoobi wa zunooba Jamee'il mo-mineena wal mo-minaate. Fa innahu laa yaghfiro illa ant . I don't know arabic at all and want to say this after I do namaz istighfar so all my sins be forgiven . Can you please translate the meaning of this dua in english ?

The statement to be read in Arabic is:

یا عزیز یا غفّار اغفرلی ذنوبی و ذنوب جمیع المؤمنین و المؤمنات فانّه لا یغفر الذّنوب الا انت».

This has been searched and found from internet. The closest translation can be (using internet):

O Aziz, O Ghaffar, forgive my sins and the sins of all the believing men and women, for no one forgives sins except You.”


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