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Major Poleshift Year 2023? Sun Rising From The West

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I'd want to express my gratitude to brother @zzaveri for his research and for sharing it with the public.
I viewed his video on replay, and those who are interested can still do so.  https://dlive.tv/NewWorldSorter

For many years, people have speculated about how the sun can rise from the west. One popular theory was that the sun would rise from the west if a poleshift occurred. This has been known for decades, but I couldn't find a timeline for when it would happen, assuming there was one. Brother @zzaveri posted a youtube channel that discusses pole shift, with the major conclusions being that it will occur in 2023, between February and April, depending on the rate of acceleration. 

This is the channel where polarshift is discussed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eyItTI4iIx0kVBcpyGpRw

He's a British researcher who makes a lot of YouTube videos about the Magnetic Pole's movement, as well as measuring the Earth's magnetic field and publishing the results.
Now, I'm not a PHD scientist, so I don't comprehend everything the guy says, but I do get the gist of what he's saying.

The last time the Earth's poles flipped was approximately 780.000 years ago, the magnetic north and south poles usually flip every 200 000 to 300 000 years.  You can google this if you don't believe me.

From my understanding from his videos on his channel, passing the 40 degrees of movement will bring on the imminent poleshift. Based on his models and experiments done at the mavstar observatory, this will occur in 2023 between February and April. The researcher updates the position of the magnetic north pole once a month on the 17th in his youtube channel.

What does this imply for Earth's inhabitants? Are you ready for a poleshift?

  • Advanced Member

This was a great video with lots of information.  I do still have many questions but i'll come to those later.

The pole shift was very interesting.. 

My thoughts are if this is going to happen in 2023 we are in for potentially a major challenge all over the world. 

What impact would this have on the armies world wide, industrial bases and modern cities. 

Would this put us back into a world without any electricity or technology. 

I was reading that the earths magnetic field could be weakened  by up to 90 %.

What about space and all their satellites would they also be damaged.

What will this mean for the people?

Assuming this is going to happen would that mean armies that rely on technology would no longer be able to use that?

With the of the Imam (عليه السلام) what does it mean for the dajjal system, they have been getting their blue beam technologies for a false alien invasion along with the artificial intelligence systems operational. 

How will that work if electrical systems no longer work?

  • Advanced Member

Some other interesting points in the video of @zzaveri

He mentions that sufyani(la) will rise in rajab. He has already risen according to him. (Russia-ukrain-Israel) started Rajab 2022. he will be in total power for 15 months approximately. Fight for 6 months and rule for 9 months.

Rajab 2022 to month off ramadhan 2023 is about 13 months.

Month of ramadhan 2023 is 22 march - 21 april. (Approximately)

Nafs Zakiyyah (pure soul) ,will be killed near kabaah, mecca. 15 days/night before uprising of imam.

The british researcher from above said that in his observatory, they found that the north pole will enter those weak magnetic lines around 2023 february - april. When it's in those weak magnetic lines, then everything can change quick, ei poleshifts. --> Sun rising from the west.

Passover (major jewish holiday) 2023 will be  5-13 april. Passover 2022 is 15-23 april.

Total solar eclipse happening 2023 april 20. (Approximately)

So next year, we have 4 major events possibly occuring same time: Passover, Poleshift, Laylatul Qadr, Total solar eclipse.

Prior to this, there will be major wars, nuclear, cyber attacks.?


According to @zzaveri khurusani already risen, --> Iran shooting missiles to iraq base, targeting US/Israel.



I don't necessarily agree with everything @zzaveri said. I just thought it was interesting hearing different perspectives.

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Here is the video to the Live Broadcast done this past Saturday.  MashAllah for such short notice we had a great turnout.  I saw at one point 24 live viewers.  Way more than I anticipated on such short notice.  

I know I covered a lot of material in 5 hours and 38 minutes.  I would advise you to pause , take notes and then do your own follow up research.  I could go on and on with providing proof for months on this subject.  Because studying the Illuminati ( Shayateen ) has been my life’s work.   I have been studying Shaytaan, Shayateen, Illuminati and the Jinn for the past twenty years.  This is something I know extremely well Alhamdulillah.

Edited by zzaveri
  • 4 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member

I checked out Mavstar's channel, and I'm not sure how he does his measurements, and after reading the comments on his videos, it appears that I'm not the only one.

I'll attempt to keep an eye out for updates and see if things clear up.

  • Advanced Member


I was wondering if what Gene says about the poleshift making the sun's radiation potentially dangerous for us and causing potential numerous diseases, including cancer, is correct.
Combine this with the recent claims of blacklisted doctors who argue that mass vaccination has weakened our immune system, making us more vulnerable to new diseases or cancer as a result of a weakened immunological response. I believe they have data to back up their claims, but I haven't double-checked it.

If the blacklisted doctors' claims are true and the poleshift occurs, wouldn't this suggest that there would be more excessive deaths?
Perhaps the sun's radiation will be blamed for everything, rather than a mixture of the two.
What are your thoughts on the matter? This was just a random thought that came to me.

  • Veteran Member
On 5/1/2022 at 3:48 AM, EiE said:

I checked out Mavstar's channel, and I'm not sure how he does his measurements, and after reading the comments on his videos, it appears that I'm not the only one.

I'll attempt to keep an eye out for updates and see if things clear up.

Brother you may  like to keep the eyes on some mis-information circulated by some websites that may be your choice, but I like to see the "Sun rising from the West" in the light of the sayings and guidance we have received from our Imams (who are the purified progeny of the prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)).  The matter you may see further without mis interpretations any further, if you like.

The following link provides the details:


  • Advanced Member
7 hours ago, Muslim2010 said:

Brother you may  like to keep the eyes on some mis-information circulated by some websites that may be your choice, but I like to see the "Sun rising from the West" in the light of the sayings and guidance we have received from our Imams (who are the purified progeny of the prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)).  The matter you may see further without mis interpretations any further, if you like.

The following link provides the details:


I'm not sure what you're trying to convey.

someone asked a query and received an answer from a scholar/expert:


When will the sun rise from the West in reference to Imam al-Mahdi's reappearance? Will it be before or after his advent? Is it the case that no repentance or Dua will be accepted after this sign?


There are many narrations in Sunni books about the Sun rising from the
west as a sign of the Day of Judgment as it is narrated in Sahih
Bukhari  (vol. 5 pg. 195 and also vol. 7 pg. 191)  and in Shahih
Muslim (vol. 1 pg. 95). The narrations says that after that incident,
the repentance will not be accepted.

In our Shia books of Hadeeth, we also have many narrations that the
rising of the Sun from the west will take place but not as s sign of
the Day of Judgment. In Kitab al-Irshad by Shaikh Mufeed (pg. 358)
narrated from Abi Hamzah al-Thimali saying : “I asked Abu Ja’far
al-Baqir (عليه السلام) : “Is the coming of Sufyani definite?” He (عليه السلام) said
“Yes. And the huge sound from the sky and the rising of the Sun from
the west and the dispute between Bani Al Abbas and the killing of
al-Nafs al-Zakiyah and the coming back of Imam al-Mahdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) are all



Brother @Qa'im, who is more knowledgeable, might be able to address this question.

  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, EiE said:

I'm not sure what you're trying to convey.

someone asked a query and received an answer from a scholar/expert:


When will the sun rise from the West in reference to Imam al-Mahdi's reappearance? Will it be before or after his advent? Is it the case that no repentance or Dua will be accepted after this sign?


There are many narrations in Sunni books about the Sun rising from the
west as a sign of the Day of Judgment as it is narrated in Sahih
Bukhari  (vol. 5 pg. 195 and also vol. 7 pg. 191)  and in Shahih
Muslim (vol. 1 pg. 95). The narrations says that after that incident,
the repentance will not be accepted.

In our Shia books of Hadeeth, we also have many narrations that the
rising of the Sun from the west will take place but not as s sign of
the Day of Judgment. In Kitab al-Irshad by Shaikh Mufeed (pg. 358)
narrated from Abi Hamzah al-Thimali saying : “I asked Abu Ja’far
al-Baqir (عليه السلام) : “Is the coming of Sufyani definite?” He (عليه السلام) said
“Yes. And the huge sound from the sky and the rising of the Sun from
the west and the dispute between Bani Al Abbas and the killing of
al-Nafs al-Zakiyah and the coming back of Imam al-Mahdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) are all



Brother @Qa'im, who is more knowledgeable, might be able to address this question.

The  details about the subject of Appearance of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) and meaning of the Rising of the Sun from the West can be seen in the light of hadith of Imams at the following link:

It does not involve any pseudoscience (like linking of a physical phenomenon necessarily to get one particular meaning) and relevant forecasting mistakenly for the meaning "Rising of Sun from West". 

The details in-light of hadith of Imams  summarized at the above given link is presented below:

 In the light of above hadiths (given at the link) the following truth can be derived:

 1.     An Imam is the shining sun that spreads its light all over the world while it is in the sky where neither hands nor eyes can harm it.

2.     The matter of the imamate of al-Mahdi is brighter than the sun.

3.     The people benefit with Imam (who is) absent (in occultation), veiled?’‘Just as they are benefitting with the sun when the clouds veil it.

4.     The signs for appearance of the Imam Al Mahdi a,s include: Walker of the earth, and Al-Dajjal-la, and descent of Isa-as Ibn Maryam-as, and rising of the sun from its west’’.

5.     Imam Al Mahdi (عليه السلام) is the one behind whom Isa-as Ibn Maryam-as would be praying Salat, he-ajfj is the twelfth from the offspring, the ninth from the sons-asws of Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws, and  he-ajfj is the sun emerging from its west.

 Thus it provides the evidence that Imam Al Mahdi (عليه السلام) is referred as the Sun rising / emerging from the West.


Edited by Muslim2010
  • Advanced Member
2 hours ago, Muslim2010 said:

Thus it provides the evidence that Imam Al Mahdi (عليه السلام) is referred as the Sun rising / emerging from the West.

@Qa'im brother,
Is it possible to learn more about your knowledge in the field? Is the rising sun from the west a sign or a reference to the imam?

  • Advanced Member

Interesting interview with Neil Degrasse Tyson about the Earth Magnetic Field.


  • Veteran Member
5 hours ago, EiE said:

Interesting interview with Neil Degrasse Tyson about the Earth Magnetic Field.

Difference between True North and Magnetic North:

I like to add the basic information about the True North and Magnetic North that is actually a physical phenomena and it is known for its effects.

Geographic north (also called "true north") is the direction towards the fixed point we call the North Pole. Magnetic north is the direction towards the north magnetic pole (shown by compass), which is a wandering point where the Earth's magnetic field goes vertically down into the planet.  

Because these two north locations are completely different.

Geographic (True) North Pole?


The Earth rotates on the geographic north and south poles. The geographic north and south poles are where lines of longitude (meridians) converge in the north. The south and north pole are directly opposite to one another.

The North Pole is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. Scientists have tried marking the North pole. Because the water here is permanently covered with moving sea ice, it’s practically impossible to construct any type of permanent station at the true North Pole.

Magnetic North Pole?

The Earth is one big magnet. The Magnetic North Pole (also known as the North Dip Pole) is a point on Ellesmere Island in Northern Canada where the northern lines of attraction enter the Earth.

A compass needle rests freely in its casing so it can maneuver itself. When you pull out a compass, it aligns itself with the Earth’s magnetic field. The small magnetic pin is how a compass responds to Earth’s magnetism.

This means that a compass needle will point to the Magnetic North Pole – which is different from the geographic north.

Magnetic North

If you were standing on the geographic north pole holding your compass, it would point towards northern Canada at Ellesmere Island. This is a difference of about 500 kilometers between the Geographic North and Magnetic North poles!

This difference is called the magnetic inclination. Magnetic deviation is the error of a compass needle including nearby metallic objects.

Magnetic inclination varies according to where you are located on the globe. In order to point you in the right direction, users can compensate for magnetic inclination by using charts of declination or local calibration.

This is a known phenomenon and has nothing unusual in it.

Further details can be seen at the given link:


  • Veteran Member
On 5/2/2022 at 12:44 PM, EiE said:

If the blacklisted doctors' claims are true and the poleshift occurs, wouldn't this suggest that there would be more excessive deaths?
Perhaps the sun's radiation will be blamed for everything, rather than a mixture of the two.
What are your thoughts on the matter? This was just a random thought that came to me.

First in recent history conspiracy was spreaded in the media and websites that the poles shift theory was going to occur in 2012. it was supposed as end of time, the conspiracy can be seen from websites like link given below:



But this is year 2022 and no such conspiracy has worked on us and our planet.

Thus i think our precious time should be spent by making positive thoughts and by utilization our time for some value addition activities instead of conspiracy.


  • Forum Administrators
40 minutes ago, Muslim2010 said:

Thus i think our precious time should be spent by making positive thoughts and by utilization our time for some value addition activities instead of conspiracy.

Always good advice, in any era of time, especially these days!

  • Advanced Member
5 hours ago, Muslim2010 said:

First in recent history conspiracy was spreaded in the media and websites that the poles shift theory was going to occur in 2012. it was supposed as end of time, the conspiracy can be seen from websites like link given below:



But this is year 2022 and no such conspiracy has worked on us and our planet.

Thus i think our precious time should be spent by making positive thoughts and by utilization our time for some value addition activities instead of conspiracy.


If you do some digging in the subject, you'll come across a list of events that were once thought to be conspiracies but are no longer so.

Yes, we should be wary of blindly trusting anyone, including our authorities, as there are numerous lists of lies originating from them. In both worlds, you will encounter many people who will deceive you. The most crucial question you must ask is, "Who can I trust?"

You also appear to be unaware of the fact that our faith is based on a series of conspiracies. I'm sure you're aware of this.

Our objective is to keep alert to everything and not to disregard what's going on or to turn a blind eye to what's going on. Keeping an open mind does not imply that we trust every goon on the street. This is only for discussion, it's possible that nothing will happen next year.

Allah is the source of truth.

  • Veteran Member
4 hours ago, EiE said:

If you do some digging in the subject, you'll come across a list of events that were once thought to be conspiracies but are no longer so.

Yes, we should be wary of blindly trusting anyone, including our authorities, as there are numerous lists of lies originating from them. In both worlds, you will encounter many people who will deceive you. The most crucial question you must ask is, "Who can I trust?"

You also appear to be unaware of the fact that our faith is based on a series of conspiracies. I'm sure you're aware of this.

Our objective is to keep alert to everything and not to disregard what's going on or to turn a blind eye to what's going on. Keeping an open mind does not imply that we trust every goon on the street. This is only for discussion, it's possible that nothing will happen next year.

Allah is the source of truth.

I have explained my view about the subject of the thread in my earlier posts and it does not require to be repeated.

For me the words of Imams from the purified progeny of the prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) are inline with the words of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) sent in the form of book ie Al Quran . Certainly i do trust them and believe in them. I have quoted my view inline with those words and it mentions that the Rising sun from west is nothing else but it is a reference to the Imam Al Mahdi (عليه السلام). himself. and that is well proven in the light of hadith of Imams (عليه السلام).

Thus it is sufficient to keep me out of any physical phenomena that is misquoted or misunderstood to derive any suspicious meaning or conjecture to suit some one fictitious thoughts.

I have earlier quoted that the engaging ourselves in positive thoughts is better than coming towards conspiracies.

 If there is some physical phenomena or research matter is presented at some website or other sources then it needs to be verified first by the words of Quran, hadith of prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) & imams and logic as well. Instead we believe and implement thoughts on ourselves to disturb our daily routine and life. This is my sincere advice.

May Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) keep us on right path and give us a chance to serve under of banner of Imam Al Mahdi who is last savior of humanity.


  • Advanced Member
38 minutes ago, Muslim2010 said:

For me the words of Imams from the purified progeny of the prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) are inline with the words of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) sent in the form of book ie Al Quran . Certainly i do trust them and believe in them. I have quoted my view inline with those words and it mentions that the Rising sun from west is nothing else but it is a reference to the Imam Al Mahdi (عليه السلام). himself. and that is well proven in the light of hadith of Imams (عليه السلام).

Are you implying that your expertise exceeds that of Sayyed Mohammad Al- Musawi's?
because it appears in his statement that the sun rising from the west is a sign of imam rather than a reference




When will the sun rise from the West in reference to Imam al-Mahdi's reappearance? Will it be before or after his advent? Is it the case that no repentance or Dua will be accepted after this sign?


There are many narrations in Sunni books about the Sun rising from the
west as a sign of the Day of Judgment as it is narrated in Sahih
Bukhari  (vol. 5 pg. 195 and also vol. 7 pg. 191)  and in Shahih
Muslim (vol. 1 pg. 95). The narrations says that after that incident,
the repentance will not be accepted.

In our Shia books of Hadeeth, we also have many narrations that the
rising of the Sun from the west will take place but not as s sign of
the Day of Judgment. In Kitab al-Irshad by Shaikh Mufeed (pg. 358)
narrated from Abi Hamzah al-Thimali saying : “I asked Abu Ja’far
al-Baqir (عليه السلام) : “Is the coming of Sufyani definite?” He (عليه السلام) said
“Yes. And the huge sound from the sky and the rising of the Sun from
the west and the dispute between Bani Al Abbas and the killing of
al-Nafs al-Zakiyah and the coming back of Imam al-Mahdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) are all




  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, EiE said:

Are you implying that your expertise exceeds that of Sayyed Mohammad Al- Musawi's?
because it appears in his statement that the sun rising from the west is a sign of imam rather than a reference

As already clarified that Rising of Sun from west is mentioned in hadith I certainly agree. But the interpretation of this statement is that it refers to Imam Al Mahdi (عليه السلام) (he-ajfj is the sun emerging from its west.) that i have quoted and well explained in light of hadith of imams from purified progeny (عليه السلام).


Edited by Muslim2010
  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Muslim2010 said:

As already clarified that Rising of Sun from west is mentioned in hadith I certainly agree. But the interpretation of this statement is that it refers to Imam Al Mahdi (عليه السلام) (he-ajfj is the sun emerging from its west.) that i have quoted and well explained in light of hadith of imams from purified progeny (عليه السلام).


However, you are not actually responding to my question about Sayyed Mohammad Al- Musawi's response.

I'd like to hear from brother @Qa'im, who has written a book about the imam.

Edited by EiE
  • Moderators
2 hours ago, Qa'im said:

But I don't know what natural mechanism can cause this to happen - and I'm not sure if the scientists know either.

The moon. The moon has been slowing the spin of the earth since its formation. The difference is so miniscule that it's less than minutes between day now and day at the dawn of humanity.  

The sun possibly, too. 

But if the earth stopped turning, almost all if not all life would die and the atmosphere and waters would be lost.  

  • 1 month later...
  • Advanced Member

Salam @EiE recently  I have read a book about origin of  noble mother  of Imam Reza (عليه السلام) in name of "بانوی اندلس" which has provided  an idea that her motherland  has been Andalus from city of Murcia in southeast of current  Spain which also one of popular titles of Imam Reza (عليه السلام) in Iran is "Shams al Shomos" "شمس الشموس" which it'it's translation  is "Sun of Suns" which is eaquivalet to " king of Kings" which it's also it's title of Imam  Mahdi (aj) too which also Imam Reza(عليه السلام) has entered  to Iran from southwest  of Iran which  in similar  fashion  Imam Mahdi (aj) will enter to Iran from west or southwest  of Iran too because in Iran Sun is symbol  of power & kingship anyway whether  his mother from Andalusia  or Maghrib (Moracco) which Maghrib means place of sunset ie west too which in interpretations about reappearance  of Imam Mahi (aj) sometimes  Maghrib (Moracco) is mistaken  with West because  they have similar meaning in both of Persian & Arabic .




The Tamazight-speaking wives and mothers of the Imams played a role in the innovative and highly-secretive missionary activities of their husbands. As such, they appear to have played a vital role in spreading Shiism among the Berbers of the Maghrib and al-Andalus.

Hamidah al-Barbariyyah, also known as Lu’lu’ah, was the Berber wife of Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq and mother of Imam Musa al-Kazim.

Najmah Khatun also known as Tuktam, Umm al-Banin, and Tahirah, was the Berber wife of Imam Musa al-Kaẓim, and the mother of Imam ‘Ali al-Rida.

Sammanah, also known as Sayyidah, was the Berber wife of Imam Muhammad al-Taqi, and the mother of Imam ‘Ali al-Naqi.

There also exists a possibility that the mother of Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi, known variably as Narjis Khatun, Maryam bint Zayd al-‘Alawiyyah, Malikah, Rayhanah, Saqil and Sawsan, was also of Berber origin.

Considering that the Companions of the Prophet, the Followers of the Companions, and large numbers of disciples of the Imams settled in the Maghrib and al-Andalus, there is little doubt that they spread their seed and, through it, the religious, spiritual and political teachings of Shiism.

Fleeing the oppression of the Umayyads and the ‘Abbasids, the descendants of the Prophet settled in the Maghrib and al-Andalus. They included the Banu Idris, the direct descendants of Idris b. ‘Abd Allah, Ibrahim b. ‘Abd Allah, Sulayman b. ‘Abd Allah, along with Muhammad b. Ja‘far, Dawud b. al-Qasim, and Ahmad b. Muhammad.

And here is a little gem for you: guess who the Chief of Police was under the rule of Idris II)? None other than Dawud b. al-Qasim b. Ishaq b. ‘Abd Allah b. Ja‘far b. Abi Talib, a Companion of Imam Muhammad al-Taqi, Imam ‘Ali al-Naqi, and Imam Hasan al-‘Askari. This clearly demonstrates close contact and collaboration between Zaydi and Imami Shiites during the early days of Islamic rule in the Maghrib.


The equivalent of the term "Shams al-Shaomos" in Persian is "the sun of the suns". In other words, if thousands of suns come together, the person for whom this title is intended will shine like the sun of superiority over all these suns and overshadow their light.
According to a search in narrative sources, this title has not been quoted for Imam Reza (عليه السلام) in a hadith or narration from the Infallible. Rather, only in the sermon quoted by Mesbah Kafami in the tenth century from some scholars, this interpretation and description has been used for their Imam. Part of that sermon is as follows:


«اللَّهُمَّ وَ صَلِّ عَلَى الْإِمَامِ الْمَعْصُومِ وَ السَّیِّدِ الْمَظْلُومِ وَ الشَّهِیدِ الْمَسْمُومِ وَ الْبَدْرِ بَیْنَ النُّجُومِ شَمْسِ‏ الشَّمُوسِ‏ وَ أُنْسِ النُّفُوسِ الْمَدْفُونِ بِأَرْضِ طُوسَ‏ الرِّضَا الْمُرْتَضَى وَ السَّیْفِ الْمُنْتَضَى الْعَادِلِ فِی الْقَضَاءِ الْإِمَامِ أَبِی الْحَسَنِ الثَّانِی عَلِیِّ بْنِ مُوسَى الرِّضَا».[1]


What is known today is that this title is used to describe Imam Reza (عليه السلام), but this title in Bihar Al-Anwar in The chapter on the pilgrimage of the Imam Al-Mustatr from the visions of the present in the hearts of the chosen ones waiting in the night and the noon of Al-Hijjah Ibn Al-Hassan has also been used in a pilgrimage to describe the Imam of the time (aj).


«باب زیارة الإمام المستتر عن الأبصار الحاضر فی قلوب الأخیار المنتظر فی اللیل و النهار الحجة بن الحسن‏»، در زیارتی برای توصیف امام زمان(عج) نیز به کار رفته است: «... السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکَ یَا شَمْسَ‏ الشُّمُوسِ‏ السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکَ یَا مَهْدِیَّ الْأَرْضِ وَ مُبِیِّنَ عَیْنِ الْفَرْضِ السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکَ یَا مَوْلَایَ یَا صَاحِبَ الزَّمَان...».‏[2]

 بحار الانوار، ج ‏99، ص 85

Bihar al anwar , v 99 , p 85


  • 4 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member

Regarding this British researcher's conclusions regarding the coming poleshift, I am beginning to have my doubts and will continue to be sceptical.
I'm not totally convinced by his calculations, and I can't really follow him in his videos because they're so long and he talks a lot while also saying very little.

It also adds to my scepticism that he is the only researcher I could find who has made some calculations on the timeline to poleshift, when many other scientists say it is imminent but they don't know how or when.

Brother @zzaveri did you come across any support for his research or any other scientists who came to the same conclusion as him?

  • 5 months later...

Hello… I was reading this thread and would like to know if anyone has more information or updates regarding this topic…. If this does happen in feb-march 2023 , how will this affect life on earth ? Technology? Religiously?

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member

Well, it appears that Gene has been making these doomsday forecasts for a long time, and he has also been proven wrong numerous times. Unfortunately, some people donate to that guy because they believe his claims, and he asks for donations frequently during his videos.

Fortunately, I performed my due diligence and didn't pay much attention other than to occasionally check his updates.

Anyways,here is a recent rebuttal video, perhaps you want to watch it @zzaveri
According to this guy, Gene has been runing this con for 10 years.


  • Advanced Member

And so it started:



Our planet may have had a recent change of heart.

Earth’s inner core may have temporarily stopped rotating relative to the mantle and surface, researchers report in the January 23 Nature Geoscience. Now, the direction of the inner core’s rotation may be reversing — part of what could be a roughly 70-year-long cycle that may influence the length of Earth’s days and its magnetic field — though some researchers are skeptical.

“We see strong evidence that the inner core has been rotating faster than the surface, [but] by around 2009 it nearly stopped,” says geophysicist Xiaodong Song of Peking University in Beijing. “Now it is gradually mov[ing] in the opposite direction.”

  • Forum Administrators
19 hours ago, Irfani313 said:

And so it started:


Our planet may have had a recent change of heart.

Earth’s inner core may have temporarily stopped rotating relative to the mantle and surface, researchers report in the January 23 Nature Geoscience. Now, the direction of the inner core’s rotation may be reversing — part of what could be a roughly 70-year-long cycle that may influence the length of Earth’s days and its magnetic field — though some researchers are skeptical.

“We see strong evidence that the inner core has been rotating faster than the surface, [but] by around 2009 it nearly stopped,” says geophysicist Xiaodong Song of Peking University in Beijing. “Now it is gradually mov[ing] in the opposite direction.”

I have read that this is cyclical and it happens every few decades. The core can move independently of the crust. So in theory, this is not apocalyptic news.

On 1/26/2023 at 12:16 AM, Irfani313 said:

And so it started:


Our planet may have had a recent change of heart.

Earth’s inner core may have temporarily stopped rotating relative to the mantle and surface, researchers report in the January 23 Nature Geoscience. Now, the direction of the inner core’s rotation may be reversing — part of what could be a roughly 70-year-long cycle that may influence the length of Earth’s days and its magnetic field — though some researchers are skeptical.

“We see strong evidence that the inner core has been rotating faster than the surface, [but] by around 2009 it nearly stopped,” says geophysicist Xiaodong Song of Peking University in Beijing. “Now it is gradually mov[ing] in the opposite direction.”



  • Advanced Member
2 hours ago, Qa'im said:

I have read that this is cyclical and it happens every few decades. The core can move independently of the crust. So in theory, this is not apocalyptic news.

True - 30yrs or so to be concise..

On our planet, pretty much everything is cyclical; seasons, weather patterns, oceanic waves, even most seismic activities. 

Concerning part is when the cycles become bigger, more fiercer in magnitude. For example where I live, mine and neighboring counties are updating building codes for past consecutive years with tougher requirements for wider window brackets, coated fasteners, more wider beams, double support for roofs, rafters, paints, insulation etc. The rationale they give is expected increased prolonged episodes of wind gusts, flash floods, and random tornado activity where they were previously one off happenings. One county redid codes for all below grade construction and they are miles & miles away from any water bodies. 

Ferocity of these cycles is what may show us previously unheard activities. 

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