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In the Name of God بسم الله

Playing loud low quality Quran recitation.

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Guest Ali

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Salaam everyone,

I recently witnessed a family member playing a video loudly on the TV of a really bad quality Quran recitation on youtube this morning. It was not an old video, therefore of lesser audio quality, but a newly uploaded video which obviously has had issues with sound being digitally set to very high with the persons voice making microphone pops in the speaker and reverb set to a extra long delay which means it was a constant stream of high frequency scratching noise in the back ground due to the low quality.

I usually don't mind and even enjoy the soothing atmosphere that someone reading Quran emits. This, however, was disturbing me as it was uncomfortable and literally felt it was hurting my ears and I felt it was not properly portraying the beauty of the Quran, hence not making it sound good. I find this unlucky for the video as the person reciting is probably doing great.

I asked the person to please find another video as the quality of this specific video was bothering me. This seemed to offend the person a lot and I was told to leave the room and close the door. The person took it as a some insult and I feel my faith is perceived by him to be weak somehow as he compared it to another person that is not a believer.

I need help to understand what to do here. Am I wrong for wanting a clearer and better quality of audio from a video? Is it wrong that I feel disturbed that the Quran is being read with such low quality loudly? How should I talk to this person? He is older then me and his ears have started to lose a bit hearing.

Thank you for your help.

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Wa alaikum salam.

You were not opposing the Holy Quran being recited but you were opposing the way some person recited it. And you are right.

Here's a story in Gulistan of Sheikh Sadi, which I remember in such cases;

A fellow with a disagreeable voice happened to be reading the Quran, when a pious man passed near, and asked him what his monthly salary was. He replied: 'Nothing.' He further inquired: 'Then why takest thou this trouble?' He replied: 'I am reading for God's sake.' He replied: 'For God's sake do not read.'

        If thou readest the Quran thus
        Thou wilt deprive the religion of splendour.

He also tells a story of the father of a Muslim revert thanking and paying money to the muazzin because his disagreeable voice returns the revert back to their old religion.

Anyway, what I am telling is that everyone needs to recite the Holy Quran since it is God's words and guidance from Him. But I wouldn't make a video of me reciting when my voice is not so great or when I don't have the equipment. I would let others do it. And they are doing a great job.

So, in such cases, offering something instead is the best, rather than asking him to find other reciters.

You can download best Quran recitations you like and give him as a gift. Or you can play other youtube videos with nice voices. So he wonders who those Quran reciters are and asks you their names. :) 

Edited by islamicmusic
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