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In the Name of God بسم الله
Message added by ShiaChat Mod,

Some views expressed below may not reflect the consensus of the scientific and health care community, and instead are dangerous claims based on dubious information and conjecture. Please consult credible sources and legitimate health care professionals for medical advice.

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  • Advanced Member


Views expressed and sources provided here may be false, misleading, and may not reflect proper medical science. Please refer to a licensed medical professional concerning health related issues. 


The Vaccines Aren’t Really Vaccines

First, these so-called vaccines are not really vaccines in the widely understood sense.

A traditional vaccine involves an injection either with a weakened form of the virus you are protecting against or a similar virus. Either one can produce antibodies that remain in the system and fight the actual disease if you get it.

These new vaccines are entirely different.

I don’t want to get too deep into the weeds here, but these treatments use experimental genetic modification to inject you with mRNA, which is a partial strand of genetic code.

That mRNA then enters your cells and orders the cells to construct a spike protein similar to SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID). This spike protein then precipitates antibodies that can reduce your reaction to SARS-CoV-2 if you get it.

But the “vaccine” does not prevent you from getting COVID, and it does not prevent you from spreading it to others.

The spike protein remains with you indefinitely. In effect, you have modified your own genetic make-up to fight COVID without actually gaining immunity and without reducing transmissibility.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if you’re immune to a disease, “you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.”

But these vaccines do not prevent you from being infected or spreading it to others. Some have likened them to chemotherapy for a cancer you don’t have.



Our citizens must first and foremost define the discussion in order to accurately weigh their choices. What they are being asked to inject is not a vaccine as defined by the CDC as “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” [5] Rather, it is an experimental and novel technology. By definition of the FDA [6] as a component used as treatment to affect a body’s function, it is in fact a medical device, a physical device that comes in a molecular sized package. Erroneously referring to this intervention as a vaccine exploits the public's ingrained trust of the vaccination program to solicit knee jerk response and action. It keeps us entrenched in needless debate in place of taking the necessary measures to investigate the impact on our health.

DNA is, in short, the basis for our genetic structure. Inside each cell are codes which transfer its information to make proteins through messenger RNA. Messenger RNA is an intermediary between gene and protein and the protein elicits the immune response, not the RNA. The contents of this shot being given on an experimental basis is a synthetic messenger RNA that is inserted into the human system to activate the cell to manufacture, in this case, a spike protein. [7] An mRNA vaccine is not a vaccine, because it does not elicit an immune response. What it is, is genetic engineering.



  • Veteran Member

Hmm. In this case would you recommend AstraZeneca over Pfizer since it is not mrna vaccine but an adenovirus one?

but again there is the risk of clotting or long term effects we don’t know of.

  • Advanced Member
On 9/6/2021 at 3:09 AM, 313_Waiter said:

Hmm. In this case would you recommend AstraZeneca over Pfizer since it is not mrna vaccine but an adenovirus one?

but again there is the risk of clotting or long term effects we don’t know of.

I wouldn't take health related advice from public forum.

  • 2 months later...
On 9/7/2021 at 6:24 PM, slavelight said:

I wouldn't take health related advice from public forum.

Which is why people should NOT take medical advice from you.

Look to the real medical experts who care about people's health.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US)

World Health Organization

Coronavirus (COVID-19) (UK)

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) (Canada)







  • Advanced Member
10 hours ago, Guest guest said:

Which is why people should NOT take medical advice from you.

Look to the real medical experts who care about people's health.

Noone should take medical advice from anonymous beings in a public forum.

As for the real medical experts, you have many of those in the opposite side too whom are opposing the mandates and restrictions.

  • Development Team
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, slavelight said:

Noone should take medical advice from anonymous beings in a public forum.

So why are you telling us to not get the vaccine? You're also an anonymous being on a public forum, nobody should take medical advice from somebody who is clearly biased against medical expertise and doesn't understand how vaccines work or how to read the VAERS data. If they do, well, I'm sorry but they are fools for putting their trust in you. 

2 hours ago, slavelight said:

As for the real medical experts, you have many of those in the opposite side too whom are opposing the mandates and restrictions.

Those same experts you have mentioned earlier in other threads are also either bought by politicians or have such atrocious critical-thinking skills, that they simply cannot detatch their personal biases from the data. 

Edited by Gaius I. Caesar
  • Advanced Member
4 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

So why are you telling us to not get the vaccine?

This is the second time you accuse me of something I havn't done. Where did I say this?


4 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

well, I'm sorry but they are fools for putting their trust in you. 

Who? yes they are fools to put trust in anonymous being in a public forum.

4 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

nobody should take medical advice from somebody who is clearly biased against medical expertise and doesn't understand how vaccines work or how to read the VAERS data

As I mentioned above, many who oppose the mandates and restrictions also happen to be medical experts. I am sure they are more knowledgeable than all us.

I happen to share some of their findings, am I not allowed to do so?


4 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Those same experts you have mentioned earlier in other threads are also either bought by politicians or have such atrocious critical-thinking skills, that they simply cannot detatch their personal biases from the data.

Talking about bought politicians and personal biases & conflict of interest:


Your welcome.

  • Development Team
5 hours ago, slavelight said:

This is the second time you accuse me of something I havn't done. Where did I say this?

Look at the links you sent me on Saturday, November 14th. You keep saying you're aren't a conspiracy theorist but yet you keep writing like one and think there is something inherently wrong with the COVID-19 vaccine. You even asked me to look at the high rate of deaths for 2021 as your "evidence" that the COVID-19 vaccine kills people. Hint: The VAERS chart doesn't tell you anything beyond "there's 1000% increase in adverse reactions for 2021", it doesn't tell us what people died from.  If you aren't reading carefully, it is very easy to assume that all the deaths are vaccine-related


5 hours ago, slavelight said:

Who? yes they are fools to put trust in anonymous being in a public forum.

Then why bother with posting at all? Especially if you don't seem understand how vaccines work at all? Don't play the devil's advocate with people's lives on a public forum. 


5 hours ago, slavelight said:

As I mentioned above, many who oppose the mandates and restrictions also happen to be medical experts. I am sure they are more knowledgeable than all us.

Likewise, the pro-vaccine medical doctors who advocate for mandates and restrictions are also more knowledgeable than us. The mandates and restrictions are for your safety and to prevent  spread of COVID-19  in other vulnurable, unvaccinated populations. There is nothing remotely sinister about mandates and/or travel restrictions. 

  • Advanced Member
On 11/24/2021 at 9:21 PM, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Look at the links you sent me on Saturday, November 14th. You keep saying you're aren't a conspiracy theorist but yet you keep writing like one and think there is something inherently wrong with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Which link on which thread. Yes I definitely believe that there's something wrong with the agenda of jabing everyone. Would it been for health reasons people wouldn't be coerced , the people would come to take the jab themselves.

On 11/24/2021 at 9:21 PM, Gaius I. Caesar said:

You even asked me to look at the high rate of deaths for 2021 as your "evidence" that the COVID-19 vaccine kills people. Hint: The VAERS chart doesn't tell you anything beyond "there's 1000% increase in adverse reactions for 2021", it doesn't tell us what people died from.  If you aren't reading carefully, it is very easy to assume that all the deaths are vaccine-related

What? when did I say this?

Yes the covid-19 vaccine has killed people. I did not however claim that the high death rate for 2021 is due to the covid vaccine. You are making some very strong accusations. Are you going to quote someone else and say that it was me again?

  • Development Team
2 hours ago, slavelight said:

Yes the covid-19 vaccine has killed people.

So? Where is the proof? Which COVID-19 vaccine?, etc. You are making really strong accusations and not backing it with reliable proof, let alone actually reading it .

3 hours ago, slavelight said:

Are you going to quote someone else and say that it was me again?


The only person I quoted was you.

3 hours ago, slavelight said:

Which link on which thread. Yes I definitely believe that there's something wrong with the agenda of jabing everyone. Would it been for health reasons people wouldn't be coerced , the people would come to take the jab themselves.

Here you go, are you going deny it and say "I don't know what you're talking about?" Let me ask you something, akh. Suppose you are a governor and there's a pandemic in your province/state. What do you do to make sure that everyone stays healthy and the pandemic is under control?

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

So? Where is the proof? Which COVID-19 vaccine?, etc. You are making really strong accusations and not backing it with reliable proof, let alone actually reading it .



Here are 2 recent ones, if you know how to use google, I am sure you can find plenty more.

20 minutes ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

The only person I quoted was you.

Are you saying @justAnothermuslim is my account? I hope you are just in a state of confusion and that you are not being serious.


20 minutes ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Here you go, are you going deny it and say "I don't know what you're talking about?"

You once again quoted another member just like you did in the other thread. This is the 2nd time you do this. Maybe you should read who said what first, before accusing me, again.

Edited by slavelight
  • Development Team
1 hour ago, slavelight said:

Are you saying @justAnothermuslim is my account? I hope you are just in a state of confusion and that you are not being serious.

You're right, I apologize. You are clearly not the same person. However, I will not let you or justAnothermuslim continue to spread conspiracies. You two are parroting and regurgitating the same points over and over again. I stand by what I said about the vaccines being for your safety. Both of you don't understand how the VAERS charts work. The whole controversy behind the vaccine is because former President Donald Trump normalized ignorance and believing in internet conspiracy theories. Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear or read on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I have seen otherwise normal people become completely unhinged and detatched from reality because  of the garbage conspiracies they read on Facebook about the COVID-19 vaccines. They are literally in hysterics, taking horse medication that sterilizes people if ingested and anti-malaria medicine to cure COVID-19, which is a type of SARS, not malaria.  We already have SARS vaccines and used them to create the COVID-19. There is nothing sinister about the COVID-19 vaccine, as of right now, it is your only defense against COVID-19 . There's no need to cast doubt on the vaccines because of political mandates or travel restrictions. Even Iran has them, am I a fasiq for obeying the mandates or travel restrictions, of course not. 

1 hour ago, slavelight said:

Here are 2 recent ones, if you know how to use google, I am sure you can find plenty more

Usually when somebody makes a claim about a topic, they provide a link, instead making the audience go out their way to find it. That's equivalent of you asking a Christian "What is the proof that John 3:16 proves that Jesus is the Son of God?" and the Christian says "I don't know, read the Bible yourself, you know how to read.." If you have proof, show it. Simple as that.

  • Advanced Member
16 minutes ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

However, I will not let you or justAnothermuslim continue to spread conspiracies. You two are parroting and regurgitating the same points over and over again.

I am not affiliated with the guy nor is he with me. I don't know what replies he has made nor do I have any burden in those.

I don't recall spreading conspiracies.

What I have shared with me are findings from other researchers, freelance journalists, social medias, medical experts, ex employees, victims of vaccine injururies and so forth.

24 minutes ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Both of you don't understand how the VAERS charts work.

Why do you say I don't understand how VAERS data work? I have read the VAERS disclaimer. I don't recall making any statement that goes against the disclaimer.


VAERS accepts reports of adverse events and reactions that occur following vaccination. Healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the public can submit reports to the system. While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. In large part, reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.

You can read the full disclaimer here: https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html

29 minutes ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

The whole controversy behind the vaccine is because former President Donald Trump normalized ignorance and believing in internet conspiracy theories. Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear or read on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I have seen otherwise normal people become completely unhinged and detatched from reality because  of the garbage conspiracies they read on Facebook about the COVID-19 vaccines. They are literally in hysterics, taking horse medication that sterilizes people if ingested and anti-malaria medicine to cure COVID-19, which is a type of SARS, not malaria.  We already have SARS vaccines and used them to create the COVID-19.

I don't see how this has anything to do with me other than to throw me in the same group of these "conspiracy theorists".

33 minutes ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Usually when somebody makes a claim about a topic, they provide a link

I did provide 2 links in my post above. If you need more I can provide more, but I am sure you can handle simple google searching.


35 minutes ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

There is nothing sinister about the COVID-19 vaccine, as of right now, it is your only defense against COVID-19

Say that to the many healthy althetes that are suddenly collapsing.


  • Development Team
9 minutes ago, slavelight said:

Say that to the many healthy althetes that are suddenly collapsing.

Unless you're thinking of a particular athlete, that's not evidence, it's still an anecdote.

13 minutes ago, slavelight said:

Why do you say I don't understand how VAERS data work? I have read the VAERS disclaimer. I don't recall making any statement that goes against the disclaimer.

Because you're looking at the data for 2021 and saying that it is proof that COVID-19 vaccines are killing people left and right, without accounting for allergies, diabetes and other pre-existing health conditions.

19 minutes ago, slavelight said:

While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. In large part, reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.

Says it in the boldened part, and yet you still think it proves your point that all these deaths are caused by the COVID-19 vaccines?  Maybe you should follow your own advice to read carefully as well. Data from the VAERS report cannot be used to identify the cause of death in these cases. Therefore, we cannot use it to say all vaccines combined, caused 7,662 deaths in total.  Also, nowhere does it say that 7,662 deaths were caused by COVID-19 vaccines alone.

3 hours ago, slavelight said:

If you noticed, the other two cases mentioned had pre-existing health conditions. (Allergies, thrombotic thrombocytopenia) It is not the vaccine that killed them.


4 hours ago, slavelight said:

It's still under investigation, but it is highly likely he had a pre-existing condition. I took the Moderna vaccine, I am still alive and well, alhamdullilah.

  • Advanced Member
8 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Unless you're thinking of a particular athlete, that's not evidence, it's still an anecdote.

The sudden increase of heart related issues in healthy athletes is an anecdote?


8 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Because you're looking at the data for 2021 and saying that it is proof that COVID-19 vaccines are killing people left and right

I have not said this, give me a break man.

8 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

If you noticed, the other two cases mentioned had pre-existing health conditions. (Allergies, thrombotic thrombocytopenia) It is not the vaccine that killed them.

quote from article: "The teen did not have any pre-existing health conditions prior to her death and had no contact with sick people or family members."

Maybe you didnt check this video out


And this video above with senator Gerard Rennick

  • Development Team
6 hours ago, slavelight said:

The sudden increase of heart related issues in healthy athletes is an anecdote?

Yes, that's quite right. Unless you have a chart showing the rates of heart attacks in unvaccinated athlete vs. the rate of heart attacks in vaccinated athlete. I have to take what you're implying with a grain of salt, an anecdote is not evidence.

6 hours ago, slavelight said:

I have not said this, give me a break man.

Not directly, you didn't but it is clear to me in the Ethics thread, that you genuinely believe this. Also, I will never give anyone who willingly spreads anti-vaccine information on the internet a break. 

6 hours ago, slavelight said:

quote from article: "The teen did not have any pre-existing health conditions prior to her death and had no contact with sick people or family members."

I saw that but I'm talking about the other two cases mentioned in ther article, they had pre-existing conditions prior to getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Still dying from taking a vaccine is very rare, rarer than you would have people believe.

7 hours ago, slavelight said:

And this video above with senator Gerard Rennick

Never heard of him, seeing as he's an Australian, but he seems to have a history promoting conspiracy theories. You say you're not a conspiracy theorist but you keep quoting people who are.




This man's credibility is in the gutter. He's a crooked politican, not an immunologist.^

  • Advanced Member
3 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Not directly, you didn't but it is clear to me in the Ethics thread, that you genuinely believe this. Also, I will never give anyone who willingly spreads anti-vaccine information on the internet a break. 

I don't see how any post I have made in the ethics thread have made you come to this conclusion.


3 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Still dying from taking a vaccine is very rare, rarer than you would have people believe.

Yet you can't sue the vaccine manufacturers for damage since they have immunity, hmm why..........

3 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Never heard of him, seeing as he's an Australian, but he seems to have a history promoting conspiracy theories. You say you're not a conspiracy theorist but you keep quoting people who are.

I did not hear him uttering about conspiracy theories. He was very clear on the subject and even gave real life examples. I didn't know about him til I found that clip.

You didn't even respond back to the clip with the cardiologist.


4 hours ago, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Yes, that's quite right. Unless you have a chart showing the rates of heart attacks in unvaccinated athlete vs. the rate of heart attacks in vaccinated athlete. I have to take what you're implying with a grain of salt, an anecdote is not evidence.

Ye here you go:

Never have I heard about so many young athletes collapsing or dying  suddenly in a single year. There's more incoming to the list. All of these are vaccinated according to the author.



January 2021

    1. 03/01/21, Portugal  Dead
      Alex Apolinario (24), Brazilian Alverca FC soccer player collapsing on pitch with cardiac arrest during match. Died four days later  News Story
    2. 09/01/21. USA
      Jordan Glenn, Wisconsin basketball player. Collapsed in a break at the start of the half. CPR with a defibrillator, transferred to hospital by Ambulance.
    3. 22/01/21, USA  Dead
      Hank Aaron (86), former Pro Baseballer received his COVID vaccine on January 5th, 2021 to demonstrate the safety of the vaccine and encourage other black Americans to do the same.  Died two weeks later in his sleep – listed as natural causes. News Story
    4. 30/01/21, France
      Garissone Innocent (20), Cannes Team football goalkeeper. collapsed and blacked out in a game against Chamblee. Tachycardia attack, unable to speak or breathe. News Story


      February 2021

    5. 11/02/21, Wales  Dead
      Logan Luker (17), rugby player Youth Captain at Penygraig RFC died suddenly News Story


      March 2021

    6. 03/03/2021, Wallkill Central School, New York, USA (17), Dead
      Miguel Antonio Lugo (17) high school football player collapsed and died during football practice
    7. 11/03/21 Illinois, USA
      David Wakefield, (27) New Zealand cricketer. Collapsed during training with myocarditis. Brought back to life with Defibrillator, hospitalized three weeks in intensive care, required extensive rehabilitation before he could walk and talk.  News Story
    8. 19/03/21, Milton Keynes, UK
      Raymond van Barneveld, darts player collapses and receives paramedic attention during PDC Championship  News Story
    9. 20/03/21 Dead
      Andy Haman (54) Pro bodybuilder and actor Andy Haman has died of Pulmonary embolism News Story
    10. 22/03/21, Sacramento California, USA 18 years old
      Emmanual Antwi (18) a Kennedy High footballer (Canadian) collapsed on the field in Sacramento. On-field CPR attempts failed and he died
    11. 23/03/21
      Moussa Dembélé (25), Atlético Madrid striker collapsed in training and received medical attention.  News Story
    12. 29/03/21 India Dead
      Devaraj Anchan (33) a State-level volleyball player collapsed, clutching his chest, while playing in a tournament and died on the way to hospital in Udupi.  News Story
    13. 30/03/21, Ghana
      Charles Bulu Ghanaian referee collapses during AFCON Match  News Story   Video
    14. 30/03/21, USA
      Alex Stalock (34), NHL Oilers goalie out for the season or more due to heart condition. Positive COVID Test in November 2020, diagnosed myocarditis in March 2021  News Story – The Athletic  News Story2
    15. 31/03/21 USA
      Brett Smith, an NCAA college basketball referee, collapsed during a game. Hospitalized with a blood clot.
    16. 31/03/21 Norway
      Filip Ingebrigtsen (28) Norwegian runner had a tough 2021 after a reaction to the corona vaccine. Ingebrigtsen got the second vaccine dose just after the Olympics in Tokyo. His goal was “getting back to normal” but on October 17, he finished 10th in a race his brother won. News Story


      April 2021

    17. 06/04/2021, Callalen, Corpus Cristi (15), Dead
      Moira Claire Arney (15) McAllen High School female Soccer player collapsed and died during practice  News Story
    18. 06/04/21, Italy  (29), Dead
      Giuseppe Perrino (29), former professional footballer, collapsed and died during a charity match for his dead brother.  News Story
    19. 9/04/21
      Bert Smith (56) NCAA men’s basketball Referee collapsed due to a blood clot in his lung during a tournament  News Story
    20. 12/04/21 Dead
      Dejan Oršuš (24), Croation NK Otok player, collapsed from a heart attack and later died in the Čakovec County Hospital.  News Story
    21. 22/04/21,
      Craig Jones (29) Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world champion black belt is unable to train or fight after a COVID injection
    22. 24/04/21, Dead
      Luis Ojeda (20), Argentine football player died unexpectedly  News Story
    23. 28/04/21, Atlanta, USA  (26)
      Brandon Goodwin (26), NBA player suffers blood clots shortly after COVID-19 shot, Possible end of career, still sidelined 7 months later.  News Story


      May 2021

    24. 7/05/21 USA
      Everest Romney (17) a healthy 6’9″ high school sophomore hospitalized after experiencing severe migraines and swelling in his neck post-vaccination . Within 24 hours of getting the vaccine, Everest began experiencing an “exorbitant amount” of pain and swelling in his neck that originated on the same side he received the vaccine. Everest’s dad experienced a similar reaction following a Moderna injection. An x-ray revealed he had over 100 blood clots in his lungs. News Story
    25. 10/05/21, Nottinghamshire, England,  Dead
      Josh Downie, (24), cricketer  died after heart attack at practice . His mother Helen said he had no known health problems. “It’s just completely out of the blue,” she said. “It doesn’t seem real at the moment. News Story
    26. 14/05/21, Malaysia  Dead
      Haziq Kamaruddin (27), Olympian archer died of coronary artery disease. Died 10 days after Pfizer injections on 13th April and 4th May 2021  News Story
    27. 30/05/21 (exact date unknown, but prior to 01/06/21, when Christian Eriksen collapsed)
      Marvin Schumann, a Gifhorn amateur player revived after cardiac arrest.  News Story


      June 2021

    28. 1/06/21, Denmark 29 years old
      Christian Eriksen(29), star Inter Milan footballer collapsed with cardiac arrest on the soccer pitch 12 days after receiving a Pfizer shot. Revived with defibrilator. News Story
    29. 07/06/21, Germany,  Dead
      Michael Schneider (38), Table tennis professional from Germany,  died suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
    30. 9/06/21, Ontario Canada,  Dead
      Kamila Label-Farrel (19), University Basketball star died unexpectedly – while on a morning jog she collapsed while stretching  News Story
    31. 14/06/21, Indonesia,  Dead
      Mirko Kido (36), Indonesian Olympic gold medalist in double Badminton, died of heart attack during game News Story
    32. 17/06/21 France
      Frederic Lott, Salouël RC team in France, suffered cardiac arrest after a football training session in Salouel. Saved by heart massage and defibrillator.
    33. 19/06/21 Colombia, Dead
      Jose Edgar Preciado, Colombian caddie suffered a fatal heart attack at his hotel after the second round of the Holcim Colombia Classic in Bucaramanga, Colombia.  News Story
    34. 21/06/21,  Czech in France, Dead
      Sage Canaday (35), Czech TDS-145km ultra marathon runner died on the Mont Blanc trail with a bilateral pulmonary embolism and blood clots.. He was double vaccinated and started having problems in May after returning from a flight. After the Pfizer booster, he started to have difficulty breathing.  News Story
    35. 23/06/21 France
      Christophe Lemeiter, French sprinter. Retired from French Championships and Tokyo Olympics. A coach said he failed a physical, after negative reactions to coronavirus vaccine.
    36. 25/06/21, USA
      Ethan Jovani Trejo (16), soccer player, collapsed on the field during training  News Story
    37. 27/06/21, Singapore
      Unnamed teenager (16) suffered cardiac arrest after weightlifting session 6 days after first Covid-19 injection. He was in critical condition in hospital.  News Story
    38. 28/06/2021, Las Vegas, Nevada, Dead
      Chino Yelum Cajetan Nsofor (13) Football player collapsed and died during practice  News Story
    39. 28/06/21, (estimate) USA
      Kyle Warner: Professional mountain biker suffers from pericarditis after Pfizer shot, Possible End Of Career (29) News Storyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAQudZhZNSQ


      July 2021

    40. ??/07/21, Philadelphia PA, USA, Dead
      Ivan Hicks (16) Footballer died during scrimmage. Coroner found an enlarged heart and scarring, but no myocarditis or inflammation. Verdict cardiovascular disease. Tested positive for COVID.
    41. 03/07/21
      Chinelle Henry (26) collapsed on field with teammate Chedean Nation. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women! ” News Story
    42. 03/07/21
      Chedean Nation (35) collapsed on field with teammate Chinelle Henry. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women! ” News Story
    43. 06/07/21, Japan  (27), Dead
      Yusuke Kino[Edited Out]a (27) Baseball player collapsed during practice. Died 03/08/2021, five weeks after COVID-19 vaccination
    44. 08/07/21, Toronto, Canada,  Dead
      Jenn Gouveia (31), Toronto mother, collapsed and died suddenly  on Sunday while out for a run in High Park News Story
    45. 10/07/21 Dead
      Mike Salase (39), Northland rugby league player died while playing a game. CPR attempts failed News Story
    46. 13/07/21 Dubai Dead
      Chris Eubank (29), boxer, son of famous boxer, Sebastian Eubank, died of heart attack . News Story
    47. 13/07/2021, Pennsylvania, USA (17) , Dead
      Andrew Roseman, Junior High School Baseball Pitcher died unexpectedly,  News Story
    48. 21/07/21, USA (31)
      Kjeld Nuis (31) Two time Olympic Gold Medalist and World Record holder speed skater develops pericarditis after Pfizer shot News Story
    49. 23/07/21, Germany  (27), Dead
      Tim B. (27) SV Hamberge football player from (Schleswig-Holstein) collapsed after returning from a football tournament and died   News Story
    50. 24/07/21, Germany  (unknown age)
      Unnamed football player of TuS Hoberge-Uerentrup Bielefeld (NRW) collapsed on the pitch with cardiac arrest   News Story
    51. 24/07/2021, Little Rock, Arkansas, Dead
      Devon DuHart (16) football player mysteriously died of a seizure in his sleep. He was not well after a recent practice.  News Story
    52. 26/07/21 Netherlands Dead
      Whitnee Abriska (19), female handball professional passes away after cardiac arrest while on vacation. News Story
    53. 28/07/21, Germany  (16), Dead
      Jascha Zey (16) U19 player of Eisbachtaler Sportfreunde (Rhineland-Palatinate) died suddenly and unexpectedly in hospital  News Story
    54. 28/07/21, Georgia, USA  (15), Dead
      Joshua Ivory (15) Football player collapsed and died during game. Coroner’s report said cardiac dysrhythmia triggered sudden cardiac arrest.  News Story
    55. 31/07/21 USA
      Daniel Brito (23), the Phillies minor-league infielder had been hospitalized since collapsing on the field with a stroke. News Story
    56. 31/07/21 Dead
      Sofia Graham (27) preparing to compete at 2021 NPC North Americans and NPC USA’s. Died of a heart attack in her sleep  News Story


      August 2021

    57. 02/08/21, Detroit USA, 15 years old, Dead
      Stephen Sylvester (15), Detroit Central Catholic High School football and track athlete collapsed and died during conditioning practice
    58. 04/08/21, Kansas, USA, 19 years old, Dead
      Tirrell Williams (19) Fort Scott freshman lineman died after collapsing with a stroke on field during practice  News Story  News Story2
    59. 06/08/2021, Germany
      Unnamed SpVgg. Oelde II District league player collapsed on field revived by his opponent, Julian Pietsch from VfB Schloß Holte 2.  News Story
    60. 07/08/21, Belgium
      Rune Coghe (18), Belgian  KFC Eendracht Hooglede footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch News Story
    61. 08/08/21 Dead
      John Meadows (49) Bodybuilder AKA ‘Mountain Dog’ died of ‘blood clot’ News Story
    62. 08/08/21, Georgia, USA  (19), Dead
      Quandarius Wilburn (19), Football player collapsed during a Panthers conditioning practice and later died. He appeared to be in very good physical condition when he reported to his first college preseason camp.  News Story News Story2
    63. 10/08/21 Australia
      Chris Cairns (51), New Zealand cricketer suffered a massive heart attack and a ruptured aorta. He underwent heart surgery and was taken to a Sydney hospital for further vascular surgery.  News Story
    64. 12/08/21, New Zealand , Dead
      Lee Moses (29) Palmerston North Marist football player died during training session  News Story
    65. 12/08/21, Germany
      Unnamed female Freudenberg footballer collapses in women’s Westfalenliga Wacker Mecklenbeck against Fortuna Freudenberg (Baden-Würrtemberg) shortly before the end without opposing influence  News Story
    66. 13/08/21, France  (37), Dead
      Franck Berrier (37) former French professional footballer collapsed of a heart attack while playing tennis. He retired in 2019 due to heart problems.  News Story
    67. 13/08/21, UK, Dead
      Roy Butler (23), Irish footballer Watford FC dies with massive brain bleed after J&J vaccine. He suffered severe headaches and general malaise within one hour. By Saturday August 14, he was vomiting and having convulsions.  News Story
    68. 14/08/21, USA  (17), Dead
      Dimitri McKee (17) Lee High School Football player passed out and died after practice, News stories attributed his death to heatstroke  News Story
    69. 14/08/21, Kenya  (23), Dead
      23 year old China Olympics Champion Gilbert Kwemoi collapsed in his home (after a short illness) and claimed he had a headache. He died on the way to hospital,  News Story
    70. 15/08/21, Spain Dead
      Alena Hatvani-Kosinová (46), Czech female bodybuilder died after being rushed to hospital in Alicante, Spain. News Story
    71. 15/08/21,
      Jeremy Chardy (34), Veteran French tennis player, Former World No. 25, suspended his season after “Violent, near paralyzing pain” after Covid-19 vaccine in mid-August. News Story  News Story2
    72. 16/08/21, France  (24)
      Samuel Kalu (24) Bordeaux pro footballer suffers cardiac arrest during a game  News Story
    73. 16/08/21, Germany (62)
      Manfred Lehner (62) SV Niederpöring (Bayern) goalkeeping coach suffers heart attack after training  News Story
    74. 18/08/21, Belgium
      Joppe Erpels (vaccinated) from Arendonk ended up in intensive care after a race.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
    75. 18/08/21, Belgium
      Xander Verhagen (vaccinated) from Geel had problems at training.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
    76. 18/08/21, Belgium
      Yarno Van Herck (vaccinated) suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
    77. 18/08/21, Belgium
      Jente van Genechten (25), footballer collapses on field due to heart attack News Story
    78. 20/08/21 Dead
      Orlando Gallucci (49), Personal trainer and athlete died of heart attack after the 2021 NPC Worldwide European Championships News Story
    79. 22/08/21,
      Fabrice N’Sakala (31), Besiktas defender collapses on pitch during game News Story
    80. 22/08/21, UK (29)
      Pedro Obiang (29), ex-West Ham star suffers myocarditis 10 days post-vaccine News Story
    81. 22/08/21, Italy  (38)
      Italian volleyball player Francesca Marcon (38) suffered pericarditis after 2nd Pfizer shot. shortness of breath and chest pains News Story
    82. 22/08/21, Venezuela  (30), Dead
      Alexaida Guedez (30), Venezuelan National Marathon Champion collapsed and died in a 5k race  News Story
    83. 23/08/21, USA  Dead
      Jimmy Hayes (31), former Bruins player unexpectedly dies. He had Cocaine and Fentanyl in his system.  News Story
    84. 24/08/2021, Luxembourg
      José dos Reis (29) collapsed on the field and was resuscitated  News Story
    85. 24/08/21, USA Dead
      Jack Alkhatib (18), Columbia High school footballer collapsed on the field and died  News Story
    86. 25/08/21 New York, USA
      Vinny Curry (33), New York Jets defensive end will miss entire 2021 season. Diagnosed with a rare blood disorder in July and removal of his spleen, Twitter post. Planned to return mid-September but developed blood clots and started blood thinners – no physical contact for 3-6 months. News Story
    87. 29/08/21, USA Dead
      Donadrian Robinson (Donnie) (17), Columbia High school footballer died  News Story
    88. 29/08/21, Germany  (unknown age)
      Unnamed Germany C-League Dillenburg a player from Hirzenhain collapses, game cancelled News Story


      September 2021

    89. 1/10/21 Canada,  Dead
      Jacob Downey (18), Peterborough Petes hockey player in 2019-2020 season, passed away suddenly after medical emergency News Story
    90. 01/09/21 Australia Dead
      Cameron Dale(29), Australian sailor, died after suffering a ‘ catastrophic’ stroke. He was youngest solo sailor to circumnavigate the globe. News Story
    91. 01/09/21,
      Greg Van Avermaet (36) former Olympic road champ quits Cycling World Cup after COVID shot News Story  News Story2
    92. 02/09/21, Belgium
      Greg Luyssen (22), Professional Cyclist ends cycling career after heart failure News Story  “I was in the chasing group during the Kortemark Race when I suddenly became unwell,” he says. “I felt a huge pressure in my chest and it was so bad that I had to leave the race. I was taken to hospital and diagnosed with heart failure. I already had fever a number of times for no apparent reason after my second Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine, but I had never thought about the relationship. Further tests have shown that my heart muscle is affected and that my body now reacts poorly to intensive activity.”
    93. 02/09/21, Tokyo Paralympics
      Belgian wheelchair tennis player Joachim Gerard (32) collapsed with heart problems at Tokyo Olympics.  News Story
    94. 04/09/2021, France (16)
      Diego Ferchaud (16) from ASPTT Caen suffers a cardiac arrest in Saint-Lô  News Story
    95. 04/09/21, (27) Dead
      Jens De Smet (27), footballer collapsed on field, died of heart attack News Story
    96. 04/09/21, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, UK  (29), Dead
      Dave Hyde (29) Henley Football Club Rugby player collapsed and died after match, suffering two cardiac arrests  News Story
    97. 05/09/21, Germany
      Unnamed Referee collapses during game. SC Neuburgweier – FV Ettlingenweier II (Baden-Württemberg)  News Story
    98. 05/09/21
      Florian Ploner (22), handball player for SC Ferlach collapses during game.  Symptoms pointed to a heart attack or stroke.  News Story
    99. 6/09/21
      Paul Zipser (27), Bayern Munich forward (basketball) underwent a successful surgery for  brain hemorrhage related to J&J News Story
    100. 06/09/21, Italy, 13 years
      Unnamed soccer player (13) from Janus Nova club, Saccolongo (Italy) collapses on the field with cardiac arrest
    101. 07/09/21, Great Britain, 17 years Dead
      Dylan Rich (17) soccer player collapsed on the field and died of a double heart attack during a game in England.
    102. 09/09/21, Germany
      Unnamed player from Birati Club Münster suffered cardiac arrest in a regional league game against FC Nordkirchen II Eriksen. Game canceled  News Story
    103. 09/09/21, Italy (20) Dead
      Christian Blandini (20), a University of Catania volleyball “rising star” died of a sudden cardiac arrest. A university statement described the industrial engineering student’s “sudden death.” Catania requires students to have a Covid-19 “Green Pass” showing vaccination.  News Story
    104. 10/09/21, Germany, 24 years old
      Lucas Surek (24) from BFC Chemie Leipzig collapses from myocarditis.  News Story
    105. 11/09/21, France, 49 years old Dead
      Frédéric Lartillot (49) Ain / France: suffers heart attack in the locker room after a friendly match  News Story
    106. 11/09/21, Italy, 45 years old Dead
      Andrea Astolfi (45), sporting director of Calcio Orsago (Italy) suffers a heart attack after returning from training and died with no previous illness
    107. 11/09/21, Denmark, 22 years old
      Abou Ali (22) collapses with cardiac arrest during a game in Denmark News Story
    108. 11/09/21, Netherlands, 19 years old Dead
      Sebastiaan Bos (19), Laren ice hockey player passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
    109. 12/09/21, France 33 years old
      Dimitri Lienard (33), FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game News Story
    110. 12/09/21,
      Santo Giuliano (33) Professional Dancer Suffers Heart Attack 5 Days After Receiving Pfizer Shot  News Story
    111. 13/09/21, Germany  (61)
      Anil Usta, Turkish national playing for Vfb Schwelm (Ennepetal) collapsed on field with heart problems  News Story
    112. 14/09/21, USA 37 years old Dead
      Parys Haralson (37) former star player at Justice at Madison Central, then Tennessee and in the NFL died suddenly and unexpectedly at home in Jan Jose, California. News Story
    113. 16/09/21, India (29) Dead
      Avi Barot (29), Saurashtra cricketer suffers cardiac arrest, died – News Story
    114. 16/09/21
      Imogen Allen (24), female equestrian, champion show jumper may never ride again. Hospitalized with a  severe reaction to Moderna Covid vaccine with two massive blood clots on her lungs two weeks after her first vaccination. News Story
    115. 17/09/21
      John Stokes (21), NCAA Tennessee State University golfer has myocarditis four days after his second Pfizer dose. Speaks out against vaccine mandates News Story
    116. 18/09/21, Germany 25 years old
      Kingsley Coman (25) from FC Bayern Munich had a heart operation after an arrhythmia.  News Story
    117. 18/09/21, Canada 25 years old Dead
      Francis Perron (25), University of Ottawa Gee-Gees defensive linebacker died suddenly after a game in Toronto. The University of Ottawa earlier launched its mandatory vaccination policy, “anyone who intends on coming to campus for any reason must be vaccinated.”  News Story
    118. 19/09/21, France 19 years old
      Unnamed FC Nantes soccer player (19) suffers cardiac arrest during training
    119. 19/09/21, Germany Dead
      Dirk Splisteser volleyball trainer from SG Traktor Divitz collapses dead on the sidelines within one hour News Story
    120. 21/09/21, Augsburg
      Unnamed assistant referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker, collapses with heart problems  News Story
    121. 21/09/21, Germany
      Helen Edwards, At the women’s World Cup qualifier between Germany and Serbia in Chemnitz, the English linesman suffered heart problems and was carried off the pitch  News Story
    122. 21/09/21,
      Antoine Méchin (31), French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna vaccine  News Story
    123. 22/09/21, Wisconsin USA
      Tom Felton (34), collapses during golf game  News Story
    124. 22/09/21, Germany  (36)
      Nicky Dalibor (36), (Saxony-Anhalt) collapsed and was resuscitated on the pitch  News Story
    125. 26/09/21, Germany Dead
      Benny Taft (33) football player and coach of SVU Unterferrieden (Bavaria) suffers cardiac arrest in a game, died on the 27th,  News Story
    126. 27/09/21, Venezuela, Dead
      Guillermo Arias (31), Camaguán FC, Guárico state in a game with La Villa FC. He collapsed and died on the field. News Story
    127. 27/09/21, Germany  (61), Dead
      Mr. Steidel, referee, suffers cardiac arrest in a game of Lauber SV (Bayern). Game abandoned.  News Story
    128. 27/09/21, Italy, 20 years old
      Unnamed rider (20) suffers a heart attack at the end of a tournament.
    129. 28/09/21, Germany, 17 years
      Hoher Hagen (17), JSG soccer player collapsed during game and was revived in Hannoversch Munden  News Story
    130. 28/09/21, Italy, 53 years Dead
      Antonello Campus (53), football coach for a Sardinia youth team collapsed and died in Sicily during practice with team
    131. 28/09/21, USA, 16 years Dead
      Unnamed twice vaccinated teenager (16) collapses while playing soccer and died a little later.
    132. 29/09/21, Germany Dead
      Dietmar Gladow, Team leader from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) suffers a fatal heart attack before the game
    133. 29/09/21, USA Dead
      Unnamed high school football player collapsed during practice and died in the hospital.
    134. 30/09/21, Germany (17)
      Unnamed (17) footballer collapsed during the A 2 regional league game between SV Hoßkirch and TSV Sigmaringendorf. He suffered cardiac arrest and was resuscitated.  News Story


      October 2021

    135. 01/10/21, Germany, 15 years Dead
      Bruno Stein (15) goalkeeper from FC An der Fahner Höhe in Gräfentonna, Thuringia, died.  News Story
    136. 02/10/21 (28), Dead
      Jake Kazmarek (28) a bodybuilder, Moderna shots 31st August & 28th September 2021 Died Four Days After Vaccine  News Story
    137. 02/10/21 Holland
      Ceylin del Carmen Alvarado (23),  Dutch, reigning European champion Cyclo-cross rider out of action due to ‘disturbed blood count’ News Story
    138. 03/10/21 Canada
      Josh Archibald (28), Edmonton Oilers hockey forward  out indefinitely due to myocarditis News Story
    139. 03/10/21, Austria, 64 years old Dead
      Ernst Scherr (64) ex-goalkeeper coach and talent scout unexpectedly died.
    140. 03/10/21, Germany
      Timucin Sen (Hesse) Football player collapsed on pitch 10 Minutes before the end of the game. Resuscitated  News Story
    141. 04/10/21, Germany, 42 years old Dead
      Alexander Siegfried (42) from VfB Moschendorf unexpectedly collapsed and died.  News Story
    142. 04/10/21, Dead
      Benjamin Taft (33), German footballer/coach collapses with heart attack after game News Story
    143. 06/10/21 Dead
      George Peterson (37) AKA “Da Bull” Bodybuilder won the Classic Physique competition at 2019 Arnold Classic, died days before competing in a top bodybuilding competition. Suspected brain haemorage after receiving two doses of covid vaccine which was an Orlando Olympics requirement.  News Story
    144. 06/10/21,
      Florian Dagoury: World’s Top Static Breath-Hold Freediver diagnosed with Myocarditis and Pericarditis 40 days after second Pfizer vaccine – Instagram  News Story
    145. 06/10/21, Germany  (61), Dead
      Bern Bauer (61), Trainer DJK Concordia Ludwigshafen (Rheinland-Pfalz)  News Story
    146. 07/10/21, Italy, 17 years old
      Unnamed athlete from Colverde (17) collapses with cardiac arrest while training.
    147. 08/10/21, France, 49 years old Dead
      Benoit Sabard(49), SC Massay player suffers a fatal heart attack during the game. This is the third death of the year at SC Massay, after that of Jean-Philippe Roux (73?), former president of the club and deputy mayor of the town, and that of Franck Martin, former player and former vice-president.  News Story
    148. 09/10/21, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico Dead
      Alberto Olguin, PGA golf caddy for Manuel Torres collapses on the course during PGA Tour Latinoamerica event due to a heart attack. It was the second PGA caddy death (19 June).  News Story
    149. 09/10/21, England, 29 years old
      Ryan Bowman (29) Shrewsbury professional striker was treated with a defibrillator after half an hour of play with extreme heart problems.
    150. 10/10/21, Italy, 18 year old
      Unnamed soccer player (18) suddenly faints on the field, is revived by his teammate.
    151. 10/10/21, France, 40 years old
      Unnamed Saint-James player suffers a heart attack after warming up before the game, collapsed in the change room, saved with defibrilator by a firefighter on the opposing team.  News Story
    152. 10/10/21, Italy, 59 years old Dead
      Unnamed long-distance runner from Biella (59) dies of heart failure during a race.
    153. 10/10/2021, Germany
      Unnamed female player In the match between Wacker Mecklenbeck and Fortuna Freudenberg in the Women’s Westphalia League, collapsed near the end without any opposing influence.
    154. 11/10/21, Germany
      Marcel Herder, Guest coach,  collapsed on the edge of field Mühlwiese (Saxony) Resuscitated  News Story
    155. 11/10/21 Norway
      Daniel Aakervik (17), one of Norway’s greatest cross-country skiing talents suspended his season after a severe reaction to COVID vaccination. News Story
    156. 12/10/21
      Ewan Fraser (30), Glasgow field hockey player collapsed with cardiac arrest, during a match News Story
    157. 12/10/21 Germany, 25 years Dead
      Lukas Bommer (25), goalkeeper of HC TuRa Bergkamen, died suddenly and unexpectedly.
    158. 13/10/21, Mexico, 16 years old Dead
      Hector Manuel Mendoza (16) dies of a heart attack while training.  News Story
    159. 13/10/21, Brazil, 18 years old
      Fellipe de Jesus Moreira (18) professional footballer suffered a double heart attack. Released from hospital 3rd November.  News Story
    160. 14/10/21 UK, Dead
      David Jenkins (31), Olympic silver medalist diver and British diving coach unexpectedly passes away. News Story
    161. 14/10/21, Italy, 27 years old
      Gianni Moscon (27), multiple cycling champion, to undergo an operation because of severe cardiac arrhythmia.  News Story
    162. 14/10/21, Italy, 53 years old
      Unnamed AH footballer (53) suffers a heart attack while training.
    163. 14/10/21 UK (29)
      Ryan Bowman (29) Shrewsbury striker collapsed treated with extreme heart problems, recussitated with defibrillator  News Story
    164. 14/10/21, Germany, Dead
      Unnamed Referee collapsed and died during a game Kreisliga B match between SC Daisbach and FSV Taunusstein in Aarbergen (Hesse)   News Story
    165. 15/10/21, Gold Coast, Australia, 14 years old
      Ava Azzopardi (14), female soccer player collapsed on the pitch kept in an artificial coma in hospital. Later recovered.  News Story
    166. 16/10/21, France, aged 54 Dead
      Christophe Ramassamy (54) AH player and former referee collapsed and died of a heart attack during a match.  News Story
    167. 17/10/21, France, 41 years old Dead
      Unnamed soccer player (41) collapsed on the field and died, apparently due to cardiac arrest during a soccer match in Avignon. Member of Rasteau’s senior football team. News Story
    168. 18/10/21 USA Dead
      Lexi Riggles (16), a Hanover College senior and 2018 Danville High School graduate who played basketball for the Panthers and Warriors, died unexpectedly.  News Story
    169. 20/10/21, Italy (26)   Dead
      Ronald Biglione (26), Argentine Deportivo Club Independencia football player hospitalized with blood clots (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)after 2nd shot. Died 5 Nov News Story
    170. 20/10/21, Germany  (65), Dead
      Hans-Günter Kinnen (65), Weiler-Volkhoven tournament coordinator, youth manager, former player  News Story
    171. 21/10/21, NSW Central Coast, Australia
      Cienna Knowles (19) Australian equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots. vomiting, fever, wet in sweat, heart palpitations, headache, sore muscles & joints like hell, blurry vision after Pfizer vaccine. News Story and instagram
    172. 21/10/21, UK  (30)
      Nathan Baker, Bristol city footballer, collapsed during the game. 2 fans were also treated for medical emergencies.  News Story
    173. 21/10/21 USA
      Dvan Douglas (41) won a national championship with the Buckeyes. Career cut short by blood clots. News Story
    174. 24/10/21, Germany  (17)
      Elly Böttcher (17) from Rostocker FC collapses in away game in Hohen Neuendorf of the women’s Regionalliga Nordost without opposing influence   News Story
    175. 25/10/21, (25)
      Halil Elitok (25), SG Gahmen midfielder collapses on pitch due to cardiac arrest  News Story
    176. 27/10/21, Austria, 26 years old
      Raphael Dwamena (26) The Ghanaian collapsed with severe heart problems. He had a known heart condition since 2017 and was wearing an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator.
    177. 28/10/21, Germany
      Unnamed football player suffers cardiac arrest (NRW) Dersum. Rescusitated by Josef Stefens and Jürgen Koop  News Story
    178. 28/10/21, Germany Dead
      Selim Levent, Hertha BSC co-trainer,  dies suddenly and unexpectedly while on vacation.
    179. 28/10/21, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, USA, 12 years Dead
      Jayson Kidd (12) collapsed during basketball practice at school and later died.  News Story
    180. 28/10/21, New Jersey USA, (New Zealand rugby player), (28)
      Tevita Bryce (28) Montclair Norsemen rugby player collapsed during game from 2 heart attacks and a stroke caused by a blood clot, heart stopped for 28 minutes  News Story  News Story
    181. 28/10/21, Balochistan, (30), Dead
      Mohammad Islam (30), Raziq football player collapses mid game, pronounced dead at hospital  News Story
    182. 30/10/21, Spain, 33-year-old
      Kun Agüero (33), striker from FC Barcelona had to be replaced in a game due to heart problems. He went to hospital for examination.
    183. 30/10/21, Germany, (25)
      Benedikt Kirsch, captain of SpVgg Bayreuth (Bavaria) collapsed on the pitch. Julian Pietsch from VfB Schloß Holte 2 resuscitated him.  News Story
    184. 30/10/21 Dead
      Doudou Faye (35), Senegalese basketball player suffered heart attack. The Tunisian basketball championship paid tribute to one of its eminent members. News Story
    185. 31/10/21,
      Sergio Aguero (33), Barecelona star striker suffered chest pains and collapsed in match, now being treated for heart problems  News Story


      November 2021

    186. 01/11/21, Italy (23), Dead
      Vittoria Campo Italian soccer player collapsed with cardiac arrest, died in hospital. Her brother Alessandro (25) died 1/9/2021.  News Story
    187. 02/11/21, USA , Dead
      Emil Palsson (28), Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game News Story
    188. 03/11/21, Austria  (24), Dead
      Boris Sádecký (24), vaccinated Slovakian @bratislavaCAPS ice hockey star died after collapsing on the ice during a match in Dornbirn, Austria  News Story  News Story2
    189. 03/11/21, USA , Dead
      Jordan Tucker (late 20s) former Longridge Town FC Captain died suddenly.
    190. 05/11/21, USA  (36), Dead
      Dusan Pasek (36), @bratislavaCAPS CEO, 2 days after Boris Sádecký  News Story
    191. 06/11/2021 Dead
      Shawn Rhoden (46), Mr. Olympia 2018 dead from heart attack News Story
    192. 06/11/21, Scotland, (19)
      Jamie Hamilton (19) Hamilton Accies defender left the field with chest pains.  News Story
    193. 07/11/21, Germany
      Unnamed Vaccinated football player suffers a stroke during a district cup match, with one-side paralysis, transported to hospital by ambulance.  News Story
    194. 07/11/21, Germany
      Unnamed Referee collapsed in 20th minute of a women’s game in Thüringen.  News Story
    195. 07/11/21, Germany
      Unnamed football player collapsed in Landesliga Staffel 2 NRW FC Arpe/Wormbach against BSV Menden (NRW) without opposing influence  News Story
    196. 08/11/21 Houston, TX, USA  Dead
      Jamarcus Hall (16) Houston High School football player died on the same day the Hilltoppers football team was scheduled to play at Senatobia in the first round of the Class 4A playoffs News Story
    197. 08/11/21 USA  Dead
      Kim ‘Alarm’ Kyeong-Bo (20), a rising star in the Overwatch League playing flex support for the Philadelphia Fusion, died.  News Story
    198. 08/11/21 UK Dead
      Tom Greenway (38), Champion jockey dies News Story
    199. 08/11/21, Paraguay, Dead
      Nelson Solano, (21) footballer, collapsed and died from heart-attack.
    200. 08/11/21, USA, Dead
      Pedro Feliciano (45) New York Mets Pitcher died of a heart attack in his sleep. No Vax status discovered yet.  News Story
    201. 08/11/21 UK Dead
      Tom Greenway (38), Champion jockey dies News Story
    202. 10/11/21
      Murphy Jensen (53), Grand Slam Champion recovering after sudden cardiac arrest while playing tennis News Story
    203. 11/11/21, Germany (40), Dead
      Jörg Heinle (40) former striker and coach of Spvgg Detter-Weißenbach (Bavaria), an anesthesia nurse at the Franz von Prümmer-Klinik Bad Brückenau and family man died suddenly  News Story
    204. 12/11/21 USA  Dead
      Dejmi Dumervil-Jean (22), former (2018) Louisville football player died  News Story
    205. 13/11/21, Denmark (24)
      Luther Singh (24) FC Copenhagen footballer hospitalized with a ‘mysterious illness’
    206. 14/11/21 Australia
      Michelle Goszko (44), Aussie cricket great, in ICU after stroke  at 44. She is fully vaccinated. News Story
    207. 15/11/21,
      Julio Lugo (45) Former Boston Red Sox shortstop died of a heart attack in his sleep. No Vax status discovered yet.  News Story  News Story2
    208. 17/11/21
      Sarah Gigante (21), Olympic cyclist and reigning Australian time trial champion had a severe reaction to COVID-19 vaccine, severe chest pains and repeated hospitalizations after the Tokyo Olympics, myopericarditis News Story
    209. 18/11/21 NY USA  Dead
      Carmyne Payton (15), NYstudent, with no prior health issues collapses, dies at basketball tryout News Story
    210. 18/11/21  Dead
      Unnamed Aragonese athlete (27) who participated in the Behobia-San Sebastian, died  in a hospital in the capital of Gipuzkoa. The runner had apparently fainted and suffered cardiac arrest while contesting the event and was immediately evacuated to the hospital.  News Story
    211. 19/11/21 USA
      Cooper Teare (22), world class runner, collapsed  during the 2021 NCAA Cross-Country Championships while competing for the University of Oregon. Covid vaccine booster shot two weeks earlier. He complained about problems with his heart and doctors worked to bring down his heart rate.  News Story
    212. 20/11/21 NJ USA Dead
      Unnamed boy (14), in Dumont NJ died Saturday afternoon after collapsing at an elementary school basketball court. The New Jersey teen was scrimmaging with other teens at Grant Elementary School when he collapsed. The young athlete was rushed to Hackensack University Medical Center but did not survive. News Story
    213. 22/11/21 USA
      Duggar Baucom (61), Citadel coach collapses on sideline vs. Duke  News Story
    214. 23/11/21 UK
      John Fleck, (), Sheffield United star footballer collapsed during the game with Reading, transported to hospital  News Story
    215. 24/11/21 Italy Dead
      Unnamed cyclist (15) collapsed and died in his father’s arms  News Story
    216. 24/11/21
      Adama Traore (26), Sherrif Tiraspol winger collapsed on the pitch clutching his chest in game with Real Madrid  News Story


  • 2 years later...
  • Advanced Member
On 11/24/2021 at 4:41 PM, slavelight said:
On 11/24/2021 at 12:03 PM, Gaius I. Caesar said:

So why are you telling us to not get the vaccine?

This is the second time you accuse me of something I havn't done. Where did I say this?

Are false accusations allowed, repeatedly. @slavelight sadly left after such abusive behavior , and she was a polite and educated member who looked out for others despite having her now vindicated threads locked or erased and attempts to deplatform.

  • Advanced Member
On 11/25/2021 at 10:52 PM, slavelight said:
On 11/25/2021 at 10:38 PM, Gaius I. Caesar said:

Here you go, are you going deny it and say "I don't know what you're talking about?"

You once again quoted another member just like you did in the other thread. This is the 2nd time you do this. Maybe you should read who said what first, before accusing me, again.

Looks like another false accusation.

  • Advanced Member
On 11/26/2021 at 11:11 PM, slavelight said:

I don't see how any post I have made in the ethics thread have made you come to this conclusion.


Yet you can't sue the vaccine manufacturers for damage since they have immunity, hmm why..........

I did not hear him uttering about conspiracy theories. He was very clear on the subject and even gave real life examples. I didn't know about him til I found that clip.

You didn't even respond back to the clip with the cardiologist.


Ye here you go:

Never have I heard about so many young athletes collapsing or dying  suddenly in a single year. There's more incoming to the list. All of these are vaccinated according to the author.



January 2021

    1. 03/01/21, Portugal  Dead
      Alex Apolinario (24), Brazilian Alverca FC soccer player collapsing on pitch with cardiac arrest during match. Died four days later  News Story
    2. 09/01/21. USA
      Jordan Glenn, Wisconsin basketball player. Collapsed in a break at the start of the half. CPR with a defibrillator, transferred to hospital by Ambulance.
    3. 22/01/21, USA  Dead
      Hank Aaron (86), former Pro Baseballer received his COVID vaccine on January 5th, 2021 to demonstrate the safety of the vaccine and encourage other black Americans to do the same.  Died two weeks later in his sleep – listed as natural causes. News Story
    4. 30/01/21, France
      Garissone Innocent (20), Cannes Team football goalkeeper. collapsed and blacked out in a game against Chamblee. Tachycardia attack, unable to speak or breathe. News Story


      February 2021

    5. 11/02/21, Wales  Dead
      Logan Luker (17), rugby player Youth Captain at Penygraig RFC died suddenly News Story


      March 2021

    6. 03/03/2021, Wallkill Central School, New York, USA (17), Dead
      Miguel Antonio Lugo (17) high school football player collapsed and died during football practice
    7. 11/03/21 Illinois, USA
      David Wakefield, (27) New Zealand cricketer. Collapsed during training with myocarditis. Brought back to life with Defibrillator, hospitalized three weeks in intensive care, required extensive rehabilitation before he could walk and talk.  News Story
    8. 19/03/21, Milton Keynes, UK
      Raymond van Barneveld, darts player collapses and receives paramedic attention during PDC Championship  News Story
    9. 20/03/21 Dead
      Andy Haman (54) Pro bodybuilder and actor Andy Haman has died of Pulmonary embolism News Story
    10. 22/03/21, Sacramento California, USA 18 years old
      Emmanual Antwi (18) a Kennedy High footballer (Canadian) collapsed on the field in Sacramento. On-field CPR attempts failed and he died
    11. 23/03/21
      Moussa Dembélé (25), Atlético Madrid striker collapsed in training and received medical attention.  News Story
    12. 29/03/21 India Dead
      Devaraj Anchan (33) a State-level volleyball player collapsed, clutching his chest, while playing in a tournament and died on the way to hospital in Udupi.  News Story
    13. 30/03/21, Ghana
      Charles Bulu Ghanaian referee collapses during AFCON Match  News Story   Video
    14. 30/03/21, USA
      Alex Stalock (34), NHL Oilers goalie out for the season or more due to heart condition. Positive COVID Test in November 2020, diagnosed myocarditis in March 2021  News Story – The Athletic  News Story2
    15. 31/03/21 USA
      Brett Smith, an NCAA college basketball referee, collapsed during a game. Hospitalized with a blood clot.
    16. 31/03/21 Norway
      Filip Ingebrigtsen (28) Norwegian runner had a tough 2021 after a reaction to the corona vaccine. Ingebrigtsen got the second vaccine dose just after the Olympics in Tokyo. His goal was “getting back to normal” but on October 17, he finished 10th in a race his brother won. News Story


      April 2021

    17. 06/04/2021, Callalen, Corpus Cristi (15), Dead
      Moira Claire Arney (15) McAllen High School female Soccer player collapsed and died during practice  News Story
    18. 06/04/21, Italy  (29), Dead
      Giuseppe Perrino (29), former professional footballer, collapsed and died during a charity match for his dead brother.  News Story
    19. 9/04/21
      Bert Smith (56) NCAA men’s basketball Referee collapsed due to a blood clot in his lung during a tournament  News Story
    20. 12/04/21 Dead
      Dejan Oršuš (24), Croation NK Otok player, collapsed from a heart attack and later died in the Čakovec County Hospital.  News Story
    21. 22/04/21,
      Craig Jones (29) Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world champion black belt is unable to train or fight after a COVID injection
    22. 24/04/21, Dead
      Luis Ojeda (20), Argentine football player died unexpectedly  News Story
    23. 28/04/21, Atlanta, USA  (26)
      Brandon Goodwin (26), NBA player suffers blood clots shortly after COVID-19 shot, Possible end of career, still sidelined 7 months later.  News Story


      May 2021

    24. 7/05/21 USA
      Everest Romney (17) a healthy 6’9″ high school sophomore hospitalized after experiencing severe migraines and swelling in his neck post-vaccination . Within 24 hours of getting the vaccine, Everest began experiencing an “exorbitant amount” of pain and swelling in his neck that originated on the same side he received the vaccine. Everest’s dad experienced a similar reaction following a Moderna injection. An x-ray revealed he had over 100 blood clots in his lungs. News Story
    25. 10/05/21, Nottinghamshire, England,  Dead
      Josh Downie, (24), cricketer  died after heart attack at practice . His mother Helen said he had no known health problems. “It’s just completely out of the blue,” she said. “It doesn’t seem real at the moment. News Story
    26. 14/05/21, Malaysia  Dead
      Haziq Kamaruddin (27), Olympian archer died of coronary artery disease. Died 10 days after Pfizer injections on 13th April and 4th May 2021  News Story
    27. 30/05/21 (exact date unknown, but prior to 01/06/21, when Christian Eriksen collapsed)
      Marvin Schumann, a Gifhorn amateur player revived after cardiac arrest.  News Story


      June 2021

    28. 1/06/21, Denmark 29 years old
      Christian Eriksen(29), star Inter Milan footballer collapsed with cardiac arrest on the soccer pitch 12 days after receiving a Pfizer shot. Revived with defibrilator. News Story
    29. 07/06/21, Germany,  Dead
      Michael Schneider (38), Table tennis professional from Germany,  died suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
    30. 9/06/21, Ontario Canada,  Dead
      Kamila Label-Farrel (19), University Basketball star died unexpectedly – while on a morning jog she collapsed while stretching  News Story
    31. 14/06/21, Indonesia,  Dead
      Mirko Kido (36), Indonesian Olympic gold medalist in double Badminton, died of heart attack during game News Story
    32. 17/06/21 France
      Frederic Lott, Salouël RC team in France, suffered cardiac arrest after a football training session in Salouel. Saved by heart massage and defibrillator.
    33. 19/06/21 Colombia, Dead
      Jose Edgar Preciado, Colombian caddie suffered a fatal heart attack at his hotel after the second round of the Holcim Colombia Classic in Bucaramanga, Colombia.  News Story
    34. 21/06/21,  Czech in France, Dead
      Sage Canaday (35), Czech TDS-145km ultra marathon runner died on the Mont Blanc trail with a bilateral pulmonary embolism and blood clots.. He was double vaccinated and started having problems in May after returning from a flight. After the Pfizer booster, he started to have difficulty breathing.  News Story
    35. 23/06/21 France
      Christophe Lemeiter, French sprinter. Retired from French Championships and Tokyo Olympics. A coach said he failed a physical, after negative reactions to coronavirus vaccine.
    36. 25/06/21, USA
      Ethan Jovani Trejo (16), soccer player, collapsed on the field during training  News Story
    37. 27/06/21, Singapore
      Unnamed teenager (16) suffered cardiac arrest after weightlifting session 6 days after first Covid-19 injection. He was in critical condition in hospital.  News Story
    38. 28/06/2021, Las Vegas, Nevada, Dead
      Chino Yelum Cajetan Nsofor (13) Football player collapsed and died during practice  News Story
    39. 28/06/21, (estimate) USA
      Kyle Warner: Professional mountain biker suffers from pericarditis after Pfizer shot, Possible End Of Career (29) News Storyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAQudZhZNSQ


      July 2021

    40. ??/07/21, Philadelphia PA, USA, Dead
      Ivan Hicks (16) Footballer died during scrimmage. Coroner found an enlarged heart and scarring, but no myocarditis or inflammation. Verdict cardiovascular disease. Tested positive for COVID.
    41. 03/07/21
      Chinelle Henry (26) collapsed on field with teammate Chedean Nation. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women! ” News Story
    42. 03/07/21
      Chedean Nation (35) collapsed on field with teammate Chinelle Henry. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women! ” News Story
    43. 06/07/21, Japan  (27), Dead
      Yusuke Kino[Edited Out]a (27) Baseball player collapsed during practice. Died 03/08/2021, five weeks after COVID-19 vaccination
    44. 08/07/21, Toronto, Canada,  Dead
      Jenn Gouveia (31), Toronto mother, collapsed and died suddenly  on Sunday while out for a run in High Park News Story
    45. 10/07/21 Dead
      Mike Salase (39), Northland rugby league player died while playing a game. CPR attempts failed News Story
    46. 13/07/21 Dubai Dead
      Chris Eubank (29), boxer, son of famous boxer, Sebastian Eubank, died of heart attack . News Story
    47. 13/07/2021, Pennsylvania, USA (17) , Dead
      Andrew Roseman, Junior High School Baseball Pitcher died unexpectedly,  News Story
    48. 21/07/21, USA (31)
      Kjeld Nuis (31) Two time Olympic Gold Medalist and World Record holder speed skater develops pericarditis after Pfizer shot News Story
    49. 23/07/21, Germany  (27), Dead
      Tim B. (27) SV Hamberge football player from (Schleswig-Holstein) collapsed after returning from a football tournament and died   News Story
    50. 24/07/21, Germany  (unknown age)
      Unnamed football player of TuS Hoberge-Uerentrup Bielefeld (NRW) collapsed on the pitch with cardiac arrest   News Story
    51. 24/07/2021, Little Rock, Arkansas, Dead
      Devon DuHart (16) football player mysteriously died of a seizure in his sleep. He was not well after a recent practice.  News Story
    52. 26/07/21 Netherlands Dead
      Whitnee Abriska (19), female handball professional passes away after cardiac arrest while on vacation. News Story
    53. 28/07/21, Germany  (16), Dead
      Jascha Zey (16) U19 player of Eisbachtaler Sportfreunde (Rhineland-Palatinate) died suddenly and unexpectedly in hospital  News Story
    54. 28/07/21, Georgia, USA  (15), Dead
      Joshua Ivory (15) Football player collapsed and died during game. Coroner’s report said cardiac dysrhythmia triggered sudden cardiac arrest.  News Story
    55. 31/07/21 USA
      Daniel Brito (23), the Phillies minor-league infielder had been hospitalized since collapsing on the field with a stroke. News Story
    56. 31/07/21 Dead
      Sofia Graham (27) preparing to compete at 2021 NPC North Americans and NPC USA’s. Died of a heart attack in her sleep  News Story


      August 2021

    57. 02/08/21, Detroit USA, 15 years old, Dead
      Stephen Sylvester (15), Detroit Central Catholic High School football and track athlete collapsed and died during conditioning practice
    58. 04/08/21, Kansas, USA, 19 years old, Dead
      Tirrell Williams (19) Fort Scott freshman lineman died after collapsing with a stroke on field during practice  News Story  News Story2
    59. 06/08/2021, Germany
      Unnamed SpVgg. Oelde II District league player collapsed on field revived by his opponent, Julian Pietsch from VfB Schloß Holte 2.  News Story
    60. 07/08/21, Belgium
      Rune Coghe (18), Belgian  KFC Eendracht Hooglede footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch News Story
    61. 08/08/21 Dead
      John Meadows (49) Bodybuilder AKA ‘Mountain Dog’ died of ‘blood clot’ News Story
    62. 08/08/21, Georgia, USA  (19), Dead
      Quandarius Wilburn (19), Football player collapsed during a Panthers conditioning practice and later died. He appeared to be in very good physical condition when he reported to his first college preseason camp.  News Story News Story2
    63. 10/08/21 Australia
      Chris Cairns (51), New Zealand cricketer suffered a massive heart attack and a ruptured aorta. He underwent heart surgery and was taken to a Sydney hospital for further vascular surgery.  News Story
    64. 12/08/21, New Zealand , Dead
      Lee Moses (29) Palmerston North Marist football player died during training session  News Story
    65. 12/08/21, Germany
      Unnamed female Freudenberg footballer collapses in women’s Westfalenliga Wacker Mecklenbeck against Fortuna Freudenberg (Baden-Würrtemberg) shortly before the end without opposing influence  News Story
    66. 13/08/21, France  (37), Dead
      Franck Berrier (37) former French professional footballer collapsed of a heart attack while playing tennis. He retired in 2019 due to heart problems.  News Story
    67. 13/08/21, UK, Dead
      Roy Butler (23), Irish footballer Watford FC dies with massive brain bleed after J&J vaccine. He suffered severe headaches and general malaise within one hour. By Saturday August 14, he was vomiting and having convulsions.  News Story
    68. 14/08/21, USA  (17), Dead
      Dimitri McKee (17) Lee High School Football player passed out and died after practice, News stories attributed his death to heatstroke  News Story
    69. 14/08/21, Kenya  (23), Dead
      23 year old China Olympics Champion Gilbert Kwemoi collapsed in his home (after a short illness) and claimed he had a headache. He died on the way to hospital,  News Story
    70. 15/08/21, Spain Dead
      Alena Hatvani-Kosinová (46), Czech female bodybuilder died after being rushed to hospital in Alicante, Spain. News Story
    71. 15/08/21,
      Jeremy Chardy (34), Veteran French tennis player, Former World No. 25, suspended his season after “Violent, near paralyzing pain” after Covid-19 vaccine in mid-August. News Story  News Story2
    72. 16/08/21, France  (24)
      Samuel Kalu (24) Bordeaux pro footballer suffers cardiac arrest during a game  News Story
    73. 16/08/21, Germany (62)
      Manfred Lehner (62) SV Niederpöring (Bayern) goalkeeping coach suffers heart attack after training  News Story
    74. 18/08/21, Belgium
      Joppe Erpels (vaccinated) from Arendonk ended up in intensive care after a race.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
    75. 18/08/21, Belgium
      Xander Verhagen (vaccinated) from Geel had problems at training.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
    76. 18/08/21, Belgium
      Yarno Van Herck (vaccinated) suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
    77. 18/08/21, Belgium
      Jente van Genechten (25), footballer collapses on field due to heart attack News Story
    78. 20/08/21 Dead
      Orlando Gallucci (49), Personal trainer and athlete died of heart attack after the 2021 NPC Worldwide European Championships News Story
    79. 22/08/21,
      Fabrice N’Sakala (31), Besiktas defender collapses on pitch during game News Story
    80. 22/08/21, UK (29)
      Pedro Obiang (29), ex-West Ham star suffers myocarditis 10 days post-vaccine News Story
    81. 22/08/21, Italy  (38)
      Italian volleyball player Francesca Marcon (38) suffered pericarditis after 2nd Pfizer shot. shortness of breath and chest pains News Story
    82. 22/08/21, Venezuela  (30), Dead
      Alexaida Guedez (30), Venezuelan National Marathon Champion collapsed and died in a 5k race  News Story
    83. 23/08/21, USA  Dead
      Jimmy Hayes (31), former Bruins player unexpectedly dies. He had Cocaine and Fentanyl in his system.  News Story
    84. 24/08/2021, Luxembourg
      José dos Reis (29) collapsed on the field and was resuscitated  News Story
    85. 24/08/21, USA Dead
      Jack Alkhatib (18), Columbia High school footballer collapsed on the field and died  News Story
    86. 25/08/21 New York, USA
      Vinny Curry (33), New York Jets defensive end will miss entire 2021 season. Diagnosed with a rare blood disorder in July and removal of his spleen, Twitter post. Planned to return mid-September but developed blood clots and started blood thinners – no physical contact for 3-6 months. News Story
    87. 29/08/21, USA Dead
      Donadrian Robinson (Donnie) (17), Columbia High school footballer died  News Story
    88. 29/08/21, Germany  (unknown age)
      Unnamed Germany C-League Dillenburg a player from Hirzenhain collapses, game cancelled News Story


      September 2021

    89. 1/10/21 Canada,  Dead
      Jacob Downey (18), Peterborough Petes hockey player in 2019-2020 season, passed away suddenly after medical emergency News Story
    90. 01/09/21 Australia Dead
      Cameron Dale(29), Australian sailor, died after suffering a ‘ catastrophic’ stroke. He was youngest solo sailor to circumnavigate the globe. News Story
    91. 01/09/21,
      Greg Van Avermaet (36) former Olympic road champ quits Cycling World Cup after COVID shot News Story  News Story2
    92. 02/09/21, Belgium
      Greg Luyssen (22), Professional Cyclist ends cycling career after heart failure News Story  “I was in the chasing group during the Kortemark Race when I suddenly became unwell,” he says. “I felt a huge pressure in my chest and it was so bad that I had to leave the race. I was taken to hospital and diagnosed with heart failure. I already had fever a number of times for no apparent reason after my second Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine, but I had never thought about the relationship. Further tests have shown that my heart muscle is affected and that my body now reacts poorly to intensive activity.”
    93. 02/09/21, Tokyo Paralympics
      Belgian wheelchair tennis player Joachim Gerard (32) collapsed with heart problems at Tokyo Olympics.  News Story
    94. 04/09/2021, France (16)
      Diego Ferchaud (16) from ASPTT Caen suffers a cardiac arrest in Saint-Lô  News Story
    95. 04/09/21, (27) Dead
      Jens De Smet (27), footballer collapsed on field, died of heart attack News Story
    96. 04/09/21, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, UK  (29), Dead
      Dave Hyde (29) Henley Football Club Rugby player collapsed and died after match, suffering two cardiac arrests  News Story
    97. 05/09/21, Germany
      Unnamed Referee collapses during game. SC Neuburgweier – FV Ettlingenweier II (Baden-Württemberg)  News Story
    98. 05/09/21
      Florian Ploner (22), handball player for SC Ferlach collapses during game.  Symptoms pointed to a heart attack or stroke.  News Story
    99. 6/09/21
      Paul Zipser (27), Bayern Munich forward (basketball) underwent a successful surgery for  brain hemorrhage related to J&J News Story
    100. 06/09/21, Italy, 13 years
      Unnamed soccer player (13) from Janus Nova club, Saccolongo (Italy) collapses on the field with cardiac arrest
    101. 07/09/21, Great Britain, 17 years Dead
      Dylan Rich (17) soccer player collapsed on the field and died of a double heart attack during a game in England.
    102. 09/09/21, Germany
      Unnamed player from Birati Club Münster suffered cardiac arrest in a regional league game against FC Nordkirchen II Eriksen. Game canceled  News Story
    103. 09/09/21, Italy (20) Dead
      Christian Blandini (20), a University of Catania volleyball “rising star” died of a sudden cardiac arrest. A university statement described the industrial engineering student’s “sudden death.” Catania requires students to have a Covid-19 “Green Pass” showing vaccination.  News Story
    104. 10/09/21, Germany, 24 years old
      Lucas Surek (24) from BFC Chemie Leipzig collapses from myocarditis.  News Story
    105. 11/09/21, France, 49 years old Dead
      Frédéric Lartillot (49) Ain / France: suffers heart attack in the locker room after a friendly match  News Story
    106. 11/09/21, Italy, 45 years old Dead
      Andrea Astolfi (45), sporting director of Calcio Orsago (Italy) suffers a heart attack after returning from training and died with no previous illness
    107. 11/09/21, Denmark, 22 years old
      Abou Ali (22) collapses with cardiac arrest during a game in Denmark News Story
    108. 11/09/21, Netherlands, 19 years old Dead
      Sebastiaan Bos (19), Laren ice hockey player passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
    109. 12/09/21, France 33 years old
      Dimitri Lienard (33), FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game News Story
    110. 12/09/21,
      Santo Giuliano (33) Professional Dancer Suffers Heart Attack 5 Days After Receiving Pfizer Shot  News Story
    111. 13/09/21, Germany  (61)
      Anil Usta, Turkish national playing for Vfb Schwelm (Ennepetal) collapsed on field with heart problems  News Story
    112. 14/09/21, USA 37 years old Dead
      Parys Haralson (37) former star player at Justice at Madison Central, then Tennessee and in the NFL died suddenly and unexpectedly at home in Jan Jose, California. News Story
    113. 16/09/21, India (29) Dead
      Avi Barot (29), Saurashtra cricketer suffers cardiac arrest, died – News Story
    114. 16/09/21
      Imogen Allen (24), female equestrian, champion show jumper may never ride again. Hospitalized with a  severe reaction to Moderna Covid vaccine with two massive blood clots on her lungs two weeks after her first vaccination. News Story
    115. 17/09/21
      John Stokes (21), NCAA Tennessee State University golfer has myocarditis four days after his second Pfizer dose. Speaks out against vaccine mandates News Story
    116. 18/09/21, Germany 25 years old
      Kingsley Coman (25) from FC Bayern Munich had a heart operation after an arrhythmia.  News Story
    117. 18/09/21, Canada 25 years old Dead
      Francis Perron (25), University of Ottawa Gee-Gees defensive linebacker died suddenly after a game in Toronto. The University of Ottawa earlier launched its mandatory vaccination policy, “anyone who intends on coming to campus for any reason must be vaccinated.”  News Story
    118. 19/09/21, France 19 years old
      Unnamed FC Nantes soccer player (19) suffers cardiac arrest during training
    119. 19/09/21, Germany Dead
      Dirk Splisteser volleyball trainer from SG Traktor Divitz collapses dead on the sidelines within one hour News Story
    120. 21/09/21, Augsburg
      Unnamed assistant referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker, collapses with heart problems  News Story
    121. 21/09/21, Germany
      Helen Edwards, At the women’s World Cup qualifier between Germany and Serbia in Chemnitz, the English linesman suffered heart problems and was carried off the pitch  News Story
    122. 21/09/21,
      Antoine Méchin (31), French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna vaccine  News Story
    123. 22/09/21, Wisconsin USA
      Tom Felton (34), collapses during golf game  News Story
    124. 22/09/21, Germany  (36)
      Nicky Dalibor (36), (Saxony-Anhalt) collapsed and was resuscitated on the pitch  News Story
    125. 26/09/21, Germany Dead
      Benny Taft (33) football player and coach of SVU Unterferrieden (Bavaria) suffers cardiac arrest in a game, died on the 27th,  News Story
    126. 27/09/21, Venezuela, Dead
      Guillermo Arias (31), Camaguán FC, Guárico state in a game with La Villa FC. He collapsed and died on the field. News Story
    127. 27/09/21, Germany  (61), Dead
      Mr. Steidel, referee, suffers cardiac arrest in a game of Lauber SV (Bayern). Game abandoned.  News Story
    128. 27/09/21, Italy, 20 years old
      Unnamed rider (20) suffers a heart attack at the end of a tournament.
    129. 28/09/21, Germany, 17 years
      Hoher Hagen (17), JSG soccer player collapsed during game and was revived in Hannoversch Munden  News Story
    130. 28/09/21, Italy, 53 years Dead
      Antonello Campus (53), football coach for a Sardinia youth team collapsed and died in Sicily during practice with team
    131. 28/09/21, USA, 16 years Dead
      Unnamed twice vaccinated teenager (16) collapses while playing soccer and died a little later.
    132. 29/09/21, Germany Dead
      Dietmar Gladow, Team leader from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) suffers a fatal heart attack before the game
    133. 29/09/21, USA Dead
      Unnamed high school football player collapsed during practice and died in the hospital.
    134. 30/09/21, Germany (17)
      Unnamed (17) footballer collapsed during the A 2 regional league game between SV Hoßkirch and TSV Sigmaringendorf. He suffered cardiac arrest and was resuscitated.  News Story


      October 2021

    135. 01/10/21, Germany, 15 years Dead
      Bruno Stein (15) goalkeeper from FC An der Fahner Höhe in Gräfentonna, Thuringia, died.  News Story
    136. 02/10/21 (28), Dead
      Jake Kazmarek (28) a bodybuilder, Moderna shots 31st August & 28th September 2021 Died Four Days After Vaccine  News Story
    137. 02/10/21 Holland
      Ceylin del Carmen Alvarado (23),  Dutch, reigning European champion Cyclo-cross rider out of action due to ‘disturbed blood count’ News Story
    138. 03/10/21 Canada
      Josh Archibald (28), Edmonton Oilers hockey forward  out indefinitely due to myocarditis News Story
    139. 03/10/21, Austria, 64 years old Dead
      Ernst Scherr (64) ex-goalkeeper coach and talent scout unexpectedly died.
    140. 03/10/21, Germany
      Timucin Sen (Hesse) Football player collapsed on pitch 10 Minutes before the end of the game. Resuscitated  News Story
    141. 04/10/21, Germany, 42 years old Dead
      Alexander Siegfried (42) from VfB Moschendorf unexpectedly collapsed and died.  News Story
    142. 04/10/21, Dead
      Benjamin Taft (33), German footballer/coach collapses with heart attack after game News Story
    143. 06/10/21 Dead
      George Peterson (37) AKA “Da Bull” Bodybuilder won the Classic Physique competition at 2019 Arnold Classic, died days before competing in a top bodybuilding competition. Suspected brain haemorage after receiving two doses of covid vaccine which was an Orlando Olympics requirement.  News Story
    144. 06/10/21,
      Florian Dagoury: World’s Top Static Breath-Hold Freediver diagnosed with Myocarditis and Pericarditis 40 days after second Pfizer vaccine – Instagram  News Story
    145. 06/10/21, Germany  (61), Dead
      Bern Bauer (61), Trainer DJK Concordia Ludwigshafen (Rheinland-Pfalz)  News Story
    146. 07/10/21, Italy, 17 years old
      Unnamed athlete from Colverde (17) collapses with cardiac arrest while training.
    147. 08/10/21, France, 49 years old Dead
      Benoit Sabard(49), SC Massay player suffers a fatal heart attack during the game. This is the third death of the year at SC Massay, after that of Jean-Philippe Roux (73?), former president of the club and deputy mayor of the town, and that of Franck Martin, former player and former vice-president.  News Story
    148. 09/10/21, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico Dead
      Alberto Olguin, PGA golf caddy for Manuel Torres collapses on the course during PGA Tour Latinoamerica event due to a heart attack. It was the second PGA caddy death (19 June).  News Story
    149. 09/10/21, England, 29 years old
      Ryan Bowman (29) Shrewsbury professional striker was treated with a defibrillator after half an hour of play with extreme heart problems.
    150. 10/10/21, Italy, 18 year old
      Unnamed soccer player (18) suddenly faints on the field, is revived by his teammate.
    151. 10/10/21, France, 40 years old
      Unnamed Saint-James player suffers a heart attack after warming up before the game, collapsed in the change room, saved with defibrilator by a firefighter on the opposing team.  News Story
    152. 10/10/21, Italy, 59 years old Dead
      Unnamed long-distance runner from Biella (59) dies of heart failure during a race.
    153. 10/10/2021, Germany
      Unnamed female player In the match between Wacker Mecklenbeck and Fortuna Freudenberg in the Women’s Westphalia League, collapsed near the end without any opposing influence.
    154. 11/10/21, Germany
      Marcel Herder, Guest coach,  collapsed on the edge of field Mühlwiese (Saxony) Resuscitated  News Story
    155. 11/10/21 Norway
      Daniel Aakervik (17), one of Norway’s greatest cross-country skiing talents suspended his season after a severe reaction to COVID vaccination. News Story
    156. 12/10/21
      Ewan Fraser (30), Glasgow field hockey player collapsed with cardiac arrest, during a match News Story
    157. 12/10/21 Germany, 25 years Dead
      Lukas Bommer (25), goalkeeper of HC TuRa Bergkamen, died suddenly and unexpectedly.
    158. 13/10/21, Mexico, 16 years old Dead
      Hector Manuel Mendoza (16) dies of a heart attack while training.  News Story
    159. 13/10/21, Brazil, 18 years old
      Fellipe de Jesus Moreira (18) professional footballer suffered a double heart attack. Released from hospital 3rd November.  News Story
    160. 14/10/21 UK, Dead
      David Jenkins (31), Olympic silver medalist diver and British diving coach unexpectedly passes away. News Story
    161. 14/10/21, Italy, 27 years old
      Gianni Moscon (27), multiple cycling champion, to undergo an operation because of severe cardiac arrhythmia.  News Story
    162. 14/10/21, Italy, 53 years old
      Unnamed AH footballer (53) suffers a heart attack while training.
    163. 14/10/21 UK (29)
      Ryan Bowman (29) Shrewsbury striker collapsed treated with extreme heart problems, recussitated with defibrillator  News Story
    164. 14/10/21, Germany, Dead
      Unnamed Referee collapsed and died during a game Kreisliga B match between SC Daisbach and FSV Taunusstein in Aarbergen (Hesse)   News Story
    165. 15/10/21, Gold Coast, Australia, 14 years old
      Ava Azzopardi (14), female soccer player collapsed on the pitch kept in an artificial coma in hospital. Later recovered.  News Story
    166. 16/10/21, France, aged 54 Dead
      Christophe Ramassamy (54) AH player and former referee collapsed and died of a heart attack during a match.  News Story
    167. 17/10/21, France, 41 years old Dead
      Unnamed soccer player (41) collapsed on the field and died, apparently due to cardiac arrest during a soccer match in Avignon. Member of Rasteau’s senior football team. News Story
    168. 18/10/21 USA Dead
      Lexi Riggles (16), a Hanover College senior and 2018 Danville High School graduate who played basketball for the Panthers and Warriors, died unexpectedly.  News Story
    169. 20/10/21, Italy (26)   Dead
      Ronald Biglione (26), Argentine Deportivo Club Independencia football player hospitalized with blood clots (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)after 2nd shot. Died 5 Nov News Story
    170. 20/10/21, Germany  (65), Dead
      Hans-Günter Kinnen (65), Weiler-Volkhoven tournament coordinator, youth manager, former player  News Story
    171. 21/10/21, NSW Central Coast, Australia
      Cienna Knowles (19) Australian equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots. vomiting, fever, wet in sweat, heart palpitations, headache, sore muscles & joints like hell, blurry vision after Pfizer vaccine. News Story and instagram
    172. 21/10/21, UK  (30)
      Nathan Baker, Bristol city footballer, collapsed during the game. 2 fans were also treated for medical emergencies.  News Story
    173. 21/10/21 USA
      Dvan Douglas (41) won a national championship with the Buckeyes. Career cut short by blood clots. News Story
    174. 24/10/21, Germany  (17)
      Elly Böttcher (17) from Rostocker FC collapses in away game in Hohen Neuendorf of the women’s Regionalliga Nordost without opposing influence   News Story
    175. 25/10/21, (25)
      Halil Elitok (25), SG Gahmen midfielder collapses on pitch due to cardiac arrest  News Story
    176. 27/10/21, Austria, 26 years old
      Raphael Dwamena (26) The Ghanaian collapsed with severe heart problems. He had a known heart condition since 2017 and was wearing an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator.
    177. 28/10/21, Germany
      Unnamed football player suffers cardiac arrest (NRW) Dersum. Rescusitated by Josef Stefens and Jürgen Koop  News Story
    178. 28/10/21, Germany Dead
      Selim Levent, Hertha BSC co-trainer,  dies suddenly and unexpectedly while on vacation.
    179. 28/10/21, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, USA, 12 years Dead
      Jayson Kidd (12) collapsed during basketball practice at school and later died.  News Story
    180. 28/10/21, New Jersey USA, (New Zealand rugby player), (28)
      Tevita Bryce (28) Montclair Norsemen rugby player collapsed during game from 2 heart attacks and a stroke caused by a blood clot, heart stopped for 28 minutes  News Story  News Story
    181. 28/10/21, Balochistan, (30), Dead
      Mohammad Islam (30), Raziq football player collapses mid game, pronounced dead at hospital  News Story
    182. 30/10/21, Spain, 33-year-old
      Kun Agüero (33), striker from FC Barcelona had to be replaced in a game due to heart problems. He went to hospital for examination.
    183. 30/10/21, Germany, (25)
      Benedikt Kirsch, captain of SpVgg Bayreuth (Bavaria) collapsed on the pitch. Julian Pietsch from VfB Schloß Holte 2 resuscitated him.  News Story
    184. 30/10/21 Dead
      Doudou Faye (35), Senegalese basketball player suffered heart attack. The Tunisian basketball championship paid tribute to one of its eminent members. News Story
    185. 31/10/21,
      Sergio Aguero (33), Barecelona star striker suffered chest pains and collapsed in match, now being treated for heart problems  News Story


      November 2021

    186. 01/11/21, Italy (23), Dead
      Vittoria Campo Italian soccer player collapsed with cardiac arrest, died in hospital. Her brother Alessandro (25) died 1/9/2021.  News Story
    187. 02/11/21, USA , Dead
      Emil Palsson (28), Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game News Story
    188. 03/11/21, Austria  (24), Dead
      Boris Sádecký (24), vaccinated Slovakian @bratislavaCAPS ice hockey star died after collapsing on the ice during a match in Dornbirn, Austria  News Story  News Story2
    189. 03/11/21, USA , Dead
      Jordan Tucker (late 20s) former Longridge Town FC Captain died suddenly.
    190. 05/11/21, USA  (36), Dead
      Dusan Pasek (36), @bratislavaCAPS CEO, 2 days after Boris Sádecký  News Story
    191. 06/11/2021 Dead
      Shawn Rhoden (46), Mr. Olympia 2018 dead from heart attack News Story
    192. 06/11/21, Scotland, (19)
      Jamie Hamilton (19) Hamilton Accies defender left the field with chest pains.  News Story
    193. 07/11/21, Germany
      Unnamed Vaccinated football player suffers a stroke during a district cup match, with one-side paralysis, transported to hospital by ambulance.  News Story
    194. 07/11/21, Germany
      Unnamed Referee collapsed in 20th minute of a women’s game in Thüringen.  News Story
    195. 07/11/21, Germany
      Unnamed football player collapsed in Landesliga Staffel 2 NRW FC Arpe/Wormbach against BSV Menden (NRW) without opposing influence  News Story
    196. 08/11/21 Houston, TX, USA  Dead
      Jamarcus Hall (16) Houston High School football player died on the same day the Hilltoppers football team was scheduled to play at Senatobia in the first round of the Class 4A playoffs News Story
    197. 08/11/21 USA  Dead
      Kim ‘Alarm’ Kyeong-Bo (20), a rising star in the Overwatch League playing flex support for the Philadelphia Fusion, died.  News Story
    198. 08/11/21 UK Dead
      Tom Greenway (38), Champion jockey dies News Story
    199. 08/11/21, Paraguay, Dead
      Nelson Solano, (21) footballer, collapsed and died from heart-attack.
    200. 08/11/21, USA, Dead
      Pedro Feliciano (45) New York Mets Pitcher died of a heart attack in his sleep. No Vax status discovered yet.  News Story
    201. 08/11/21 UK Dead
      Tom Greenway (38), Champion jockey dies News Story
    202. 10/11/21
      Murphy Jensen (53), Grand Slam Champion recovering after sudden cardiac arrest while playing tennis News Story
    203. 11/11/21, Germany (40), Dead
      Jörg Heinle (40) former striker and coach of Spvgg Detter-Weißenbach (Bavaria), an anesthesia nurse at the Franz von Prümmer-Klinik Bad Brückenau and family man died suddenly  News Story
    204. 12/11/21 USA  Dead
      Dejmi Dumervil-Jean (22), former (2018) Louisville football player died  News Story
    205. 13/11/21, Denmark (24)
      Luther Singh (24) FC Copenhagen footballer hospitalized with a ‘mysterious illness’
    206. 14/11/21 Australia
      Michelle Goszko (44), Aussie cricket great, in ICU after stroke  at 44. She is fully vaccinated. News Story
    207. 15/11/21,
      Julio Lugo (45) Former Boston Red Sox shortstop died of a heart attack in his sleep. No Vax status discovered yet.  News Story  News Story2
    208. 17/11/21
      Sarah Gigante (21), Olympic cyclist and reigning Australian time trial champion had a severe reaction to COVID-19 vaccine, severe chest pains and repeated hospitalizations after the Tokyo Olympics, myopericarditis News Story
    209. 18/11/21 NY USA  Dead
      Carmyne Payton (15), NYstudent, with no prior health issues collapses, dies at basketball tryout News Story
    210. 18/11/21  Dead
      Unnamed Aragonese athlete (27) who participated in the Behobia-San Sebastian, died  in a hospital in the capital of Gipuzkoa. The runner had apparently fainted and suffered cardiac arrest while contesting the event and was immediately evacuated to the hospital.  News Story
    211. 19/11/21 USA
      Cooper Teare (22), world class runner, collapsed  during the 2021 NCAA Cross-Country Championships while competing for the University of Oregon. Covid vaccine booster shot two weeks earlier. He complained about problems with his heart and doctors worked to bring down his heart rate.  News Story
    212. 20/11/21 NJ USA Dead
      Unnamed boy (14), in Dumont NJ died Saturday afternoon after collapsing at an elementary school basketball court. The New Jersey teen was scrimmaging with other teens at Grant Elementary School when he collapsed. The young athlete was rushed to Hackensack University Medical Center but did not survive. News Story
    213. 22/11/21 USA
      Duggar Baucom (61), Citadel coach collapses on sideline vs. Duke  News Story
    214. 23/11/21 UK
      John Fleck, (), Sheffield United star footballer collapsed during the game with Reading, transported to hospital  News Story
    215. 24/11/21 Italy Dead
      Unnamed cyclist (15) collapsed and died in his father’s arms  News Story
    216. 24/11/21
      Adama Traore (26), Sherrif Tiraspol winger collapsed on the pitch clutching his chest in game with Real Madrid  News Story


In a world of 7 billion people you found 216 people who died despite not being ostensibly at risk in the course of a year. What can we do with this information? Have we seen any studies or conclusive evidence that this is because of the vaccine, or is this just baseless conjecture and the classic "just asking questions" that you anti-vaxxers  love to engage in?


Never have I heard about so many young athletes collapsing or dying  suddenly in a single year. There's more incoming to the list. All of these are vaccinated according to the author.

Nice anecdotal evidence... You've never personally heard of so many young athletes collapsing or dying suddenly in a single year? Do you think it's possible that these people were always dying but you never had access to that information in the past? Have you even considered this possibility? Have you done any research on this?


Yet you can't sue the vaccine manufacturers for damage since they have immunity, hmm why..........

I've already addressed this in another thread. But in short, the government has deemed vaccination programs imperative to public health; and since so many people get vaccinated even an extremely low rate of side-effects will lead to litigations that would make it cost-prohibitive for vaccine manufactuers to produce. Which is why there is a federal vaccine injury compensation program. This makes it so that if there are litigations, it won't endanger public health. Rather simple answer, no? It took me a few minutes to look up this information.

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