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Shia view of Salvation of Sunnis?

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Guest JamilAkhtar

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Guest JamilAkhtar

According to Sunnis all Muslims will (eventually) go to Jannah. In fact some include all monotheists generally and some also include those who have not heard the message of Islam (Amazon Rainforest etc.) Refer to Aqeedah Tahawiyyah etc.

Ibadis meanwhile are clear that non-Ibadis (who they call Muwwahid instead of Muslim, permit marriage etc.) will all go to Jahannam forever. Only Ahlul Istiqama who are sinless or have sincere repented all their sins will enter Jannah and no one enters Jahannam temporarily according to them.

So according to Shi'a and their scholarship what happens to the Sunnis and those other Muslims who deny Imamah? What is the ultimate fate of non-Shia Muslims according to you? Will they eventually come out of Jahannam or will they reside there forever?


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So according to Shi'a and their scholarship what happens to the Sunnis and those other Muslims who deny Imamah? What is the ultimate fate of non-Shia Muslims according to you? Will they eventually come out of Jahannam or will they reside there forever?

علي بن إبراهيم عن أبيه، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن عبد الرحمن بن الحجاج، عن هاشم صاحب البريد قال: كنت أنا ومحمد بن مسلم وأبو الخطاب مجتمعين فقال لنا أبو الخطاب: ما تقولون فيمن لم يعرف هذا الامر؟ فقلت: من لم يعرف هذا الامر فهو كافر، فقال أبو الخطاب: ليس بكافر حتى تقوم عليه الحجة، فإذا قامت عليه الحجة فلم يعرف فهو كافر، فقال له محمد بن مسلم: سبحان الله ماله إذا لم يعرف ولم يجحد يكفر؟! ليس بكافر إذا لم يجحد، قال: فلما حججت دخلت على أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) فأخبرته بذلك، فقال: إنك قد حضرت و غابا ولكن موعدكم الليلة، الجمرة الوسطى بمنى. فلما كانت الليلة اجتمعنا عنده وأبو الخطاب ومحمد بن مسلم فتناول وسادة فوضعها في صدره ثم قال لنا: ما تقولون في خدمكم ونساءكم وأهليكم أليس يشهدون أن لا إله إلا الله؟ قلت: بلى، قال: أليس يشهدون أن محمدا رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله)؟ قلت: بلى، قال: أليس يصلون ويصومون ويحجون؟ قلت: بلى، قال: فيعرفون ما أنتم عليه؟ قلت: لا، قال: فما هم عندكم؟ قلت: من لم يعرف [ هذا الامر ] فهو كافر. قال: سبحان الله أما رأيت أهل الطريق وأهل المياه؟ قلت: بلى، قال: أليس يصلون ويصومون ويحجون؟ اليس يشهدون أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله قلت: بلى، قال: فيعرفون ما أنتم عليه؟ قلت: لا، قال: فما هم عندكم؟ قلت: من لم يعرف [ هذا الامر ] فهو كافر. قال: سبحان الله أما رأيت الكعبة والطواف وأهل اليمن وتعلقهم بأستار الكعبة! قلت: بلى، قال: أليس يشهدون أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) ويصلون ويصومون ويحجون؟ قلت: بلى، قال: فيعرفون ما أنتم عليه، قلت: لا قال: فما تقولون فيهم؟ قلت: من لم يعرف فهو كافر. 

قال: سبحان الله هذا قول الخوارج، ثم قال: إن شئتم أخبرتكم، فقلت أنا: لا (1)، فقال: أما إنه شر عليكم أن تقولوا بشئ ما لم تسمعوه منا، قال: فظننت أنه يديرنا على قول محمد بن مسلم.

A man was sitting with Muhammad b. Muslim and Abu'l Khattab. Abu'l Khattab said, "What do you say regarding those who do not recognize this Order (Imamate)?"

The man said, "Whoever does not recognize this Order is a disbeliever."

Abu'l Khattab said, "He is not a disbeliever until he is presented with proof. When he is presented with proof, and he does not recognize it, then he is a disbeliever."

So Muhammad b. Muslim said to him, "May Allah be glorified! Why would he be a disbeliever if he does not recognize nor deny it? He would not be a disbeliever unless he denies it [outright]."

So when the man performed Hajj, he visited Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq [a] and told him about the conversation. So the Imam said, "You are here, but they are absent. So [all of you must] come to me tonight at the middle pillar in Mina."

When night fell, the man, Abu'l Khattab, and Muhammad b. Muslim met the Imam. The Imam took a pillow and held it against his chest. Then, he said to them, "What do you say regarding your servants, your women, and your parents? Do they not bear witness that there is no god except Allah?"

The man said, "Of course."

The Imam said, "Do they not bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah?"

The man said, "Of course."

The Imam said, "Do they not pray, fast, and go on Hajj?"

The man said, "Of course."

The Imam said, "Do they recognize what you are upon (wilaya)?"

The man said, "No."

The Imam said, "So what are they to you?"

The man said, "Whomever does not recognize this Order is a disbeliever."

The Imam said, "May Allah be glorified! Do you not see the people on the streets and the waterbearers?"

The man said, "Of course."

The Imam said, "Do they not pray, fast and go on Hajj? Do they not bear witness that there is no god except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah?"

The man said, "Of course."

The Imam said, "Do they recognize what you are upon?"

The man said, "No."

The Imam said, "So what are they to you?"

The man said, "Whomever does not recognize this Order is a disbeliever."

The Imam said, "May Allah be glorified! Have you not seen the Ka`ba, the circumambulation, the people of Yemen and their clinging onto the cloth of the Ka`ba?!"

The man said, "Of course."

The Imam said, "Do they not bear witness that there is no god except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah? Do they not pray, fast and go on Hajj? "

The man said, "Of course."

The Imam said, "Do they recognize what you are upon?"

The man said, "No."

The Imam said, "So what are they to you?"

The man said, "Whomever does not recognize this Order is a disbeliever."

The Imam said, "May Allah be glorified! This is the saying of the Khawarij. If you want, I will tell you [their status]."

The man said, "No."

The Imam said, "Surely, it is evil for you to say something that you have not heard from us."

The man narrated: So I gathered that he was turning us toward the opinion of Muhammad b. Muslim.

(al-Kafi, Volume 2, page 401)

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  أبي ، عن ابن محبوب ، عن ابن رئاب ، عن ضريس الكناسي ، عن أبي جعفرعليهالسلام قال : قلت له : جعلت فداك ما حال الموحدين المقرين بنبوة محمد صلىاللهعليهوآله من المسلمين المذنبين الذين يموتون وليس لهم إمام ، ولا يعرفون ولايتكم؟ فقال : أما هؤلاء فإنهم في حفرهم لا يخرجون منها فمن كان له عمل صالح ولم يظهر منه عداوة فانه يخد له خدا إلى الجنة التي خلقها الله بالمغرب فيدخل عليه الروح في حفرته إلى يوم القيامة حتى يلقى الله فيحاسبه بحسناته وسيئاته فإما إلى الجنة ، وإما إلى النار ، فهؤلاء الموقوفون لامر الله. قال عليهالسلام : وكذلك يفعل بالمستضعفين والبله والاطفال وأولاد المسلمين ، الذين لم يبلغوا الحلم.  وأما النصاب من أهل القبلة فانهم يخد لهم خدا إلى النار التي خلقها الله في المشرق ، فيدخل عليهم اللهب والشرر والدخان ، وفورة الحميم «ثم» بعد ذلك مصيرهم إلى الجحيم «في النار يسجرون * ثم قيل لهم أينما كنتم تشركون من دون الله» (2) أي أين إمامكم الذي اتخذتموه دون الامام الذي جعله الله للناس إماما   

A man asked Imam al-Baqir [a], "May I be your sacrifice! What is the condition of those who testify in the Oneness of Allah, and submit to the prophethood of Muhammad (s), but are Muslim sinners who die and do not have an Imam and do not know about your wilaya?"    

The Imam [a] replied, "Regarding these people: they are in their graves and they do not exit from them. Whoever has good deeds and did not show enmity [towards us], then they will be given an opening in their grave that will lead to a Paradise that Allah has created in the West. Their soul will enter it until the Day of Resurrection, where they are judged for their deeds. Then, they will go to Paradise or the Fire. So these are the ones who are accountable to Allah's order. And as for the nasibi from the people of the qibla (Muslims who show hatred for the Ahl al-Bayt and their followers): then they will have an opening to the Fire that Allah has created in the East; and fire, sparks, smoke and the vehemence of boiling water will enter upon them. Then after that, their paths are to Hell."    

Then, the Imam recited, "Then they shall be burned in the Fire, then it will be said to them, 'where went those whom you used to associate?'" (40:72-73)   

He [a] explained it, saying, "Meaning, where is your Imam that you associated with the Imam that Allah made for the people?" (Tafsir al-Qummi)

عنه، عن أبيه عن النضر، عن يحيى الحلبي، عن ابن مسكان، عن زرارة قال:  سئل أبو عبد الله عليه السلام وأنا جالس عن قول الله عز وجل: " من جاء بالحسنة فله عشر أمثالها " يجري لهؤلاء ممن لا يعرف منهم هذا الامر؟ - فقال: إنما هذه للمؤمنين خاصة، قلت له:  أصلحك الله أرأيت من صام وصلى واجتنب المحارم وحسن ورعه ممن لا يعرف ولا ينصب؟ - فقال: ان الله يدخل أولئك الجنة برحمته

Whoever comes with a good deed will have ten times the like thereof " (6:160)    

A man asked Imam as-Sadiq [a] about this verse, "Does this apply to those who do not know this Order (wilaya)?"   

So the Imam replied, "This is for the believers only."   

The man said, "May Allah rectify you, what about those who fast, pray, abstain from the forbidden, are pious, but do not know about this Order and do not hate the Ahl al-Bayt and their followers (yunassib)?"   

So the Imam replied, "Allah will enter those people into Paradise by His grace." (al-Mahasin)

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So according to Shi'a and their scholarship what happens to the Sunnis and those other Muslims who deny Imamah? What is the ultimate fate of non-Shia Muslims according to you? Will they eventually come out of Jahannam or will they reside there forever?

So in short, denying in this sense means only if they recognize that Imamah is truth and at same time deny it. But majority of Sunnis do not fall in this category because they do not believe in Imamah in first place (this is what it means they do not recognize it). And the Majority of Sunnis do not have any hatred toward the Ahlulbayt (عليه السلام).

Those who recognize the Imamah and at the same time deny it have been demonstrated many times in Qur'an. Iblees and Adam, Bani Israel and The Prophets. They know it is the truth but they hate it and they do not want to follow/accept it.

Edited by Abu Nur
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4 hours ago, Guest JamilAkhtar said:

According to Sunnis all Muslims will (eventually) go to Jannah.

Not necessarily; they usually add a caveat to this, whether openly or implicitly.

Deobandis will add "as long as he isn't Gustakh e Sahaba".

Barelvis will say "as long as as he isn't Gustakh e Rasul ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم))".

Ahle Hadith/Wahabbis will say "as long as he is a Muwahhid".

So far, no sunni leader hasn't given a blanket, absolute statement that a Muslim of any sect will eventually enter Jannah after expediating for their sins in Jahannam; every faction badly wants their adherents to believe that they are the saved sect promised Jannah, and everyone else is Hell bound forever. This way, the average sunni is afraid to ask questions and explore, even the beliefs of other sunnis let alone shias.

This is something that Engineer Mirza pointed out. He is also the only one who has given such a statement on a verified stamp paper that is accessible to the public.

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This is the answer Imam Rassi society gave (A Zaidi group).

Q] In Zaydiyya is Wilayah of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) considered part of Usul Al Deen? If it is, does this mean someone is not mu'min and does not go to heaven without believing in it?


A] wa alaykum as salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu! 

Thank you for your question! This one is a bit more difficult to answer. The earliest Zaydi imams held to the belief in the wilaya as a precondition of belief. Imam al-Haadi (عليه السلام) said in his Ahkaam very explicitly that the term 'belief' cannot be applied to one who doesn't accept the wilaya.Imam ar-Rassi (عليه السلام) has a whole treatise on the obligation to believe in the wilaya. We also have statements from Imam Ja'far as-Saadiq (عليه السلام) in which he was asked if rejecting the wilaya makes one a disbeliever and he replied in the affirmative.

 However, the difficulty arises in the actual application of this. No imam or scholar explicitly says that such person would go to the Hellfire, nor are any of the Islamic laws waived from such person, such as adaala in testimony or leading the prayer, etc. So it would seem that the precondition of the wilaayais moreso theoretical than practical. However, what that means, I don't know.

 And Allah knows best!

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Anyone can go to heaven as long as they perform more good than evil, and they adhere to the beliefs which they genuinely believe to be the truth and they are innocently ignorant of the truth. 

Edited by Muhammad Al-Hurr
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15 hours ago, Guest JamilAkhtar said:

According to Sunnis all Muslims will (eventually) go to Jannah. In fact some include all monotheists generally and some also include those who have not heard the message of Islam (Amazon Rainforest etc.) Refer to Aqeedah Tahawiyyah etc.

The above is correct stance of Sunnis - allow me to add Jungles of Africa :)

Sabrejet  - if you read again the OP asked-  “Shia view of Salvation of Sunnis?”

11 hours ago, Sabrejet said:

Not necessarily; they usually add a caveat to this, whether openly or implicitly.

Deobandis will add "as long as he isn't Gustakh e Sahaba".

Barelvis will say "as long as as he isn't Gustakh e Rasul ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم))".

Ahle Hadith/Wahabbis will say "as long as he is a Muwahhid".

This is common among all religions – Squabbling/Bickering
Hey, what about 12er Shia vs 7er Shia?
12er Shia vs 5er Shia?
12er Shia vs Zaidi Shia (They are almost Sunni – with sincere apologies to respected brothers Ali bin Hussein and Zadism) :D
12er Usuli vs 12er Akhbari
12er Wilayat Fakhi supporter and 12er Wilayat Fakhi negator?
12er followers of Najaf Hawzas vs 12er follower Qom Hawzas
Want more?

11 hours ago, Sabrejet said:

So far, no sunni leader hasn't given a blanket, absolute statement that a Muslim of any sect will eventually enter Jannah after expediating for their sins in Jahannam; every faction badly wants their adherents to believe that they are the saved sect promised Jannah, and everyone else is Hell bound forever. This way, the average sunni is afraid to ask questions and explore, even the beliefs of other sunnis let alone shias.

????????? As if Shias are pouring over each other discussing their inner squabbles over Chicken Tikkas washed down with large glasses of Doogh/Ayran/Lasi

11 hours ago, Sabrejet said:

So far, no sunni leader hasn't given a blanket, absolute statement that a Muslim of any sect will eventually enter Jannah after expediating for their sins in Jahannam;

You are just exposing your ignorance. If you were well-read, you won’t be saying this.  Gotta read more and say less!

Those who will go to Jahanam

“Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and he shall be in the Hereafter among the lost.” (3:85)
“Truly religion in the sight of God is Islam.” (3:19)
And whoever does not believe in Allah and His Messenger, then We surely have prepared for the disbelievers a blazing Fire. 48:13).

Following applies to those who committed apostacy or shirk and repented.

Verily, God's acceptance of repentance relates only to those who do evil out of ignorance and then repent before their time runs out: and it is they unto whom God will turn again in His mercy - for God is all-knowing, wise 4:17

Following applies to Ahmadiya/Qadianis as the have opted to follow a false prophet

“But whoever opposes the Messenger, after guidance has been made clear to him, and follows a way other than that of the believers, We shall leave him on [the path] he has taken, and We shall cause him to burn in Hell—what an evil journey’s end! (4:115)

Now I’ll give to the general of Sunnis stance towards Shia salvation.

On the whole Shias are considered Muslims
We believe in One Allah and worship Him alone
We face the same Qiblah
We believe in the same Quran as the last testament. Pure, unadulterated, and preserved by Allah Almighty.
We believe in same Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and believe him to be the last Prophet.
Allowed to pray with them
Allowed to marry them
Allowed to eat their dhabiha (meat slaughtered by them)

Cursing and bad mouthing the blessed Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) and Blessed Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) family members (may Allah be pleased with them all) DOESN’T take Shias out of Islam – But they will have to pay for it.  If their piety and good deeds outweigh their bad deeds – Allah Almighty is Forever Merciful
Those Shias who considered Major Companions as apostates/Munafiks etc will be considered same themselves and dealt with accordingly

Asking other than Allah Almighty for help and solving their problems is considered major sin – Sunni Brelvis do the same – So will be asked to explain!

Sunnis consider the Shia scholars to be the main culprits who mislead their folk for personal gains (Khums) So will be asked to explain their deeds and will be dealt with accordingly

Ultimate Judgement belongs to Allah Almighty

Say, ˹O Prophet, that Allah says,˺ “O My servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls! Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for Allah certainly forgives all sins. He is indeed the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. – 53 az Zamur

Allah Almighty will not forgive shirk

Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly gone far astray. 116 an Nissa


Edited by Debate follower
grammar ;)
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We Muslims in general believe that Shiites, Sunnis, Sufis and (unlike what the OP suggests) Ibadis are Muslims.

The fact that all the followers of these denominations are allowed to perform HAJJ in Meccah is a proof that followers of all the sects of Islam unanimously view each other as Muslims. Except for Ahmadis who believe in another "Prophet" after Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.), all the other denominations of Islam are Muslims, even the wahhabis are Muslims.

However, there are terms like AHLUL BIDDAH (people of innovations), FIRQA DALLAH (false doctrines, the deviated sects) the followers of these sects sadly accuse each other of. So, in summary, Muslims believe that all sects are Muslims but some call others deviated muslims.

AND there is also TAKFIRIS who deem others as non-muslims and their blood halal. ISIS, NUSRA, AL-CIAEDAH, SIPAH SAHABA, BOKO HARAM and others are takfiri terrorists.

Anyway, if you guys, sunni-shia-sufi-ibadi want an official scholarly response for this query, you can read the booklet of Martyr Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari;


The book has the hadiths mentioned by brother Abu Nur and more.

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1 hour ago, islamicmusic said:


We Muslims in general believe that Shiites, Sunnis, Sufis and (unlike what the OP suggests) Ibadis are Muslims.

Wa 'alaykum salaam - OP has not suggested that Ibadis not Muslims.  He is stating what Ibadis believe:

22 hours ago, Guest JamilAkhtar said:

According to Sunnis all Muslims will (eventually) go to Jannah. In fact some include all monotheists generally and some also include those who have not heard the message of Islam (Amazon Rainforest etc.) Refer to Aqeedah Tahawiyyah etc.

Ibadis meanwhile are clear that non-Ibadis (who they call Muwwahid instead of Muslim, permit marriage etc.) will all go to Jahannam forever. Only Ahlul Istiqama who are sinless or have sincere repented all their sins will enter Jannah and no one enters Jahannam temporarily according to them.

He has posed the question to Shias here:

22 hours ago, Guest JamilAkhtar said:

So according to Shi'a and their scholarship what happens to the Sunnis and those other Muslims who deny Imamah? What is the ultimate fate of non-Shia Muslims according to you? Will they eventually come out of Jahannam or will they reside there forever?


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7 hours ago, Debate follower said:

 Sunni – with sincere apologies to respected brothers Ali bin Hussein and Zadism):D



Haha no need to apologise. I have respect for my Sunni or 12er brothers. 

Now if you called me Sufi or irfani I'd probably get a little annoyed :grin:

Edited by Ali bin Hussein
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Guest Psychological Warfare



khawarij and Nawasib (i.e. those who are enemies of the holy Imams) are also impure.


Above is a Legal/Fiqhi position for Legal purpose. 

My understanding, is that since we have variants of the Original Virus going around. The Enemies in its comprehensive meaning would include ANY one who denies the  12 Infallible  Imam(عليه السلام) chosen/appointed by Allah(عزّ وجلّ) , and tries to position other fallible Jurists/Political leaders choose by them, as their equals. 

Now, from the social perspective, we do live among various types of people and do get along. 

From, what is commonly knows as modern/progressive/secular academic view/theories. Which are inherent mind control mechanism for the naive by the elite. They make them think they are educated and progressive but in reality, starting from the family unit to the state level. It ( Superficial  Unity/peace ) falls apart when it comes to Governance. 

hence the importance of this one Directive, if not followed/adopted will make Everything( Acts) null and void. Because at the end of the day, even the most pious society will disintegrate if it follows the wrong leader. You even see it in the west, most people are just simple humans, they try to be good in their own way and according to their values and beliefs but their leadership can cause havoc around the world and be the cause of their downfall. Either way you look at it, leadership is what makes or breaks the society. 

“O Apostle! Deliver what has been sent down to you from your Lord; and if you don’t do it, you have not delivered His message (at all); and Allah will protect you from the people …”

(Qur’an 5:67)

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Cursing and bad mouthing the blessed Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) and Blessed Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) family members (may Allah be pleased with them all) DOESN’T take Shias out of Islam – But they will have to pay for it.  If their piety and good deeds outweigh their bad deeds – Allah Almighty is Forever Merciful
Those Shias who considered Major Companions as apostates/Munafiks etc will be considered same themselves and dealt with accordingly

What happens with those people who praises the companions who did apostate or caused grief toward family of the Prophet (saws)? Will they also dealt with accordingly?

For example, I'm talking about praising those companions who fall in following category:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Some of my companions will come to me at my Lake Fount, and after I recognize them, they will then be taken away from me, whereupon I will say, 'My companions!' Then it will be said, 'You do not know what they innovated (new things) in the religion after you." Sahih al-Bukhari 6582

Edited by Abu Nur
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On 8/27/2021 at 11:04 PM, Abu Nur said:


Those who recognize the Imamah and at the same time deny it have been demonstrated many times in Qur'an. Iblees and Adam, Bani Israel and The Prophets. They know it is the truth but they hate it and they do not want to follow/accept it.


so if I recognize the Ahlul Bayt as the prophets family, and deny their divinity, then I am going to hell?

Are you claiming the prophets knew about the imams and deny them?

What is the truth exactly you are referring to out of curiosity? No one denies the truth if they know it’s the truth. 

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On 8/28/2021 at 6:42 AM, Ali bin Hussein said:

This is the answer Imam Rassi society gave (A Zaidi group).

Q] In Zaydiyya is Wilayah of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) considered part of Usul Al Deen? If it is, does this mean someone is not mu'min and does not go to heaven without believing in it?


A] wa alaykum as salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu! 

Thank you for your question! This one is a bit more difficult to answer. The earliest Zaydi imams held to the belief in the wilaya as a precondition of belief. Imam al-Haadi (عليه السلام) said in his Ahkaam very explicitly that the term 'belief' cannot be applied to one who doesn't accept the wilaya.Imam ar-Rassi (عليه السلام) has a whole treatise on the obligation to believe in the wilaya. We also have statements from Imam Ja'far as-Saadiq (عليه السلام) in which he was asked if rejecting the wilaya makes one a disbeliever and he replied in the affirmative.

 However, the difficulty arises in the actual application of this. No imam or scholar explicitly says that such person would go to the Hellfire, nor are any of the Islamic laws waived from such person, such as adaala in testimony or leading the prayer, etc. So it would seem that the precondition of the wilaayais moreso theoretical than practical. However, what that means, I don't know.

 And Allah knows best!

You don’t know but you just said the answer LOL. 
no, because we don’t follow the wilaya the way Shias do does not mean we will go to hell. 

It does nothing for you spiritually because nothing can be associated with allah ultimately. As long as a Muslim does his obligations he can make it to heaven. Everything else is man made and a waste of time

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What is the truth exactly you are referring to out of curiosity?

The truth is exactly that what they truly said and happened in reality. We can only investigate from all different perspective and use aql to reach the truth. 


No one denies the truth if they know it’s the truth. 

For example:

Iblees knows the truth but out of his envy he reject to follow the command. 

Or those people who knows that Prophet Muhammad (saws) is right, but because of dislike of commandments of God, they don't want to follow. 


Edited by Abu Nur
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