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Are you going to take the vaccine?  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you going to take the vaccine? Please state a reason as well.

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  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, theEndIsNear said:

Every day u hear reports of healthy people dying , heck even Israelis are dying from it in Israel , they’re really going out in a limb on this vaccine , I will never take it 

Please post proof and evidence so that I can show it to my father. His friends and their parents already took it and till now nothing happened.

Edited by Diaz
13 hours ago, Diaz said:

Please post proof and evidence so that I can show it to my father. His friends and their parents already took it and till now nothing happened.

Just do a google search or YouTube search heaps of people have died from it 

  • Advanced Member
50 minutes ago, theEndIsNear said:

Just do a google search or YouTube search heaps of people have died from it 

No brother why we should search on google if the educated people told us to take it? Google will say you have a skin cancer but then when you go dermatologist, they will say it’s a normal pimple. 

  • Advanced Member

The first person to receive a jab of the Sputnik V vaccine on state television was the son of the health minister, Saeed Namaki, a move designed to counter public skepticism about the Russian vaccine.

نتیجه تصویری برای starting vaccination in Iran covid

Iran on Sunday unveiled its second homegrown COVID-19 vaccine, based on a recombinant protein that can be injected or inhaled, authorities said.

The COV-Pars vaccine, developed by the country's oldest scientific research center, Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, is expected to undergo human trials from Monday.

Speaking at the unveiling ceremony in Tehran, Iran's Health Minister Saeed Namaki expressed hope that the country will emerge as a "hub of vaccine production" in coming months.




  • Advanced Member
15 hours ago, Diaz said:

Please post proof and evidence so that I can show it to my father. His friends and their parents already took it and till now nothing happened.


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I had the Astra Zeneca one today.

People who read my posts and don't like them, will find that the microchip that I now have inside me will keep a record of their social security or passport number.


Not for now. They are starting vaccinations at work and I didn't put up my name as did several of my other co-workers. My professor is 65+ and his wife has respiratory problems so they is going get it done.

  • Advanced Member
1 hour ago, Haji 2003 said:

I had the Astra Zeneca one today.

People who read my posts and don't like them, will find that the microchip that I now have inside me will keep a record of their social security or passport number.

I think you are the first one who got it here on S.C. Inshallah you won’t get any side effects, update us brother. 

  • Veteran Member
3 hours ago, starlight said:

Not for now. They are starting vaccinations at work and I didn't put up my name as did several of my other co-workers. My professor is 65+ and his wife has respiratory problems so they is going get it done.

How did the Sputnik 5 go?

  • Forum Administrators
On 2/5/2021 at 7:26 AM, Diaz said:

Brother many people are scared of taking the vaccine because some people are scarring them.

Acceptance levels for the vaccine are low amongst minority ethnic populations in the UK and prior to the vaccine they had higher mortality rates.

You could argue that people who spread conspiracy theories amongst such populations (as on this forum) want to see them dead.


I had the vaccine on Thursday afternoon and Friday I was feeling a little rough. Took 3 doses of paracetamol. Today Saturday everything seems ok.  Arm a little bit tender. I think the risks of mutations are vastly greater than those of a vaccine and the latter is likely to reduce the chances of mutations happening.

  • Veteran Member
43 minutes ago, Haji 2003 said:

 1]Arm a little bit tender.

2] I think the risks of mutations are vastly greater than those of a vaccine and the latter is likely to reduce the chances of mutations happening.

1] Rotate your arm like we did in the oldin' days.  Put your hand near your chest and rotate your elbow.

2] Completely agree.

  • Advanced Member
On 1/30/2021 at 5:21 AM, Abu Hadi said:

By getting the vaccine, we can ensure that we have a much lower probability of getting the virus ourselves and spreading it to others who may have more severe effects from it.

Unfortunately there is no proof of this yet. There still isn't anything published that proves the vaccine reduces risk of transmission. The vaccine will just help ensure you don't land in the hospital.

As for people freaking out about dying from the vaccine; that can happen from any medication given to you at any hospital. Anyone could have an allergic reaction to anything. Yes, covid is a whole different beast compared to other viruses so the vaccine naturally may have side-effects that are a little more frequent than other vaccines, but it is about risk-reward. And, at least in first world countries, it's not like you will be vaccinated and thrown out. Any hint of an anaphylactic reaction or anything of the sort and medical care will immediately be available.

On the flip side, the government imposing severe consequences for those who refuse to take it is dumb and just increases mistrust, especially when it is a "rushed" product where there is likely a higher chance of mistakes happening. If they made it optional without major consequence (not talking about minor things such as having to wear a mask if you don't get it), 1000% more people would be more willing to take it, on top of which peer pressure will have a stronger effect. It also would not hurt to adopt an approach similar to Singapore where they guarantee compensation for a significant irreversible side-effect of the vaccine, or some sort of positive material incentive as opposed to negative reinforcement. In some places, making people sign a waiver where even if a significant, irreversible side effect occurs neither the vaccine company nor the hospital is held liable... of course there will be mistrust.

Yes, even if the gov't did all this, there would still be conspiracy theorists, however I guarantee they would fall by the wayside and most would not pay heed to them like right now, so a lot of the blame of all this mistrust falls on the world leaders in my opinion.

For instance, I have yet to see an ad campaign that gives easily digestible stats on the risk-benefit ratios of the data we have now along with gentle encouragement to "get vaccinated and protect yourself and your whole healthcare system", as opposed to "get vaccinated or you can't travel, even though we still have no proof that it decreases risk of transmission"

  • Advanced Member
6 hours ago, Haji 2003 said:

Acceptance levels for the vaccine are low amongst minority ethnic populations in the UK and prior to the vaccine they had higher mortality rates.

Same goes for African-Americans,Latino and South Asian Population in USA with same results.


6 hours ago, Haji 2003 said:

I had the vaccine on Thursday afternoon and Friday I was feeling a little rough. Took 3 doses of paracetamol. Today Saturday everything seems ok.  Arm a little bit tender. I think the risks of mutations are vastly greater than those of a vaccine and the latter is likely to reduce the chances of mutations happening.

Most of the people I know who took vaccine had no symptoms at all except the local tenderness at the site for couple of days. Few of them had fever and myalgia which got resolved on next day.

  • Veteran Member
6 hours ago, dragonxx said:

We are in the age of rapid technology and social media. That needs to be compressed into a 10 second video . . .

0ffhand Comment: Back in the Jet Age -1960 thru 1980- there was thhis international "shuttle diplomacy". Diplomats, Foreign Ministers and such flew around the World from meetings to consultations to summits ad nausium.

0ne of the pertinent questions at the time was, "when does anyone have time to think?"

So be afraid of rapidity. That leads to reactionary.

  • Advanced Member

I'm not sure if I'll let myself get vaccined... but I know some people who got vaccined and they are still alive. 

I have heard that Johnson & Johnson is more effective than Pfizer/BNT... people here are getting JNJ ... but I'm not sure.

  • Veteran Member
On 2/21/2021 at 6:33 AM, Ain-Al Hayat said:

I have heard that Johnson & Johnson is more effective than Pfizer/BNT. . . Moderna . . . 0xford-Astrojenica

The JnJ is more effective with the B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 variants. lf l read about it with the P.1 l have forgotten.

  • Veteran Member
On 2/21/2021 at 6:33 AM, Ain-Al Hayat said:

I have heard that Johnson & Johnson is more effective


On 2/4/2021 at 5:45 PM, hasanhh said:

l have been posting/saying l wanted the JnJ (Johnson and Johnson) vaccine, yet in one of the articles l posted tonight in the "Covid -the BlG Picture  thread, the JnJ has substantially reduced efficacy in trials with the P.1 variant.

So, as of now, l do not which one l want.


8 hours ago, hasanhh said:

The JnJ is more effective with the B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 variants. lf l read about it with the P.1 l have forgotten.

This morning, the news announced that the FDC will vote this Friday on whether to grant emergency status to the JnJ vaccine.

  • Advanced Member
1 minute ago, hasanhh said:

FDC will vote this Friday on whether to grant emergency status to the JnJ vaccine

So we will receive it by March/April ... so till then I have some more time to stay unvaccinated... hopefully it isn't that bad


Not many Pakistani residents here but I still thought I would share. Out of a dozen or so people in my close circle who got vaccinated two have developed symptoms of Corona, both tested positive , one recovered,other still has fever with low oxygen saturation. Both are diabetics(poorly controlled) which might be a factor. 

  • Advanced Member
On 2/23/2021 at 9:28 PM, starlight said:

Not many Pakistani residents here but I still thought I would share. Out of a dozen or so people in my close circle who got vaccinated two have developed symptoms of Corona, both tested positive , one recovered,other still has fever with low oxygen saturation. Both are diabetics(poorly controlled) which might be a factor. 

Which vaccine it was? 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member
On 2/11/2021 at 9:40 PM, Haji 2003 said:

I had the Astra Zeneca one today.

People who read my posts and don't like them, will find that the microchip that I now have inside me will keep a record of their social security or passport number.

For astra Zeneca it’s only one vaccine right?

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

I am also not taking the vaccine and I am a nurse, same goes with other families but they are doctors and pharmacists.. and no in our country we arent obligated to take one same goes with all medicle-staff.

also there came on news that 15 people died of the vaccine (my country)


also I have never been fan op phizer that brand had never a good quality and was about to get go bankrupt and lose. But the corona vaccines sort of saved them.. this is their latest news..

{it got translated}

Pfizer recalls vaccines worldwide: "RIVM finds them inconvenient"
"We want our vaccine to meet the highest standards of comfort"

January 2, 2021 by Rudolf Julius

A big downer for all countries that have already made an energetic start to vaccinating their residents against the corona virus. Pfizer and BioNTech are recalling their vaccine worldwide after criticism from the RIVM that it does not fit in the prepared strategy.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is shocked by the reports from the Netherlands: “It is very inconvenient if our vaccine does not connect to the infrastructure with which RIVM already has experience. That is not what we stand for as a company. We want our vaccine to meet the highest standards of comfort. We will not settle for less. ”


Also i do remember there has been talked about that people from africa arent taking vaccine becuase they followed what was told by socio media or something like that.. luckelly for me I have friends there including a medical doctor and a psychiatrist and they told me this.

Oxford Covid vaccine has 10% efficacy against South African variant, study suggests.

The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine offers as little as 10% protection against the Covid variant first seen in South Africa, researchers have suggested.

Scientists who conducted a small-scale trial of the vaccine’s efficacy said it showed very little protection against mild to moderate infection, though they expressed hope that – in theory – it would still offer significant protection against more serious infection.


so basically i would understand them for not taking the vaccine (only 10 % effectivity for their variant) i would have refused too if i was them like what would be the point to take the vaccine........:hahaha:

Edited by F.M
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

So for the anti-vaccine people, how do you expect to achieve herd immunity if everyone decided to “opt out” like you? Or deep down you know most people will take it, deaths will decrease, there will be herd immunity, and you will reap the benefit, all while you made your own selfish decision not to contribute?

I’m only talking about the tin foil negative conspiracy types, not those with legitimate medical exemptions.

When vaccination rates increase, deaths go down. That’s all that matters in public health policy. Do you want the pandemic to continue longer than necessary? 

  • Advanced Member
9 hours ago, Reza said:

So for the anti-vaccine people, how do you expect to achieve herd immunity if everyone decided to “opt out” like you? Or deep down you know most people will take it, deaths will decrease, there will be herd immunity, and you will reap the benefit, all while you made your own selfish decision not to contribute?

I’m only talking about the tin foil negative conspiracy types, not those with legitimate medical exemptions.

When vaccination rates increase, deaths go down. That’s all that matters in public health policy. Do you want the pandemic to continue longer than necessary? 

Why is the vaccine the only way out? We have an immune system to fight off various diseases. Majority of vaccines are dangerous and contain all sorts of toxic ingredients in them. Sars-Cov2 has never been properly purified and isolated, so what are you vaccinating against exactly? The so-called 'covid' deaths are all massively inflated to justify the illegal lockdowns. It's like everyone only dies of covid anymore and nothing else!

  • Development Team
39 minutes ago, Al-Hussayni said:

e have an immune system to fight off various diseases. Majority of vaccines are dangerous and contain all sorts of toxic ingredients in them. Sars-Cov2 has never been properly purified and isolated, so what are you vaccinating against exactly?

I have had this conversation before on ShiaChat and nobody has ever proven to me that a majority of vaccines are dangerous; Stories/anecdotes of people dying or getting sick are rare, caused by pre-existing conditions. Correlation does not equal causation nor is anything  100% safe but it's better than nothing. There are diseases that by itself, our immune system can't handle; It needs a boost and that's where vaccines come in, nothing sinister there.

1 hour ago, Al-Hussayni said:

The so-called 'covid' deaths are all massively inflated to justify the illegal lockdowns. It's like everyone only dies of covid anymore and nothing else!

Illegal lockdowns according to whom and on what legal basis? The reason why it seems that way is because there is a global pandemic going on^ 

  • Forum Administrators
1 hour ago, Al-Hussayni said:

Why is the vaccine the only way out? We have an immune system to fight off various diseases. Majority of vaccines are dangerous and contain all sorts of toxic ingredients in them. Sars-Cov2 has never been properly purified and isolated, so what are you vaccinating against exactly? The so-called 'covid' deaths are all massively inflated to justify the illegal lockdowns. It's like everyone only dies of covid anymore and nothing else!

The specific immune response can be triggered by two ways: exposure to live active virus (ie contracting it in the wild) or introduction of inactive antigens (ie vaccination). Which do you think is safer for the population en masse?

The so-called "danger" of vaccines is significantly less than the diseases they prevent. That's why polio and diphtheria are nearly eliminated. It wasn't because of herbal tea. You tell me how these success stories happened then. 

Lockdowns are necessary when there's a public health pandemic. They have wide economic effects, so why would anyone want to justify doing it unless there was no choice?  Those in power want stability and business as usual more than anyone. Obviously containing the pandemic by short term lockdown for long term stability is better than going commando, running through open fire. 

If people followed safety measures and got vaccinated, lockdowns would end much sooner. And yeah, when there's a worldwide pandemic, that's what people die of, and will get the most attention. Not sure what your point is. A pandemic on this scale hasn't happened in nearly a century, so its understandable that some people don't know how to process it mentally and think its all a scam, as mass cynicism flourishes in our modern age. 

  • Advanced Member
14 hours ago, Reza said:

So for the anti-vaccine people, how do you expect to achieve herd immunity if everyone decided to “opt out” like you? Or deep down you know most people will take it, deaths will decrease, there will be herd immunity, and you will reap the benefit, all while you made your own selfish decision not to contribute?

I’m only talking about the tin foil negative conspiracy types, not those with legitimate medical exemptions.

When vaccination rates increase, deaths go down. That’s all that matters in public health policy. Do you want the pandemic to continue longer than necessary? 

i will come back to youre question..

vaccines isnt the only option to get immunized. 

i guess you never had studied farmacology before.. and dont know the quelity, and ingredients used.

most people who are anti vaccine are because of lots unseseraly ingredients used in them or the quality isnt that good

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