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In the Name of God بسم الله

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i will put some reverences about sufyani...


“The rising of as-Sufyani is an inevitable matter. He will rise in the month of Rajab. It will take, since his rising until his end, fifteen months. He will fight for six months. When he conquers the five districts, he will rule for nine months no more no less.”

Ithbat al-Hudat, vol.3 p.739, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.248, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.462.


“When as-Sufyani conquers the five districts, then you count to him nine months (the period of his rule)” Hisham claimed that the five districts were Damascus, Palestine, Jordan, Hims and Halab

Hims and Halab are two cities in Syria.

Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.252 and refer to references of the first tradition.


“Al-Yamani and as-Sufyani will rise like two racehorses.”

Al-Amali by at-Toossi, vol.2 p.275, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, 275, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.478.



“When as-Sufyani rises, he will send an army to fight us (the Hashemites) and an army to fight you (the Shia). If that takes place, hurry to us by any means!”

Dala’il al-Imama p.261, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.470.


“As-Sufyani is red, blond and blue. He has never worshipped Allah at all. He has seen neither Mecca nor Medina. He says: O my God, I take revenge even if I go to hell! O my God, I take revenge even if I go to Hell!”

Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.274.



The narrator says: I said: 'O son of the Messenger of Allah! When will your Qa'am emerge?

He replied" At the time when men will imitate the women and women will imitate the men; when women will ride on saddles; when people will cause their prayers to die and will follow their carnel desires; when people will turn users; when shedding of blood will become something insignificant; when trade and business of the openly commit adultery; when they will make towering constructions; when they will consider lie to be lawful; when they will accept bribes; when they will follow their lusts and desire; when they will sell their religion for this world; when they will hold under obligation the one whom they feed; when they will consider forbearance to be the sign of weakness and feebleness and injustice to be an honor; when their rulers will be evil and their ministers liars; when the trustworthy amongst them will be traitors; when the helpers amongst them will be unjust; when the reciters of Quran will be transgressors; when cruelty and oppression will become manifest; when divorce will increase; when people will engage in debauchery and libertinism; when forced witness and lie will be accepted; when they will engage in drinking and gambling; when men will be mounted on;

when women shall engage with women (indecent acts); when - people will consider 'Zakat' to be a booty and charity to be a loss; when they will fear from the tongues of the wicked people; when Sufyani shall revolt from Syria and Yemen; when 'Baidah' which is between Mecca and Medina will sink; when a child from the progeny of Muhammad ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).A.) will be killed between 'Rukn' and 'Maqaam' and when a live voice will be heard from the heavens trying out that the truth is with Mahdi and his followers. It will be then that our Qaem will emerge. When he re- appears, he will stand with his back against the wan of Ka'aba and 313 of his followers would gather around him. The first speech of Qaem would be the following verse:

"What remains, with Allah is better for you if you are believers." Then he will say: I am the 'Baqiyatullah' (God's remainder) representative and Proof of Allah upon you. 


what are youre toughts and opinions......? do we live near his appereance or don't? who can be the sufyani be? 


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3 hours ago, Zainuu said:

when they will hold under obligation the one whom they feed; when men will be mounted on; 

Have you any idea of what it means?

i have also no idea...

3 hours ago, Zainuu said:

Conclusively, you can see how close we are. We are almost on the edge of the arrival of Imam Mehdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف). I will literally plan my marriage and family in a way that they become purely god conscious. We really really need to make efforts to reach among the '313'.


Inshallah, we really cant wait for the imam to return. And yes i totally agree with what you said, we should prepare for his return...

I even got an idea, is it maybe alowed to fast for 3 days in a row as a niyah to hasten the return and for the zahoor of imam mahdi (do you think its allowed to do such thing)

3 hours ago, Zainuu said:


"Surely, they think it to be far off, and we see it nigh"

yes, those are really deep words, i used to read dua ahad also in the early morning and came across those verses...inshallah his return will be really soon, because i know that i cant be the only one who is complete done with this stupid world...its time for justice

Btw:i think, i will start again reading dua ahad every morning before sunrises, because you never know, maybe we do live closely to his return.

3 hours ago, Zainuu said:

May Allah hasten the reappearance of Imam al Mehdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف).


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6 hours ago, F.M said:

i will put some reverences about sufyani...


“The rising of as-Sufyani is an inevitable matter. He will rise in the month of Rajab. It will take, since his rising until his end, fifteen months. He will fight for six months. When he conquers the five districts, he will rule for nine months no more no less.”

Ithbat al-Hudat, vol.3 p.739, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.248, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.462.


“When as-Sufyani conquers the five districts, then you count to him nine months (the period of his rule)” Hisham claimed that the five districts were Damascus, Palestine, Jordan, Hims and Halab

Hims and Halab are two cities in Syria.

Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.252 and refer to references of the first tradition.


“Al-Yamani and as-Sufyani will rise like two racehorses.”

Al-Amali by at-Toossi, vol.2 p.275, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, 275, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.478.



“When as-Sufyani rises, he will send an army to fight us (the Hashemites) and an army to fight you (the Shia). If that takes place, hurry to us by any means!”

Dala’il al-Imama p.261, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.470.


“As-Sufyani is red, blond and blue. He has never worshipped Allah at all. He has seen neither Mecca nor Medina. He says: O my God, I take revenge even if I go to hell! O my God, I take revenge even if I go to Hell!”

Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.274.



The narrator says: I said: 'O son of the Messenger of Allah! When will your Qa'am emerge?

He replied" At the time when men will imitate the women and women will imitate the men; when women will ride on saddles; when people will cause their prayers to die and will follow their carnel desires; when people will turn users; when shedding of blood will become something insignificant; when trade and business of the openly commit adultery; when they will make towering constructions; when they will consider lie to be lawful; when they will accept bribes; when they will follow their lusts and desire; when they will sell their religion for this world; when they will hold under obligation the one whom they feed; when they will consider forbearance to be the sign of weakness and feebleness and injustice to be an honor; when their rulers will be evil and their ministers liars; when the trustworthy amongst them will be traitors; when the helpers amongst them will be unjust; when the reciters of Quran will be transgressors; when cruelty and oppression will become manifest; when divorce will increase; when people will engage in debauchery and libertinism; when forced witness and lie will be accepted; when they will engage in drinking and gambling; when men will be mounted on;

when women shall engage with women (indecent acts); when - people will consider 'Zakat' to be a booty and charity to be a loss; when they will fear from the tongues of the wicked people; when Sufyani shall revolt from Syria and Yemen; when 'Baidah' which is between Mecca and Medina will sink; when a child from the progeny of Muhammad ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).A.) will be killed between 'Rukn' and 'Maqaam' and when a live voice will be heard from the heavens trying out that the truth is with Mahdi and his followers. It will be then that our Qaem will emerge. When he re- appears, he will stand with his back against the wan of Ka'aba and 313 of his followers would gather around him. The first speech of Qaem would be the following verse:

"What remains, with Allah is better for you if you are believers." Then he will say: I am the 'Baqiyatullah' (God's remainder) representative and Proof of Allah upon you. 


what are youre toughts and opinions......? do we live near his appereance or don't? who can be the sufyani be? 


Very near, All of the above signs have been proved. As regards al-Sufyani, I also read that he will claim to be a Muslim but he will have cross around his neck. It could mean that his name would be muslim but he will live like christians openly having no knowledge of haram and hilal or that he will be in the control or slave of the West which is not far from reality as you can see there is no dispute in Middle East that is not started by Christian Countries.

As regards tall buildings, rampant divorces, reciters of Quran as transgressors that is happening right now. Perhaps Imam's time is very near. 

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3 hours ago, Zainuu said:

I would say that their is a namaz of Imam Mehdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) which you can recite. 

Dua e Nudbah

Dua e Ahad

Dua e Faraj after every prayer

Dua e Faraj (Ilahi Azumal bala) every morning. 

Their are even 40 days amaal if you want to meet Imam al Mehdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف).

A mosque named Masjid Sahla is popular about such amaal and meeting with the Imam (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف).

Amaal is upto you. I find peace in short prayers that I can do consistently everyday. 

thank you soo much, may allah bless you and your'e family endlessly

but I was more talking about.. fasting 3 days in a row, to beg allah to hasten the return..i thought if lots of shias did it at once... maybe allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) could speeden his return?

anyways thank you sooo much for your'e recommendations, i will definitely inshallah youse them

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7 hours ago, F.M said:

fasting 3 days in a row, to beg allah to hasten the return..i thought if lots of shias did it at once... maybe allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) could speeden his return?

Salaam sister, 

To be honest, I searched this amaal but didn't see it anywhere. 

Have you read or heard it somewhere? Please tell me where so that I also perform it. 

Regarding Imam al Mehdi (عليه السلام), their is also an entire Sahifa e Mehdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) with supplications completely dedicated to Imam e Hujjat (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف).


May Allah bless you and your family too. 

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11 hours ago, F.M said:

thank you soo much, may allah bless you and your'e family endlessly

but I was more talking about.. fasting 3 days in a row, to beg allah to hasten the return..i thought if lots of shias did it at once... maybe allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) could speeden his return?

anyways thank you sooo much for your'e recommendations, i will definitely inshallah youse them

I like the creativity and something new to try masha Allah. Please let me know if you do it, so I can join you in your attempts and divine efforts, thanks.

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19 hours ago, Zainuu said:

when they will hold under obligation the one whom they feed; when men will be mounted on; 

Have you any idea of what it means? 

I think it's feeding someone not out of the goodness of your heart but to make him indebted to you. "I fed you for 3 months, you have to let me marry your daughter." At least that's how I see it

As for the second thing, I think it's referring to homosexuality

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On 11/30/2020 at 6:13 AM, Zainuu said:

Salaam sister, 

To be honest, I searched this amaal but didn't see it anywhere. 

Have you read or heard it somewhere? Please tell me where so that I also perform it. 

Regarding Imam al Mehdi (عليه السلام), their is also an entire Sahifa e Mehdi (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف) with supplications completely dedicated to Imam e Hujjat (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف).


May Allah bless you and your family too. 

selam dear brother,

it just came into my head as an idea, and i asked if its allowed to do such act

its not written somewhere but just an idea

i got a little bit inpsired by the quranic verses of banu-israel who begged to allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) to hasten the apearing of prophet musa as (to save them from pharaoh), then they heared from allah that he will appear after 10 days, but allah changed his plan to 5 days because of their prayers.. soo why cant we shia do the same all together, and we all know that fasting 3 days in a row can cause allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) to accept youre wishes

may allah bless you 

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On 11/30/2020 at 9:33 AM, Allah Seeker said:

I like the creativity and something new to try masha Allah. Please let me know if you do it, so I can join you in your attempts and divine efforts, thanks.

i tought to do it with an entire shia community maybe on jamadul awwal (birth of sayeda fatima al zahra) or maybe days before 15 shaban, or on on another date... there are lots females who first needs to catch up their fast from ramadan.. and when we all turned clean with all together, we can start

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1 hour ago, F.M said:

got a little bit inpsired by the quranic verses of banu-israel who begged to allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) to hasten the apearing of prophet musa as (to save them from pharaoh), then they heared from allah that he will appear after 10 days, but allah changed his plan to 5 days because of their prayers.. soo why cant we shia do the same all together, and we all know that fasting 3 days in a row can cause allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) to accept youre wishes

Salaam sister, 

By Allah, it's great that you think so much in this context. Because most of the people don't care.

May Allah bless you that you even try to do new practices for Amaal. Their is defintely no problem in it. And I will definitely love to be the part of this congregational amaal that you have planned. 

But I was searching it in the books because our Imams and AhlulBayt (عليه السلام) have written duas and supplications and recommended amaal for us. Ayatullah Bahjat or Ayatullah Bahauddini once said that we don't know how to supplicate to Allah, we are too weak, too frail and too deficient in speech and conduct of speech to mention any request or desire in front of Allah.

So, Imams (عليه السلام) have taught us how to reach to our lord and ask for our wants in Sahifa e Sajjadiya, Sahifa e Mehdi etc. So, I call the Imam of our Time and pray for his arrival through the ways he and his noble ancestors have provided.

Regardless, it is not bad. In fact it is really great that you thought of fasting three days to pray for the arrival of Imam (عجّل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف). And I am really thankful to you that you asked us to take part in this.

May Allah bless you and may Allah be pleased with your pure actions and your pure intentions. 

May Allah bless your family too. 

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  • Advanced Member
8 hours ago, F.M said:

i tought to do it with an entire shia community maybe on jamadul awwal (birth of sayeda fatima al zahra) or maybe days before 15 shaban, or on on another date... there are lots females who first needs to catch up their fast from ramadan.. and when we all turned clean with all together, we can start

Yes I'm with you! Can't go wrong with this one. I'm ready any time! Just give the signal.

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1 hour ago, Allah Seeker said:

Yes I'm with you! Can't go wrong with this one. I'm ready any time! Just give the signal.

i will do a signal... when a lot of people are ready to work with it!! 


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6 minutes ago, F.M said:

there will come three flags 

1 red

2 spotted

3 sufiani

what can these flags be?

First of all there is always the possibility this hadith is not authentic, even if it is 0.0001% chance. 

The flags could be flags that still don't exist

They could be symbolic for families or races, as there are families called ahmar or Red, like roth such as Rothschild .. or red sign. 

Lately I've been toying with the idea that the main world powers are divided between East and west (after the 2 worl wars). East is communism (red) and west is capitalism, represented by a spotted flag with sprangled stars. Then the third is not described,  but must be outwardly appearing as islamic, because sufiani will claim divine leadership. 

Another crazy alternative that points to sufiani actually being America while the other flags could be something else, is the blonde red and blue, which are the colors of the US flag. I have no idea.

Then there is of course the possibility of the red flag being turkey or the ottoman empire that is being attempted by Erdoğan. Then who would be the other two? Maybe spotted being the Syrian flag? And isis being sufiani flag? So many options 

What do you think dear sister?

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2 minutes ago, Allah Seeker said:

First of all there is always the possibility this hadith is not authentic, even if it is 0.0001% chance. 

The flags could be flags that still don't exist

They could be symbolic for families or races, as there are families called ahmar or Red, like roth such as Rothschild .. or red sign. 

Lately I've been toying with the idea that the main world powers are divided between East and west (after the 2 worl wars). East is communism (red) and west is capitalism, represented by a spotted flag with sprangled stars. Then the third is not described,  but must be outwardly appearing as islamic, because sufiani will claim divine leadership. 

Another crazy alternative that points to sufiani actually being America while the other flags could be something else, is the blonde red and blue, which are the colors of the US flag. I have no idea.

Then there is of course the possibility of the red flag being turkey or the ottoman empire that is being attempted by Erdoğan. Then who would be the other two? Maybe spotted being the Syrian flag? And isis being sufiani flag? So many options 

What do you think dear sister?

but are there any hadiths telling us at least which flags are from the good people and which flags are from evil people?


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also it has been said that the return of imam mahdi will happen on a odd year, right? (he will also return on ashura)

that actually means that everything (sufyani,yamani,khorassani) should happen in a even year (2,4,6,8) right?

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3 minutes ago, F.M said:

but are there any hadiths telling us at least which flags are from the good people and which flags are from evil people?


I think all three are bad. This is prior to the emergence of the good flags, such as yamani and khurasani. I am sure that all the good flags are operating on some level before the big emergence, but apparently the main emergence will always stand out.

Then there is also the other option, that all this happened in front of our eyes already, but we did not recognise it. Apparently not everybody will recognise the yamani and khurasani flags when they emerge. So maybe we didn't recognise the sufuani yamani etc flags, while we are in the middle of prophecy happening. Maybe one reason why most of us won't recognise the events when they happen, will be because they won't happen EXACTLY as everybody expects. The hadiths are often fabricated or extremely metaphorical.

Also Allah can change His mind, which is a concept called bada I believe.

So it could be that we missed the news, and for example sayid Nasrallah already emerged as yamani (or sayid houthy), after MBS as sufiani , etc. I am just giving examples here, and space for all possibilities. It is possible that the hour is later than any of us imagine. 

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3 minutes ago, F.M said:

also it has been said that the return of imam mahdi will happen on a odd year, right? (he will also return on ashura)

that actually means that everything (sufyani,yamani,khorassani) should happen in a even year (2,4,6,8) right?

Could be. We are 1442 now. But we must be vigilant and open minded that those hadiths could be not true, or highly symbolic. For instance maybe general suleimani was shuwayb bin saleh, and maybe some people reject that idea because they expect a mole on his left hand. Maybe the real shuwayb bin saleh won't have an actual mole, or maybe it is symbolic for something else. We should not let hadiths be prisons for our minds, but inspirations. Thats my opinion. We should not take details literally 

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3 minutes ago, Allah Seeker said:

Could be. We are 1442 now. But we must be vigilant and open minded that those hadiths could be not true, or highly symbolic. For instance maybe general suleimani was shuwayb bin saleh, and maybe some people reject that idea because they expect a mole on his left hand. Maybe the real shuwayb bin saleh won't have an actual mole, or maybe it is symbolic for something else. We should not let hadiths be prisons for our minds, but inspirations. Thats my opinion. We should not take details literally

who exactly is: "shuwayb bin saleh"

will he also be killed before the advent of imam al mahdi?

i did try to search a lot about him, but couldnt find lots hadith relating to him

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One of the Major signs is the loud cry in the sky.

I am pretty sure that Jibrael will Yell, 

“The Haq is with Ali (عليه السلام) and his followers!”

Shaytan (la) will Cry “The Haq is with Uthman and his followers!”

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2 minutes ago, Ansar Shiat Ali said:

One of the Major signs is the loud cry in the sky.

I am pretty sure that Jibrael will Yell “The Shia Of Ali are on Haq and are the Winners!” Shaytan (la) will Cry “The Shia of Uthman are on Haq and are the winners!”


yeah true!

some even say that it can mean trough technology (tv,phones etc..).. but i am not sure about such ideas

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6 minutes ago, F.M said:

who exactly is: "shuwayb bin saleh"

will he also be killed before the advent of imam al mahdi?

i did try to search a lot about him, but couldnt find lots hadith relating to him

He is a simple man loved by the crowds who is the mahdis military commander. The brother who posted all those hadiths yesterday included some of his hadiths. I'm not exactly sure about the details. But for a while I used to think that Ahmedinejad could have been him, but general sulaymani seems much more eligible, as he truly built the military infrastructure and the victories of the mahdi groundwork - in my opinion.

To me for instance I felt until today that Sheikh Nimr who was executed for no reason is the prophesied nafs al zakeya, who would be executed as an innocent soul. Of course I could be wrong, but even if it is not him, he is a precursor to the expected one, but i hope it was him. Because I want all prophecies to happen, as I feel it my duty to at least hope the Victory of God is near. 

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1 minute ago, F.M said:

yeah true!

some even say that it can mean trough technology (tv,phones etc..).. but i am not sure about such ideas

I have also heard that everyone will here the cry in their language.

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1 minute ago, Allah Seeker said:

He is a simple man loved by the crowds who is the mahdis military commander. The brother who posted all those hadiths yesterday included some of his hadiths. I'm not exactly sure about the details. But for a while I used to think that Ahmedinejad could have been him, but general sulaymani seems much more eligible, as he truly built the military infrastructure and the victories of the mahdi groundwork - in my opinion.

To me for instance I felt until today that Sheikh Nimr who was executed for no reason is the prophesied nafs al zakeya, who would be executed as an innocent soul. Of course I could be wrong, but even if it is not him, he is a precursor to the expected one, but i hope it was him. Because I want all prophecies to happen, as I feel it my duty to at least hope the Victory of God is near. 

but the time difference between nafs al zakiyya and imam mahdi should be really close, i think couple weeks after the killing of nafs al zakiya, imam al mahdi should arrive

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35 minutes ago, F.M said:

there will come three flags 

1 red

2 spotted

3 sufiani

what can these flags be?

Don't know all the colors but:

Red (Sufyani) 

Khurasani (Black) 

Black flags will also be with the Turks, Dalamites and non-Arabs but they are not similar to The flags from Khurasan

Yellow flag will be for Berbers

Yemani I don't know. 

All of it I took from an authentic narration from Imam Ali (عليه السلام) 


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3 minutes ago, F.M said:

but the time difference between nafs al zakiyya and imam mahdi should be really close, i think couple weeks after the killing of nafs al zakiya, imam al mahdi should arrive

Yes, Even closer I believe

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There will also be Someone Named Shu’ayb Ibn Salih, he will fight al Sufyanis army and defeat him. After that he will move to Jerusalem to establish a rule there for Imam al Mahdi (ajtf).

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35 minutes ago, F.M said:

but are there any hadiths telling us at least which flags are from the good people and which flags are from evil people?

@Allah Seeker

Khurasani is the good one.

Another sure sign of the reappearance is the formation of Islamic army, which would raise up black standards and it is strongly conjectured that the black flags shall be for the sake of the mourning for the chief of the martyrs and the beloved grandson of the Messenger of Allah (S), Imam Husain ((عليه السلام).). Here we narrate some traditions on this subject:

1. Thauban narrates from the Messenger of Allah (S) that he said, “When you see black flags approaching from Khorasan, join them, because the Caliph of God, His Eminence, Imam Mahdi ((عليه السلام).) is among them.”41

2. Hasan narrates from the Messenger of Allah (S) that His Eminence mentioned the calamities that would befall his Ahlul Bayt ((عليه السلام).) and then said, “Till the time the Almighty Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) brings out the black flags from east; and He shall help all those who help it. And whosoever causes disrespect to him shall be degraded by Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى). Till the time they shall gather near a person having my name and entrust their affairs to his guardianship (Wilayat). Then the Almighty Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) would support and help him.”42

3. Jabir has quoted from Imam Muhammad Baqir ((عليه السلام).) that he said, “The flags that arrive from Khorasan shall reach Kufa. And when His Eminence, Imam Mahdi ((عليه السلام).) reappears from Mecca, these flags shall go towards him and pledge allegiance to him.”

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3 minutes ago, Zainuu said:

@Allah Seeker

Khurasani is the good one.

Another sure sign of the reappearance is the formation of Islamic army, which would raise up black standards and it is strongly conjectured that the black flags shall be for the sake of the mourning for the chief of the martyrs and the beloved grandson of the Messenger of Allah (S), Imam Husain ((عليه السلام).). Here we narrate some traditions on this subject:

1. Thauban narrates from the Messenger of Allah (S) that he said, “When you see black flags approaching from Khorasan, join them, because the Caliph of God, His Eminence, Imam Mahdi ((عليه السلام).) is among them.”41

2. Hasan narrates from the Messenger of Allah (S) that His Eminence mentioned the calamities that would befall his Ahlul Bayt ((عليه السلام).) and then said, “Till the time the Almighty Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) brings out the black flags from east; and He shall help all those who help it. And whosoever causes disrespect to him shall be degraded by Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى). Till the time they shall gather near a person having my name and entrust their affairs to his guardianship (Wilayat). Then the Almighty Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) would support and help him.”42

3. Jabir has quoted from Imam Muhammad Baqir ((عليه السلام).) that he said, “The flags that arrive from Khorasan shall reach Kufa. And when His Eminence, Imam Mahdi ((عليه السلام).) reappears from Mecca, these flags shall go towards him and pledge allegiance to him.”

but how about the 

red,spotted and the flag of the sufyani ?

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11 minutes ago, F.M said:

but the time difference between nafs al zakiyya and imam mahdi should be really close, i think couple weeks after the killing of nafs al zakiya, imam al mahdi should arrive

Time is very relative, and to me 'really close could be a lot of things. I try to be flexible with this as well, especially that the quran tells us this

People ask you concerning the Hour. Say," Knowledge of it is only with Allah. And what may make you perceive? Perhaps the Hour is near."

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  • Advanced Member
5 minutes ago, Zainuu said:

@Allah Seeker

Khurasani is the good one.

Another sure sign of the reappearance is the formation of Islamic army, which would raise up black standards and it is strongly conjectured that the black flags shall be for the sake of the mourning for the chief of the martyrs and the beloved grandson of the Messenger of Allah (S), Imam Husain ((عليه السلام).). Here we narrate some traditions on this subject:

1. Thauban narrates from the Messenger of Allah (S) that he said, “When you see black flags approaching from Khorasan, join them, because the Caliph of God, His Eminence, Imam Mahdi ((عليه السلام).) is among them.”41

2. Hasan narrates from the Messenger of Allah (S) that His Eminence mentioned the calamities that would befall his Ahlul Bayt ((عليه السلام).) and then said, “Till the time the Almighty Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) brings out the black flags from east; and He shall help all those who help it. And whosoever causes disrespect to him shall be degraded by Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى). Till the time they shall gather near a person having my name and entrust their affairs to his guardianship (Wilayat). Then the Almighty Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) would support and help him.”42

3. Jabir has quoted from Imam Muhammad Baqir ((عليه السلام).) that he said, “The flags that arrive from Khorasan shall reach Kufa. And when His Eminence, Imam Mahdi ((عليه السلام).) reappears from Mecca, these flags shall go towards him and pledge allegiance to him.”

yes khurasani will come from khurasan to quds i believe. But the three flags hadith is something else, the three flags at sham. 

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