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In the Name of God بسم الله

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The sayings of Imams have been taken as these are considered as very close representation for the period /time passing presently:

 Signs of the Uprising of the Qaim of Aale Muhammad ((عليه السلام).)    (From Bihar ul Anwar, by Allama Majlisi, Vol. 51 & 52)

 28- Ikmaaluddin: Shaykh Saduq says: Narrated to us my father: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Ja’far Himyari from Ahmad bin Hilal from Hasan bin Mahbub from Abi Ayyub Khazzaz and Alaa bin Razeen from Muhammad bin Muslim that he said:

I heard Abi Abdullah ((عليه السلام).) say:

 “Before the rising of the Qaim, Allah will appoint signs for the believers. I asked: What are those, may I be sacrificed on you? He replied: They are mentioned in the saying of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime:

 That is before the advent of the Qaim the believers will be tested through fear and hunger and loss of property and lives and fruits; and give good news to the patient.

  “And We will most certainly try you with somewhat of fear and hunger and loss of property and lives and fruits; and give good news to the patient…”(Surah Baqarah 2:155)

 He said: The believers will be tested through the fear of the last ruler of Bani so-and-so. Hunger through rise in prices. Loss of property and lives and fruits means loss in business and agriculture. And give good news to the patient means those who await for the reappearance.”

 After that Imam Ja’far Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) said to Muhammad bin Muslim: O Muhammad this is the interpretation of the verse:

  “…but none knows its interpretation except Allah, and those who are  firmly rooted in knowledge…” (Surah Aale Imran 3:7)

 This traditional report is also mentioned in Ghaibat Nomani through another chain of narrators from Muhammad bin Muslim from the Holy Imam ((عليه السلام).).

 93- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Ibne Uqdah from Ahmad bin Yusuf from Ibne Mahran from Ibne Bataini from his father from Abu Basir that Imam Ja’far Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) said:

 “There must be a sedition before the appearance of the Qaim, during which people become hungry, terrified by killing and they lose their properties and lives. This has been clarified by the Book of Allah. Allah has said:

 “And We will most certainly try you with somewhat of fear and hunger and loss of property and lives and fruits; and give good news to the patient.”(Surah Baqarah 2:155)

 59- Ghaibat Tusi: It is narrated from Fazl from Ali bin Asbat from Muhammad bin Abi Bilad from Ali bin Muhammad Awdi from his father from his grandfather that Amirul Momineen ((عليه السلام).) said:

“Before the Qaim, there will be red death and white death; there will be locusts at their usual time and at their unusual time like the colors of blood. As for red death it is (from) the sword, while the white death is (from) plague.”

 42- Ikmaaluddin: Shaykh Saduq says: And through the same chain of narrators from Hussain bin Saeed from Safwan bin Yahya from Abdur Rahman Ibne Hajjaj from Sulaiman bin Khalid that he said: I heard Abi Abdullah ((عليه السلام).) say:

 “The reappearance of the Qaim will be preceded by two types of death: the red death and the white death. Five out of seven people will perish through this. The red death is killing by the sword and the white death is plague.”

 58- Ghaibat Tusi: It is narrated from Fazl from Abdullah bin Jabla from Abu Ammar from Ali bin Abu Mughira from Abdullah bin Shareek Aamiri from Umaira binte Nufail that she said: I heard binte Hasan bin Ali ((عليه السلام).) say:

 “The matter for which you are waiting for, will not occur till you do not get fed up of each other, till you don’t curse each other, till you don’t spit at each other’s face and call each other disbelievers.” I (the narrator) said: “There is nothing positive about it!” He said: “There is indeed, because at that time our Qaim will reappear and all that will end.”

 69- Ghaibat Tusi: It is narrated from Fazl from Ibne Mahbub from Bataini from Abu Basir from Imam Ja’far Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) that he said:

“The year preceding the reappearance of Imam Qaim ((عليه السلام).) will be so verdant that dates will rot on the trees and there will be no one to pick them. Have no doubt about it.”

 69- Al-Kafi: It is narrated from some scholars from Ahmad bin Muhammad from Ibne Isa from Bakar bin Muhammad from Sudair from Imam Ja’far Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) that he said:

 “O Sudair, stay in your houses and remain quiet till these days and night are quiet. But when you learn about the advent of Sufyani, you should come to us immediately even if you have to come walking.”

 50- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Ibne Uqdah from Ahmad bin Yusuf from Ibne Mahran from Ibne Bataini from his father from Wahab bin Hafas from Abu Basir from Imam Ja’far Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) that he said one day:

 “Shall I not inform of that without which the Almighty Allah does not accept the deeds of the people? I said: Please tell me what that is? He said: It is the testimony to the oneness of Allah and prophethood of Muhammad and belief in the words of Allah and friendship towards us and aloofness from the enemies of us Imams, and submission to them and sincerity and effort in religious matters and patience and awaiting for the reappearance of our Qaim. Then he said: We are having a kingdom, when Allah wills, He will bring it about. Then he added: One who is desirous to be among the helpers of our Qaim should be waiting for his reappearance and should observe piety and follow good morals and pass his days in this way. If he dies in this condition and the Qaim appears after his death, he will be rewarded just as he had been alive. So make efforts and keep waiting. Glad tidings to you that the Almighty Allah has surrounded you with His mercy.

 69- Ikmaaluddin: And through the same chain of narrators, Mufaddal bin Umar said: I heard Imam Ja’far Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) say:

“One who dies awaiting for the reappearance is like one who is with the Qaim in his tent, rather he is like one who fights the holy war under the command of the Messenger of Allah ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).s.).”

 213- It is narrated through his chains directly from Ibne Muskan from Imam Ja’far Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) that he said:

“In the time of the Qaim, a believer who is in the east would be able to see his brother who is in the west and in the same way one who is in the west would be able to see his brother in the east.”

 7- Ikmaaluddin: Shaykh Saduq ((رضي الله عنه).) has narrated from Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Ishaq from Hussain bin Ibrahim bin Abdullah bin Mansur from Muhammad bin Harun Hashmi from Ahmad bin Isa from Ahmad bin Sulaiman Dahwi from Muawiyah bin Hisham from Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Hanafiyyah from his father, Muhammad bin Hanafiyyah from his respected father, Amirul Momineen ((عليه السلام).), who has quoted from the Messenger of Allah ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).s.) that he said:

“The Mahdi is from us, Ahle Bayt. Allah will reform his affair on a single night. And in another version: Allah will bring reform for him in a single night.”

 99- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Saeed from Yahya bin Zakariya from Yusuf Ibne Kalib from Ibne Bataini from Ibne Hamid from Thumali from Imam Muhammad Baqir ((عليه السلام).) that he said:

 “The Qaim ((عليه السلام).) will not appear unless his appearance is preceded by great terror, earthquakes, seditions, calamities, spread of plague, killing among the Arabs, great disagreements among people, separation in religion and bad conditions until one wishes to die day and night, because of what madness he sees among people and their trying to eat each other. The Qaim ((عليه السلام).) will appear after people reach a very high extent of despair. Blessed is he, who sees the Qaim ((عليه السلام).) and becomes one of his supporters, and woe unto whoever opposes him, disobeys his orders and becomes his enemy. He appears with a new method, new principles and new judgments. He will be severe with the Arabs. He will just kill without forgiving anyone and without caring for any blame, because he will act according to the will of Allah.”

 7- Al-Khisaal: The Chapter of Four hundred: Amirul Momineen ((عليه السلام).) said:

“Await for the reappearance of the master of affair and do not despair of divine mercy, because in the view of the Almighty Allah the most excellent deed is awaiting the reappearance of the master of affair.”

Then he said, “Digging up the mountains is easier than trying to establish a rule for which a time is fixed. Seek help from the Almighty Allah and be patient, since this Earth belongs to Allah and He would make any of His servants inherit it and the end is for those who are pious. Do not make haste for the reappearance of the master of affair before his reappearance or you will regret it and do not consider the period of occultation to be long or your hearts will harden.”

Then he said, “One who believes in the master of our affair will be with us in Paradise with us tomorrow. And one who waits for our kingdom, is like one who is smeared in blood fighting on the way of Allah.”

 (Hadith have been taken from Chapters of Bihar ul Anwar referred above.)

Edited by Muslim2010
  • Veteran Member

May the Almighty Allah the most Merciful look after us all and protect us all through all of that and beyond. It's not so easy as most people imagined, that one day we will suddenly see the Imam reappeared in the evening news. Rather it is indeed quite chaotic this process of reappearance. But well worth all of it. And more help from us for ourselves might have made it easier for ourselves.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member
On 4/2/2020 at 6:38 PM, Muslim2010 said:

like one who is smeared in blood fighting on the way of Allah.”

I think this proves that on an internal level it is a fight, so waiting is in no way passive. Internal includes whatever can be done to prepare for it and act as if it is around the corner. 

Thank you for this

  • 4 years later...
  • Veteran Member
On 4/2/2020 at 9:38 PM, Muslim2010 said:


 59- Ghaibat Tusi: It is narrated from Fazl from Ali bin Asbat from Muhammad bin Abi Bilad from Ali bin Muhammad Awdi from his father from his grandfather that Amirul Momineen ((عليه السلام).) said:

“Before the Qaim, there will be red death and white death; there will be locusts at their usual time and at their unusual time like the colors of blood. As for red death it is (from) the sword, while the white death is (from) plague.”

 42- Ikmaaluddin: Shaykh Saduq says: And through the same chain of narrators from Hussain bin Saeed from Safwan bin Yahya from Abdur Rahman Ibne Hajjaj from Sulaiman bin Khalid that he said: I heard Abi Abdullah ((عليه السلام).) say:

 “The reappearance of the Qaim will be preceded by two types of death: the red death and the white death. Five out of seven people will perish through this. The red death is killing by the sword and the white death is plague.”

 50- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Ibne Uqdah from Ahmad bin Yusuf from Ibne Mahran from Ibne Bataini from his father from Wahab bin Hafas from Abu Basir from Imam Ja’far Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) that he said one day:

 “Shall I not inform of that without which the Almighty Allah does not accept the deeds of the people? I said: Please tell me what that is? He said: It is the testimony to the oneness of Allah and prophethood of Muhammad and belief in the words of Allah and friendship towards us and aloofness from the enemies of us Imams, and submission to them and sincerity and effort in religious matters and patience and awaiting for the reappearance of our Qaim. Then he said: We are having a kingdom, when Allah wills, He will bring it about. Then he added: One who is desirous to be among the helpers of our Qaim should be waiting for his reappearance and should observe piety and follow good morals and pass his days in this way. If he dies in this condition and the Qaim appears after his death, he will be rewarded just as he had been alive. So make efforts and keep waiting. Glad tidings to you that the Almighty Allah has surrounded you with His mercy.

 69- Ikmaaluddin: And through the same chain of narrators, Mufaddal bin Umar said: I heard Imam Ja’far Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) say:

“One who dies awaiting for the reappearance is like one who is with the Qaim in his tent, rather he is like one who fights the holy war under the command of the Messenger of Allah ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).s.).”

 213- It is narrated through his chains directly from Ibne Muskan from Imam Ja’far Sadiq ((عليه السلام).) that he said:

“In the time of the Qaim, a believer who is in the east would be able to see his brother who is in the west and in the same way one who is in the west would be able to see his brother in the east.”

 7- Ikmaaluddin: Shaykh Saduq ((رضي الله عنه).) has narrated from Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Ishaq from Hussain bin Ibrahim bin Abdullah bin Mansur from Muhammad bin Harun Hashmi from Ahmad bin Isa from Ahmad bin Sulaiman Dahwi from Muawiyah bin Hisham from Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Hanafiyyah from his father, Muhammad bin Hanafiyyah from his respected father, Amirul Momineen ((عليه السلام).), who has quoted from the Messenger of Allah ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).s.) that he said:

“The Mahdi is from us, Ahle Bayt. Allah will reform his affair on a single night. And in another version: Allah will bring reform for him in a single night.”

 99- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Saeed from Yahya bin Zakariya from Yusuf Ibne Kalib from Ibne Bataini from Ibne Hamid from Thumali from Imam Muhammad Baqir ((عليه السلام).) that he said:

 “The Qaim ((عليه السلام).) will not appear unless his appearance is preceded by great terror, earthquakes, seditions, calamities, spread of plague, killing among the Arabs, great disagreements among people, separation in religion and bad conditions until one wishes to die day and night, because of what madness he sees among people and their trying to eat each other. The Qaim ((عليه السلام).) will appear after people reach a very high extent of despair. Blessed is he, who sees the Qaim ((عليه السلام).) and becomes one of his supporters, and woe unto whoever opposes him, disobeys his orders and becomes his enemy. He appears with a new method, new principles and new judgments. He will be severe with the Arabs. He will just kill without forgiving anyone and without caring for any blame, because he will act according to the will of Allah.”

 7- Al-Khisaal: The Chapter of Four hundred: Amirul Momineen ((عليه السلام).) said:

“Await for the reappearance of the master of affair and do not despair of divine mercy, because in the view of the Almighty Allah the most excellent deed is awaiting the reappearance of the master of affair.”

Then he said, “Digging up the mountains is easier than trying to establish a rule for which a time is fixed. Seek help from the Almighty Allah and be patient, since this Earth belongs to Allah and He would make any of His servants inherit it and the end is for those who are pious. Do not make haste for the reappearance of the master of affair before his reappearance or you will regret it and do not consider the period of occultation to be long or your hearts will harden.”

Then he said, “One who believes in the master of our affair will be with us in Paradise with us tomorrow. And one who waits for our kingdom, is like one who is smeared in blood fighting on the way of Allah.”

 (Hadith have been taken from Chapters of Bihar ul Anwar referred above.)

1- The prediction of white death has possibly  been fulfilled as it seems referring to death by Covid-19. The prediction of Red death it looks we are passing now keeping in view the oppression by Israel, America and other nations who are their allies.

2- We should be pious and wait with patience for his ie Imam Mahdi reappearance.  Glad tidings to you that the Almighty Allah has surrounded you with His mercy.

3-  “In the time of the Qaim, a believer who is in the east would be able to see his brother who is in the west and in the same way one who is in the west would be able to see his brother in the east.” keeping in view the media including social media this prediction has been completed.

4- Imam Mahdi will be severe with Arabs, in general this statement is linked with the present condition of most of Arab countries who are just silent observer of the situation of Ghaza, Syria while Israel going and taking control on their lands without any resistance.


  • Veteran Member
On 12/18/2024 at 10:26 PM, Muslim2010 said:

1- The prediction of white death has possibly  been fulfilled as it seems referring to death by Covid-19. The prediction of Red death it looks we are passing now keeping in view the oppression by Israel, America and other nations who are their allies.

2- We should be pious and wait with patience for his ie Imam Mahdi reappearance.  Glad tidings to you that the Almighty Allah has surrounded you with His mercy.

3-  “In the time of the Qaim, a believer who is in the east would be able to see his brother who is in the west and in the same way one who is in the west would be able to see his brother in the east.” keeping in view the media including social media this prediction has been completed.

4- Imam Mahdi will be severe with Arabs, in general this statement is linked with the present condition of most of Arab countries who are just silent observer of the situation of Ghaza, Syria while Israel going and taking control on their lands without any resistance.


Part 2:   Geographical and Political conditions

This part is being presented in order to mention the geographical (for various region of the world) and political conditions stated in the hadith of the prophet and imams regarding the Appearance of 12th Imam Al Mahdi (عليه السلام). These are described in the following:

1.     Europe:

(Summary for important aspects)

“Appearance of Imam Mahdi AS and the last days hadith include the details of Rome that means European nations. It includes America and these are sons and inheritors of the kingdom of Rome.

The verse Nos. 21 & 22  of Sura Rome and Verse No. 12 & 21 of Sura Al-Kahaf mention partners to Allah,  Their party & followers that means those nations and parties those claim to follow the Jesus Christ. The leadership of these was in hands of Italian & Rome of Qustuntunia (Istanbul) and afterwards western nations became their inheritors”.

“Hadiths include that Large ships of people of Rome (European and American nations) will move towards Arab countries before the Appearance of Imam Mahdi”.

 It is narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (عليه السلام) that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) will grant victory to believers by the Appearance of Imam Al-Mahdi (عليه السلام)., that Mahdi has been granted victory over Rome.

 Hadith also mention that Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) (with his army) will fight against Turk, It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (عليه السلام) “First flag will be installed by Imam Mahi (عليه السلام) that will be sent by him (عليه السلام) towards Turk. So the Turk will be defeated. Their properties, will be taken as booty and  their people will get prison. After that Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) will move to Syria and this Country / Syria will be conquered.”

 (Page no. 84-88, Asr e Zahoor (The Time of Appearance), by Allama Ali Al Korani, Urdu version)


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