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Why are Iraqis so hateful towards Iran?

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  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Salam majority of these type of Iraqis are from people that have strong connection with American Institutes like as institutes that America established in Iraq in name of protection of women or education of Iraqi youth or have connection with Israel like as former informants of Baa'this between Shias or panArabas that are supporting by KSA for taking Ahwaz provine from Iran with accusation of Iran to occupying Ahwaz that historically even before Islam was a part of Iran even Al-Mada'in that currently is inside Iraq was capital of Iran & remained as a part of Iran territory that by invasion of Ottomans then establishing current Iraq becomes a part of Iraq 


In the meanwhile, the Zionist regime plays a remarkable role in the protests to hit Iraq as one of main countries of the axis of resistance. Using infiltrating elements is one the old methods of Mossad to meddle in target countries’ affairs.  

Investigations indicate that one of the main Twitter influencer of the recent disturbance is “Ghaith Al-Tamimi”, a man who has undergone major changes in his life. Al-Tamimi educated in “martyr Sadr” seminary as a theologue. After Saddam’s fall, he jointed to Al-Sadr movement and was appointed as one of commanders of Mahdi Army, then he spent one and half year in U.S. custody. 

When he released from prison, he got resident in Britain and gradually became an opponent of Shiite’s seminaries and religious authority.

As one of his anti-Shiite activities, he suggested to destroy holy shrines to stop Iranians from traveling to Iraq. 

He also recently participated as a religious expert in a new documentary on the BBC Arabic channel about “temporary marriage in Iraq” with the aim of assailing Iraqi Shiites.

There is undeniable evidence about Al-Tamimi’s cooperation with Israel, including numerous images of him next to Zionist Jews.

غیث التمیمی جاسوس موساد Al-Tamimi with his zionist wife that was wife of an Israeli intelligent officer  


نتیجه تصویری برای Hayder al-Khoei 


Edited by Ashvazdanghe
  • Advanced Member
On 11/4/2019 at 12:19 AM, Ashvazdanghe said:

Salam majority of these type of Iraqis are from people that have strong connection with American Institutes like as institutes that America established in Iraq in name of protection of women or education of Iraqi youth or have connection with Israel like as former informants of Baa'this between Shias or panArabas that are supporting by KSA for taking Ahwaz provine from Iran with accusation of Iran to occupying Ahwaz that historically even before Islam was a part of Iran even Al-Mada'in that currently is inside Iraq was capital of Iran & remained as a part of Iran territory that by invasion of Ottomans then establishing current Iraq becomes a part of Iraq 


In the meanwhile, the Zionist regime plays a remarkable role in the protests to hit Iraq as one of main countries of the axis of resistance. Using infiltrating elements is one the old methods of Mossad to meddle in target countries’ affairs.  

Investigations indicate that one of the main Twitter influencer of the recent disturbance is “Ghaith Al-Tamimi”, a man who has undergone major changes in his life. Al-Tamimi educated in “martyr Sadr” seminary as a theologue. After Saddam’s fall, he jointed to Al-Sadr movement and was appointed as one of commanders of Mahdi Army, then he spent one and half year in U.S. custody. 

When he released from prison, he got resident in Britain and gradually became an opponent of Shiite’s seminaries and religious authority.

As one of his anti-Shiite activities, he suggested to destroy holy shrines to stop Iranians from traveling to Iraq. 

He also recently participated as a religious expert in a new documentary on the BBC Arabic channel about “temporary marriage in Iraq” with the aim of assailing Iraqi Shiites.

There is undeniable evidence about Al-Tamimi’s cooperation with Israel, including numerous images of him next to Zionist Jews.

غیث التمیمی جاسوس موساد Al-Tamimi with his zionist wife that was wife of an Israeli intelligent officer  


نتیجه تصویری برای Hayder al-Khoei 



Brother tweets like this are getting massive likes, the man here says he agrees to boycott Iranian goods and this will only put more pressure on Iran

5 hours ago, Enlightened Follower said:

In the recent protests Iraqis online are blaming Iran for everything even the buildings they’re burning themselves, many Shia Iraqis are even putting posters of Saddam.

This is a speciality we have in Middle East. If we have problems this is never our faults. This is because of our neighbouring countries. Or because of west.

  • Advanced Member
5 hours ago, Enlightened Follower said:

In the recent protests Iraqis online are blaming Iran for everything even the buildings they’re burning themselves, many Shia Iraqis are even putting posters of Saddam.

The probelm is that there's extreme views on both sides. 

On the one hand, you've got the ones who think Iran is the 'chosen', the guardian angel and the representative of the Shia faith etc and other nonsense like that. 

On the other hand, you've got the ones who think Iran is the source of every single bad thing happening in Iraq which is also nonsense.

The truth is somewhere in between; exactly where, is a very subjective matter. 

Iran has been backing and protecting extremely corrupt politicians who've looted billions from Iraq.


Iraqis voted those thieves right back into power. 

Iran is playing dirty geopolitics and could care less about any non Iranian citizen if it didn't serve its own interests. It funded, trained and backed militias in Iraq that pledge their complete allegiance to Iran, who are running amok across the country, intimidating, kidnapping and bullying everyone who opposes its agenda. 


Iraqis still pledge their allegiance to the corrupt leaders blindly because they've got a turban on and come from a good family.

Look at Sadr as a prime example of someone who has way too much power; the ministers and members of parliament that represent him are amongst the most corrupt, so he's just as complicit in the corruption, yet when he joins the protests, everyone's cheering him on!

Iran is to blame for protecting the corrupt thieves; Iraqis are also to blame for voting them back into power. 

The claim that these protests are a complete US/Zionist/KSA conspiracy is naive at best. So is the claim that Iran is responsible for all of Iraq's woes.

Now that the -number two- has hit the fan, I fear that there will come a day when Iranians will have trouble going to Iraq even for zyara. 

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Moalfas said:

 I fear that there will come a day when Iranians will have trouble going to Iraq even for zyara.

we don't fear from it because in worst condition it will become like as Saddam (la) era by emerging of Sufyani (la) that Iranians will defeat him inshaAllah but before him any one or party that takes power in Iraq can't stop coming of Pilgrims to Iraq like as Iranians are still going for Hajj to KSA although it's it's government &majority of it's people are very anti Iran .


20 minutes ago, Moalfas said:

Iran is playing dirty geopolitics and could care less about any non Iranian citizen if it didn't serve its own interests. It funded, trained and backed militias in Iraq that pledge their complete allegiance to Iran, who are running amok across the country, intimidating, kidnapping and bullying everyone who opposes its agenda. 

you are talking again  without proof about Iran & Iraqi militants just based accusations of Baa'this & pan Arab propaganda of KSA against Iran .

Edited by Ashvazdanghe
  • Advanced Member


You my friend represent a clear example of the former extreme view of Iran being the infallible saviour of the universe, and anyone who says otherwise is a british Shiism non Muslim spreading Zionist propaganda LOL 

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, 2Timeless said:

Iranian victimhood at its finest.


1 hour ago, Moalfas said:


You my friend represent a clear example of the former extreme view of Iran being the infallible saviour of the universe, and anyone who says otherwise is a british Shiism non Muslim spreading Zionist propaganda LOL 


So everything is Iran's fault even corruption from Sunni and Kurdish parties too? Is it also bad that Iran helped to rebuild Iraq and that Iranians have never burned Iraqi flags while on social media all Arab Sunnis are RTing Iraq burning and "Shias" who are Iraqi are tweeting racist things about Persians and saying derogatory dirty words towards them and now there is massive violence?

Edited by Enlightened Follower
  • Advanced Member
On 11/4/2019 at 5:08 AM, Moalfas said:


You my friend represent a clear example of the former extreme view of Iran being the infallible saviour of the universe, and anyone who says otherwise is a british Shiism non Muslim spreading Zionist propaganda LOL 

No it’s not extreme no one says Iran is an angel not even Iran and now at the lowest point under sanctions this is what Iraqis are doing? Wallahi if this is the level of racism I can’t suport Iraqis again on any matter, you’re on your own and if Baghdad burns Kurds and possibly Northern Sunni Arabs will secede. The South of Iraq is getting drier by the day you have little to no agriculture, also most of the oil is in Kurdistan so honestly if you guys burn yourselves destroy your own buildings I won’t have any sympathy, this is not a protest this is violent, backwards, provocation.

if you justify violence or hatred then I can’t support you or any Iraqi for that matter.

21 hours ago, Ashvazdanghe said:

Salam majority of these type of Iraqis are from people that have strong connection with American Institutes like as institutes that America established in Iraq in name of protection of women or education of Iraqi youth or have connection with Israel like as former informants of Baa'this between Shias or panArabas that are supporting by KSA for taking Ahwaz provine from Iran with accusation of Iran to occupying Ahwaz that historically even before Islam was a part of Iran even Al-Mada'in that currently is inside Iraq was capital of Iran & remained as a part of Iran territory that by invasion of Ottomans then establishing current Iraq becomes a part of Iraq 


In the meanwhile, the Zionist regime plays a remarkable role in the protests to hit Iraq as one of main countries of the axis of resistance. Using infiltrating elements is one the old methods of Mossad to meddle in target countries’ affairs.  

Investigations indicate that one of the main Twitter influencer of the recent disturbance is “Ghaith Al-Tamimi”, a man who has undergone major changes in his life. Al-Tamimi educated in “martyr Sadr” seminary as a theologue. After Saddam’s fall, he jointed to Al-Sadr movement and was appointed as one of commanders of Mahdi Army, then he spent one and half year in U.S. custody. 

When he released from prison, he got resident in Britain and gradually became an opponent of Shiite’s seminaries and religious authority.

As one of his anti-Shiite activities, he suggested to destroy holy shrines to stop Iranians from traveling to Iraq. 

He also recently participated as a religious expert in a new documentary on the BBC Arabic channel about “temporary marriage in Iraq” with the aim of assailing Iraqi Shiites.

There is undeniable evidence about Al-Tamimi’s cooperation with Israel, including numerous images of him next to Zionist Jews.

غیث التمیمی جاسوس موساد Al-Tamimi with his zionist wife that was wife of an Israeli intelligent officer  


نتیجه تصویری برای Hayder al-Khoei 


 What are you talking about man ?!! What do u know about Iraq?  I am Iraqi and I will tell you most of these people have nothing to do with the west, the problem is in your head, you are living the conspiracy theory delusion!! Get real and stop blaming everything on America and the west, Iran supported militias that destroyed Iraq they are like mafias!! I am from Iraq I have  lived there and my family live there , Iran takes a huge responsibility for messing up my country, these politicians in the Gov most of them are somewhat affiliated with Iran!

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq's leader reveals Israel, UAE's role in Iraq unrests

Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq's leader reveals Israel, UAE's role in Iraq unrests

"Israel plays a more powerful role than the US in the unrests and the Persian Gulf Arab littoral states are also a part of this plot against Iraq, and the UAE is playing a more powerful role than Saudi Arabia in hatching plots against Iraq," Khazali told the Arabic-language al-Iraqiyah news channel on Sunday.

He also revealed that the Israeli spy agency, Mossad, is operating in several provinces in Northern Iraq and even Sulaimaniyeh city, adding that the CIA and Mossad are also running a joint base at Baghdad airport.

"Mossad is attempting to use some defectors of certain Iraqi parties to increase clashes and the Ba'athis are also one of the main pivots to provoke unrests in Iraq, Khazali said.

A senior Iranian political analyst last week also warned that the recent violent unrests in Iraq and Lebanon were being misused by certain foreign states to turn the people's peaceful protests for restoring their legal rights into a ground to attain their ominous goals.

"The main purpose of protests in Iraq, Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria and even Sudan was protesting at the financial and administrative corruption," Seyed Hadi Seyed Afqahi told FNA.

"Unfortunately, we see this ugly phenomenon in Lebanon and Iraq too. People in Lebanon have held peaceful protests and the government has heard the people's voice but a series of norm-breaking images were displayed and slogans were shouted in the protests that turned them into political rallies," Seyed Afqahi said.

In Iraq, Grand Ayatollah Seyed Ali Sistani warned against the infiltration of agents with malevolent intentions into public protests in the Arab country, calling upon demonstrators and security forces to keep anti-occupation rallies peaceful.

“Don’t let those with vicious intentions to infiltrate among you and attack security forces,” the official representative of Ayatollah Sistani in Iraq Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalai said last week, conveying a message of the senior cleric.

He added that public protest is a right enshrined in the Constitution, and warned that, however, protests should not be used as a pretext for vandalizing public properties or injuring security forces.


Edited by Ashvazdanghe
  • Advanced Member
On 11/4/2019 at 6:32 AM, Enlightened Follower said:

No it’s not extreme no one says Iran is an angel not even Iran

I beg to differ. Any criticism of Iranian foreign policy is immediately attacked as US/Zionist/KSA propaganda - Shiachat threads are a clear example of this. 


and now at the lowest point under sanctions this is what Iraqis are doing?

Sanctions against Iran are something an average Iraqi will not think about when he is too busy worrying about no work, no electricity, no healthcare and a bunch of thieves looting his country's resources.

He'll be angry at the backers and supporters of those corrupt thieves, one of which is Iran, amongst all the other influencers such as US/KSA etc 


Wallahi if this is the level of racism I can’t suport Iraqis again on any matter, you’re on your own and if Baghdad burns

Don't take it personal. The frustration stems from the fact that Iran's been backing and protecting corrupt politicians. Racism is not a part of this equation. 

And by the way, if Baghdad was to 'burn' as you put it, Tehran would be next. It's the blood of the Iraqis that pushed Daesh back and kept them away from Iranian borders.

So if Baghdad was to burn, Tehran would be on its own. 


so honestly if you guys burn yourselves destroy your own buildings I won’t have any sympathy, this is not a protest this is violent, backwards, provocation.

if you justify violence or hatred then I can’t support you or any Iraqi for that matter.

Iraqis don't need your sympathy or anyone else's for that matter. The protests have largely been peaceful and the provocation and violence has been from law enforcement. Hundreds of protestors have been murdered in cold blood and thousands have been injured. 

I've always maintained that there's two sides to this story and it's not black and white, just like Iraq's problems are not all Iran's fault, the protests aren't all a conspiracy against Iran. 

  • Forum Administrators
7 hours ago, Sumerian said:

Funny how this thread wasn't locked either

Should it? That other thread was directed at members and was pointless, so it was locked.

Maybe staff aren’t buzzing around everywhere 24/7 like robots? Meeting your timetable and expectations? Don’t flatter yourself. 

  • Advanced Member

Re the other thread

Mashallah brother @Reza

Your sentences are so eloquently constructed. 

Rings true to your 'hiding behind a smokescreen' comment. 

It's also a shame you felt the need to lock the thread and have the final word. 

Judge, jury and executioner? As long as you felt good about yourself.

And thank you for 'breaking down' my post.

1. ' Referring to members as “proxies” is distasteful labeling.'

Proxies was used humorously and is far from distasteful labelling; in fact Iran and its proxies are proud of their stance. It would only be a distasteful label to one who feels he/she is a puppet. 

2. 'To artificially manufacture evenhandedness and faux neutrality, a false equivalency is constructed with both “sides” somehow presented on the same moral plane. It’s all sleight of hand.' 

Superiority complex.

3. 'The “it’s not black and white” rhetoric is a common tactic of obfuscation, where simple truths are twisted into complex “nuanced” entanglements to distract and confuse people, dragging people into the weeds rather than allowing a true birds eye view perspective. Usually this tactic is to help the weaker side (or the more culpable one) hide behind a smokescreen. After all, with “grey areas” everything becomes subjective opinion, and it’s easier to weasel within it.'

Talk about entanglements to distract and confuse people. 

4. 'This all comes across as preachy, self-righteous, and condescending. Also, I’ve read better advice in a fortune cookie.'

Preachy, self-righteous, and condescending indeed. 

Perhaps if you cut down on the Chinese takeaways and your superiority complex, you'd realise that the thread was a balanced attempt at pointing out a Fitna that's brewing through humour to ease the tension. There's no 'weak' or 'culpable' side and It's clear who's trying to 'weasel' here. 

There's a very serious Fitna brewing and we ought to realise that, which was the point of the 'cheeky and 'disingenuous' thread. 

Go ahead, ban me. BAN MEEE haha

What a joke. 

  • Forum Administrators


Its inappropriate to create a thread directed at members, collecting and addressing them in groups, while playing the role of a self-righteous peacekeeper, as if you’re the most balanced and objective person here. It’s also called concern trolling. 

Since the topic started on an inappropriate basis, and the conversation devolved into the same discussion found elsewhere, there was no need to continue it.

The only label I am is a volunteer.

Posted (edited)
56 minutes ago, Reza said:

Should it? That other thread was directed at members and was pointless, so it was locked.

Maybe staff aren’t buzzing around everywhere 24/7 like robots? Meeting your timetable and expectations? Don’t flatter yourself. 

This thread is directed at Iraqis and is also pointless.

Certain staff only buzz around and show up when they want to be around and pick and choose what they want to lock. We know your games. "don’t flatter yourself" :hahaha:

Edited by Sumerian
  • Forum Administrators
3 minutes ago, Sumerian said:

This thread is directed at Iraqis and is also pointless.

Staff only buzz around when they want to be around. We know your games. 

This topic wasn’t directed at members here, it’s referring to some apparent news events. 

Again, don’t flatter yourself. I’ve been on both sides of being staff and a regular member, you haven’t. The site doesn’t revolve around you.

Just now, Reza said:

This topic wasn’t directed at members here, it’s referring to some apparent news events. 

Again, don’t flatter yourself. I’ve been on both sides of being staff and a regular member, you haven’t.

Right, because you wouldnt lock a thread if I directed it at Iranian people. 

  • Forum Administrators
2 minutes ago, Sumerian said:

Right, because you wouldnt lock a thread if I directed it at Iranian people. 

Any examples of this you can share?

  • Advanced Member
On 11/5/2019 at 5:44 AM, Reza said:

The only label I am is a volunteer.

No one labelled you. But feeling defensive is your prerogative. 

  • Forum Administrators
15 minutes ago, Sumerian said:

So if I made a thread with the title "Why are Iranians so nosey" and mentioned how much Iranians put their noses into Iraqi internal business, you won't lock it? 

Yeah, we’re so lock happy, 99% of topics are open.

Just for my curiosity, will this be analysis of news articles or just general ranting? If you don’t feel like making a thread, we can link to your hundreds (maybe thousands) of viewable, non hidden posts where you’ve already expressed your views to their fullest extent.

  • Forum Administrators
On 11/5/2019 at 6:27 AM, Moalfas said:

No one labelled you. But feeling defensive is your prerogative. 

You labeled me as judge, jury, and executioner. 

I said I prefer to be called a volunteer doing my job.

4 minutes ago, Reza said:

Yeah, we’re so lock happy, 99% of topics are open.

Just for my curiosity, will this be analysis of news articles or just general ranting? If you don’t feel like making a thread, we can link to your hundreds (maybe thousands) of viewable, non hidden posts where you’ve already expressed your views to their fullest extent.

Ranting. Just like this thread is. 

  • Advanced Member
On 11/5/2019 at 6:29 AM, Reza said:

You labeled me as judge, jury, and executioner. 

I said I prefer to be called a volunteer doing my job.

That was not me labelling. It was a question related to heavy handedness.

I assumed you thought I'd labelled you a proxy which isn't the case either. 

Then again, you seem to be comfortable throwing 'distasteful' remarks left right and centre, but get defensive when your belligerent attitude is questioned.

  • Veteran Member

:dwarf:"That's lT !  Now everybody choose up sides. Queensbury Rules No Longer Apply"

The following matches are scheduled as follows:

Iraq vs Amerika

lraq vs the Limies(United Kingdom)

lraq vs KSA

Iraq vs lsraeI

lraq vs the New lS

lraq vs Baghdad(gov't)

lraq vs lRl

The Results will determine the next schedule.

  • Veteran Member

Talk about a fitnah thread! Do moderators or admins still run this site? This thread's intended purpose is to reinforce old sterotypes and perpetrate division.

Iraq and Iran will always have an unbreakable  bond due to their love of the Ahlul Bayt (عليه السلام). 

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