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In the Name of God بسم الله

Perverted Human deserves death?

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So basically, my friend's roommate is being dishonored by someone who is stalking her and perverting on her by desecrating images of her through photoshop and posting them on the internet. This filth of a human being has done that now to several people including men. As he is a stalker, I fear that my friend will eventually confront this filth and things will get heated, thus forcing me to become involved in defense of my friend. He tried to appeal to this girl by telling her he is going to commit suicide, all the while he was sitting in a library and the authorities were searching for him.  Under such circumstances, in an Islamic country, what is the ruling on human filth like this one? While talking to my friend, I told him that if this happened in my home country, we would kill him as an honor-killing but when thinking on the matter, is killing a man who has desecrated another human this way even permissible? Am I evil for having intentions of killing such people had they done this to my sisters? 

Sorry for the sick subject but this is a matter which is becoming more common in all societies, especially since women post their faces on every form of multi-media and these perverse people are bound to exist in every society with their computer programs and such. 

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Please let me start with what you mentioned as 'honour killing'

There is absolutely no such thing in Islam and this ignorant cultural practice has done nothing but damage to the name of Islam.

I urge you to put all the (understandable) raging emotions aside and seek justice through the judicial system where you reside. Gather all the evidence and present it to the relevant authorities. 

Whether that judicial system enforces justice or not; know that deep down, Allah sub will enforce justice no matter what.

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What is the ruling on stripping down a woman in public? I agree with you, there is no such thing as honor-killing in Islam but these shameful acts must be dealt with appropriately. To have women disgraced forever, on the internet. My blood boils at the thought. Isn't this disgrace worse than rape? This is a Western country by the way and the question is precisely in regards to the judiciary also. What would they judge in an Islamic country? Let him free? Imprison him? Execute him? 

Edited by Ali883
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1 hour ago, Ali883 said:

What is the ruling on stripping down a woman in public? I agree with you, there is no such thing as honor-killing in Islam but these shameful acts must be dealt with appropriately. To have women disgraced forever, on the internet. My blood boils at the thought. Isn't this disgrace worse than rape?

As horrible as the situation may be. It is accepted the we are bound by the jurisdictions we reside in. My best advice would be to gather all the evidence and present it to the relevant authorities. And know deep down that Allah will enforce justice even if after a while.

'و عِزَّتِي و جلالي لانصرنّك و لو بعد حين'

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Of course this is what will happen. I have no authority, but I have my ideals. An ideal that realizes that these humans are no different to rapists, deserving nothing less than death. It is not extreme to say this! What is extreme is having women live with being shamed over nothing but revealing their face. That is extreme. Imagine such an act happening to our people, our mothers, our sisters, our women in the religion. Under Islamic law, I doubt these people will be let off the hook. Forget the situation I stated in specific, I can already predict how it will end, I am speaking in theory, under Islamic law, these people would be punished. 

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1 minute ago, realizm said:


Of course those who are corrupting the lives of other humans need to be punished in this life and the hereafter.

Giving hukm on such topics will not be possible based on ahadith of ma`soomin, yet I feel such crimes equal to some extent to rape.

Exactly! It's a case that cannot be exactly replicated during their time which begs the question, how does the ruling go in a theoretical Islamic country

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28 minutes ago, Ali883 said:

Exactly! It's a case that cannot be exactly replicated during their time which begs the question, how does the ruling go in a theoretical Islamic country

Jurists look for the closest thing to it. What this person is doing is defamation and forgery. So look at the rulings on defamation and forgery.

Edited by Ibn Al-Shahid
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8 hours ago, Ali883 said:

 Under such circumstances, in an Islamic country, what is the ruling on human filth like this one? While talking to my friend, I told him that if this happened in my home country, we would kill him as an honor-killing but when thinking on the matter, is killing a man who has desecrated another human this way even permissible? Am I evil for having intentions of killing such people had they done this to my sisters? 

Do not bring honour killing into this as it has no place in Islam

No, he deserves a jail sentence

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This is very sad and horrible. Can not imagine what the girl must be going through. But do not let anger and revenger overtake you. 

Imam Ali AS said do not get angry, it starts with madness and ends with regrets. 

Whoever is doing this will get what they deserve. Pray and tell that girl to pray as well and things will get batter. it's not her body, she shouldn't think about it. Tell her to read Ziyarat of Ashura for 40 days with the mindset to keep that guy away and to stop him from whatever shamefull things he is doing and it will work inshallah. 

Remember that whoever does you wrong, insults you or dishonor you and you don't react and don't do anything about it Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) will take care of it. 

And patience is the key. 

In Qur'an Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) says that you can only kill someone if they have killed one of you... But even than its better to forgive.  And this is not that case. 

Imam Ali AS  said to practice patience even when it's hard to breathe... 

It is normal to get angry and think like this in this situation and have extreme mindset but only as long as you do not act on it.

I really hope that guy stops and all the content or whatever is disturbing you and those girls disappears. Ameen 

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