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In the Name of God بسم الله

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I feel I'm not ambitious enough about financial growth. I just don't get winded up about it. Even though I need to get settled ASAP, pronto to turn my 3 year old nikkah into a marriage (rukhsati). But even apart from the marriage pre and post expenses. I want to get settled. I just fear the entire job/gig/work searching process and just can't get myself to do it. I see people starting with whatever comes their way and eventually landing some good job. And I just sit and wait for something 'perfect' and 'optimal' to come my way....


Please suggest some al-Islam pdf content or personal advice for me to get excited about getting financially ambitious and eventually settled.... 


I say financially ambitious because otherwise I like to study, keep myself up to date, keep my deen in place... 

  • Advanced Member


Our Rasul s.a. and Imams (عليه السلام) do not like the people who do not work or try to earn. Being lazy is against Islamic tradition. And money should be in the hand of righteous people like, so that you may use your money for religion.

And do not wait for the perfect job to come in your way. Use the opportunities you get, eventually that will increase your experience and your chances of getting better (or perfect) job will increase.

Watch this, it will help you.

  • Basic Members

Mashallah Mashallah Mashallah. So beautiful. So much power. Agha just cut straight to the chase. "When you're devout and see something which may lead to corruption, just get yourself into it and activate your religion and take it like a man"!!!!!!!!! Passive devoutness vs active devoutness ->  :NH:

Thank you so much. May Allah give you the best of best in life and Hereafter. And some fun kids(if not already) and ziarat of Imam Hussain ((عليه السلام)). 

I feel so motivated. In just the first one minute. This video really vibes with me  :pushup:

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