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  • 3 weeks later...
18 minutes ago, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:

Are you ready 'as of today' to give your head in the way of Islam if Imam(asws) tells you to do so?


I pray to Allah set that he blesses me with the strength and honour to be alive until imam zamanana AS comes and I can be of good, whether it is to use my education or to help guide others to the path of the rightful.


19 minutes ago, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:

And what would you do if after the zahoor of Imam(asws) you are told by him or his close people that you are not going to be among his people, I mean you remained among the very disobedient ones whole of your life and now it looks like a dead end for you?.

god forbid I be in that position but if I was, then there is no dead end but to be among his people in sha Allah. I will fight and pray day and night that I would never leave imam AS side.

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Though I wonder what will be the responsibilities of believing women after his(asws) zahoor.

Will they prepare meals and wash clothes of warriors? But then somebody told me after the zahoor of Imam(asws) there will be no such time for warriors to eat.

Then I wondered whether the battles will take place with the help of missiles and atom bombs but then somebody told me that things will go back to be fighting with swords so I said it is 2018 things have advanced so somebody said for Aal(asws) e Mohammad(saww) the zamana needs to adjust with them, they don't have to adjust with zamana so I got quiet.

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1 minute ago, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:

Though I wonder what will be the responsibilities of believing women after his(asws) zahoor.


we can do a lot if we have education. for example, nurses will take care of the injured. Teachers will teach kids on what is happening in that time. Doctors will give medical knowledge. Quite a lot actually, they will have a lot of responsibilities. 

and actually, theres a Hadith that said 50 women will be of the highest presence by the imam AS side. ill find it and post it here.

3 minutes ago, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:

Will they prepare meals and wash clothes of warriors?

some will

3 minutes ago, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:

Then I wondered whether the battles will take place with the help of missiles and atom bombs but then somebody told me that things will go back to be fighting with swords so I said it is 2018 things have advanced so somebody said for Aal(asws) e Mohammad(saww) the zamana needs to adjust with them, they don't have to adjust with zamana so I got quiet.

uh no thats not true, what swords? Like you said its 2018! And this generation is all about technology! Every time is to its time. Imam Ali as said that every generation will continue to move forward, nothing will go back to the way it was, ill find that hadeeth too and post it.

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As salaamun aleikum,

I think of our Imam(AS) i have to say every day, because i see the condition of the world. Its getting worse, more suffering, oppression is worse than at any other time in human history because it is so large scale and the oppressors no longer only occupy and oppress regionally-it is now globally. They have enslaved us and they have the noose tied around our collective necks....

The end times hadith are LITERALLY coming true now, and i want so much to be alive to see the Imams(AS) face, to see the world have a just, righteous and moral leader as well as to witness the eradication of filth and immorality at EVERY level. Its something i want SOOO bad, and i want it for mankind, to live under this kind of ruler. I want all people to have this opportunity, to have what they havent  had. To have the chamce to flourish and live true to their fitra, in sha Allah. There is SO much going on in the world that prevents people from living decently and the majority dont even know it:(

Brother, this thought comes to me often, because as the only convert in my family, i know that the advent of our Imam(AS) COULD mean that i would need to sacrifice my family, for example, or my own life.

May Allahسُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى grant us all the strength and spiritual preparation necessary to be ready to handle this responsibility!



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@Ruqaya101 Like how you said the other day from childhood you are learning Karate but on the other hand women cannot participate in battles.

But then we have a breath taking example of the day of Ashura of Respected Shaheed Hazrat 'Abu Wahab Al Qalbi(asws)' his head was cut and thrown to the camps of 3rd Aaqa(asws), his mother took his head and as per narrations she threw it back to the tyrants and said 'We do not take back what we have given as Sadaqah of Moula Hussain(asws)' and his(asws) wife.

When Hazrat Abu Wahab Al Qalbi(asws) was martyred, she(asws) walked towards his(asws) corpse and sat by his(asws) headless body, saying, “Congratulations for having earned Paradise! I plead to Allah Who blessed you(asws) with Paradise to make me join you(asws).” Al Shimr (Unlimited continuous Laanah on him and his followers) heard her(asws) and ordered his slave Rustam to hit her(asws) head with a rod or mace, which he did and she(asws) also received martyrdom there.


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1 minute ago, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:

@Ruqaya101 Like how you said the other day from childhood you are learning Karate but on the other hand women cannot participate in battles.


it was a silly child dream to fight with imam mahdi and it wasn't karate haha it was fencing. when I used to watch the battles of karbala in the movie of hussein, I used to dream about fighting with a sword like that.

2 minutes ago, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:

but on the other hand women cannot participate in battles

maybe not battles, but we can fight using our knowledge and we can fight using our faith, with our duas, and with our education, we can fight like sayedda Zainab did when she spoke against yazeed. that is a battle in itself too!

Hazrat Zainab’s role is a wake-up call for those who feel that women are fit only for domestic chores and nothing beyond the confines of a house. She always used her voice to fight for what was right and to expose yazeed.

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3 minutes ago, Ruqaya101 said:

We will have no chance of victory with swords. Saudi Arabia, America, lols even Iran use missiles and nuclear bombs, you think we can fight that with swords? 

ya ruqaya

What they say is after the zahoor(asws) of Imam(asws) for travelling the earth's mass will shrink and in no time we will reach the required places like at the time of Prophet Sulaiman(asws) and Queen of Sheba throne's incident.

I don't know, so Imam(asws) will miraculously give us the ability to fly a fighter plane and throw missiles and to some he will make them a soldier of land and some soldier of water (Navy) anything is possible for him(asws).

As for swords I do not know how to fight with it so maybe miraculously I will get the skills of sword fighting or anything.

Whatever means we are provided I will with my full heart be willing to kill the 'Muawiyah' of this time and 'Shimr' of this time. As my Moula(asws) wills for me إِنْ شَاء َ اللَّه.

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Just now, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:

What they say is after the zahoor(asws) of Imam(asws) for travelling the earth's mass will shrink and in no time we will reach the required places like at the time of Prophet Sulaiman(asws) and Queen of Sheba throne's incident.

Allahu 3alam! but ya Asghar we can only assume. Who is 'they'? and do they even have the knowledge to make such assumptions. Only Allah knows, but Imam as would come to save this world right now! wallahi, I cannot give a statement that I lack knowledge in but in sha Allah, I will do my own research when I get the time needed and look further into this of the hadiths of Ahlul bayt.

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2 minutes ago, Ruqaya101 said:

Allahu 3alam! but ya Asghar we can only assume. Who is 'they'? and do they even have the knowledge to make such assumptions. Only Allah knows, but Imam as would come to save this world right now! wallahi, I cannot give a statement that I lack knowledge in but in sha Allah, I will do my own research when I get the time needed and look further into this of the hadiths of Ahlul bayt.

They as in like people you know with whom we discuss things. I mean I like to take people's opinion and gain something productive from it for myself.

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1 hour ago, Ruqaya101 said:

We will have no chance of victory with swords. Saudi Arabia, America, lols even Iran use missiles and nuclear bombs, you think we can fight that with swords? 

Salam nothing said about fighting sword ,it’s more literal because sword is basically a symbol of of weapon for all time btw hard work of bloody war is with men but women have their status in Imam Mahdi (aj) Army 50 person of 313 are from women that these 313 are heads of his army but we still  have chance to be in other circle around the 313 

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9 minutes ago, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:


You ready my brother for the battle?

I’m not ready ,I’m always late in everything 

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13 hours ago, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:


Are you ready 'as of today' to give your head in the way of Islam if Imam(asws) tells you to do so?

And what would you do if after the zahoor of Imam(asws) you are told by him or his close people that you are not going to be among his people, I mean you remained among the very disobedient ones whole of your life and now it looks like a dead end for you?...

How would you react and what would you do?

@Ashvazdanghe @Salsabeel @ali_fatheroforphans @HakimPtsid @313 Seeker@SIAR14 @Ruqaya101@3wliya_maryam @ShiaMan14@Sirius_Bright @starlight@shia farm girl @Raheel Yunus @Darth Vader @2Timeless @AStruggler @Ron_Burgundy

Those are not tagged can also reply but honest replies only.

Salam brother,

What a nice refreshing thing to see people post about Imam Mahdi again. I have been reading on Shiachat for quite a while without posting (about a year), and one thing that turned me off from posting was that nobody talked about what really matters.

Let me give you my opinion dear, and as usual it's spontaneous and without too much planning and thought. After all this place is called Shia"Chat", so I'll try to stay true to that spirit. :)

Anyway, let me tell you first off what I think the problem is. I think that most people think of fighting for a person, or human, and not for the right reason. Don't get me wrong! Of course thinking and fighting for anybody who is right is the right thing to do. But the true reason why we should be fighting is for Allah. It is the Victory of Allah, and I find people not investing much thought or speech into that. What Mahdi wants is the same as what we should want, and I am sure he is not fighting for himself as much as he is fighting for the sake of Allah. For the love of God, as a wasila to Allah. Jihad ul nafs comes first, so you can be sure that the biggest Jihad you guys can do is be patient. Definitely all prophets and Imams struggled with the Jihad ul nafs more than with anything else. Fighting physically is a piece of cake compared to being alone, not having people to rely on, having to wait, not having the opportunity to defend oneself, and the Truth. One of Allah's names is the Truth. al Haq. Anyway, so to continue with this rant .... Imam Mahdi is a guided man, who is more guided than all other men and women on earth today. However, the source of guidance of the Mahdi (Al Hadi .. or the Guide) is the same Guide who guides all of us. Even if the Mahdi (literally 'Guided one') is a tool of guidance for some people at some times, we still need to understand that this guidance is 100% from Allah. So i would shift this focus of fighting "for" Mahdi, to fighting for Allah. Yes, I know that they are both one and the same fight, but our focus should be on the One who does not have partners. Fighting for our wives, husbands, mothers, sisters, brother, neighbors, dogs, cats, insects, etc. is equally fighting for Allah. Doing good is doing Kheir. Our objective should be to unite for the sake of Allah, and have a Nasr Allah a.k.a Victory of Allah. It is after all Hezb Allah that are min al Nasireen. Not hezb el Mahdi. One can say Shia of al Mahdi .. OK. But the Ummah is one, and the qibla is one, and the aim of every man and woman, and boy and girl should be to be praying as close to Imam Mahdi in the rows of prayer as possible, while the Mahdi faces the same God and probably feels more fear than you from God. And fear of God is because of self-perceived faults and the fear of not being forgiven. Anyway, that's my opinion on that matter. I read hadiths about this story from the future, and how the 313 will all meet to start this turning point on a physical level. Supposedly it can't be planned by human minds directly. So we all have to wait and see, while hoping that we get chosen to be among them. I for one feel that I have lived many lifetimes to come up to the point I am today, and as the hadiths said: ... If you are among those who wait for this - and you die waiting - then God will bring you back to be among them when it's time. I am racing towards this and am obsessed with nothing else. The reason being that it's the only thing worth fighting for in my opinion. The lack of poverty, revenge, happiness, harmony, scientific progress, justice, etc. etc. are just secondary symptoms to look forwards to. But what really makes me itch and tick for this thing is one thing and one thing only. To be loved by Allah more than Allah loves other creatures. And for eternity! Nothing better than that. Nothing safer than that! Safety in Arabic is aman. The same root word as the word used for mu2min. To be a mumin is somebody who has amn/safety/security upon them. Just like muhamad is somebody who has hamd upon them (i don't think Hamd necessarily means what people think it means nowadays. Major conspiracies in word meanings going on). So it's the love of God I compete for, and the 313 being chosen from all of mankind from Adam & Eve till today, means only one thing to me. Those 313 souls, as well as all their loved ones and followers are among the most beloved souls that Allah has created. Why else would he chose those souls for such a timeless victory of Allah himself? A victory that has never happened and will never happen again, because supposedly the earth will collapse and be closed like a book not long after it. It's the "one who laughs last, laughs best" kind of thing. Baqyeat Allah is also proof that this is the remnant, and the greatest privilege. Anybody who has the most basic knowledge is end-time eschatology from all religions of the world will admit that we are really looking like end-time now. The signs are ripe and for people like me this a sign of hope. We have the chance to be among the ones who win big. The dream and jealousy of all the prophets and Imams. All of them want to be among the 313, and you can trust me on that. All of them want to see it happen, and want to have themselves and their loved ones avenged. When we do tasleem it is to send peace upon those we love. It is asking Allah to bring peace to the ones we love the most, namely the prophet and his ahlulbayt. The bayt again has double meaning. It means the ahl who are in charge of the bayt Allah, and the bayt of the prophet, which is his literal family. But again, our focus should be on Allah at all times. I wish to see more people talk about how they love Allah more than they talk about how amazing Ali bin Abi Taleb is or Hussein. At the same time a good Shia of Ali also remembers that Ali was a Shia of Mohamed. So let us also talk about Mohamed ibn Abdallah. And there are supposedly 128,000 prophets with their own imams who all contain treasures of information and enlightenment for us. Allah says not to nufariq or divide or differentiate between the prophets, so we have unlimited potential for expansion in the study of Islam from all kinds of angles. This is really exciting. It will make science fiction look very basic and boring I believe. And Allah says that "jannah" is the width of all the heavens and earth. So I look forward to real space travel beyond this firmament and nearest heaven that is impenetrable for even the Jinn right now. Only special angels and the likes of Mohamed and buraq could cross this realm. Anyway, let us seize this opportunity and pray for it together without making it too difficult. OK, sorry for this rant. I told my wife today that I want to post on Shiachat as if it's my last time to post. I honestly don't really want to post much longer, because it takes so much energy from me that I want to use for studies and other things, but if I feel it's better for my wasila to Allah, then I will do it. Brother Asghar it is a pleasure meeting you, forsa saida, and all honorable people and jinn reading this thread and on this forum. Fi Tawfiq Allah, Fi Nasr Allah Salaam bye bye :) 

PS: One more thing that I would like to comment on all the people who don't think they are ready. How can they judge if they are ready, if they don't even know what awaits real followers /Shia of their Imam al Zaman? Being optimistic = hopeful = faithful . It's all about HOPE .. and remember that Allah is Al Rahman, He is merciful and compassionate. He made us weak. :) Wasalaam

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5 hours ago, 313 Seeker said:

Salam brother,

What a nice refreshing thing to see people post about Imam Mahdi again. I have been reading on Shiachat for quite a while without posting (about a year), and one thing that turned me off from posting was that nobody talked about what really matters.

Let me give you my opinion dear, and as usual it's spontaneous and without too much planning and thought. After all this place is called Shia"Chat", so I'll try to stay true to that spirit. :)

Anyway, let me tell you first off what I think the problem is. I think that most people think of fighting for a person, or human, and not for the right reason. Don't get me wrong! Of course thinking and fighting for anybody who is right is the right thing to do. But the true reason why we should be fighting is for Allah. It is the Victory of Allah, and I find people not investing much thought or speech into that. What Mahdi wants is the same as what we should want, and I am sure he is not fighting for himself as much as he is fighting for the sake of Allah. For the love of God, as a wasila to Allah. Jihad ul nafs comes first, so you can be sure that the biggest Jihad you guys can do is be patient. Definitely all prophets and Imams struggled with the Jihad ul nafs more than with anything else. Fighting physically is a piece of cake compared to being alone, not having people to rely on, having to wait, not having the opportunity to defend oneself, and the Truth. One of Allah's names is the Truth. al Haq. Anyway, so to continue with this rant .... Imam Mahdi is a guided man, who is more guided than all other men and women on earth today. However, the source of guidance of the Mahdi (Al Hadi .. or the Guide) is the same Guide who guides all of us. Even if the Mahdi (literally 'Guided one') is a tool of guidance for some people at some times, we still need to understand that this guidance is 100% from Allah. So i would shift this focus of fighting "for" Mahdi, to fighting for Allah. Yes, I know that they are both one and the same fight, but our focus should be on the One who does not have partners. Fighting for our wives, husbands, mothers, sisters, brother, neighbors, dogs, cats, insects, etc. is equally fighting for Allah. Doing good is doing Kheir. Our objective should be to unite for the sake of Allah, and have a Nasr Allah a.k.a Victory of Allah. It is after all Hezb Allah that are min al Nasireen. Not hezb el Mahdi. One can say Shia of al Mahdi .. OK. But the Ummah is one, and the qibla is one, and the aim of every man and woman, and boy and girl should be to be praying as close to Imam Mahdi in the rows of prayer as possible, while the Mahdi faces the same God and probably feels more fear than you from God. And fear of God is because of self-perceived faults and the fear of not being forgiven. Anyway, that's my opinion on that matter. I read hadiths about this story from the future, and how the 313 will all meet to start this turning point on a physical level. Supposedly it can't be planned by human minds directly. So we all have to wait and see, while hoping that we get chosen to be among them. I for one feel that I have lived many lifetimes to come up to the point I am today, and as the hadiths said: ... If you are among those who wait for this - and you die waiting - then God will bring you back to be among them when it's time. I am racing towards this and am obsessed with nothing else. The reason being that it's the only thing worth fighting for in my opinion. The lack of poverty, revenge, happiness, harmony, scientific progress, justice, etc. etc. are just secondary symptoms to look forwards to. But what really makes me itch and tick for this thing is one thing and one thing only. To be loved by Allah more than Allah loves other creatures. And for eternity! Nothing better than that. Nothing safer than that! Safety in Arabic is aman. The same root word as the word used for mu2min. To be a mumin is somebody who has amn/safety/security upon them. Just like muhamad is somebody who has hamd upon them (i don't think Hamd necessarily means what people think it means nowadays. Major conspiracies in word meanings going on). So it's the love of God I compete for, and the 313 being chosen from all of mankind from Adam & Eve till today, means only one thing to me. Those 313 souls, as well as all their loved ones and followers are among the most beloved souls that Allah has created. Why else would he chose those souls for such a timeless victory of Allah himself? A victory that has never happened and will never happen again, because supposedly the earth will collapse and be closed like a book not long after it. It's the "one who laughs last, laughs best" kind of thing. Baqyeat Allah is also proof that this is the remnant, and the greatest privilege. Anybody who has the most basic knowledge is end-time eschatology from all religions of the world will admit that we are really looking like end-time now. The signs are ripe and for people like me this a sign of hope. We have the chance to be among the ones who win big. The dream and jealousy of all the prophets and Imams. All of them want to be among the 313, and you can trust me on that. All of them want to see it happen, and want to have themselves and their loved ones avenged. When we do tasleem it is to send peace upon those we love. It is asking Allah to bring peace to the ones we love the most, namely the prophet and his ahlulbayt. The bayt again has double meaning. It means the ahl who are in charge of the bayt Allah, and the bayt of the prophet, which is his literal family. But again, our focus should be on Allah at all times. I wish to see more people talk about how they love Allah more than they talk about how amazing Ali bin Abi Taleb is or Hussein. At the same time a good Shia of Ali also remembers that Ali was a Shia of Mohamed. So let us also talk about Mohamed ibn Abdallah. And there are supposedly 128,000 prophets with their own imams who all contain treasures of information and enlightenment for us. Allah says not to nufariq or divide or differentiate between the prophets, so we have unlimited potential for expansion in the study of Islam from all kinds of angles. This is really exciting. It will make science fiction look very basic and boring I believe. And Allah says that "jannah" is the width of all the heavens and earth. So I look forward to real space travel beyond this firmament and nearest heaven that is impenetrable for even the Jinn right now. Only special angels and the likes of Mohamed and buraq could cross this realm. Anyway, let us seize this opportunity and pray for it together without making it too difficult. OK, sorry for this rant. I told my wife today that I want to post on Shiachat as if it's my last time to post. I honestly don't really want to post much longer, because it takes so much energy from me that I want to use for studies and other things, but if I feel it's better for my wasila to Allah, then I will do it. Brother Asghar it is a pleasure meeting you, forsa saida, and all honorable people and jinn reading this thread and on this forum. Fi Tawfiq Allah, Fi Nasr Allah Salaam bye bye :) 

PS: One more thing that I would like to comment on all the people who don't think they are ready. How can they judge if they are ready, if they don't even know what awaits real followers /Shia of their Imam al Zaman? Being optimistic = hopeful = faithful . It's all about HOPE .. and remember that Allah is Al Rahman, He is merciful and compassionate. He made us weak. :) Wasalaam

I actually read this whole thing :clap:

mashallah, I completely agree with you! Thats why I say I am so ready for the imam to come, because its a new horizon, a difficult one, but its one that we were born to do as Shias, followers of mohamad saws and his ahlul bayt. I strive for this! jazakallah for the write up, it was amazinggg!

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@313 Seeker

السَّلآمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ الله وبَرَكآتُه 

Respected brother

I loved your post in general. I have onething to add if you allow and that is when you said that people should talk more about Allah especially and Prophet Mohammad(saww).

You can count on me when I speak about it with you. There are many people who actually object on this that why Shia do not discuss Allah and Prophet Mohammad(saww) more than Moula Ali(asws). They believe that maybe we do not love Allah or Prophet(saww) as much as we love Moula Ali(asws) but trust me it is nothing like that.

As a muslim I and other Shia love Allah the foremost as he is the khaaliq, then RasoolALLAH(saww) and Moula Ali(asws).

The place which confuses the minds of brothers from other school of thought is because we discuss Moula Ali(asws) a lot so they believe that we give more love to Moula(asws) over Prophet(saww) and Allah (Nauzubillah).

Why we love and call out Ya Ali(asws) is because RasoolALLAH(saww) loved Moula Ali(asws) very much and he always called out on him Ya Ali(asws) Ya Ali(asws) Ya Ali(asws).

You know there is so much wisdom, love, truthfulness in Moula Ali(asws) that I have not gone beyond him so far but this doesn't mean that we neglect Allah and Prophet(saww) nauzubillah because I am just dust how can I neglect my creator Allah and Moula Ali(asws) showed us to never neglect and the life of Prophet(saww) showed us to never neglect.

See this is how I take.

Moula Ali(asws) is 'Mureed'.

and Prophet(saww) is his 'Murshid'.

And KHAALIQ, Supreme is Allah.

Discussing Moula Ali(asws) this way or that way takes us to Allah only my brother.

My 'sunni' wife raised the samething so I explained it to her in an open minded way. My salah is for Allah, my immense love is for RasoolALLAH(saww) and Moula Ali(asws) is his 'mureed' and the best among all.

This is a very basic explanation that I have provided to you with just an intention that if somewhere in your heart this thing is that we praise Moula Ali(asws) more than Prophet(saww) or Allah then take it out of your heart dear brother.

جَزَاكَ اللّهُ خيراً كثيراً 

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The world's Best Kept Secret | Shaykh Usama Abdulghani

The time of the Return of Imam Mahdi (A) is drawing closer day by day. Knowledge has moved to the Holy City of Qom. What is the world's best kept secret? What are we supposed to do from here on? A must watch clip by @IslamicPulse featuring Shaykh Usama Abdulghani.

Duration: 04:19


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  • 2 months later...
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On 11/22/2018 at 4:22 AM, Asghar Ali Karbalai said:


Are you ready 'as of today' to give your head in the way of Islam if Imam(asws) tells you to do so?

And what would you do if after the zahoor of Imam(asws) you are told by him or his close people that you are not going to be among his people, I mean you remained among the very disobedient ones whole of your life and now it looks like a dead end for you?...

How would you react and what would you do?

@Ashvazdanghe @Salsabeel @ali_fatheroforphans @HakimPtsid @313 Seeker@SIAR14 @Ruqaya101@3wliya_maryam @ShiaMan14@Sirius_Bright @starlight@Shia farm girl @Raheel Yunus @Darth Vader @2Timeless @AStruggler @Ron_Burgundy

Those are not tagged can also reply but honest replies only.

I am hoping for the best. 

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Bismehe Ta3ala 

Assalam Alikum 

@Shia farm girl

Sister, what are you doing to prepare for the return of our Imam?  As a convert and a beleiver, please teach us, you know something and have a relationship with the Imam.  Please tell us for the sake of improving my current state.

Thanks dear sister and God bless you.

M3 Salamah, Fe Amin Allah 

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On 2/19/2019 at 12:06 PM, Laayla said:

Bismehe Ta3ala 

Assalam Alikum 

@Shia farm girl

Sister, what are you doing to prepare for the return of our Imam?  As a convert and a beleiver, please teach us, you know something and have a relationship with the Imam.  Please tell us for the sake of improving my current state.

Thanks dear sister and God bless you.

M3 Salamah, Fe Amin Allah 

As salaamun aleikum dear sister,

Sorry its taken me so long to get back to you!

The thing I probably spend too much time doing, is being aware of worldly goings ons, politically speaking. Putting together the giant web that has been woven by particular peoples with specific agendas, figuring out whos running things and how...becoming familiar with the different tactics they use to mislead the masses...I guess you could say learning all I can about the enemy, so when the Imam comes, I can recognize him, not only by what he is and what he does, but also by what he DOESNT do.

There are hadith saying that a good portion of Muslims will reject him on account of them not "recognizing" him. I believe this has a lot to do with most people/Muslims at that time not being able to discern truth from falsehood, as falsehood is very often clothed in the garb of goodness that appeals to our fitra. I would give specific examples and names of organizations that use these "fitra attractive names", but im not comfortable doing so. 

Anyhow, aside from working on myself and striving to gain a better working practice of tawheed in my everyday life, this is what I do. 

Thanks for asking:)




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25 minutes ago, Shia farm girl said:

As salaamun aleikum dear sister,

Sorry its taken me so long to get back to you!

The thing I probably spend too much time doing, is being aware of worldly goings ons, politically speaking. Putting together the giant web that has been woven by particular peoples with specific agendas, figuring out whos running things and how...becoming familiar with the different tactics they use to mislead the masses...I guess you could say learning all I can about the enemy, so when the Imam comes, I can recognize him, not only by what he is and what he does, but also by what he DOESNT do.

There are hadith saying that a good portion of Muslims will reject him on account of them not "recognizing" him. I believe this has a lot to do with most people/Muslims at that time not being able to discern truth from falsehood, as falsehood is very often clothed in the garb of goodness that appeals to our fitra. I would give specific examples and names of organizations that use these "fitra attractive names", but im not comfortable doing so. 

Anyhow, aside from working on myself and striving to gain a better working practice of tawheed in my everyday life, this is what I do. 

Thanks for asking:)




You’re so sweet sister, I love reading your replies

at times I see just how much better reverts are for their religion and just how much they truly love the truth and ahulbayt.

its a sight to behold. And at times I can’t even tell you’re a revert and you know much more than me! Mashallah I hope all the reverts have an easy time and are thankful to Lady Sayeda Fatima Zehra (SA) for the guidance they received.

May our Imam come faster 

Edited by Ralvi
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  • 3 weeks later...
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On 11/23/2018 at 6:46 AM, Ruqaya101 said:

I actually read this whole thing :clap:

mashallah, I completely agree with you! Thats why I say I am so ready for the Imam to come, because its a new horizon, a difficult one, but its one that we were born to do as Shias, followers of Mohammed saws and his Ahlul Bayt. I strive for this! jazakallah for the write up, it was amazinggg!

Thanks I'm so flattered. I hope that we are right and that we get chosen for this task in order to be among the best of the best lovers of God. Keep it up!

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On 2/23/2019 at 9:02 AM, Shia farm girl said:

As salaamun aleikum dear sister,

Sorry its taken me so long to get back to you!

The thing I probably spend too much time doing, is being aware of worldly goings ons, politically speaking. Putting together the giant web that has been woven by particular peoples with specific agendas, figuring out whos running things and how...becoming familiar with the different tactics they use to mislead the masses...I guess you could say learning all I can about the enemy, so when the Imam comes, I can recognize him, not only by what he is and what he does, but also by what he DOESNT do.

There are hadith saying that a good portion of Muslims will reject him on account of them not "recognizing" him. I believe this has a lot to do with most people/Muslims at that time not being able to discern truth from falsehood, as falsehood is very often clothed in the garb of goodness that appeals to our fitra. I would give specific examples and names of organizations that use these "fitra attractive names", but im not comfortable doing so. 

Anyhow, aside from working on myself and striving to gain a better working practice of tawheed in my everyday life, this is what I do. 

Thanks for asking:)




Thank you sister for responding to my question.  Mash'Allah, may you be among his followers.

Brother @313 Seeker

Do you mind sharing how you are preparing for the return of Imam Mahdi? I would appreciate your response and thank you for returning to ShiaChat. 

I hope you are well and in good health.

M3 Salamah, Fe Amin Allah 


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Shiachat is dreaming to be the soldiers of Imam mehadi (عليه السلام), as soon someone’s exposes the harsh reality of Sunni Islam and their three hypocrites so called chiefs, people from shiachat start getting defensive especially when we send Lanat on those who confiscated the Calipha from Imam Ali ((عليه السلام)). Once shiachat removes that kind of attitude then maybe... just maybe we can make arrival of the Imam Mehdi ((عليه السلام)) closer and spread his message of peace and Allah’s Oneness. 

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4 hours ago, Laayla said:

Thank you sister for responding to my question.  Mash'Allah, may you be among his followers.

Brother @313 Seeker

Do you mind sharing how you are preparing for the return of Imam Mahdi? I would appreciate your response and thank you for returning to ShiaChat. 

I hope you are well and in good health.

M3 Salamah, Fe Amin Allah 


Salaam dear sister,

Thank you for your encouragement, making me feel welcome, and asking me such an honorable question.

I think the way I prepare is in essence much like most all believers in the victory of good over evil, especially among Muslims. I try to do whatever it takes to get closer to God and please Him and love him more. The key to me is zikr/ remembrance and always being connected. Over the past years my techniques have improved and knowledge has increased to new levels, but the direction is the same. There are almost new revelations every day that point towards how I can achieve this even better that is a natural reaction from God towards anybody who takes steps towards Him. Doing halal and avoiding haram can be translated to doing what is good for us - our mental, spiritual, physical, social, environmental, family, etc. health. Religion of God is a very simple thing. It is very straight forward, and it is all about being a good person, who improves and becomes pure with time. Pure is also pure in the mind vs. clouded, and pure in the heart vs. grudges. So without boring you let me tell you that I do - or try to - do all that every second of my life. Sacrifice every breath and heart beat to Allah on this journey back to Him and His VERY scary judgment. We have tools, especially to shed unnecessary and harmful habits in all ranges of life. Those habits are what is blocking us from our full potential of zikr and cleanliness. The point is that it might feel like we choose to remember Allah, but it is actually Allah who invites us and writes in the Mother of book that Laayla thinks of Allah right now. It is a privilege. Ever heard of the saying: "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear"? It is in line with Quranic verses that point toward that God does not change the state of a people until they change what is with themselves. So jihad al Akbar is the change and struggle within us. Physical fighting is nothing compared to that. I found that the basic ingredients that work for me are


- asking God for help all the time with as many specifics as possible

- Being kind and composed to all people, and charitable, noble, presentable, honorable, selfless, good (way/sunah of Prophet), all the time

- Using Qur'an almost as a mobile phone, sword, best friend, shield, let me talk about that a bit more,

Qur'an makes magic look very ineffective. If one uses this book the right way (which I am just scratching the surface of at this point), it is beyond powerful and God uses it to send direct messages to you almost on a daily basis, tailormade for you. Have you ever noticed that when you read Qur'an sometimes randomly, you get answers to your problems as if by miracle? It used to happen to me every few years when I was younger, but now thanks to Allah - I read Qur'an in a physical book on my prayer rug in proper seating position, perfumed, washed, and in privacy every day. I get messages every day as how to prepare for being a better person. Also, I have been researching about the effects of certain chapters and verses to get things done, and may my life be sacrificed for God - it works! Subhan Allah! I have come to feel naked without reading Qur'an every day in a systematic way from cover to cover - while studying the words as much as I comfortably can - as well as specific suras for protection, victory against enemies, health, sustenance, etc. I'm still on a very basic level, but it works every time alhamdulilah. I've fine tuned my reading aloud voice to resonate as deeply as possible, basically made it sound like an Om in the vedic heritage, that I used to practice and meditate in my younger years. It sounds a bit like a didgeridoo and what some prefer to as the mother of all sounds, the originating vibration. I sit in a little room where my voice that comes from the lower belly makes the room shake like a bass instrument or subwoofer. Obviously prayer happens before all this and perfecting the movements with straight backs (and neck!!!! .. and sacrum) and proper breathing. Breathing directs spirit and spirit directs mind, and mind concentrates into consciousness. So, if we want to be thinking and aware of what we say in prayer while focusing on connecting with God at least 50% of the prayer, we must involve regular, deep, slender, peaceful, relaxed breathing. Otherwise we end up with scattered minds, and the prayer ritual becomes physical while we think of other things. I learned these things from Daoist masters as well as Buddhist and other eastern wisdoms, thanks to God! Channeling our fear to only fear Allah is also a thing. We are constantly bombarded with anxiety thoughts and fears and worries. The problem is that those fears are always related to things that God has created and God has control over. At the same time we neglect this connection and reality while we don't fear hell fire, the humiliation of God, or the torture of God in this life or the next. Our focus on God to handle our issues, ESPECIALLY before they arrive, is a very good technique. 

Another very useful tool is fasting every now and then. Nowadays western science is catching up to the benefits of fasting as relates to blood sugar and insulin levels, and health. This also we work to perfect in order to be more ready, or hopefully become ready for Allahs guidance and His Victory.

One thing I do all the time is question everything in my mind. Everything has to be challenged, because we must first be able to pass things through own scrutiny test procedure, before confidently being able to defend it against others (if we still believe in it after that to start with). At the same time there must be space for individuality, so your way of proving something could be totally different than somebody else - even if it resides in the realm of intuition and gut feeling. But being a believer if something means that one is convinced, and being convinced can only come from understanding, and I think that's why the Sunah of Allah is - in the Qur'an- to hurl truth against falsehood, so that truth comes out victorious. I try my best to not shy back from challenging any idea, or entertaining any concept with full tolerance and an open mind. In the very least one learns more this way about other people and ideologies.  ( but above all it makes us more convinced of our own beliefs and opinions intellectually and not emotionally)

Lately I have been more and more getting messages from God through enlightenment in the Qur'an, that we should not be upset about the evil and injustice of bad people around us. God says again and again that if He had wanted it, that He would have guided them all, so it is His will that there is ignorance and evil in this world. Us being upset and protesting something that God wants is wrong of course, so preparing to be a better person also leads for me to acceptance, forgiveness and overlooking all the bad that God has created and allowed. We should not be upset about God's decision to grant permission to His creature iblis to ambush us with  his descendants and armies in spiritual, physical and mental levels. Even if I kill iblis with my own hands some day, it actually wouldn't be my hands, but the Hand of God, as described in the Qur'an as well. So it is nothing personal, and this attitude has been liberating for me. It has helped prepare me to be a more free minded person who does not get emotionally charged in a negative way - as much as I used to. I feel this is the guidance of Allah.

Of course the physical preparation is also vital on so many levels. The aim is gaining strength, power, grace, purity, youth, speed, skill, reflex, flow, harmony, effectivity, balance, rootedness, etc. Our bodies are like the (temporary) masjid of our minds and soul. They are also like a fortress against Satan, and a mode for transportation and doing good. Taking care of my body and preparing it for the Victory of God has been and still is enigmatic, mysterious and full of questions. At the moment all we can do is plan what we need to do to improve what we have already got, and try our best to discipline our way through it. I found that in all physical endeavours- much like the spiritual ones - the starting point is the most difficult. Once the wheel gets turning, it goes by itself as a habit (good to aim towards the 40 day pain threshold it usually takes to start or turn off any habit-engine), and it usually becomes easy and very rewarding. It can even be fun and almost intoxicating, which can lead to dangers of course, but like with anything else, we must be careful and on guard against shaytan all the time - with eyes wide open. Always seeking refuge with Allah against shaytan followed by thinking of Him, talking to him and connecting hearts to Him. Allah is our best friend, our most intimate companion, our most trusted keeper of secrets, our only defender, protector, and when He loves us - we are safe. 

Anyway, thanks again for the question concerning our only purpose in life worth living for. There are many famous narrations from the Ahl Bayt that say that if one dies or gets martyred while waiting ( I.e. preparing) for the Victory of Allah, then one will be brought back to be among the end day heroes to be instrumental in the physical/spiritual/mental Qiama insha Allah. So this helps me take away my biggest anxiety of "what if it doesn't happen in my lifetime? I'm getting older and don't have much time left! Etc.". Islam is all about patience and not to hurry. So I try to take it easy and not hurry or panic in my prayers all the time. I used to panic asking God so many times a day begging him to hurry it up, but now I don't do that anymore. This got cemented when I read a verse in the Qur'an that basically orders us directly not to wish for the hastening of this affair, including the punishment of our enemies. 

Ok I think I spoke enough and hope God doesn't punish me for talking too much, or stupidly.


Wasalaam, fi amanilah .. 

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Bismehe Ta3ala,

Assalam Alikum Brother @313 Seeker

I read your reply when you answered brother, but I didn't have the chance to respond until now.

Thank you for your detailed response, God bless you and keep you on the straight path.

The part about the Qur'an and having a relationship with Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) was profound and so true about how Allah gives us messages that are relevant to us.

I am quite aware of my shortcomings, in case I forget, Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) reminds me where I am falling short.  It's a constant battle, but what is your opinion about on the Day of Judgement is our good deeds/works are enough or accepted to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) or do we rely on the intercession of Ahulbayt and of course Allah's  (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) mercy.

I don't know if you go through periods of time when you are spirtually elevated and then days where you are supposed to focus more on worship you feel drained, tired, your mind wandering.  If you ask me am I at a place I want to me spiritually, I will tell you no.  There are many personal reasons why, but Alhamd'Allah my wajabat are in place, avoiding major sins Alhamd'Allah are also not committed.

I find dhikir, tasbee7 al Zahra very helpful throughout the day.  Having relationships with neighbors, family and friends are also what Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) wants from us to have a sincere, friendly, warm and fulfilling a momin's needs (hajjat).

I ask Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) to continue to give me the strength to know how to raise my children in an Islamic God conscious environment.  There are so many factors that parents face these days to bring children to be upright, God fearing, and having love to Rasoul Allah and his family.  I don't know if you have children of your own, but since you older brother, I hope you can give some advice on child rearing. God knows I need help with patience as well.  The rest of my message, please look at your pm.  

Thank you brother.

M3 Salamah, FE AMIN Allah

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