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In the Name of God بسم الله

Karbala Message- Humanity vs. Inhumanity

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Humanity vs inhumanity - Karbala Message

War between humanity and inhumanity has been going on since the beginning of time

Physical wars- you conquer and subjugate other human ( Physically) or you keep them in open air prisons or you violate the sovereign state’s sovereignty at will. This requires physical weapons and whoever has the upper hand in physical weapons and has the economic muscle will control, subjugate, coerce others to form a coalition to achieve the goal of Physical colonization. through physical wars, proxy wars, economic wars, currency wars, spearheading/supporting a manufactured crisis within the target state, either alone or with a willing coalition. This playing field is not an even playing field.

Spiritual/Intellectual wars- the scope of this war is larger and this virus has long generational life and can  degenerate into drug resistant state and could pass down the mutant spiritual DNA to the next generations. Highly infectious and can take a form of a global epidemic. Here the playing field is even. The weapons here is intellect, knowledge. But we have not paid attention to it, no glory, no instant victory parade etc...Humans usually look for glory and fame and bragging rights and want to be acknowledged and sometimes glorified for their physical accomplishments.

Religion can not be imposed on anyone through Physical threat. You can only subjugate human body and have him/her do your will. But you do not control his/her heart and mind.

Liberation of Human heart and mind is a priority vs freeing them from physical bondage, in a world with uneven playing field.

Only way you can change this state (Physical bondage) and bring about its decline, is by bringing about freedom of hearts and minds. Which will in turn remove the will to subjugate others and justice will prevail.

So, focus on godless ideologies is vital. Urgent Vaccination is needed . Weapon is available to all, no shortage of manpower (soldiers). We have the tools (Intellect), Karbala. In order to change the status quo.

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