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What made you laugh today?

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What made me laugh today:

the fact that I ever thought I was a tough guy and a warrior rather than a man who has been called to peace and nothing but peace.

Man plans and Allah laughs, because his plans are the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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This Mid-evil superstition regenerated in the 21st Century:

(Y'aII catch the homonym?)


Picture #4 is the most medieval.

This is as wacky as ebola-chan several years ago.

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My cat did a twirl and went "broooo!" while waiting for her morning food.

That usually makes me laugh & it did again today.

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Lockdown Heights

A South African Soap Opera

The actors and actresses do all parts of production: camera, sets, etc.

Prompt was from BBC News.

The "laugh", actually a happy face, is in both the concept and in the concept's implementation.

Crazy Extrapolation:  Lockdown al-Qaida

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Former Texas Lt.Gov. Dewhurst, 74, is beaten and broken(ribs) by 40 year old girl friend.



:rolleyes: "l wonder where @Carlzone is?  She'd love this."

:gossip:"She is still breaking-in her new husband."

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TV Brief Spot on Yoga . . . 

Yoga, the acronym for Yikes -Oh Gawd- Ahhhhh   :cryhappy: + :fever: + :dwarf:

This hostess said, "Sitting is the new Smoking"

l thought: Last Winter l was in both modes.

l  :love: 'd  good cigars.

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Orya says that, in the dream, the professor saw the Prophet Muhammad ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) and Hazrat Umar (رضي الله عنه). He said that the last prophet asked Hazrat Umar, to bring forward a man named Bajwa.


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Reported on DeutscheWelle:

South African farmers are brewing wormwood as a C-19 cure.

In trying to Iook up the article, l found scientists saying that this brew promotes drud-resistant malaria.


This plant, brewed, does reduce inflamation and treats viral symptoms. -Doctor interviewed: Pete Seeberger of  Max Plank Institute


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In the Brovary suburb of Kyiv (corrupted Kiev), about 100 people had a shootout.

DeutscheWelle reports they are "rival bus companies".

Comment: l wonder if the arguement was on who was going to take their passengers for a ride.

(Explanatary Note: in 1920s America, "taken for a ride" meant gangsters taking someone out into the countryside by car and killing them.)

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How can adult Americans be so _____ ignorant?

l was in the bread shop today and a late middle-aged man two customers ahead of me was talking to the middle aged woman cashier. Evidently they have been acquianted each other for some time.

She asks about what happened.(She later clarified this incident up for me.)

The man was at some store and paid with an American two-dollar bill.

The people at the store "called the police on him" -as the cashier said it.

Police come and arrest him for phony money.

Someone at the police station gets this all straightened out and has another officer use his personal vehicle to take the man back to his car.


COMMENT: This is really sad that people are so ignorant anymore, which is what the cashier and l were talking about as l was last in line. You can only laugh at anything so ignorant.

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On BBC's newsbar:

Climate Change: older trees loss continuing around the world.



:cry: "O.M.G. The Old Trees are dying. We have to do something."


:ko:    :hahaha:

:mod:"We are from the gov't. These are the instructions to the Tree Resurrection Kit. Stand aside and do what we say as we bring the dead tress back to life."

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  • 2 weeks later...
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l found this newspaper clipping:

local paper, Sunday, 29Oct06

"lncumbent Katherine Dunton and challenger Dona Highstone were tied after the" October 3rd school board election in Adak, Alaska. "Division of Elections Director Whitney Brewster fliiped the coin to determine the winner, Friday." Katherine Dunton won the coin toss, even tough she died the day of the election.

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On 6/16/2020 at 5:08 PM, hasanhh said:

First link should be inquirer.com

Sounds like all the domestic violence disappeared?


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On 6/2/2020 at 11:28 AM, hasanhh said:

:mod:"We are from the gov't. These are the instructions

'Amazing', so said Dr Ali Shariati, 'Fear' for the replacement of the religion of Muhammad(s) with something else...

you're so spot-on as if you know the delusional gov't firsthand & non sense instructions which were never there & the Witness is (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى)

& it overly insists such that its nature is understood to be so. There's nothing you can do about it. Just ignore & carrying on the struggle of appreciation & praising Him(سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) IA.

with a smile of course

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An old memory.

0n another thread dealing with phones, l joked about the old rotary dial phones.

With these old phones, when you answered the phone, you picked up the handset which released the 'handset cradle switch' to make a voice connection (your phone is already rung).

So forty plus years ago, l heard the office secretary groan and make a frustrated comment. Not far away l asked her what was wrong.

She explained, that every time she tried to call X his wife would answer the phone. But being from a foreign country, when she answered the phone she'd start saying "hello ... hello..." while tapping the cradle switch. Which of course breaks the connection and the phone goes 'dead'.

l had to stop and think how anyone would want to do this.

Easy. You have seen old movies where somebody does this trying to get an operator in a hurry. Especially in "B" movie horror or murder flicks. 

Our boss finally got ahold of him and explained what his wife was doing. 

So problem was solved in another two weeks or so.

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Adult Content Warning

So ABC's World News Now has broadcast two "Lockdown/Corona" reports.

The first is a "beer shortage" because people are drinking it at home and not in bars, so some beer brands and aluminium cans are in short supply in both stores and drive-thru locations.


But in a Houston, Texas -where the US has ordered the PRC to close and vacate its local consulate in 72 hours- "innovative" entrepreneurs have opened the first "drive-thru strip club".

l can only laugh in disgust.

Like the old folks use to say, "lf people want to do something wrong, they will find a way to do it."

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Joe Biden using hadiths to bring in Muslim vote forgetting the irony due to his involvement in the Iraq war to name the least which killed thousands of Muslim civilians.


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As l have been cleaning out my old papers, l found this a couple of minutes ago:

"The Kingsley Report on What Men Know About Women" --Revised Edition  , Little Rock, Arkansas


A Review of these 6 pages.

Not much to write, as they are all blank.

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