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Do you prefer the current "Islamic Regime" or shah

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When I visited Iran recently I was contacted by quite a few Iranians in the street who said that they wanted the Shah back because, then they could have burlesque theaters and drink alcohol in public. What!! Maybe they thought they would get sympathy because they saw I was a foreigner. Or maybe they thought that foreigners wanted to hear that sort of things. Some of them was not even old enough to have experienced the Shah. I was actually appalled. Burlesque theaters and drink alcohol in public! Yes I know that Iranians drink Alcohol in private homes. I was even offered a home brewed beer by someone, that they proudly showed me. Which I of cause declined and told them that I don't drink alcohol. "What! you don't drink alcohol? not even a little bit?" They couldn't comprehend that not all people in the west drink alcohol.

When thinking about what the Shah was, a dictatorial puppet of the United States, and that people would accept that just so they could get drunk in the streets and do lewd stuff that's beyond me. It just comes across to me as pure stupid, but maybe it is a case of the grass is greener on the other side. Or maybe it is because when something is forbidden it becomes exiting or interesting.

And about the hijab law, I was also surprised how many Iranians hate it. Sure I personally think that ideally it should be a matter of choice, but seen in comparison to Europe where, if it is not directly forbidden, there is a social stigma that keeps many from wearing it, I think it I OK that there is a place in the world where you actually have to wear it. Personally I felt that wearing the hijab in Iran was a sense of freedom. That in spite that many of the Iranians I spoke to thought that my Hijab style was "to religious" because I didn't show any hair.  But to be fair I also did get compliment on my "religious hijab style."  One woman came to me on the metro and told me that she was glad that I as a westerner would wear hijab the proper way.

I am sure that the Islamic government has made mistakes. The fact that so many Iranians react against it suggest that something possibly should have been done in a different way. However I think that the Islamic revolution in 79 was such an important event that you can not dismiss it. The fact that the Islamic Republic has resisted American imperialism for 40 years is an achievement in it self. Their support for Palestine and their stand against Takfirism in the broader Middle East places Iran on the right side of history. But of cause standing up for justice come at a price. Imam Hussein made the ultimate sacrifice for justice. And what is a few beers in the street against that.

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5 hours ago, Jaane Rabb said:

I think the Iranian leadership has its fair share of criticisms, such as a lack of transparency, nepotism and an iron fist stance to any critique of its rule. All this does indeed make it sound like a dictatorship.

It is not my impression that there is an "iron fist stance to any critique" against the system in Iran. When I was there people quite openly expressed criticism without fear of reprisals. Even at times when I was wearing a chador and came across as a "regime stooge."  It is not my impression that Iran is a dictatorship. I was surprised how much of the western media propaganda about Iran that is untrue.

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10 hours ago, Jaane Rabb said:

Then you have the mistreatment of minorities such as Afghan Hazaras and Baha'is. The latter is just one group that claims systematic seizure of their housing properties by Setad; One of the organisations allegedly controlled by Khamenai.


Salam we must separate regime & government, the goal of Iran regime   still preservers revolution values & respects minorities like as Hazaras but about Baha’is they are infidels inside an Islamic country that have strong ties with Israel if they were in other Islamic countries they would keep in ghettos or were killing by their law about killing infidels so they receive service in Iran  more than that they deserve 

as I said government is separate matter from regime that government made mistakes during these years & because students of Hawza take part in government so people mix both toghether & say to foreigeners that “Iran destroyed by Mullahs” & “we want democracy or sha without mullahs” that drinking alcohol & refusing from hijab more about protest & symptoms against shortcomings of governments of Iran under influence of anti regime groups & some groups inside government not regime that just think about gaining popularity & be in power in any cost even it contradicts with regime & revolution values that tpeople want a powerful government that provides good financial support for people that people under influence of fake nostalgia that spreads by anti regime channels that how much Iran was prosperous & powerful during Shah era but young generations don’t know that this  nostalgia just belong to a group of elite of that time not all people that even my parents have nostalgia of that time although they were from mid worker & law class of that time but still have good memories from that time but what they really want is normal life without worries of financial & job crisis for usas their child’s as a middle class family in Iran 

4 hours ago, Revert1963 said:

Which I of cause declined and told them that I don't drink alcohol. "What! you don't drink alcohol? not even a little bit?" They couldn't comprehend that not all people in the west drink alcohol.

That this quote is very popular that ‘ people of Iran  are protecting revolution against groups in government that try to forget or destroy revolution for 40 years” 

Edited by Ashvazdanghe
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11 hours ago, Jaane Rabb said:

Take this for example: "In 2008, the Iranian Parliament voted to prohibit itself from monitoring organizations that the supreme leader controls, except with his permission". It sounds dubious.

Iran is not a monolithic entity where its centralized under one power. If you look at the Iran's constitution, only 5 articles apply to the Wali Fagih, 38 for presidency and 37 for parliament ( two groups that are dominated by the westernized liberals ). Wali Fagih, simply directs and guides on internal matter at this point, it's up to different aspects of the government to listen to him or not based on religious duty. 

Think of it this way, when ISIS invaded Iraq, and Ayatollah Sistani gave fatwa to fight them, what legal authority did he have other than religious obligation of his followers? People could have ignored his call. Now, in Iran we have authorities in power who ignore and do as they like. It's up to the people to remove them from power through listening the Wali Fagih and his guidance. 

In the last parliamentary election, the Wali Fagih called on the masses to not vote for those the west supports. The people did the exact opposite, and here we are.


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I think the reason why people in Iran voted this way is because they fell for the 'hype' that the West is trying to spread in Iran and elsewhere. They show pictures and scenes that were created on a Hollywood set, not in real life. These people in Iran don't know what real life in the US or West is like. They only have this image in their mind. An image that is not connected to reality is hard to deal with because it is not 'evidence based' so giving them all the evidence in the world would not change this image. 

I think the best solution (although the US government would never allow it because it would destroy the 'myth', which is what they use and count on) would be to give everyone in Iran who wants it a visa to the US so they could come and live here. Then they would see the reality and most would realize that their life is actually better in Iran, despite all the current problems.

Also, for Iranians that have relatives in the US that come back to Iran, those relatives will share whatever details they can to make themselves look better. They are not sharing reality with you, they are only sharing those details that they choose to share. This is not reality. In order for you to know the reality, you would actually have to go to the place and see for yourself, which you probably don't have the opportunity to do, so it better to, as Imam Jaafar Sadiq((عليه السلام)) said, 'Follow what you know and leave what you don't know'. This includes leaving what you 'think you know' because someone has shared some highly bias and selected details with you. 

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20 hours ago, Revert1963 said:

It is not my impression that there is an "iron fist stance to any critique" against the system in Iran. When I was there people quite openly expressed criticism without fear of reprisals. Even at times when I was wearing a chador and came across as a "regime stooge."  It is not my impression that Iran is a dictatorship. I was surprised how much of the western media propaganda about Iran that is untrue.

My experience was different when I was there few years back. There was me, a couple of my family members and my relative who was living in Iran at the time. He (the relative) was giving us a tour of Bibi Masooma Qom's haram. When we got to the scholars section, this guy came and stood beside us. He was listening to my relatives speech (in English). He followed us for the rest of the tour and beyond the exit point. Then my relative spoke to him in Farsi and he walked away. Relative told me it was an agent making sure there were no anti-government speech.


14 hours ago, Shiawarrior313 said:

What's your opinion on this below? Do you believe Khamenai is the most qualified for his role presently? Is it true that he cannot act as a marja for anyone inside Iran?

On 24 April 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini issued a decree convening an Assembly for Revising the Constitution. It made several changes in the constitution, in Articles 5, 107, 109, 111, eliminating the need for the Leader to be a marja or to be chosen by popular acclaim. It made permanent the Expediency Discernment Council to work out disagreements between the Parliament and Council of Guardians, and eliminated the post of Prime Minister. The amendments were thought to be established because no marja had given strong support for Khomeini's policies -[13] The amendments were approved by the voting public on 28 July 1989

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Just now, Jaane Rabb said:

My experience was different when I was there few years back. There was me, a couple of my family members and my relative who was living in Iran at the time. He (the relative) was giving us a tour of Bibi Masooma Qom's haram. When we got to the scholars section, this guy came and stood beside us. He was listening to my relatives speech (in English). He followed us for the rest of the tour and beyond the exit point. Then my relative spoke to him in Farsi and he walked away. Relative told me it was an agent making sure there were no anti-government speech.

I think that would be a weird place to make an anti-government speech, but as far as I know the Iranian government keep an extra eye on people from United States and Britain. And I think with good reason. Those are the countries most likely to send spy's. 
I didn't experience anything like that. Of cause when I visited the Imam Khomeini shrine there was strict security that all visitors has to go through. I couldn't bring my camera and there was armed guards with visible weapons. However there is a real treat of terrorist attacks in such places, so I think these measures are necessary. The guy that spoke to your relative could potentially have been a security guard trying to make sure they wasn't checking out the location prior to a terrorist attack. Even if your relative is a person that would never do such a thing, security personnel has to check these things. That would be exactly the same thing I western countries.

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Rah, this is madness. This was posted a year ago and people are coming back to it.

don’t really have anything to say. But since Im into cars, The Shah of Iran, Owned a Bugatti 57C (Fastest car of its time and costs nearly $40m today), custom made for himself. And a Lamborghini Miura Sv. Which are both insane cars, but both of these cars were basically never driven as the Shah of Iran himself has said the roads were not good enough in Iran to drive these. Especially since the Bugatti 57c has a top speed of nearly 130mph with a supercharged engine nearly 80yrs ago !! Either way some awesome cars. Doubt anyone cares, but yh just in case you wanted to know

Also Ive lived in Iran for a couple of years myself for those saying I aint lived there.

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6 hours ago, Jaane Rabb said:

My experience was different when I was there few years back. There was me, a couple of my family members and my relative who was living in Iran at the time. He (the relative) was giving us a tour of Bibi Masooma Qom's haram. When we got to the scholars section, this guy came and stood beside us. He

Salam your experience is unique but real security persons don’t expose themselves so easy as you said ,it maybe he was a low ranking security person from shrine that  became curious of your English speaking because,English or other foreigner language speakers usually don’t visit shrines & it’s rare that a foreigner speaker comes for Ziarat because most of them are Christians & they avoid from religious city but in recent years ratio their visit is increasing that sometimes make people there curious about them.

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11 hours ago, Jaane Rabb said:

What's your opinion on this below? Do you believe Khamenai is the most qualified for his role presently?

One outcome of the revolution was that it brought Islam to the forefront of social events, and with it, fitnas, conspiracies and evolving social crisis. Unlike in the past, this has given up a new metric to measure the basirat (spiritual awareness, separating truth from falshood) of the religious leaders and marajs. A scholar or marja can be the highest rank in figh and Islamic knowledge, but when it applying their knowledge and knowing whats true and whats false, they can be a lower than an average person. Basirat, is what matters when it comes to leadership and its the output of years of training scholars receive. It is what's expected from a marja as a leader of Shia.

The revolution and the ensuing fitna's exposed alot of the marja's and scholars as just been educated in figh and not much beyond that. Imam Khomeini saw through that, and hence dismissed most maraj's as unfit for leadership. A good example is Ayatollah Montazeri (who was thought to succeed Imam Khomeini). This is also why, in decades leading up to the revolution, extensive effort was made to train new era of scholars for that very purpose. Imam Khamenei was the outcome of that.

In the last 40 years of the revolution, with ever increasing complexity of the fitna's occurring, there hasn't been any scholar who has demonstrated basirat even close to the level of Wali Fagih. Knowing what to say, when to say, how to act, when to act and when not to act is all part of it. 


13 hours ago, Jaane Rabb said:

Is it true that he cannot act as a marja for anyone inside Iran?

As far as I know, thats no the case anymore.

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On 3/19/2019 at 11:36 PM, Revert1963 said:

Burlesque theaters and drink alcohol in public!

Yes! Just alcohol-minded people would prefer a weak, backward and dependent regime run by a dictator, tosarikhor puppet and corrupt person who doesn't care for people and their opinions over an advanced, independent, progressive, powerful establishment led by a divine, sophisticated, pious person who cares for everything needed to be cared about.

Can we even compare these two?!

Edited by kamyar
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20 hours ago, Klanky said:

That was a very interesting article. 

Because I don't speak Farsi, obviously I was not aware of many of those channels. Since I was born and raised in Los Angeles, and in the community there, obviously I was aware of those channels but never actually watched them (the language issue). 

The Iranian brothers and sisters who are aware and awake (spiritually) realize that those channels are nothing but pre-packaged, sliced up propaganda in the form of 'entertainment'. But since a large number of Iranian brothers and sisters are not awake, spiritually, and since The U.S., in particular is very effective and efficient in creating this sort of propaganda (it's their specialty and the main way they influence global politics) hence the effects of this on the Iranian community, both inside and outside Iran is very large. 

None of this propaganda is that effective by itself, but it is created in such variety, and in such large amounts, that it is really hard to ignore, even for the 'religious' people. The other side is that those brothers and sisters who are 'religious' or I like to say who are spiritually awake and in touch with their inner nature have no interest in doing or creating media and these types of things and see it as either corrupt or superfluous. Like was stated in the article, the only sort of media that is created on the other side, is dry and boring. This has to change as the media is now the main battlefront in the war between Haqq and Batil. 

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As an outsider, I can only offer my general impressions on this

I don't see anything wrong with the structure, or design of the Iranian government/state. Some westerners might object to the theocratic elements, but if this is what the Iranian people want, they should have it. We do hear about "human rights abuses" and other problems, but how much of this is propaganda vs. reality is difficult to say.

When I lived in Germany when I was younger, I went to a boarding school that had some Iranian students. They had fled the revolution and were very pro-Shah. They frequently claimed that the US engineered the overthrow of the Shah because Iran was becoming too powerful, and was beginning to look like a western super-power in the Middle-East. 

There is probably some truth to this

But the Shah was heavy-handed and at times brutal, that much we know 

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8 minutes ago, Silas said:

There is probably some truth to this

But the Shah was heavy-handed and at times brutal, that much we know 

One of major things that America didn’t stand with Shah was that he somehow was criticizing Israel at his end years & they were thinking if they do nothing & remain neutral during revolution next regime will be very week & even can’t criticizes Israel but they made a great mistake because America was thinking a religious leader like as Imam Khomeini (رضي الله عنه) can’t form a strong regime against Israel that in recent years anti regime groups promoted this Idead that Imam (رضي الله عنه) made a deal with CIA to overthrown the Shah but it was in reality some people around Imam (رضي الله عنه) had talks with some CIAagents but after revolution & taking hostage from  the American  embassy their plans foiled 

1 hour ago, Abu Hadi said:

None of this propaganda is that effective by itself, but it is created in such variety, and in such large amounts, that it is really hard to ignore, even for the 'religious' people. The other side is that those brothers and sisters who are 'religious' or I like to say who are spiritually awake and in touch wit

Salam nowadays in addition to ‘Manoto’ they added a new channel in name of ‘ Iran international ‘ that produces professional content & news by Saudi petrodollar that intensifies pressure as source of news that many that don’t watch ‘ Manoto’ watch it as source of news (fake news) & trust to it for source of their information althought this channel supported Ahvaz terrorist but still is more popular than “Manoto’

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  • 2 weeks later...
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1 hour ago, Ejaz said:

How come so many Iranians I meet in the west are opposed to the “mullahs” & so many are westernised?

Theres a reason they are in the west to begin with.

Its like saying: How come I see so many people in a resturant and they are all hungry?

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  • 5 years later...
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An interview with the Shah worth watching

His understanding of world affairs is interesting also very interesting is how he avoids getting into trouble.



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On 4/27/2018 at 7:21 AM, hasanhh said:

As a reader on lRl,  l view the OP as . . .

like choosing between Presidents Carter and Bushie43.

question here is


out of the two : (shah and khamenei/khomaini) 


whos the bush of Iran and whos the carter of Iran? whaddya think? 

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one of my major gripes however,


is when people act like this iranian republic is the end all be all.


Anyone who disagrees or slightly criticises the reigieme is attacked by keyboard warriors



nah real talk tho

i respect everyones opinion

I think the CURRENT reigeime is better than the shah for sure


freedom of speech lads. Don't cut each other's throat over governments

remember they are elected to serve us not us them.



Ya Ali (عليه السلام) madad

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Future_Banker_Insha Allah said:

question here is


out of the two : (shah and khamenei/khomaini) 


whos the bush of Iran and whos the carter of Iran? whaddya think? 

Slam your question is comparing apples with oranges because both of Imam Khomeini & Imam khamenei has no equivelant in western world specially in America which shah has been a classic example of kleptocracy.

13 hours ago, Future_Banker_Insha Allah said:

one of my major gripes however,


is when people act like this iranian republic is the end all be all.


Anyone who disagrees or slightly criticises the reigieme is attacked by keyboard warriors



nah real talk tho

i respect everyones opinion

I think the CURRENT reigeime is better than the shah for sure


freedom of speech lads. Don't cut each other's throat over governments

remember they are elected to serve us not us them.



Ya Ali (عليه السلام) madad

your whole of your nonsense is just an american propaganda  against who defends Iran regime 


freedom of speech lads. Don't cut each other's throat over governments

These are void words of supporters of American propaganda everytime that they want to criticize Iran but on the other hand they are deaf & blind about atrocities of American regme against college students specially brutal oppression of American women & too much limiting of voice of anyone who defends right things & criticizes Zionist Israel & defends Palestine by accusing them to being agents & proxies of Iran . 


Edited by Abu_Zahra
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17 hours ago, Ashvazdanghe said:

Slam your question is comparing apples with oranges because both of Imam Khomeini & Imam khamenei has no equivelant in western world specially in America which shah has been a classic example of kleptocracy.

your whole of your nonsense is just an american propaganda  against who defends Iran regime 

These are void words of supporters of American propaganda everytime that they want to criticize Iran but on the other hand they are deaf & blind about atrocities of American regme against college students specially brutal oppression of American women & too much limiting of voice of anyone who defends right things & criticizes Zionist Israel & defends Palestine by accusing them to being agents & proxies of Iran . 


brother this is what I mean, its not forbidden for me to criticise the reigime of iran, 

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Whenever you want to refer to Iran, avoid using the word "regime". It's Islamic Republic of Iran. The only country who attacked a nuclear zionist regime.

The word "regime" should be used for those who steal land of other nations, kill people especially kids, make up stories and tell other this is our history, according to them their story happened in Europe but they steal land in Asia, etc. Regime is a state that kills and threatens safety of other nations.

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2 hours ago, Quran313 said:

Whenever you want to refer to Iran, avoid using the word "regime". It's Islamic Republic of Iran. The only country who attacked a nuclear zionist regime.

The word "regime" should be used for those who steal land of other nations, kill people especially kids, make up stories and tell other this is our history, according to them their story happened in Europe but they steal land in Asia, etc. Regime is a state that kills and threatens safety of other nations.

regime just means government or state mate.

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On 4/27/2018 at 1:39 AM, Arminmo said:

As a Persian, I don’t agree with half of what you are saying:

Brother, as a Muslim, don’t accuse any one of anything (unless proven) , that’s a sin. You said that about the leaders.

Then you say shah loved his people and didn’t steal ?! Did you know when he wanted to depart from Iran he stole about estimation 1 billion dollars of jewelry of our country with himself in his airplane?! Did you know by that money his son here in America and his wife in France are having a luxurious life?!

Not to mention the ridiculous parties he would have which would cost a fortune, even western media reports on it. To say he didn't steal anything is to be out of touch. 

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On 5/12/2024 at 11:40 AM, Future_Banker_Insha Allah said:

one of my major gripes however,


is when people act like this iranian republic is the end all be all.


Anyone who disagrees or slightly criticises the reigieme is attacked by keyboard warriors



nah real talk tho

i respect everyones opinion

I think the CURRENT reigeime is better than the shah for sure


freedom of speech lads. Don't cut each other's throat over governments

remember they are elected to serve us not us them.



Ya Ali (عليه السلام) madad

That's not the experience I have had, I even was in many pro iran spaces and we would have constant zionist trolls, hindutva trolls, spew their nonsense, we would tolerate it and dismantle their garbage and then ban them when they resort to insults or threats of doxing.

People who support iran calling others zios, etc.. is normal given the 24/7 psyops by the western world. It's like when you safely assume 80% of anti palestine trolls on the internet are either hasbara idf soldiers or some ignorant american who just learnt about gaza 3 minutes ago. This is a reasonable response. 


Yes it has it's issues, rouhani ruined the economy, thankfully that lunatic is not leading the country anymore. Hopefully iranians have learnt to not elect a reformist fool again. 


They are not elected to serve us, they are elected to serve Allah(سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) will and make this world a better place, it's an islamic republic not a peoples republic. 

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On 4/26/2018 at 4:44 PM, Mohamed1993 said:

the revolution wouldn't have happened if the Shah had been popular

The Shah, King Farouk and Batista all hail from same despotic school of thought...anti-Castro Cubans in exile love to cry and reminisce about unfounded glory days prior to the Communist revolution...the entire island of Cuba was basically a glorified house of ill repute for the Americans...corruption was deeply ingrained in Havana's highest institutions...the loftiest individuals and families affiliated with the government (and military) were heavily immersed in gambling and the drug trade...Castro chased out the Italian mafia / mob à la Godfather 2…pre-revolution socioeconomic situation was horrendous because the economy was U.S. controlled...post-revolution struggling economy is largely due to the American embargo...a lot of similar lessons to be learned and a lot of corresponding parallels to be drawn when comparing Iran to Cuba 

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20 hours ago, Future_Banker_Insha Allah said:

regime just means government or state mate.

No, regime is a code word. When you listen to the news or read a news story, if a country is called out with the code word "regime" it means the western countries do not like that country's government and they want you to know that. 

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4 hours ago, Hameedeh said:

No, regime is a code word. When you listen to the news or read a news story, if a country is called out with the code word "regime" it means the western countries do not like that country's government and they want you to know that. 

regardless, the definition is a government, ruling party state, etc. I'm using it according to its definition in the dictionary not anyone else's

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On 5/15/2024 at 1:17 PM, foxmccloud said:

so true

yeah of course lol. thats just elementary


sorry for bad spelling Im doing my GCSE's rn so very tired

Please DO DUA!!

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