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In the Name of God بسم الله

Saudi Vision 2030 [OFFICIAL THREAD]

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Posted (edited)

We can use this thread to deal with all the news coming out of Saudi about the social [edit update] and economic change agenda that MbS is starting:


Construction is already underway on an opera house in the capital Riyadh, and the country plans to host 5,000 entertainment events this year, the BBC reports, citing the Saudi General Entertainment Authority. Performers will reportedly include U.S. pop band Maroon 5 and the world’s largest theatrical producer Cirque du Soleil.


Edited by Haji 2003
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11 hours ago, Hussaini624 said:

"Saudi Vision 2030"


and here is the nub of the problem:


We intend to enhance the role of government funds, while also attracting local and international investors, creating partnerships with international entertainment corporations. Land suitable for cultural and entertainment projects will be provided and talented writers, authors, and directors will be carefully supported. We will seek to offer a variety of cultural venues – such as libraries, arts and museums  – as well as entertainment possibilities to suit tastes and preferences. These projects will also contribute to our economy and will result in the creation of many job opportunities.


while at the same time:


In the last decade, the number of Umrah visitors entering the country from abroad has tripled, reaching 8 million people. This is a noble responsibility. It requires us to spare no effort in seeking to offer pilgrims with all they need so we fulfil our duty to provide good hospitality to our brothers and sisters.


How they manage both of the above without some sort of religious/secular apartheid will be a challenge. Unless they're taking lessons from the Aga Khan.

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Of course, there is no way that the Saudis could start with the relegation of Islam. I think their advisors are running with the idea that once alternative lifestyles are promoted, the significance of religion will change and it's at that point that you'll see more significant social changes.

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Yemeni source: Zindani under house arrest in Saudi Arabia

October 17, 2017 at 4:23 am | Published in: Europe & RussiaIranMiddle EastNewsSaudi ArabiaTurkeyUSYemen

A Yemeni source said that Yemeni preacher Sheikh Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani has been under house arrest in Saudi Arabia.

It is important that he was for many years against Shia Islam but when he accepted Shia Islam as a religion although his support from attack  of Saudi Arabia to Yemen they arrest him because he shows a sign of respect to Shia Islam

In my opinion these social changes in KSA will cause rising tension between people & gov of KSA because it reveals true face of Saud Family & support of Wahhabi scholars from him show their false ideas that they made their Regime on its false foundations. 





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The following quote is a reply in response to the tweet below and it just goes to show how Muslims are being crushed by both liberal opinion (who see women's emancipation as a gain which trumps any number of deaths) and neo-con ideology which sees only a military solution to middle eastern problems.


Just for the record, what he is doing in Yemen is horrific and I believe he's an awful war criminal. But he's made steps towards empowering women. Furthermore he has lifted a ban that allows women to participate in sport and open their own businesses without male permission.


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Posted (edited)

Slightly OT, but there did not seem any point in creating new thread for this. But MbS is on a world tour and currently in the UK. The extract below is a post made by a reader of the leading business newspaper in the UK. It's the most highly recommended post.

Of course, the only problem with the message below is that it assumes that the Saudis are free agents who corrupt the UK. Even at this end of the non-colonial spectrum of thought there could be debate that it is the Saudi system that is corrupted by outsiders who have anointed MbS.



Edited by Haji 2003
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Many of you will probably not have known about the following but it was quite sad/funny:



LONDON, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Britain’s Court of Appeal has refused Libya’s $67 billion sovereign wealth fund the right to appeal against the 2016 judgment handed down by Britain’s High Court in the fund’s $1.2 billion case against Goldman Sachs. 

The Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) lost the 2016 case, which related to nine equity derivatives investments carried out in 2008 that turned out to be worthless. 

In the trial, the fund had argued that it was too unsophisticated to understand what it was buying, and that Goldman had abused its position as a trusted adviser. But the trial judge dismissed these claims.




Now comes the following news:




Saudis would do well to remember the Libyan legal case.

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image.jpeg.4b12644888e892c7d6f34fb2adb973a3.jpeg  he is not even respects to their Islamic flag Image result for mbs you are not welcome that you can't see any sign of Islam.

Image result for mbs you are not welcome Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman in UK for official visit
As ruling party welcomes Gulf royal, protesters and opposition politicians call on prime minister to challenge kingdom.


Demonstrators tell MBS 'hands off Yemen' at rally against visit
Demonstrators and opposition politicians call on British PM to challenge kingdom's policies and military campaign.




London 'turning into Riyadh' as Mohammed bin Salman flies in


Huge adverts go up in British capital in days before visit - with the hashtag #WelcomeSaudiCrownPrince raising hackles on social media

Adverts in London for Mohammed bin Salman's visit (supplied)
Nadine Dahan's picture
Tuesday 6 March 2018 15:18 UTC
Last update: 
Wednesday 7 March 2018 18:50 UTC

Huge adverts go up across the British capital bearing the smiling face of a Gulf autocrat. The hashtags #WelcomeSaudiCrownPrince and #SaudiPrinceNotWelcome duke it out on Twitter and in billboards, and a war of words is fought by supporters and staunch critics of Mohammed bin Salman.

Welcome to London, 6 March, 2018, the day before the Saudi crown prince touches down to meet the great and the good of Great Britain.



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Saudi Prince Visits UK as Britain Boosts Murderous Arms Sales

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The board is set, the pieces are moving. A cleverly designed media campaign is now underway, and these are adverts i saw on some popular news websites in the UK (Independent, Guardian, et al):



  • 4 weeks later...
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Interesting how Saudis are after social reform, but we don't seem to see much fuss by the locals about this:


Tamil women who endure such ordeals abroad are often stigmatised, as the need to work counters cultural tradition. Nonetheless, there are 1.5 million domestic workers in Saudi Arabia alone, and recruitment agencies fly in 40,000 foreign women a month to keep up with demand.

According to Senthurajah, the dangers have become accepted to the point where it is almost expected that women who migrate to work in the Middle East will face abuse or assault at the hands of their employers.

“When a woman goes abroad it’s implicit she’s going to be sexually active,” he says. “The chance is high for abuse.”


For example here's an example about Saudi women protesting about driving restrictions:


Al Nahedh, who was among the 47 women arrested for driving cars around Riyadh in 1990 to protest against the ban, said ending male guardianship will be a tough nut to crack.


But I just don't read about Saudi women protesting about the abuse of female workers in Saudi.

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Saudis divided on national card-playing competition

Mixed reactions follow announcement of event for first time in the kingdom, with a combined prize of more than $270,000.

17 Feb 2018
  • Saudi Arabia has announced it will host a card-playing national competition for the first time, in a move that has officially legalised the activity that was previously banned under religious pretexts.

    Turki al-Sheikh, the kingdom's General Sports Authority's chairman, announced the competition on Thursday.

    According to the statement, the winners of the first four places would receive a combined prize of more than one million Saudi riyals ($270,000)

Translation: "This is what we have come to, legalising a game that is unlawful in religion even without prize, yet we have legalised it while giving away prizes. God forgive us."

الى هذا الحد وصلت بنا الحال 
لعبه محرمه شرعا بدون جوائز 
فكيف اذا كانت بجوايز 
اللهم لاتؤاخذنا بما فعل السفهاء منا 
والله والله ان العقوبه لقريبه 
اللهم لطفك يارب

Some mocked the decision altogether and used humour to highlight the religious contradictions.

Translation: "Even gambling is now halal…This is a big deal…awaiting the launch of the first casino."

Translation: "Soon [it'll be] welcome to Las Vegas!!"
قريبا welcome to Las Vegas !

Others were eager to compete.

Translation: "We want the competition's rule manual."

Translation: "I'm joining and from now, consider the first place taken."#بطوله_المملكه_للبلوت

Saudi Arabia appears to be relaxing some norms as part of the Vision 2030 reform plan.

Since coming to power in June last year, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has reversed a long-standing rule and announced that the kingdom will allow women to drive.

He also lifted a 35-year-old cinema ban.


First-ever cards tournament kicks off in Saudi Arabia





Baloot Game in KSA

Saudi Arabia recognises card game, conducts maiden championship

Baloot was considered by many in Saudi society a game that deprived Baraka or Blessing of Allah of the house and was played on streets.


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I came across this from a current auction catalogue. Just goes to show that leaders like MBS are quite happy to move away from Islam while, at the same time, burnishing their Islamic credentials.


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On 4/6/2018 at 4:54 AM, Haji 2003 said:

Interesting how Saudis are after social reform, but we don't seem to see much fuss by the locals about this:


For example here's an example about Saudi women protesting about driving restrictions:


But I just don't read about Saudi women protesting about the abuse of female workers in Saudi.

In light of the above stories of the abuse of domestic servants by Saudi men and women, I noticed a contrast with the following:


Apple has spearheaded a push by foreign consumer brands to ensure male and female employees will be allowed to work side-by-side in Saudi Arabia, removing a key obstacle to foreign investment in the kingdom. 


So men and women cannot work side-by-side in a public work-place, but a dude can hire a domestic who he can abuse with more relative ease in private.

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Posted (edited)

Soon this sign will manifest again:

And once We determine to exterminate a city, We command its luxurious people (to obey Us), but they transgress therein, thus the word proves true against it, then We destroy it with utter destruction.” [Quran 17:16]

Edited by Abu Nur
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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Abu Nur said:

Soon this sign will manifest again:

And once We determine to exterminate a city, We command its luxurious people (to obey Us), but they transgress therein, thus the word proves true against it, then We destroy it with utter destruction.” [Quran 17:16]

I call this the Pahlavification [(c) Haji 2003] of the al Saud.

The colonial powers are in a no-lose situation. For the Sauds, there is a 50:50 chance of losing the bet.

Eventuality 1

The changes go ahead as planned and Saudi becomes another Dubai. More sales, investment and employment opportunities for the 1%. The problem with this scenario is one of size. People often hold up small countries as exemplars for bigger countries to follow, but the challenges are wholly different.

Anyway, if the social reforms proceed as planned, radicalism in Sunni Islam is neutered with a wholesale shift towards secularism.

I was amazed in Egypt when locals referred to their using Saudis as the benchmark for good religious behaviour. I don't know how widely held that opinion is, but if Saudi Arabia lurches that way, expect the same throughout its client states including e.g. Pakistan. This will be seen as a big win for social reformers.

Expect to see Muslim countries follow the same trajectory as the Philippines (women stop being exploited by the locals and are abused by foreigners instead) or the poorer parts of Brazil, with gang violence replacing sectarian violence.

In sum, Muslim societies will generally become more socially liberal, but still remain economically backward.

Evetuality 2

There is a popular backlash and the al Saud's are toppled. The new regime will have sanctions imposed against it and the investments that Saudi Arabia has overseas will be appropriated, money they paid for arms will be kept and the arms not delivered etc. The Sauds themselves will flee with a lot of their country's money.

There'll be some interesting legal cases as to what belongs to the family and what belongs to the country. 

Planning by the royal family for eventuality 2, I think explains the incomprehensible stories we are presented with currently. Commentators argue for Saudi Arabia's need for foreign investment, while at the same time talking about Saudi Arabia investing overseas in order to generate income in a post oil economy.

As I see it, overseas investment by Saudi Arabia are actually the royal family putting their money somewhere safe. And foreign investments into Saudi Arabia are the royal family's way of aligning foreign investors interests with their own - so that foreign governments protect them if an uprising happens.

Anyway if this eventuality happens Saudi Arabia will need leaders who can take it through a process of indigenous development. No more expats doing high profile jobs.

Edited by Haji 2003
  • Advanced Member
29 minutes ago, Haji 2003 said:

was amazed in Egypt when locals referred to their using Saudis as the benchmark for good religious behaviour. I don't know how widely held that opinion is, but if Saudi Arabia lurches that way, expect the same throughout its client states including e.g. Pakistan. This will be seen as a big win for social reformers.

Salam this is because they have control of Mecca & Medina and  people of Egypt &Pakistan ,etc think who control these two cities are true Muslims  & ignore other issues .I hardly can there is social reforms because all of it just a show off MBS but other princess and chief of tribes because he takes their wealth and now he wants to clear Tribe ID from their ID cards and start Saudization http://saudigazette.com.sa/article/530571/Opinion/Local-Viewpoint/Saudization-is-not-racism to destroy power of tribe chiefs , they are against him but they afraid from him




47 minutes ago, Haji 2003 said:

Evetuality 2

There is a popular backlash and the al Saud's are toppled. The new regime will have sanctions imposed against it and the investments that Saudi Arabia has overseas will be appropriated, money they paid for arms will be kept and the arms not delivered etc. The Sauds themselves will flee with a lot of their country's money.

Mbs signs heavy deals with Europe & USA in recent his vists so Evetuality 2 has a low chance  






http://saudigazette.com.sa/article/530912/SAUDI ARABIA  (a complete propaganda)

  • Veteran Member
On 3/5/2018 at 1:49 AM, Haji 2003 said:

Of course, there is no way that the Saudis could start with the relegation of Islam. I think their advisors are running with the idea that once alternative lifestyles are promoted, the significance of religion will change and it's at that point that you'll see more significant social changes.

I for one firmly believe that if its the aim then all the power to them. Any relegation of religion in Saudi Arabia and its tributaries is to be greeted as a blessing. I'd rather they behead and terrorize people in videogames while drinking beer than terrorize people before and after their prayers.

  • 2 months later...
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How long should the Hajjis and the pilgrims drink zamzam water for free? I suggest that automatic devices be installed to allow each pilgrim to pay half a Rial  for a glass of zamzam water. This plan is also in line with the policy of 2030 Bin Salman for boosting the Saudi economy.



Tawaf and Sa'ay and walking in the holy mosque have been free so far, but in light of the economic downturn and austerity policy that bin Salman is pursuing, we want this to end. Determining the tolls for such work, in addition to ending our economic problems, makes it easy for us to pay the "Trump Jizia" easy.






  • 5 months later...
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On 6/19/2018 at 8:32 AM, Ashvazdanghe said:

How long should the Hajjis and the pilgrims drink zamzam water for free? I suggest that automatic devices be installed to allow each pilgrim to pay half a Rial  for a glass of zamzam water. This plan is also in line with the policy of 2030 Bin Salman for boosting the Saudi economy.



Tawaf and Sa'ay and walking in the holy mosque have been free so far, but in light of the economic downturn and austerity policy that bin Salman is pursuing, we want this to end. Determining the tolls for such work, in addition to ending our economic problems, makes it easy for us to pay the "Trump Jizia" easy.






Tax on wives and gold plated toilets should be implemented as well 

  • Veteran Member

:ranting:"What is missing in your education @Zulfiqar1472 , giving gov'ts new ideas on taxes?"


Wives cost way too much to begin with. Did you ever calculate how much in sales taxes they rack-up every year?   :furious:"Be Silent"


:grin: Salam, Bro.



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On 4/10/2018 at 5:03 PM, YaDhulQarnayn said:

Here's a very deep analysis of the NEOM project with an Islamic eye made by a french brother (activate subtitles for english) :

I'll be preparing my neck for the blade, then.


I bow to absolutely no man as is, I'll never bow to a robot.


I'd rather die at 33 than live in that world.

  • 2 months later...
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cdc679bebbe282e170ab6fe0dca8445e_135.jpgEuropean-Arabian conference the cow says: " you have your humanity and we have our humanity"


  • 8 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  • Forum Administrators

Saudi Arabia is forging ahead with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s flagship giga-projects, awarding billions of dollars of contracts despite Riyadh being forced to impose swingeing austerity measures as it grapples with the twin shocks of coronavirus and low oil prices.


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Analysis: Al-Jabri case: Will page turn in favor of Bin Salman opponents?


A black box called al-Jabri 

Saad al-Jabri was an aide to former Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef who was dismissed and replaced by bin Salman in June 2017. He at the same led the Saudi intelligence under bin Nayef. Reports suggest that he holds documents that can be used to fully eliminate bin Nayef and other rivals to bin Salman. At the same time, the reports say, the documents can be used against the de facto ruler bin Salman. ..

The US court and its implications 

An American court sent summons to bin Salman following a lawsuit filed by al-Jabri, asking the crown prince to attend for questions. Aside from legal consequences, the move can create problems to its target bin Salman. ..


  • 7 months later...
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People sometimes wonder about Western support for the Saudis, the reasons for it and perhaps even whether the Saudis are doing something 'right'.

Answer may be quite simple.




Before Greensill Capital collapsed this month, one of Lex Greensill’s favourite anecdotes was a camping trip he said he had taken with David Cameron and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman


This is one example of a German bank that has gone bust but which was able to count on support from David Cameron (ex UK Prime Minister) to try and get money out of the Saudis.

Cameron had been given share options in the bank.

It must be quite a big decision for the Saudis as to which corrupt scheme to support because there may be some uncertainty as to whether the western politicians involved will still be able to pull strings - long-term.

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