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In the Name of God بسم الله

Im wanna stay shia,im thinkin about Sunni-Shafi!

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as salaam alakim!

Shia bros and Sis,

I'm in a dilemma, I converted to shia,but I'm still thinking about sunni. There was once a shia center here, but its closing,

its far from me too, and a man I know wants me to go to jumah,hes encouraging me and even gave me money for bus fare, he doesn't kno I'm shia, and I don't plan on telling him,he wants me to go to a sunni mosque,im so scared and confused,i took the money and put it on my bus card,i tried to go to the shia center for Friday prayer but I was too late,its way across town, he wants me to go to sunni mosques,thats why I made the thread,can I go to a sunni mosque for jumah,(most masjids here are salafi!) I'm thinking about taking a shafi-sunni, class, but I'm still hanging on to shia,im so confused, what should I do?

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Just because a Shia centre is closing, that shouldn't affect your beliefs. Yes, you are allowed to pray in a Sunni mosque (I've done it too) but there is no point in hiding the fact that you are Shia unless you fear the others will beat you up or something.

Use your rationality when you decide to follow a particular sect not your specific circumstance.

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You should be proud of being a Shia and would suggest you to read books to strengthen your belief.

I understand that your loneliness is driving you away from Shi'ism. Try to get in touch with some Shia online or in your area. Talk to them about Shia beliefs etc and that should help you.

Leaving the truth and going to falsehood is not an option.


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2 hours ago, Lion of Shia said:

as salaam alakim!

Shia bros and Sis,

I'm in a dilemma, I converted to shia,but I'm still thinking about sunni. There was once a shia center here, but its closing,

its far from me too, and a man I know wants me to go to jumah,hes encouraging me and even gave me money for bus fare, he doesn't kno I'm shia, and I don't plan on telling him,he wants me to go to a sunni mosque,im so scared and confused,i took the money and put it on my bus card,i tried to go to the shia center for Friday prayer but I was too late,its way across town, he wants me to go to sunni mosques,thats why I made the thread,can I go to a sunni mosque for jumah,(most masjids here are salafi!) I'm thinking about taking a shafi-sunni, class, but I'm still hanging on to shia,im so confused, what should I do?

Your signature name is Lion of Shia. Do you have the same characteristics of Lion of Shia ?

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Wait what?

Your local shia center is closing so now you are doubting the fact that Imam Ali(as) was the rightful leader of the muslim ummah after Rasulullah(S)?

Do you take religion as a joke? Something social, something to simply identify yourself as?

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I think he is confused in these years, changing to Sunnism will cause him more confusion. You really need to stop this Shia Sunni thing and start to follow the religion only for sake of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى obedience and worship. You will see the truth clearly, when Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى guide.

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DUA’A - UL - A’DEELA     عديلا

This dua'a contains the articles of faith. Every faithful must recite this dua'a regularly to drive away Shaytan, and to remain firm in the true faith. A dying faithful, in the last moments of life, should recite this dua'a, or , if it is not possible, ask someone else to read it aloud for him or her, so as not to be misled by doubts which may come into the mind, or not to be depressed emotionally, because these forces together with the misleading suggestions of Shaytan, more often than not, in the last hour of life, make man die a death of an infidel or hypocrite. 


7 hours ago, Lion of Shia said:

as salaam alakim!

Shia bros and Sis,

I'm in a dilemma, I converted to shia,but I'm still thinking about sunni. There was once a shia center here, but its closing,

Salam read Dua evry prayer to keep you strong in staying as Shia Muslim.:NH:

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"Do men imagine that they will be left (at ease) because they say, We believe, and will not be tested with affliction?  Lo! We tested those who were before you. Thus Allah know those who are true, and know those who are liars." (29:2-3)

Remember the ashab of Imam-e-Mazloom (asws), how true they were & what tests they have given to prove themselves true. 

رَبَّنَا فَاغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَكَفِّرْ عَنَّا سَيِّئَاتِنَا وَتَوَفَّنَا مَعَ الْأَبْرَارِ 
Our Lord! forgive us therefore our faults, and cover our evil deeds and make us die with the righteous.

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