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In the Name of God بسم الله

ShiaChat calendar?

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Posted (edited)
On 11/24/2017 at 2:29 AM, Mohammed-Mehdi said:

Is there a shiachat calendar ?

Yes, it's in the Main Page under the "About Us" tab. 


[Mod Note: The ShiaChat Calendar went missing on/about September 18, 2022. Sorry for the inconvenience.]

Edited by Hameedeh
Mod Note
  • 5 years later...
  • Forum Administrators

Salam. The ShiaChat Calendar went missing on/about September 18, 2022. Sorry for the inconvenience. Until the calendar is installed again, the Islamic days can be posted in this topic.


In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Announcement Concerning:
The Crescent Moon of the Month of Dhu al-Qidah, 1444 A.H.


  اضغط هنا لملاحظة بيان هلال شهر ذي القعدة الحرام ١٤٤٤ هـ

To the respected believers in North America,

Peace be upon you.

The Moon-Sighting Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America announces that Sunday, May 21st, 2023, will be the first day of Dhu al-Qidah, 1444 A.H. for the entire region of North America.

This determination is based on the fact that there were verified sightings of the crescent moon by the naked eye at sunset on Saturday, May 20th, 2023 in many locations.

We ask God, the Most High, to accept your fasting, grant success in performing good deeds, and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p).

On behalf of the Crescent Committee,
Sayyid M. Rizvi, Secretary-General


  • 2 months later...
  • Forum Administrators

Salam. In the US and Canada, there were no verified reports of the crescent moon on Wednesday night, August 16, 2023. 

The Moon-Sighting Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America announced that Friday, August 18th, 2023 will be the 1st day of Safar for the entire region of North America.

Thursday, August 17th will be the last day of the Holy Month of Muharram in the US and Canada (Muharram 30).

Therefore, Safar 20 -- Arbaeen -- would be Wednesday, September 6, 2023 in the US and Canada. 

  • Moderators

Salam. In the US and Canada, The Crescent Moon of the Month of Safar, 1445 A.H.


In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Announcement Concerning:

The Crescent Moon of the Month of Safar, 1445 A.H.
To learn more, click here.


بيان هلال شهر صفر ١٤٤٥ هجرية
صادر عن لجنة الاستهلال لمجلس علماء المسلمين الشيعة في أمريكا الشمالية

لملاحظة التفاصيل اضغط هنا

  • Forum Administrators

Salam. Some Islamic dates in the month of Safar:

Safar 7 Martyrdom of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba AS in one account, but Birthday of the 7th Imam, Musa al-Kazim AS. Safar 7 is a special date in Islamic history. Some say that it is the day that Imam Hassan AS was martyred but most say that he was martyred on Safar 28, the same day as Prophet Muhammad SA. Safar 7 is the day that the 7th Imam AS was born, however since that day falls in between Ashura and Arba'een, the birthday of Imam Kazem AS is not celebrated, but his life is remembered and ziyarahs are recited.



Safar 9 is the Battle of Nahrawan. 

Safar 17 Martyrdom of Imam Ali bin Musa al-Rida (Reza) AS (by some accounts) 


Safar 20 Arba'een  of Imam Hussein AS is Safar 20. Arbayeen/Chehlum; 40th day commemoration of the Karbala Massacre, the martyrdom of Imam Hussain AS.


Arbaeen of Imam Husayn


Safar 28 Death/Martyrdom of Prophet Muhammad SA and martyrdom of Imam Hassan AS.






  • 2 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

Salam. Arbaeen (Safar 20) is Wednesday, September 06, 2023, in the US and Canada.


Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (p) is reported to have said:
“Everyone on the day of judgment will wish that they had been from those who used to visit al-Hussain (p).”

[Ibn Qulawayh, Kamil al-Ziarat, p. 258]

روي عن الإمام الصادق (ع): 

 "ما مِن أحدٍ يومَ القيامَةِ إلاّ وَهُوَ يَتَمَنَّى أنَّهُ مِن زُوَّارِ الحُسَينِ (ع)"

[إبن قولويه، كامل الزيارت، ص ٢٥٨]

For more information about Imam Hussain bin Ali (p), click here.


  • Moderators

Salam. Safar 28 this year in the US and Canada is Thursday, September 14, 2023.

28th Safar is the Death/Martyrdom Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) and Imam Hassan Mujtaba (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم). Condolences. 

  • Forum Administrators

Salam, everyone.

On 9/6/2023 at 1:20 PM, ShiaChat Mod said:

Safar 28 this year in the US and Canada is Thursday, September 14, 2023.

28th Safar is the Death/Martyrdom Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) and Imam Hassan Mujtaba (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم). Condolences. 


The Holy Prophet ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)&hp) is reported to have said:
“The best of deeds in the sight of God is bringing joy upon a believer through expelling his hunger or by relieving his distress.”
 [Al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 191]

روي عن النبي (ص):
"أحَبُّ الأعمالِ إلَى اللّه‏ سُرورٌ تُدخِلُهُ عَلَى المُؤمِنِ، تَطرُدُ عَنهُ جَوعَتَهُ أو تَكشِفُ عَنهُ كُربَتَهُ"
[ الكليني، الكافي، ج ٢، ص ١٩١]

For more information about Prophet Muhammad ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)&hp), click here.

  • Forum Administrators

Salam. The Moon-Sighting Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America announces that Sunday, September 17th, 2023 will be the first day of Rabi al-Awwal, 1445 A.H. for the entire region of North America.



In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Announcement Concerning:
The Crescent Moon of the Month of Rabi al-Awwal, 1445 A.H.
To learn more, click here.


بيان هلال شهر ربيع الأول ١٤٤٥ هجرية
صادر عن لجنة الاستهلال لمجلس علماء المسلمين الشيعة في أمريكا الشمالية
لملاحظة التفاصيل اضغط هنا

  • 1 month later...
  • Forum Administrators

Salam. In a part of the US and Canada, today is Jumada al-Awwal 1, while tomorrow is Jumada al-Awwal 1 for others.


In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Announcement Concerning:
The Crescent Moon of the Month of Jumada al-Ula, 1445 A.H.


In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Announcement Concerning:

The Crescent Moon of the Month of Jumada al-Ula, 1445 A.H.

اضغط هنا لملاحظة بيان هلال شهر جمادى الأولى  ١٤٤٥ هـ

To the respected believers in North America,

Peace be upon you.

The Moon-Sighting Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America announces that there were verified sightings of the crescent moon by the naked eye at sunset on Tuesday, November 14th, 2023, in some locations within the southwestern United States. Therefore, the first day of the month of Jumada al-Ula, 1445 A.H. for North America will be as follows per the multiplicity of horizons ruling:

  • Wednesday, November 15th, for most of the United States and region of Canada, starting from Boston, MA, all the way to Vancouver, BC, and the areas below. 
  • Thursday, November 16th for the rest of North America.

We ask God, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p).

Moon-Sighting Committee
Sayyid M. Rizvi, Toronto, Canada
Sayyid Mehboob Mehdi Abidi, Chicago, Illinois
Shaykh Ahmad Bahrani, Potomac, Maryland
Shaykh M. Jafar Bangloori, Miami, Florida
Shaykh M. Taqi Zakeri, Springfield, Virginia 


  • Forum Administrators

Salam. Jumada al-Awwal 5 is the Birth Anniversary of Sayyida Zainab AS. Best wishes.


An excerpt from the sermon of Lady Zaynab (p) in Sham addressing Yazid:
"So plot whatever you wish to plot and carry out your endeavor, and intensify your efforts, for, by Allah, you shall never be able to obliterate our mention, nor will you ever be able to annihilate our revelation, nor will your shame ever be washed away. Your view shall be proven futile, your days limited in number, and your wealth wasted on the Day when the caller calls out, "The curse of Allah be upon the oppressors..."
[Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol 45, p. 135]

من كلام للحوراء زينب (ع) مخاطباً يزيد بن معاوية:
"فَكِدْ كَيدَك، وَاسِعٌ سَعْيَك، وَنَاصِب جَهْدَك، فَوَاَللَّهِ لَا تَمْحُو ذَكَرْنَا، وَلَا تُمِيتُ وَحيَنًا، وَلَا يرحَضُ عَنْك عَارُهَا، وَهَل رَأْيِك إلّا فَنَدْ وأيّامكَ إلاَّ عَدَد، وَجَمعُكَ إلَّا بَدَدْ، يَوْمَ يُنَادِي الْمُنَادِي أَلَا لَعْنَةُ اللَّهِ عَلَى الظالمينِ..."
[المجلسي، بحار الأنوار، ج ٤٥، ص ١٣٥]

For more information on Sayyida Zaynab bint Ali (p), click here.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

Salam. Jumada al-Awwal 13 is the martyrdom of Fatima Zahra AS. Condolences.


The Holy Prophet ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)&hp) is reported to have said: 
"As for my daughter Fatimah, she is the doyenne of all women, the first and the last. She is a part of me and the light of my eyes, and the fruit of my heart."
[al-Sadouq, al-Amali, p. 175]

روي عن النبي (ص):
"وأما ابنتي فاطمة، فإنها سيدة نساء العالمين من الأولين والآخرين، وهي بضعة مني، وهو نور عيني، وهي ثمرة فؤادي"
[الصدوق، الأمالي، ص ١٧٥]

For more information on Sayyida Fatimah al- Zahra (p), click here.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Moderators

Salam. The new Islamic month for all of North America starts Friday, December 15, 2023.  


In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Announcement Concerning:

The Crescent Moon of the Month of Jumada al-Akhira, 1445 A.H.

اضغط هنا لملاحظة بيان هلال شهر جمادى ٱلاخرة ١٤٤٥ هـ

To the respected believers in North America,

Peace be upon you.

The Moon-Sighting Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America announces that Friday, December 15th, 2023 will be the first day of the month of Jumada al-Akhira, 1445 A.H. for the entire region of North America.

This determination is based on the fact that there were no verified sightings of the crescent moon by the naked eye at sunset on Wednesday, December 13th, 2023, in any region of North America. Therefore, Thursday, December 14th, 2023 will be the last day of Jumada al-Ula, 1445. A.H.

We ask God, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p).

Moon-Sighting Committee
Sayyid M. Rizvi, Toronto, Canada
Sayyid Mehboob Mehdi Abidi, Chicago, Illinois
Shaykh Ahmad Bahrani, Potomac, Maryland
Shaykh M. Jafar Bangloori, Miami, Florida
Shaykh M. Taqi Zakeri, Springfield, Virginia 

Important Islamic Events this Month:
(Click here for a note about varying dates for Islamic events)

  • 3 Jumada al-Akhira (Dec. 17): Martyrdom Anniversary of Sayyida Fatimah al-Zahra (p), 11 A.H. (according to the third narration)
  • 13 Jumada al-Akhira (Dec. 27): Death Anniversary of Lady Umm al-Banin (p), mother of al-Abbas (p), 64 A.H.
  • 20 Jumada al-Akhira (Jan. 3): Birth Anniversary of Sayyida Fatimah al-Zahra (p)


  • This announcement from the Crescent Committee is per the request of numerous community members across North America to help in identifying the beginning of the Hijri months.
  • To learn about our basis for determining the beginning of lunar months and the theory about the unity of horizons, click here.
  • To read Frequently Asked Questions about the Announcements of the Crescent Committee, click here.

The Moon-Sighting Committee was established during the seventh annual conference of The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America, and has been providing monthly sighting announcements to the North American Shia Muslim communities since 2007. The Council adopts/renews its members on an annual basis.

To learn about our basis for determining the beginning of lunar months and the theory about the unity of horizons, click here.

  • 5 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

Salam, everyone.

Saturday, January 13th, 2024 will be the first day of the month of Rajab in the US and Canada. See the message below:


In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Announcement Concerning:

The Crescent Moon of the Month of Rajab, 1445 A.H.

اضغط هنا لملاحظة بيان هلال شهر رجب المرجّب ١٤٤٥ هـ

To the respected believers in North America,

Peace be upon you.

The Moon-Sighting Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America announces that Saturday, January 13th, 2024 will be the first day of the month of Rajab, 1445 A.H. for the entire region of North America.

This determination is based on the fact that there were verified sightings of the crescent moon by the naked eye at sunset on Friday, January 12th, 2024, in different regions of North America. 

We ask God, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p).

Moon-Sighting Committee
Sayyid M. Rizvi, Toronto, Canada
Sayyid Mehboob Mehdi Abidi, Chicago, Illinois
Shaykh Ahmad Bahrani, Potomac, Maryland
Shaykh M. Jafar Bangloori, Miami, Florida
Shaykh M. Taqi Zakeri, Springfield, Virginia

  • 5 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

Salam. For those who are keeping track, today, Sunday, February 11, 2024, is Shaban 1 in North America (United States and Canada). Thank you to I.M.A.M. moonsighting committee members. Only Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) knows your blessings. 

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Announcement Concerning:
The Crescent Moon of the Month of Shaban, 1445 A.H.
To learn more, click here.


بيان هلال شهر شعبان ١٤٤٥ هجرية
صادر عن لجنة الاستهلال لمجلس علماء المسلمين الشيعة في أمريكا الشمالية
لملاحظة التفاصيل اضغط هنا

  • Forum Administrators

Salam. Shaban 3 (today in the US and Canada) is the birth of Imam Hussain AS. 



  • Forum Administrators

Salam. Today is Shaban 4 in the US and Canada, the birth anniversary of Abul Fadl Abbas AS. 

  • Forum Administrators

Salam. Today is Shaban 5 in the US and Canada, the birth anniversary of Imam Zain al-Abideen AS.  Also known as Imam Sajjad AS.

  • Forum Administrators

Salam, everyone.

On 2/11/2024 at 8:46 PM, Hameedeh said:

For those who are keeping track, today, Sunday, February 11, 2024, is Shaban 1 in North America (United States and Canada).

Which makes Sunday February 25, 2024, Shaban 15 in North America (United States and Canada) the Birth Anniversary of the 12th Imam ajtf (ajjallahu ta'ala farajahush). May Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) hasten his reappearance. 

  • Forum Administrators

Salam, everyone.

A Reminder about the upcoming Holy Month of Ramadan, from the organization Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (I.M.A.M.):

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

A final reminder before the Holy Month of Ramadan 1445 A.H. on some of the rulings regarding Qada (make-up) fasts and offering Fidyah and Kaffarah (expiation for missing fasts)

قبل حلول رمضان المبارك: أهم أحكام القضاء والفدية والكفارة 

إضغط هنا لقراءة التفاصيل

It is well known that a person who misses a fast during the month of Ramadan is required to make it up. In addition, sometimes such cases require offering a fidyah and/or a kaffarah as well.

Therefore, we draw the attention of the believers to some of the most important rules regarding qada fasts, fidyah, and kaffarah, as we approach the holy month of Ramadan. 

Click here to read our complete reminder.

May God accept your fasts and good deeds, and may every year grant you the best of health and spirits.


  • Moderators
On 2/20/2024 at 1:07 AM, Hameedeh said:

Which makes Sunday February 25, 2024, Shaban 15 in North America (United States and Canada) the Birth Anniversary of the 12th Imam ajtf (ajjallahu ta'ala farajahush). May Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) hasten his reappearance. 

Salam. Today is the 15th of Shaban in North America. Congratulations to everyone.



  • 2 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators

Salam. The Holy Month of Ramadan is coming up soon. This is an email, a preliminary statement for the US and Canada. Please read carefully.


In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Preliminary Statement about the Beginning of the Holy Month of Ramadan, 1445 A.H.

بيان تمهيدي بخصوص توقّعات بداية شهر رمضان المبارك لعام ١٤٤٥ هـ

To the Believers of North America, Peace and Blessings Be Upon You.

The Moon-Sighting Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America would like to bring to your attention that, according to astronomical data, the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan, 1445 A.H. / 2024 is expected to be on Tuesday, March 12th, 2024 in all regions of North America, by the Will of Allah.

Please note that this is a preliminary statement only. The actual, final statement from the Moon-Sighting Committee will be issued after sunset on Sunday, March 10th, 2024 (29th of Sha’ban 1445 A.H.). 

We advise the practice of caution and not to rush in conveying any information before confirmation. Your cooperation is appreciated. 

Moon-Sighting Committee
Sayyid M. Rizvi, Toronto, Canada
Sayyid Mehboob Mehdi Abidi, Chicago, Illinois
Shaykh Ahmad Bahrani, Potomac, Maryland
Shaykh M. Jafar Banglori, Miami, Florida
Shaykh M. Taqi Zakeri, Springfield, Virginia


A Friendly Reminder

Feed the Fasting in Need  Click here to learn how you can gain what the Holy Prophet ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) promised before you miss the opportunity, by feeding the fasting in need.

Islamic Laws of Fasting  Click here to get your copy of Islamic Laws of Fasting: According to the Rulings of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani.

Fidyah and Kaffarah  Click here for a reminder on some of the most important rulings regarding Qada (make-up) fasts and offering Fidyah and Kaffarah (expiation for missing fasts).


  • This announcement from the Crescent Committee is per the request of numerous community members across North America to help in identifying the beginning of the Hijri months.
  • To learn about our basis for determining the beginning of lunar months and the theory about the unity of horizons, click here.
  • To read Frequently Asked Questions about the Announcements of the Crescent Committee, click here.
The Moon-Sighting Committee was established during the seventh annual conference of The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America, and has been providing monthly sighting announcements to the North American Shia Muslim communities since 2007. The Council adopts/renews its members on an annual basis.

To learn about our basis for determining the beginning of lunar months and the theory about the unity of horizons, click here.
  • Forum Administrators

Salam, everyone.


In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Prophet Muhammad’s ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)&hp) Sermon Welcoming the Holy Month of Ramadan

خطبة النبي الأكرم (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) في استقبال شهر رمضان

Imam Ali al-Rida (p) and his forefathers (pbut) to Amir al-Muminin (p), narrate that the Messenger of Allah ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)&hp) addressed us one day and said:

“O People! Indeed, the blessed month of Allah has arrived with blessings, mercy, and forgiveness for you. A month that is considered the best of months by Allah. Its days are the best of days, its nights are the best of nights, and its hours are the best of hours. It is a month in which you are invited to be the guests of Allah. In this month you are considered to be people worthy of the grace of Allah. In this month, each breath you take glorifies Allah, your sleep is worship, your deeds are accepted, and your prayers are answered."

Click here to read the complete sermon.

  • Forum Administrators

Salam. The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America have announced that Monday, March 11, 2024 will be Shaban 30, making Tuesday, March 12 the first day of the Holy Month of Ramadan. 


If they amend this announcement with an update in the next few hours, someone please post here in this topic. 

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Forum Administrators
On 3/10/2024 at 9:34 PM, Hameedeh said:

The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America have announced that Monday, March 11, 2024 will be Shaban 30, making Tuesday, March 12 the first day of the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Salam. In the US and Canada, today is the 18th day of fasting in the Holy Month of Ramadan, which means tonight is the time of Ahya, to do your special amal after breaking your fast and praying: duas, tasbih, Holy Qur'an recitation, etc. Duas.org has shortened versions but for those of you who are staying up all night long, there are longer versions.

If your studying or job allows it, you can take a nap after zohr and asr prayer, make ghusl when you wake up, then go to Mosque, Islamic Center or Husseiniya for nightly  activities.

If you are alone, remember you are not alone. Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is always with you. Please make duas for all of us. 

  • Moderators
On 3/10/2024 at 9:34 PM, Hameedeh said:

The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America have announced that Monday, March 11, 2024 will be Shaban 30, making Tuesday, March 12 the first day of the Holy Month of Ramadan. 

Salam. Today is the 20th day of fasting in the US and Canada, so after maghrib tonight, it is the time for doing special amal of the 21st. 


  • Forum Administrators

Salam. In the US and Canada, today is the 21st day of fasting in the Holy Month of Ramadan; the day that Imam Ali AS was martyred. Condolences. 

  • Forum Administrators




Dear Believers,

Peace be upon you.

There will be a total solar eclipse which will be visible over much of North America beginning early Monday, April 8th, 2024 wherein Salat al-Ayaat is obligatory (wajib). For more details about the solar eclipse and the time it will occur in your respective area, please click here.  For those areas where a partial eclipse will be visible (when the moon covers only a part of the sun) please refer to the map for your location, as Salat al-Ayaat is also obligatory (wajib).

Religious obligation:

During a solar or lunar eclipse, it is obligatory (wajib) to perform a special prayer called Salat al-Ayaat. The prayer becomes wajib even if the moon or the sun are partially eclipsed, and even if they do not engender any fear.  

The time of Salat al-Ayaat sets in as the eclipse starts and remains until the eclipse is over. It is better, however, not to delay the prayer until the reversal of the eclipse commences, although it may be possible that the completion of Salat al-Ayaat may coincide with the time of reversal.

Note, that Salat al-Ayaat is not required upon a woman who is in her menses (haydh) or postpartum bleeding (nifas), nor would she be required to make up the prayer (qadha).

How to perform the prayer of “al-Ayaat," a two-unit (Rakah) prayer with five Ruku in each unit:

1.  Make the intention (Niyyah) of offering the prayer as “Salat al-Ayaat.”
2.  One should say Takbir: “Allahu Akbar”
3.  Recite Surat al-Fatiha and any other Surah*
4.  Then perform Ruku.
5.  After Ruku, then stand and recite Surat al-Fatiha and any other Surah and then perform another Ruku.
6.  One should repeat this action (steps 3 & 4) five times, and when one stands after the fifth Ruku, one should then proceed to perform the two Sajdah (as in the normal Fajr prayer).  Then stand up to perform the second Rakah in the same manner as was done in the first Rakah (with the five Ruku).
7.  After performing the second set of Sajdah, one should recite Tashahhud and end the prayer with Salam to complete it.

*Please note that a person is allowed to say Takbir and recite Surat al-Fatiha and then divide the verses of another Surah into five parts, recite one verse or more or less, and thereafter perform the Ruku. One should then stand up and recite another part of the Surah (without reciting Surat al-Fatiha) and then perform another Ruku. This should be repeated and the Surah must be finished before performing the fifth Ruku. For more details see the Islamic Law Book by clicking here.

We ask the Almighty God to accept all your deeds and worship.

Click here for our complete announcement.


  • Forum Administrators
Posted (edited)

Salam. To everyone in North America, Wednesday is Shawwal 1: Eid Mubarak!

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Announcement Concerning:
The Crescent Moon of the Month of Shawwal, 1445 A.H.

 اضغط هنا لملاحظة بيان هلال شهر  شوال ١٤٤٥ هـ

To the respected believers in North America,

Peace be upon you.

The Moon-Sighting Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America announces that Wednesday, April 10th, 2024, will be the first day of the Shawwal, 1445 A.H. for the entire region of North America.

This determination is based on the fact that there were verified sightings of the crescent moon by the naked eye at sunset on Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, in different regions of North America.

Eid Mubarak! We ask God, the Most High, to accept your fasting, grant success in performing good deeds, and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p).

Moon-Sighting Committee
Sayyid M. Rizvi, Toronto, Canada
Sayyid Mehboob Mehdi Abidi, Chicago, Illinois
Shaykh Ahmad Bahrani, Potomac, Maryland
Shaykh M. Jafar Banglori, Miami, Florida
Shaykh M. Taqi Zakeri, Springfield, Virginia 


Edited by Hameedeh
Happy Eid!
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April 17, 2024 is Shawwal 8 in the US & Canada, the tragic day to remember the destruction of the graves at Jannat ul Baqi (in Holy City of Medina) and Jannat ul Mu'alla (in Holy City of Mecca), by order of King Ibn Saud, circa April 21, 1925. "la Hawla Wala Quwata Illa Billah"

April 19, 2024 in the US & Canada, is Shawwal 10, the beginning of the Greater Occultation of Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi, may Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) hasten his appearance and fill this world with equity and justice. InSha Allah

Muhammad Al-Mahdi (Peace be on him)

April 24, 2024 in the US & Canada is Shawwal 15 (by some traditions) the martyrdom of the 6th Imam AS. Condolences

May 4, 2024 in the US & Canada is Shawwal 25 the martyrdom of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq AS. Condolences

  • 3 weeks later...
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Salam. Thursday, May 9, 2024 is the first day of the new Islamic month for North America (the US and Canada). 

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Announcement Concerning:

The Crescent Moon of the Month of Dhu al-Qidah, 1445 A.H.

 اضغط هنا لملاحظة بيان هلال شهر ذي القعدة الحرام ١٤٤٥ هـ

To the respected believers in North America,

Peace be upon you.

The Moon-Sighting Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars of North America announces that Thursday, May 9th, 2024, will be the first day of Dhu al-Qidah, 1445 A.H. for the entire region of North America.

This determination is based on the fact that there were verified sightings of the crescent moon by the naked eye at sunset on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 in different locations.

We ask God, the Most High, to accept your fasting, grant success in performing good deeds, and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p).

Moon-Sighting Committee
Sayyid M. Rizvi, Toronto, Canada
Sayyid Mehboob Mehdi Abidi, Chicago, Illinois
Shaykh Ahmad Bahrani, Potomac, Maryland
Shaykh M. Jafar Banglori, Miami, Florida
Shaykh M. Taqi Zakeri, Springfield, Virginia 



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