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In the Name of God بسم الله

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Guest WestSide Story

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Guest WestSide Story

Looking for testimonials of being married to someone with different level of practicing Islam (Shia Islam specifically). Moderate woman to not so moderate man. Scenerio: Individually both have compatibility. Looking at them their are no apparent differences. They are happy. Neither drink.  But only one eats halal. One comes from a moderate practicing family and one from a family that has little distinction from western lifestyle and some of the family members drink but live elsewhere. Both individuals have older kids. Can it be a succesful second marriage? 

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Guest WestSide Story

The two have good understanding of day to day expectations. Husband would be mindful at home and respects wife's values. Its the once or twice a year family gathering on his side that are concerning. Breaking bread at a table where there is wine? Is it worth breaking off a relationship which is otherwise perfect?

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