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In the Name of God بسم الله

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Salam aleykum,

Brothers and sisters, please take a moment out of your days to learn about or remind yourself about the suffering of our Rohingya muslim brothers and sisters in Myanmar that are systematically being killed and oppressed by the extremist buddhist government and its soldiers.


"One mother recounted in the report how her five-year-old daughter was trying to protect her from rape when a man “took out a long knife and killed her by slitting her throat”, while in another case an eight-month-old baby was reportedly killed while his mother was gang-raped by five security officers."


And... this is just from today:

"Burma: 400 killed amid 'massacre' of Rohingya Muslims, army says"







So many of these supposedly "muslims" from all over the world travelling to join daesh(la) over time, because they worry about the state of islam, where are these hypocrite takfiris now?

They speak of shia death squads in Iraq who come and kill sunni muslims, what about these sunni muslims? Their care does not reach to Burma? May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى curse all self serving hypocrites.


Brothers and sisters, please share these poor oppressed peoples situation, nobody is going to care if nobody knows, why such silence on their state?

Please pray for the faraj of our beloved Imam(ajf) and for the return of justice.

  • Veteran Member


Are you from Burma?

May God help and save all the oppressed. It is really sad. How can they be such cruel to kill an innocent defenseless baby???Why did security officers do it? Why doesnt UN help them? Can muslims from Burma emigrate to save their lives? I know it is very difficult but sometimes you have to choose between the bad and the worse.

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This is very sad and have been years like this. I wonder why no Muslim countries can make deal with the government to protect these Muslims, this is just increasing. May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى protect the Muslims from hand of injustice. 

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It very unfortunate and pathetic condition of Muslims. At least muslim organisation like OIC, Arab league etc should talk definitive and result oriented measures. 


Surah Al-Burooj, Verse 10:

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ فَتَنُوا الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَتُوبُوا فَلَهُمْ عَذَابُ جَهَنَّمَ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابُ الْحَرِيقِ

Surely (as for) those who persecute the believing men and the believing women, then do not repent, they shall have the chastisement of hell, and they shall have the chastisement of burning.

(English - Shakir)

  • Advanced Member
Posted (edited)

Woah just imagine if the same amount of non-Muslims were killed by a Muslim.

This would be the reaction:

Profile pictures changed, candles lit, Trump starts tweeting, "Koran is a book of violence", "mosques preach hatred", hijab women beaten etc...

I have lost hope in humanity. May all these hypocrites burn in hell.

Edited by ali_fatheroforphans
  • Advanced Member
On 9/2/2017 at 4:36 AM, shadow_of_light said:


Are you from Burma?

May God help and save all the oppressed. It is really sad. How can they be such cruel to kill an innocent defenseless baby???Why did security officers do it? Why doesnt UN help them? Can muslims from Burma emigrate to save their lives? I know it is very difficult but sometimes you have to choose between the bad and the worse.


No, but I am from earth and one of the sons of Adam(as), just like they are.

They try to emigrate to Bangladesh but they wont allow them there either, they are truly without any friends, their only friend is the friend of the oppressed, Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى. 

Please pray for them and make your friends and family aware of their situation:

  • Moderators
3 hours ago, Haydar Husayn said:

What is going on in Burma right now is absolutely sickening. If only most Muslims cared about this even one tenth as much as they care about Palestine.

I wonder why the rest of Muslims are not helping, because of the different race?

  • Veteran Member
16 hours ago, Dhulfikar said:

I wonder why the rest of Muslims are not helping, because of the different race?

No idea. Maybe they find it easier to get worked up about situations involving Jews. Apparently Bangladesh, who you think would be helping the Rohingya, want good relations with Burma, and are in fact trying to stop refugees crossing the border.

I think another problem is that Burma aren't allowing journalists into the country, so there is a lack of visual imagery that helps stir people's emotions.

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This is ridiculous beyond words. 

The world is like a pipe with many leaks. There's already things going on in the Middle East, and Africa, and Europe, and the subcontinent...and now Burma too? And where else next?

There's too many leaks to manage, and fixing one won't help if others are still there. The pipe seems unfixable. But we need water to survive. So it's truly life and death. We have to handle this somehow.

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"Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal. There are those who do not realize that one day we all must die. But those who do realize this settle their quarrels."
-- Dhp I 5-6 (Buddhist Scripture)

He (Burmese Bin Laden- "Wirathu") speaks Nonsense, Irrelevant without any proper investigation!
Evil and extremism exists. it doesn't has any shape or form like that of a religion. It just Exists! 
Whether it is Zionism, Buddhism, RSSism, Trumpism, Wahhabism, all these ism's are nothing but driven by the same ideology, The ideology of hatred and narcissism.
" I am the only creed entitled for all good."
A religion that preaches Hate is a Curse to Mankind.
And these pseudo religions actually takeover the skin of existing peaceful religions and Do whatever they want in the name of that religion.
We should never claim that "Buddhists are insane". No, its not the case. The True Buddhists are opposing this just like True Muslims are opposing any Middle Eastern War setup and catalyzed by Global Powers.
Suu Kyi doesn't represents Buddhism. She is just a Politician.
Her stance on this issue should not be counted as a trademark of overall Buddhist consensus.

Dalai Lama has repeatedly condemned the attack and also has appealed Suu Kyi to take serious and immediate actions to stabilize the situation but she has rather been silent and inactive to his appeal.



Really, it is very sad that Rohngaya Muslims are victims of huge catastrophe but no any country including Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia has asked China to influence Myanmar's government to stop these atrocities. Really a shameful moment for us all Muslims. 

  • Veteran Member
1 hour ago, Sindbad05 said:

Really, it is very sad that Rohngaya Muslims are victims of huge catastrophe but no any country including Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia has asked China to influence Myanmar's government to stop these atrocities. Really a shameful moment for us all Muslims. 

The rohingaya are "in-the-path" of an oil pipeline plan.  [kinda like Native-Americns being "in-the-path" of railroads, wagon trails, mines, ... ]

The news 04Sept said 87,000 have fled.

1 minute ago, hasanhh said:

The rohingaya are "in-the-path" of an oil pipeline plan.  [kinda like Native-Americns being "in-the-path" of railroads, wagon trails, mines, ... ]

The news 04Sept said 87,000 have fled.

That's very sad. 

  • Advanced Member
12 minutes ago, hasanhh said:

The rohingaya are "in-the-path" of an oil pipeline plan.  [kinda like Native-Americns being "in-the-path" of railroads, wagon trails, mines, ... ]

The news 04Sept said 87,000 have fled.

It makes some sense. Israel is supplying arms to the massacres. 

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  • Veteran Member
Posted (edited)

:mod: "MOD: l am self-reporting.  Please edit if necessary."

Ethnic Cleansing in Rakhine State, Myanmar.

Burmese Racial Purification Program -2013 (Note: this entitling is my opine.)


The TV news this morning said that shot women and children are arriving in Bangledesh. This is what l could find as confirmation:

Like the WW2 Japanese Army on Guam and in Shanghai: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/02/rohingya-minority-beheaded-burned-alive-burma-army/ 


Opine: The An San Sure Ki-lers --although commentary by western apologists claims the army is really in control-- are doing "extrajudicial killings" so as not to clog the court system with minorities already sentenced to death.

Various propaganda terms, such as "counter-insurgency", "militants", etc are being propounded by the Myanmar gov't and Western Media.





Kachin People -- Northern Areas of Masacres

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kachin_people  according tot this source, 2/3rds of Kachins identify themselves as Christian while the 2014 Myanmar "census" declares that only 34% are "chr!stian". MAP: 20130202_asm953.png 

Edited by hasanhh
Maps, ETC.
  • Veteran Member

This is from an email from Muslim Congress. Ways that you can help inshaAllah. 

Here is how you can help: 
1. Contact the Embassy of Myanmar by email and demand that the persecution of Rohingya Muslim is stopped immediately. 
Email: pyi.thayar@yahoo.com 
Email: mewdcusa@yahoo.com 
Email: myanmarecousa@gmail.com 
2. Also call the Embassy of Myanmar and register your protest by demanding that the persecution of Rohingya Muslim be stopped immediately. 
Tel. Numbers: (202) 332-3344 (202) 332-4250 (202) 332-4352 
(202) 238-9332 (202) 332-4354 
3. If you are part of an organization in North America please send an Official Letter to the Embassy of Myanmar. Embassy Of Myanmar, 2300 S Street. N.W Wa

I wasn't sure of the appropriate format for writing such emails but I did so anyway, hopefully it makes some difference God willing. 

  • Advanced Member
1 hour ago, ireallywannaknow said:

This is from an email from Muslim Congress. Ways that you can help inshaAllah. 

I wasn't sure of the appropriate format for writing such emails but I did so anyway, hopefully it makes some difference God willing. 

Buddy! I did write such email when Persecutions in Bahrain were going on. My brother stopped me and said - Don't go personal. I asked why. He said - When me and my friends did some sort of embassy protest they enquired us and took all our information. They provide such information to Intelligence services of your own country! You won't even know but they have an eye on your activitoes - online / offline. So don't loose your personal info. What you can do is - March on roads to make people who are unaware know about it. Also you can conduct Dua sessions. 



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همین امروز شما ملاحظه کنید؛ در یک کشوری در شرق آسیا - در میانمار - هزاران انسان مسلمان دارند کشته میشوند، دارند فدا میشوند، بر اثر تعصب، بر اثر جهالت - اگر نگوئیم دستهای سیاسی در خود همین مسئله وجود دارد؛ فرض کنیم همان طور که ادعا میشود، بر اثر تعصبهای دینی و مذهبی است - مدعیان دروغین حقوق بشر لب تر نمیکنند. همانهائی که برای حیوانات دل میسوزانند، همانهائی که اگر در جوامعی که مستقل از آنها هستند، وابسته‌ی به آنها نیستند، کوچکترین بهانه‌ای پیدا کنند، صد برابر آن را بزرگ میکنند، اینجا در مقابل کشتار یک عده انسان بی‌گناه، بی‌دفاع، زن، مرد، کودک، سکوت میکنند؛ توجیه هم میکنند! این، حقوق بشر اینهاست؛ حقوق بشرِ منقطع از اخلاق، منقطع از معنویت، منقطع از خدا. میگویند اینها میانماری نیستند؛ خب، گیرم نباشند - البته دروغ میگویند، سیصد چهارصد سال است که اینها در آنجا زندگی میکنند؛ آنطور که به ما گزارش میشود - باید کشته شوند؟! همین حالت در طول سالهای متمادی در همان کشور و در کشورهای مجاور، از سوی غربی‌ها، بخصوص از سوی انگلیس، نسبت به همان مردم وجود داشته. پدر این مردم را درآوردند؛ هرجا پا گذاشتند، جز فساد و نابودی حرث و نسل - همان طور که خدای متعال در قرآن میفرماید - کاری نکردند. بله، برای اینکه بازار محصولات پیدا کنند، بازارهائی را آراسته کردند؛ مردم را با محصولات جدید آشنا کردند، برای اینکه تجارت خودشان را رونق بدهند. این تمدن، منقطع از معنویت و قرآن است.


  • Advanced Member
On 9/4/2017 at 2:15 AM, Mohamed1993 said:

Yes... one cancer of the planet helping out another cancer of the planet, may Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى destroy all oppressors by his will and our hands.


I asked one of the local guys at the place I am currently working, he is a bangladeshi muslim, I asked him:

Why doesnt the muslim in bangladesh help the Rohingya muslims? He said he dont know, he said they try to help them.

And I asked him, how? When they come to bangladesh as refugees they send them back and when they get sent back the military in Burma rape the women and kill the kids and men, etc.

I asked him, why dont they allow them to stay in bangladesh?

He said they are too many and that they belong to Burma.

I told him, but you guys are muslim and they are muslims, doesnt mean anything? How big is the current population in bangladesh? Because the Rohingyas are only less than 1 million people.

He said that he doesnt know the population of bangladesh, I go back to the office later on and google it, turns out they are 163 million people there....

Ya Rabb! If they are 163 million people there currently, they wont take in less than one million oppressed muslims who are getting killed and raped because they consider it "too many"? How is 1 million more, too many when your population is 163 million and growing?

It would have made more sense if they were 1 million in the country and 1 million more would double their population, but this...

Ya Allah, your the friend and helper of the oppressed, please increase their rizq and decrease the rizq of the hypocrites and delete the rizq of the oppressors!

Please brothers and sisters, make duas for the oppressed!

  • Advanced Member
1 minute ago, IbnSina said:

Yes... one cancer of the planet helping out another cancer of the planet, may Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى destroy all oppressors by his will and our hands.


I asked one of the local guys at the place I am currently working, he is a bangladeshi muslim, I asked him:

Why doesnt the muslim in bangladesh help the Rohingya muslims? He said he dont know, he said they try to help them.

And I asked him, how? When they come to bangladesh as refugees they send them back and when they get sent back the military in Burma rape the women and kill the kids and men, etc.

I asked him, why dont they allow them to stay in bangladesh?

He said they are too many and that they belong to Burma.

I told him, but you guys are muslim and they are muslims, doesnt mean anything? How big is the current population in bangladesh? Because the Rohingyas are only less than 1 million people.

He said that he doesnt know the population of bangladesh, I go back to the office later on and google it, turns out they are 163 million people there....

Ya Rabb! If they are 163 million people there currently, they wont take in less than one million oppressed muslims who are getting killed and raped because they consider it "too many"? How is 1 million more, too many when your population is 163 million and growing?

It would have made more sense if they were 1 million in the country and 1 million more would double their population, but this...

Ya Allah, your the friend and helper of the oppressed, please increase their rizq and decrease the rizq of the hypocrites and delete the rizq of the oppressors!

Please brothers and sisters, make duas for the oppressed!

When we have such hypocrisy within our own muslim community, is it any surprise that others will seek to exploit this and profit from it? Perhaps people will say they created this division, well who do we blame for prolonging it then? Too much ego amongst people sadly. 

  • Advanced Member
On 3 September 2017 at 4:49 PM, Haydar Husayn said:

No idea. Maybe they find it easier to get worked up about situations involving Jews. Apparently Bangladesh, who you think would be helping the Rohingya, want good relations with Burma, and are in fact trying to stop refugees crossing the border.

I think another problem is that Burma aren't allowing journalists into the country, so there is a lack of visual imagery that helps stir people's emotions.

Here is some visual imagery http://instagram.com/pray.for.arakan

very sickening, as helpless as I feel, I have donated to some charities for this cause, i pray Allah helps them. 

  • Advanced Member
23 minutes ago, Mohamed1993 said:

When we have such hypocrisy within our own muslim community, is it any surprise that others will seek to exploit this and profit from it? Perhaps people will say they created this division, well who do we blame for prolonging it then? Too much ego amongst people sadly. 

Yes hypocrisy within our own community indeed and what greater hypocrisy than the betrayal of the succession of the holy Prophet(S) and the denial of his family(as)?

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I've met quite a few rohingya refugees it is absolutely horrible what is happening to them there and what they told me personally what the buddhists did to their families and villages.. Oh Allah help them have mercy on them and destroy their enemies. ameen ya rab.

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On 04/09/2017 at 8:30 AM, Reza said:

and now Burma too?

The genocide of the Rohyinga in Myanmar (Burma) has been going for a long time.

And everyone has just ignored it - the UN included.

Only now has everyone's attention suddenly turned to Burma.

This is probably the biggest genocide of the last 50 or 100 years.

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