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In the Name of God بسم الله

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Effective collaboration requires mutual understanding and a commitment on both sides to forming relationships and working toward the long-term success of the partnership. Partners who put in the necessary work and are in it for the long run develop real relationships an be establish trust. As a result, not only do such partnerships survive when the inevitable bumps in the road occur, they usually are strengthened, and this enables the partners to achieve great things.

(Quote from The Orbital Perspective, by Ron Garan.)

It's common sense, but sometimes common sense benefits from elucidation. In any relationship, friendship, marriage, business partnership, whatever, success requires understanding and commitment from both sides. Only through commitment and striving to understand can mutual trust develop. When there is mutual trust, hardship strengthens rather than weakens the bond. 

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Agree? Disagree? 

Obviously this can be applied to family, friendships, marriage. But what about differences of opinion right here on shiachat? And more, what about our shared world? Can we work together? Do we want to? Can we overcome differences in language, culture, ideology, socio-economic status, to make our world a better place? 


I agree that this should happen where both sides should meet each other half way on their marriages. I notice a lot of times problems occur because one person is doing good and making all the sacrifices while the others dont and this is due to selfishness and leads to many problems unfortunately. 

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